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Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage

Posted by Peace 
Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 22, 2020
Breeder sister is jealous of her older sister's CF life full of travel and disinterest in breeding. She takes her own Nuva rings and carefully fries them in the clothes dryer, then puts them into her sister's Nuva ring supply. Surprise, surprise, older CF sister gets pregnant. The breeder sister has her take a pregnancy pee test when their mother is around, so that grandmoo will tell everybody right away and pressure the CF sister into keeping the fetus.

The OP then goes onto reddit to gloat about what she did. Cue the reddit community telling breeder sister what a POS she is. Breeder deletes the post and her account due to backlash, but screenshots and remove are forever. The remove link here has the breeder bitch commenting on how her sister will love it once it's here and how she can play mommie and me with her CF sister now.

What breeder bitch didn't realize is that she was doxxed in private CF FB groups. They found her instagram account, and searched it. They found the CF sister posting under the #childfree hashtag on yet another vacation, so I think the sister aborted. I won't post the link to the CF sister here, but PM me privately if you want her Instagram. I'm pretty sure I found her, based on the photo and hashtag descriptions. Surprise, breeder bitch sister now has her instagram marked private (which I won't post publicly here). Also, she changed her main photo on the private instagram to conceal who she is.

Breeder sister's username on reddit was kimmi1992. Another kimmi breeder...

This could be a troll post. However we all know how shitty breeders are. If you go onto breakingmom or beyondthebump, there's whole collection of shitposts against childfree people, so I wouldn't put it past some foul breeder to attempt ruining her sister's life with an unwanted child.



This is mind boggling.

A quick FB search reveals the breeder sister's mindset. There's even a FB group dedicated to doxxing this bitch.

Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 22, 2020
I hope the sister goes to the police with this evidence because it cannot be legal to tamper with someone's medicine.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 22, 2020
i just added one or two more links to the story. The breeder sister posted this all over reddit and commented everywhere. If this was my sister I'd abort the fetus and block my sister from my life forever.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 23, 2020
It smacks of a hoax to me. The sister just happened to have a pee stick handy and the sister peed on it, etc.

I'm just hoping if this person is exposed, she's a dumb Breeder bitch who wants to rail on CF people and not some nut job CF person who is making up stories. (Because unfortunately you can call yourself CF and still be cray.)

Also I used Nuvaring a long time ago. It was in a container like one of those pull-off tops for yogurt. These things are individually packaged and it seems like it would be easy to tell if it's tampered with.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 23, 2020
bell_flower beat me to it. Nuvaring comes with a foil-type peel off lid, and it seems like the packaging would show discoloration or other damage from a dryer.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 23, 2020
Most birth control that I know of has packaging that would show signs of tampering, unless the sister put the whole package into the dryer without it somehow becoming warped or melted?

In any case, I want to hope this is fake because if this cunt thinks that someone making fun of her warrants tampering with their medication, then she deserves to be strung up by her udders and beaten with her kids' bodies. Funny how it's okay for breeders to criticize childfree people with no consequences, but the second a CF person does the same, then it's on like Donkey Kong and no level is too low.

Also, why is there an assumption that pregnant = expecting? Expecting implies that the pregnancy is wanted, but if the sister is truly childfree and not just childless, then why would she not get an abortion? Does Moo here remember that abortion is still legal? Pregnancy is no longer a mom sentence. It's an expensive inconvenience, which I'm sure Moo doesn't get since she was too dumb or poor to abort her unwanted pregnancies. And sabotaged birth control is not "trying for a baby, teehee" - least not when neither party is privy to the sabotage. Hopefully the sister cuts her breeder sibling out of her life for good because fucking with someone's medication, even if it is "unnecessary" (like say insulin), is not a forgivable offense.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 24, 2020
If you are interested, I recommend looking up (at reddit) "Sabotage Sally", from GeneralBystander

I think I may have posted the link earlier, or even cut and pasted the whole 2 part mess.

This Sabotage Sally was one of the most vicious baby rabid wanna gramma stories I have encountered.

This evil woman could have killed her own daughter in the crazy quest. As it was, the daughter became severely ill and had a miscarriage.

It's one hell of a read.

update: I did. I couldn't pass up posting it: did so january 9, 2018, thereabouts. I think I even posted 'part 2'. yeah, there was another incident after the first..

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.

Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 24, 2020
Bitchy breeder kimmi1992 posted how she managed to ruin the Nuva ring. She took the entire thing, including the packaging, and hung it from a string? on the inside of the dryer, on the door and slowly let the heat fry the hormones without damaging the packaging. She said it took hours with a dryer, doing it slowly, so as not to damage it at all. She answered a lot of inconsistencies in her posts in the comments section in various subs. She deleted her accout and all posts so to find it you have to search for it.

I'm fixed so I don't need birth control any longer, but I've used the dryer in my house to alter things I've needed. I wouldn't put it past this bitch to experiment and get the heat formula just right.

I thought this was fake too, until a thread in childfree appeared where somebody copied/pasted from a private FB group that they found kimmi1992 and it checked out, from her age, the sisters, the coffee shop photos, and the 4 kids under age 5, even the twins.

EDIT: bitch made a new account and posted updates!
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 24, 2020
If you are interested, I recommend looking up (at reddit) "Sabotage Sally", from GeneralBystander

I think I may have posted the link earlier, or even cut and pasted the whole 2 part mess.

This Sabotage Sally was one of the most vicious baby rabid wanna gramma stories I have encountered.

This evil woman could have killed her own daughter in the crazy quest. As it was, the daughter became severely ill and had a miscarriage.

It's one hell of a read.

update: I did. I couldn't pass up posting it: did so january 9, 2018, thereabouts. I think I even posted 'part 2'. yeah, there was another incident after the first..

I remember that! it was a great read!
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 24, 2020
EDIT: bitch made a new account and posted updates!

Wow, sounds like the sister and mother tag-teamed the CF sister and mindfucked her into keeping the child when she was in a vulnerable state and then acts like she's the hero and offers her sister support. Toxic much? I love how this cunt goes on about being a good mother to her sister given the kind of person she herself is. How would she know what it means to be a good anything when she justifies tricking her sibling into an unwanted pregnancy and guilting her into keeping it all because the sister called her and her brats names?

I hope the CF sister miscarries or gives the kid away. It is not wanted, and I'd wager this isn't the first time they've mindfucked her into something. Sounds to me like a narcissistic parent and golden child sister against the scapegoat.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 25, 2020
The bitchy sister kimmi1992 is being doxxed as I write this. I won't say how, but it is happening. She put enough information in her posts that certain people are finding her. Yes, this bitch is really legit. The person I thought was the CF sister is a different person.

We know who the CF sister is now, with 90% certainty. The rest is being verified.

Some people are truly crazy.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 25, 2020
I have been sincerely hoping someone emails the CF sister and explains what her sister has been doing. Then she cuts Sister/Mother out of her life and either divorces her husband or gets serious couples counceling. Because this woman doesn't seem to realize in her little peabrain is she just admitted to commiting a serious felony. She could go to jail for this and her spawn might end up as wards of the state. But breeders they don't think that far ahead. I have my fingers crossed for the CF sister, and I hope she will do what's right for her.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 26, 2020
Holy fucking crud on a stick!
First I absolutely thought its some fabricated hoax. But to know that its most likely legit?! Damn, the evil of humans - most of all breeders - surely knows no bounds. Makes me wanna fucking die even more, so I dont live in the same realm as these fucking literal demons. Basically stealing and messing with someone's birth control and destroying multiple lives?! This is fucking horrible. Makes me glad I'm continuing my search for safe sterilization and having a Nexplanon implant in the mean time, something thats basically safe and impossible to mess with.
If this hellwhore is being doxxed, I just dearly hope too that she gets reported to the police and ends up in fucking jail and/or paying compensation til she bloody rots. If I were a theist, I'd love to say that there's a special place in hell for human trash like she is.
And about the sister?! If that whole doxxing thing is true, I just hope she'll know all of the truth and is still able to abort the fuck out of this cheatloaf to have her life back! I mean I dont know about the time restrictions in the States, but shouldnt it be treated the same way a rape-pregnancy would? I mean the circumstances are not that far apart. Only that the bloody fucking sister is the "rapist".

Freedom & Art & Music >>>>>>>>>> human spawn

"Music is immortal. People are not."
-William Anger, "King's Story" - Thief2 FM by Zontik
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 27, 2020
I'm pretty sure there isn't a special time extension on abortion for rape victims. They're like too bad so sad, you're shitting out that thing whether you like it or not. Its fucked up imo.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 29, 2020
Bloody hell. I really thought the whole thing was a troll post. Fuck that horrible bitch and the rotten grandmoo too. I hope they die slowly and in agony. Horrible fuckers.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 29, 2020
I would like to think that this story is made up, but, knowing how breeders function, this story is likely very real. Being CF usually goes well with being single. There are exceptions, but this post shows that even family members are not to be trusted.

This breeder went to the internet to gloat. There are likely many more of them who do not say a thing and keep their crimes a secret.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
February 29, 2020
I do question if the sister was even childfree because genuinely CF people will not give birth if they can help it. Sounds like maybe she was childless and was either on the fence about kids or didn't want them just yet. It doesn't justify what her bitch of a sibling did to her, but no truly childfree woman would allow a pregnancy to continue if it could be ended.

Hopefully they give the kid away because it's not fair to a child to be raised by people who don't want it.

Honestly, this woman had precisely zero positive feedback on her cute little prank, so why did she think anyone wanted an update on it? I guess negative attention is better than no attention for a breeder.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
March 01, 2020
Honestly, this woman had precisely zero positive feedback on her cute little prank, so why did she think anyone wanted an update on it?

It sounds to me like she's encouraging other people to do the same thing to CF people in their own lives...she's advocating for it. She's disgusting and prison's too good for her, imo.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
March 01, 2020

Hopefully they give the kid away because it's not fair to a child to be raised by people who don't want it.

She is about 3 months pregnant now and is keeping the fetus. You can go to reddit and search for kimmi_92 and see what evil she has wrought on her sister. Mods have removed her posts, but the comments are still there, and you can use remove to see what she wrote. It is vile.

It sounds to me like she's encouraging other people to do the same thing to CF people in their own lives...she's advocating for it. She's disgusting and prison's too good for her, imo.

She is encouraging others to do the same thing to their spouses. It's beyond disgusting and evil. Imagine, tricking others into bringing unwanted children into the world.

It is so awful. I didn't think people like this actually existed.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
March 01, 2020
I guess there's always hope she will miscarry. A child born out of birth control fuckery is going to be resented before it even gets born. And hopefully the formerly CF sister will get birth control her cunt of a sibling can't tamper with. I have a feeling Sissy here would get a good chuckle out of "helping" her sister get pregnant again immediately after giving birth to the first one.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
March 02, 2020
I hope the CF sister does miscarry.

childfreeforever, you PM me about this. What's your take on this? Do you think kimmi cunt is for real?
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
March 03, 2020
For the love of Pete, if someone has indeed found the CF sister on social media. Please screenshot that bitch and send her a message from an anonomous account! This poor woman deserves to know what is going on, as well as not have her freedom of choice ripped from her. She is being emotionally coerced, suffering terribly due to her jealous asshole of a sister and vile mother. Miss Kimmy is far too smug, and not only that is encouraging other people that repoductive coersion is perfectly acceptable. I'm sorry, but this isn't right.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
March 03, 2020
Personally I wouldn't give birth to it, but if she does, she should just hand the kid over to breeder sister. If breeder sis has deceived her sister into having one, she should be more than happy to raise it. After all, it's a baybeeee, and she should be wanting it, shouldn't she? Especially since loaves are apparently the most wonderful things in the world.

I've been away from the board for awhile due to some circumstances at home, but I see kimmie's name being brought up in this thread. I'm not sure what's going on, but I'll try to catch up on the reading.

This sort of thing should be illegal if it isn't already. It's a disgusting act and it shows how low breeders are willing to go to dupe someone into having an unwanted kid.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
March 03, 2020
I see kimmie's name being brought up in this thread.

Different "kimmi/kimmie," if I know who you mean.
Re: Jealous Breeder Sister and Birth Control Sabotage
March 03, 2020
I see kimmie's name being brought up in this thread.

Different "kimmi/kimmie," if I know who you mean.

Ahh, thanks kittehpeoples.
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