Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 07, 2020
Don't worry, I didn't jump ship or anything. This is just stuff I've observed/read/noticed.

I can see why some women are so eager to get/stay pregnant - the way others treat them while in their "condition" is pretty sweet. Think about how much a pigged up heifer is coddled by almost everyone. People willing to give up their seats for the fat bloated piggo, not being expected to do much of anything because babby, having people fuss over you and telling you you can't do anything because of your "condition," and getting paid to stay home with your voluntary life choice to name a few.

Not to mention the fact most pregnant women are heavily encouraged to eat like pigs because they have to "eat for two." Yeah I'm sure a clump of cells that's the size of a nickel needs 8,000 extra calories every day. Plus, a woman can be a complete sobbing raging bipolar lunatic and people will shrug it off as hormones. Pregnancy is the only time in a woman's life when it's completely acceptable for her to be a fat, lazy cunt (then they wonder why they didn't slough off those 60 extra pounds after crapping out a six-pound infant). That alone sounds like the life!

And then there's the relationship aspect, assuming the Moo-to-be is actually with the baby-daddy and/or knows who he is. Two people who are in wuv will go and ruin a perfectly good relationship/marriage because they see having a child as the ultimate couples DIY project. As in we love one another so much that we went and made this completely new human being from our DNA! We created LIFE! It sounds profound and romantic and exciting. Not to mention that if two people are trying to have a kid on purpose, they can totally tell the whole wide world they're barebacking by using more wholesome language: "We're trying for a baby!"

Or there's the opposite: the retard who goes and (often unilaterally) decides to breed with a shitty partner in order to save a failed or abusive relationship. Because as we all know, the secret to fixing useless or abusive men is to foist a baby on them! That usually works out swell for the woman and the child. eye rolling smiley

Then there are the many parties and showers people throw for expecting Moos to give them free shit. All this attention and all these presents and all these accommodations that are made for them all because someone blew a load in them. I can very easily see how stupid, impressionable, desperate and/or vulnerable women would be wooed by all this.

Sounds great on paper, but the problem is none of these assholes consider what will happen after that loaf comes out. People are eager to offer congratulations and pat Moo on the gut for her "achievement," but those same people sure as fuck won't be willing to lend a hand with Junior - not that they need to, but you know breeders will expect everyone they know to pitch in for no pay or even subsidize their new lifestyle. Yeah no Karen, I didn't make that brat, so it's not my problem if you can't afford diapers.

Breeders only think as far as "aww cute babby" and they don't consider the many downsides of parenting, ranging from typical birth injuries/damage that cause urinary and sexual dysfunction to the sometimes literal shitshow that is attempting to care for a baby. Nobody romanticizes getting up every hour at night to try and nurse an infant that is too stupid to suck a tit who then cries all night out of hunger. Nobody swoons over the idea of a child that screams bloody murder for hours on end in spite of the fact it isn't hungry, wet, in pain or uncomfortable. Nobody gets excited over the possibility that their baby might have profound health problems that will either require extensive medical treatment to correct or will eventually kill the kid. No parent dreams about getting no sleep for years or having no life outside their kid indefinitely (which is their own fault, to be honest) and looking 10-15 years older than their actual age.

That's just infancy too. That helpless infant turns into a bastard toddler that hates every single food that exists and bitches about being hungry, won't listen to anything ever, breaks anything it touches, can turn the house into ground zero in a matter of minutes, and is generally an unholy terror. Each age range comes with its own unique set of toe-curling nightmares, and while one problem may get better, another will emerge or get worse.

The toddler years is right about when Moo decides she wants another brat too, which I think is due to a combination of liking the helpless non-destructive baby more than the comparatively independent toddler and missing the attention lavished on her when she was knocked up.

And let us not forget all the problems that can accompany the blessed miracle of pregnancy, ranging from the typical swollen feet, sore tits and constant barfing to more serious shit like pre-ecclampsia, gestational diabetes, premature labor, ectopic pregnancy, hyperemesis, placental abruption, miscarriage (which can be life-threatening to the woman at times) and just plain dying from giving birth, which happens more in the US than any other developed nation.

But hey, if women put thought into every aspect of having kids and knew precisely what they were in for beforehand, they probably wouldn't breed. It's like they have to trick themselves into getting pregnant before they wise up to reality and opt out.
yep-- I babysat a lot as a young teen, and I was the oldest in my family. I think that made me realize that motherhood was no picnic!
I also had a glaring example of your theory of loving the attention but hating the actual baby when I worked at a shelter. An otherwise apparently sane young woman came to stay with her--I'm remembering maybe 1-2 month old baby. When the other inmates turned her in to the CPS for walking away and leaving the baby "sleeping" on the lounge area's couch or coffee table for hours on end, she had the kid taken away , she was charged with neglect, and was thrown out. I had to pack up her stuff and was" unavoidably tempted" to look at her scrapbook. She had TONS of photos of her lovely swollen belly, several apparent baby showers, etc etc. At the back of the book---ONE traditional hospital-issue baby picture. Only one! But I bet she still came back the next year with another baby to neglect!
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 08, 2020
Was going to post this as a main topic but it will work here...
My guess now, due to covid, the udder rubs are waaay down.
They really can't get to ultra sound facilities to have their pics of their trophies..
Now, they have an in house service to come to this sows and ultra sound the uterine contents.
Name of business? (proves the entitlement worship of the almighty moo)
W.O.M.B (Wonders Of My Belly)
Like I give a freakin damn about your W.O.M.B.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 08, 2020
Cambion, as always, you nail it. Your description of child birthing and child raising is spot on, although we all know that what you described isn't even a tip of an iceberg. We live in a relatively educated society, in the time when one can do a lot of research just with a smartphone. Yet, so many people sign up for parenting and desire with which they do it is very similar to a desire that a hungry tiger has when it chases a gazelle.

I lost count of how many people have spoken a complete indifference to parenting, yet, they agreed to breed because that's what their partner wanted. These are the same people who ask for a pitty party when their relationship goes south. They whine how they "did everything" for their partner and that wasn't good enough.

Our education system is often being bashed because it lacks financial basics. Well, how about that it costs close to 200k to raise a HEALTHY kid? How about our "debt free" leaders like Dave Ramsey start telling people that kids cost money? We hear how much Obamacare costs but nobody ever questions that Obamacare charges the same premium whether an adult insures 1 or 5 kids. Someone is paying for extra kids, somewhere, somehow
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 08, 2020

How about our "debt free" leaders like Dave Ramsey start telling people that kids cost money?


I often have to turn the station because DR will NEVER tell WannaBreeders or Breeders: 1. how about postponing* having kids right now until you are on better financial footing, 2. how about Wifey gets some kind of job? Presumably she's part of the family and she created these kids and the financial issues too.

*Just postponing--of course, advising not to have kids AT ALL is never an option, even though some of these individuals already have kids and are in huge financial holes.

I'm sure he does not want to alienate his base, which tends to be the Biblically-minded, Jaysus crowd.

Dave has NO PROBLEM telling these dumbasses the obvious: quit fucking spending money you do not have. Eliminate subscriptions and eating out. Eat rice and beans and beans and rice. Get a second or a third job and dig yourself out of this hole and if you ever get out, only pay cash for what you need going forward.

Every now and again one of these idiots must have a baybee or another baybee in the middle of their financial messes. Not long ago some Dud already had two kids but they were planning a third. (Possible to correct a "wrong" gender situation? Who knows.)

Dave cheerfully informed Dud that he would not see the kid for a while. This was because the Dud needed to work a second or third job to dig out of his financial mess.

What's the point of having another kid if you are not around to see it? And how about raising the two you already have? doG help these idiots if they have a Tard baby or huge birth related medical expenses--that will sink their finances for sure.

using a flamethrower the world 'fail' on flames the world 'fail' on flames
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 08, 2020
I've said it before and it bears constant repetition: a LOT of people want to have kids, but very few of them want to be parents. Having a kid and raising a kid are two very VERY different activities. Having a kid is great right up until labor starts - you get your brains fucked out, you can eat like a pig, you get to go shopping for all new clothes (and maternity clothing has come quite a long way and you can get decent looking stuff now), you can do one of those horrid professional photo shoots where you stand out in a field wearing a sheet while cupping your fat gut, you will get more likes than ever any time you share anything baby-related on social media, you can get people to do stuff for you, and the trade off is huge boobs, an altered center of gravity and some puking. I know people who would tolerate far worse for far less.

Not to mention that a pregnancy will eclipse ALL OTHER achievements in either the woman's life or any other woman's life. Graduation, marriage, winning the lottery, buying a house, landing a record deal, completing chemo, surviving life-saving surgery, buying a new car, opening a business - NOTHING is more monumental than making a brat. Even though out of all those things, reproducing is the one thing anyone can do with zero effort or cost (usually), often times completely by accident. Breeding is a way for someone with no talent or skill to be treated like someone who does without a lick of effort.

It's sickening and sad that some women only feel like they matter when they're pregnant or parents, and it's equally sickening and sad that people will often only treat women like they matter when they've had or are going to have kids.

Was going to post this as a main topic but it will work here...
My guess now, due to covid, the udder rubs are waaay down.
They really can't get to ultra sound facilities to have their pics of their trophies..
Now, they have an in house service to come to this sows and ultra sound the uterine contents.
Name of business? (proves the entitlement worship of the almighty moo)
W.O.M.B (Wonders Of My Belly)
Like I give a freakin damn about your W.O.M.B.

Very, very true. Not that people are actually paying social distancing any mind, but the pandemic is making typical udder rubbing rituals very difficult. After all, pre-natal exams and ultrasounds can't be done via telehealth visits. Having a shower would be tough if everyone had to be six feet apart and you know nobody's gonna pay to ship the expecting Moo her box of stuff. Gender reveal parties are already on the chopping block for helping to set California on fire even more than usual. I wonder just how alluring pregnancy would be without the attention it usually garners. If women were treated with the same level of respect and expectation while pregnant as they were not pregnant, I wonder how many women would think twice about breeding.

Cambion, as always, you nail it. Your description of child birthing and child raising is spot on, although we all know that what you described isn't even a tip of an iceberg. We live in a relatively educated society, in the time when one can do a lot of research just with a smartphone. Yet, so many people sign up for parenting and desire with which they do it is very similar to a desire that a hungry tiger has when it chases a gazelle.

I lost count of how many people have spoken a complete indifference to parenting, yet, they agreed to breed because that's what their partner wanted. These are the same people who ask for a pitty party when their relationship goes south. They whine how they "did everything" for their partner and that wasn't good enough.

Our education system is often being bashed because it lacks financial basics. Well, how about that it costs close to 200k to raise a HEALTHY kid? How about our "debt free" leaders like Dave Ramsey start telling people that kids cost money? We hear how much Obamacare costs but nobody ever questions that Obamacare charges the same premium whether an adult insures 1 or 5 kids. Someone is paying for extra kids, somewhere, somehow

Ohh no, I barely scratched the surface on this bitch! There is shit that arises in the life of a parent that no book prepares them for. Like how many parents expect their brat to develop scurvy from refusing to eat anything other than mashed potatoes? Or do you think any of them are prepared for the day they get up to find their child has covered the entire kitchen - including every single box/can of food - with their own shit? Or how to deal with it when they learn their perfect loving doting partner gave the baby a brain hemorrhage from shaking it when it cried?

It's scary how many people are willing to undertake the responsibility of making a whole new person just to please a significant other too. It's not like compromising on new curtains, for fuck's sake. And in about 99 percent of those cases, the partner that pushed for brats winds up not liking them or having anything to do with them (usually it's the man that goes along with it for the woman). So then you have two people who don't want that kid instead of one, and because of the mutual lack of desire to be parents paired with a sense of needing to be parents, the parents raise the kid very poorly, either with no structure or boundaries at all or they beat the piss out of the kid for existing.

I will always refer to the Nebraska Safe Haven law as an example of just how unfulfilling parenthood really is. When people are willing to drive several states away just to exploit a loophole and abandon their children, clearly it's not all it's cracked up to be.
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 08, 2020
The GOP will ensure that there is no means, via birth control or abortion, to avoid children. I speak of condoms here.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 09, 2020
Cambion, as always, you nail it. Your description of child birthing and child raising is spot on, although we all know that what you described isn't even a tip of an iceberg. We live in a relatively educated society, in the time when one can do a lot of research just with a smartphone. Yet, so many people sign up for parenting and desire with which they do it is very similar to a desire that a hungry tiger has when it chases a gazelle.

I lost count of how many people have spoken a complete indifference to parenting, yet, they agreed to breed because that's what their partner wanted. These are the same people who ask for a pitty party when their relationship goes south. They whine how they "did everything" for their partner and that wasn't good enough.

Our education system is often being bashed because it lacks financial basics. Well, how about that it costs close to 200k to raise a HEALTHY kid? How about our "debt free" leaders like Dave Ramsey start telling people that kids cost money? We hear how much Obamacare costs but nobody ever questions that Obamacare charges the same premium whether an adult insures 1 or 5 kids. Someone is paying for extra kids, somewhere, somehow

I have a plan through my employer and it actually will cost more for me to add my wife to the plan than it would if I were single with kids! It make no sense. She's out of work right now and we're not sure we can afford that amount so she's getting a short term policy with another company. It shouldn't be this way.
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 16, 2020
I have a plan through my employer and it actually will cost more for me to add my wife to the plan than it would if I were single with kids! It make no sense. She's out of work right now and we're not sure we can afford that amount so she's getting a short term policy with another company. It shouldn't be this way.

There is another BS clause that often exists in such plans. It costs the same to add one kid or 5 kids. Price is the same. In both cases, it costs way less than adding a spouse.
yep, my ex and I ran across the same thing. He got a "great job with the neighboring county" and it turned out they wanted MORE to insure just the two of us that if we had a dozen kids! I complained to the benefits office and their excuse was that "mere" couples tended to be older and require more medical help than breeders did. Umm...huh???
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 17, 2020
yep, my ex and I ran across the same thing. He got a "great job with the neighboring county" and it turned out they wanted MORE to insure just the two of us that if we had a dozen kids! I complained to the benefits office and their excuse was that "mere" couples tended to be older and require more medical help than breeders did. Umm...huh???

The "mere" in this scenario is simple: pro-breeder laws used against those who didn't breed. It's a form of wealth redistribution. We take from those who earn and we give to those who consume.
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 19, 2020
I have a plan through my employer and it actually will cost more for me to add my wife to the plan than it would if I were single with kids! It make no sense. She's out of work right now and we're not sure we can afford that amount so she's getting a short term policy with another company. It shouldn't be this way.

I agree, this is utter crap.
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 19, 2020
I've said it before and it bears constant repetition: a LOT of people want to have kids, but very few of them want to be parents. Having a kid and raising a kid are two very VERY different activities. Having a kid is great right up until labor starts - you get your brains fucked out, you can eat like a pig, you get to go shopping for all new clothes (and maternity clothing has come quite a long way and you can get decent looking stuff now), you can do one of those horrid professional photo shoots where you stand out in a field wearing a sheet while cupping your fat gut, you will get more likes than ever any time you share anything baby-related on social media, you can get people to do stuff for you, and the trade off is huge boobs, an altered center of gravity and some puking. I know people who would tolerate far worse for far less.

Not to mention that a pregnancy will eclipse ALL OTHER achievements in either the woman's life or any other woman's life. Graduation, marriage, winning the lottery, buying a house, landing a record deal, completing chemo, surviving life-saving surgery, buying a new car, opening a business - NOTHING is more monumental than making a brat. Even though out of all those things, reproducing is the one thing anyone can do with zero effort or cost (usually), often times completely by accident. Breeding is a way for someone with no talent or skill to be treated like someone who does without a lick of effort.

It's sickening and sad that some women only feel like they matter when they're pregnant or parents, and it's equally sickening and sad that people will often only treat women like they matter when they've had or are going to have kids.

Push presents! Pushing out a watermelon is what makes a woman a woman-no higher calling than watermelon pushing!
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 20, 2020
Push presents! Pushing out a watermelon is what makes a woman a woman-no higher calling than watermelon pushing!

Watermelon sugar high?
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 20, 2020
I am now hearing about pregnancy in my extended family, I did not think it would happen. One of my 5 nieces, Kate, is now pregnant. Her husband "Aaron" is a pharmacist who used to play college ice hockey, he always mentioned "it's dangerous". But his equipment must have protected his man parts well.

Pennsylvania has a high positivity rate and our governor is telling people not to have get togethers but she is having a Shower anyway. I have been told by my sisters that if a woman is invited to a shower and does not go that she will be "shunned". Kate gave out a list of gifts and my mother who is 93 years old and on a fixed income is assigned to give a car seat that cost $275. Others are giving her a crib, clothes, and disposable diapers, diapers, diapers, diapers! Of course, they must be Pampers brand, NO cloth diapers. Guests for sure are spending more than $2000 on gifts.

Why is there never a shower for anything else in life? I just notice that it seems our society values reproducing so much, with so much emphasis, on weddings, honeymoons, showers, "She had a baby", even dating gets a lot of emphasis.

I will research this but I wonder if showers started in the 50s when every woman seemed to be having kids everywhere.
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 20, 2020
I'm not sure when it started, but Miss Manners (who is pretty Breederific herself) wrote a book in the 1980's where she was adamant that couples are limited to ONE shower because the idea is they were new to parunthood.

What a laugh that is in 2020--the gift grabs have exploded into gender reveal parties, multiple showers, push presents, BabyMoons, and who knows what else.
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 21, 2020
Which brings up, where the man who created the pregnancy in on all this? For example, Aaron can work more hours and fill more prescriptions and make more money and buy a car seat. Why should other people pay for what Aaron created and he get out of more work?
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 21, 2020
mr. neptune
Which brings up, where the man who created the pregnancy in on all this? For example, Aaron can work more hours and fill more prescriptions and make more money and buy a car seat. Why should other people pay for what Aaron created and he get out of more work?

Better yet, Moo and Brat need to get used to poverty, because no matter how hard Aaron works, he will not be able to raise said brat. The USA will become a mass grave full of trash that can't raise their trash.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 21, 2020
mr. neptune
Kate gave out a list of gifts and my mother who is 93 years old and on a fixed income is assigned to give a car seat that cost $275.
She sounds like a real peach. Assigned? Her husband is a pharmacist, they can afford to buy their own crap and stop expecting other adults to meet her spending standards. $275 for a baby gift is insane!
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 21, 2020
mr. neptune
I will research this but I wonder if showers started in the 50s when every woman seemed to be having kids everywhere.

You called it: 1940s
The modern baby shower in America started in the late 1940s and the 1950s, as post-war women were expecting the Baby Boom generation. As in earlier eras, when young women married and were provided with trousseau, the shower served the function of providing the mother and her home with useful material goods.

Source: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=when+did+baby+showers+start
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 21, 2020
mr. neptune
Kate gave out a list of gifts and my mother who is 93 years old and on a fixed income is assigned to give a car seat that cost $275.
She sounds like a real peach. Assigned? Her husband is a pharmacist, they can afford to buy their own crap and stop expecting other adults to meet her spending standards. $275 for a baby gift is insane!

I told mom this but mom came from a family of 12 kids and is a breeder, even though she gave up a Navy career for me. Being a nurse, when I bring up that young doctors can work more hours and see more patients (in Aaron's case, fill more prescriptions) to make more money, she whines "But it's hard to give good care when you are exhausted".

Why do so many young doctors and medical students have kids? It seems that if they are busy and exhausted as they say they are, when is there time for any sex? Whatever happened to actual sleeping in bed?
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 21, 2020
Baby showers may have made sense in the 40s and 50s, when the culture was different. People got married very young and there was no reliable birth control. Only a privileged few could say no to the marriage and babies thing. Young adults just starting their lives were poor and had very little stuff of their own. It made sense for family and friends to pool their resources and buy the parents-to-be practical stuff they would need for a baby.

Now people are older, wealthier and better educated when they marry and breed (at least the smart ones are). Almost everyone has a lot of unnecessary shit they don't need, including babies.Many people are obsessed with brand names and trends.It's time to retire baby showers.
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 21, 2020
It is time to license breeding and brats. High requirements such as income, education, health of breeders, debt, and housing should eliminate most breeders from breeding.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 21, 2020
mr. neptune
Why do so many young doctors and medical students have kids? It seems that if they are busy and exhausted as they say they are, when is there time for any sex? Whatever happened to actual sleeping in bed?

I'd like to know that too, or anyone else who works in a super busy medical profession like paramedics. The job is exhausting on its own, so why would you go and have kids? It doesn't sound like a great life to bring children into, either for the parent or the child.

I've read the book A Paramedic's Story: Life, Death and Everything in Between by Steven "Kelly" Grayson and it's an incredible and hilarious book written by a paramedic. Possible spoilers for anyone who has not read it, but toward the end of the book, he mentions that he marries and breeds with a fellow paramedic and I found myself asking WHY THE FUCK would he do that? His job sounded insanely hard and exhausting (and low paying), but also rewarding. Still, how can you be at your best when others are depending on you when you have to feed a screeching infant every two hours or argue with a toddler every night for five hours about why they need to go to bed?

Some jobs just do not bode well with breeding and I know I sure as hell wouldn't want someone operating on me or trying to save my life who has had 30 broken minutes of sleep within five days.

As far as showers, I can understand one single shower for a first-time mother, but only if someone else throws it for her. A Moo-to-be that throws her own shower and sends everyone the link to the babby registry is just selfish because you know the greedy cunt won't pick modest practical things. It's someone else's money, so she'll pick out all manner of stupid, pointless expensive shit. No bitch, you don't need $150 organic pacifiers or a diamond-studded breast pump. You want the fancy shmancy loaf gear, you pay for it.

Not to mention the romanticizing of nursery construction. It's probably easy for Moos to get whisked away in dreamy visions of building a cutesy-wootsy room just for babby with proper color coordination top to bottom. Why is this even a thing? I mean sure, have a room to store the loaf in and put a crib, changing table and rocking chair in there too. But do these people really think a baby will care if the whole room is full of shit all in matching shades of blue or pink? That crap is just another way for Moos to feel unnecessarily special.

Plus if the kid is going to stay in that room indefinitely, all that nursery crap will have to be removed eventually anyway to make room for whatever the kid is into as it gets older, so it's a waste of money and time to make a loaf room.
Re: Just thoughts on why pregnancy seems so attractive to some women
October 25, 2020
It's probably easy for Moos to get whisked away in dreamy visions of building a cutesy-wootsy room just for babby with proper color coordination top to bottom. Why is this even a thing? I mean sure, have a room to store the loaf in and put a crib, changing table and rocking chair in there too. But do these people really think a baby will care if the whole room is full of shit all in matching shades of blue or pink? That crap is just another way for Moos to feel unnecessarily special.

Plus if the kid is going to stay in that room indefinitely, all that nursery crap will have to be removed eventually anyway to make room for whatever the kid is into as it gets older, so it's a waste of money and time to make a loaf room.

I think it's become a more common practice due to two things: 1. rise of birth control, and 2. slightly higher standards of living.

People use birth control a lot now (though not enough, CFers can attest). I believe with that comes a subconscious realization that they are opting in, and that parenthood isn't inevitable. So parents are going "all in" as some subconscious means of defending their choice...they feel they should put on a show of being into parenthood. Thus: extensively decorated and specialized nurseries, tons of baby gear, doing shitloads of activities and famblee stuff together, etc.

Higher standard of living...people can afford a couple buckets of pastel paint and some cheap Ikea baby furniture on top of the necessary crib, changing table, dresser, diapers, etc. My own parents didn't do up a nursery for any of us three, and Mom later mentioned she was glad nurseries weren't as big a deal then for the exact reason cambion cited...she would have just had to un-baby the room in a few years anyway! And actually, I slept in my parents' room when I was an infant, then was moved to share a room with my sister for a while. (3 bedroom house, three kids)

Oh, and another reason pregnancy might seem like an attractive option: it's something with established norms and social aspects. A pregnant person knows the general script of what's gonna happen, that society overall will approve, and that she'll be able to connect with other parents via childed status. There's an entire established system. No having to forge her own path.
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