Moo is pissed off because her husband tells someone that being at home with his 11 month old is much easier than breaking his back as an electrician.

Moos love to complain about how haaaarrrrd it is to stay at home with their kids, and her husband lets it slip out that it's a lot easier and actually sort of enjoyable that he's at home with his kid.

A lot of women would be happy that their husbands want to be involved with their own children.

I thought this was too good not to share here. Also, cue the lowing from some moos who are going on and on about the emotional stress and constant responsibility of moodom when the husbands don't have to do anything when they get home from work.

You can never make moos happy. They just want to be angry it seems.
I already assume the author is a moron because he goes "when WE got pregnant." LOL that's cute, you didn't get pregnant, buddy boy. Your wife did. All you did was dump batter in the oven and wait for it to rise.

My guess is he probably doesn't obsess over every little burp and fart that comes out of his loaf like a woman will often do and that might be why it seemed easier to him, or he's just used to working physically laborious/dangerous jobs that cleaning and loaf minding was comparatively easy. So of course Moo is gonna get her panties in a knot over it because her husband just proved that there's no magic in being a mommy and that a man can do it just as well - if not better - and that it's likely not as hard as she makes it out to be. Plus, the dangers present in being an electrician simply are not in the job description of a SAHP. Like you can easily electrocute yourself and fucking die if you don't do things just right - the threat of that same thing happening to you at home with Junior are slim to none. Junior is another story because kids are stupid and are on a constant mission to Darwinize themselves.

Could be the kid behaves better for Duh than it does for Moo. That's not unheard of, usually because when a kid gets shitty, fathers have no issues at all raising their voices, being verbally and physically firm and spanking them, whereas mommies will feebly go, "We don't do that, honey bunny boo! Thank you! I love you! Do you want a hug?" in the most sing-songy voice you can imagine.

But of course, Moo can't just shut up and be glad the guy was an active parent during his vacation when a lot of men would sit on their asses for their whole break playing video games, chugging beer and asking for blowjobs while their kid screams bloody murder into the void. She's just bitter because I bet she was waiting with baited breath to see how much Duh struggled with the day-to-day care of a child, only for him to enjoy it. So someone with less experience than her just waltzed in and did her job no problem. I have a feeling Duh won't be getting any pussy for a while because he beat Moo at her own game and liked it.
Yea, the "we got pregnant" thing irritates me to no end. He isn't having to carry a medicine ball in his belly, puke constantly, get all swelled and tired, and then pass it 9 months later. He doesn't face risk that comes with pregnancy or even the possibility of death. Men need to STFU. They don't get to claim "we're pregnant". They only have to do the fun part, but the women have the horrors to face during and after.

I agree, she's just pissed because she wanted him to say that parenting was the hardest job on the planet, when clearly it isn't. There are so many jobs out there that are worse. Granted, you usually get to go home after your shift and sleep, but a lot of people burn out quickly in certain jobs because they are just too difficult. Moos burn out too, but the word is "jobs". Mooing isn't a job any more than me looking after my pets. It is a "lifestyle choice". Sure even that can be a bit annoying sometimes because they can be demanding and needy, but there's no monetary compensation for caring for them. I care for them because I love them and I'm responsible for their care.

I just thought the whole thing was kind of funny because here he is going on about how he likes to stay home with his kid and she's so miserable about it because he's admitted what moos rarely do.
I have been banned from aita for a long time. apparently if you call them an asshole... and tell them why it is shaming. hell they earned it. stupidity has its own special rewards

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
I call a lot of people assholes on there but I'm careful to pick and choose the topics and also I'm careful with my language. Some people don't like to know they're assholes and only want validation from internet strangers to tell them they're not.

I do enjoy the forum overall though and don't want to be banned.
Moo is pissed off because her husband tells someone that being at home with his 11 month old is much easier than breaking his back as an electrician.
You can never make moos happy. They just want to be angry it seems.

Some people are pointing out he is enjoying it because it is a vacation with an end point. I didn't get that impression from what he said and I would never consider any time with children to be a vacation. I think he would be happy to be a SAHD if it wasn't for his much higher earning power. He works eleven hour days six days a week and I bet he still spends time with his child despite his long hours.

I don't think this moo will ever be happy and this is more about her not wanting to be at home than him wanting to be at home. She thought he'd be freaking out about being at home and he didn't give her the expected reaction (just wait and see how hard it is to be so bizzy!) He disappointed her by not freaking out that it is "soo hardd to stay at home" and treat her like a queen for how much she does so she is insulted. She could have just enjoyed her temporary work break but no....

Surely she figured out prior to sluicing that she would be at home and what that entails. If they didn't work out the money situation/logistics prior to the "blessed event" then that is on them.

I watched two kids (one around 3 or 4 and the other a young toddler) as a young teenager during the summer. They were fed, we had hours of daily interaction time, and the house was neat and clean when the parents came home. It really isn't that hard. Boring and repetitive, yes! I guarantee it was easier than his 66 hours a week electrician job is.
Yea, the "we got pregnant" thing irritates me to no end.

The first time I heard a man say that I corrected him and said his wife is pregnant, not him. He actually became angry about it. But no, going with her to some doctor appointments, buying crap and meeting her needs doesn't make him pregnant. I don't care how supportive he is, he isn't anywhere near pregnant. Give me a break on that.
I also wonder how much of the "we're pregnant" crap was Duh hounding Moo for a loaf. Like maybe he wanted the kid and she didn't, or she was on the fence about it and he nudged her toward his side, so she dislikes having to be the primary parent? I'd love to know how wanted the kid was by both parents. It might explain why Duh loves being the house bitch and Moo doesn't.

And I guess "we're pregnant" makes it sound like the Duh is more involved, whereas a man saying, "I got her pregnant" sounds trashy. A man saying "we're pregnant" is like me saying I invented magazines because I made one ad for one issue. Yeah, there was a minor contribution, but the majority of the work was someone else's job. I wonder how Duh would feel if he developed a male specific problem like an enlarged prostate and his wife went around telling people, "we have an enlarged prostate." Sounds silly, doesn't it? So does "we're pregnant."
mum I did not call them asshats.. but when they go into background and describe an overly enmeshed baby boy/bf girl/gf, and then proceed to simp 'I got in pig' and he won't x y z... (mostly women but males as well)... 'you stepped in a shit pile knowing it was a shit pile and you dragged a child into your hell hole'. once they get knocked up their choices can be limited.

some brag about 'I left and protected my child'... maybe that is why you picked an irresponsible loser because you wanted the udder rubs of being the poor little abused single brood sow... and the reprobate is not going to want custodys or anything, much less child support payments. So the ones that trumpet that fact, I protected my child, they do not impress me in the least.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
mum I did not call them asshats.. but when they go into background and describe an overly enmeshed baby boy/bf girl/gf, and then proceed to simp 'I got in pig' and he won't x y z... (mostly women but males as well)... 'you stepped in a shit pile knowing it was a shit pile and you dragged a child into your hell hole'. once they get knocked up their choices can be limited.

some brag about 'I left and protected my child'... maybe that is why you picked an irresponsible loser because you wanted the udder rubs of being the poor little abused single brood sow... and the reprobate is not going to want custodys or anything, much less child support payments. So the ones that trumpet that fact, I protected my child, they do not impress me in the least.

Hey, I totally understand. I have to self-censor there a lot because they're very quick to ban people. I'm sure you didn't say anything that wasn't true.
About the SAHD: I agree with the person who said Moos are never happy. Aside from saying "we're pregnasty," he sounds like a decent guy:

1. First of all, he's a worker. That in itself is a damn sight better than 95% of Duds on Reddit.

2. It appeared he was actually doing a better job being a SAHD and keeping a better house than Moo did. He wrote that she basically told him to slow down, which made me laugh. It reminded me of when I had co-irkers who told me, stop working so hard--you are making the rest of us look bad. She was probably trying to be the perfect Mawm-y and staring at the loaf and letting the house go to shit.

3. Despite working 11 hour days, six days a week, he was still spending time with the kid and not loafing at home. That's practically a Reddit miracle. The cows on Breaking Mawm would be pea green with envy.

Wifey apparently lied to her co-irkers and told them SAHD was struggling, so when he said it was like vacation, she was "embarrassed." Well, whose fault is that? Not her husband's.

It appears that Moo liked her job and liked being away from home. Staying home with brats is not for everyone. Frankly, I don't see why she doesn't continue with her job or maybe work part time. It seems economically smart because the Dud is self-employed and he admits that his work could slow way down. He was working six days a week while he could. Trade businesses are cyclical and that's often what you have to do.

But of course look at this mess of an update from the Dud. I've added my editorial remarks:


She also felt guilty that I enjoyed being home so much and yet she was happy in the way things are and she actually thinks we should have another baby!

Well of course she does, because isn't that ALWAYS the way with these brainless Moos--let's have another loaf while the first one is still fresh without pondering if it's the right thing to do? And then they wonder why they are suddenly miserable? What's the rush, particularly because they are 27(M) and 25(f). Plus, if she doesn't like being home with one, why have another? Too logical, I know.


So lots to talk about, I'm still going to see if I can get a better work and home life balance

Dude, you just admitted you work in the trades and you are building a business and taking the work when you get it. Sounds like the nature of the job. Good luck with that, particularly if you let Wifey talk you into another loaf, so she can sit on her ass and stay home.
You will be back to working 12 hour days, six and a half days a week because you will be the sole breadwinner.

My wife will more than likely convince me about trying again (because you are an idiot) as I do love kids and we planned on having more.

Just another guy who thinks he has to let Wifey determine ideal family size. Next think he'll know, he'll be 30, the one kid has become three, and he has a SAH wife who is naggy and miserable while he's working himself to the bone and they are on the verge of divorce.
I think she's trying to make it more difficult for him by suggesting they have another loaf so she can say to him after it's there: "See? I told you it was HAAARDDDD, nya, nya!!"

One loaf would be a lot easier than two, especially really young ones where one would be a toadler running around.

I think they're both stupid if they had another. Why rock the boat? Why make it harder on both of them? Breeders are really quite masochistic aren't they?
The electrician was soooo close to making Moo happy. All Moo had to do was not lie that he was struggling or at least tell him about her lie so that he would know to play along.
I also cringe at “we’re pregnant.” Maybe it’s an assertion that he didn’t get cucked? I’m sure there are better ways than taking credit for her condition.

It appears that Moo liked her job and liked being away from home. Staying home with brats is not for everyone. Frankly, I don't see why she doesn't continue with her job or maybe work part time. It seems economically smart because the Dud is self-employed and he admits that his work could slow way down. He was working six days a week while he could. Trade businesses are cyclical and that's often what you have to do.

It is also probable that Moo won't ever earn enough to pay the daycare fees. Daycare is getting more and more expensive.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat

It appears that Moo liked her job and liked being away from home. Staying home with brats is not for everyone. Frankly, I don't see why she doesn't continue with her job or maybe work part time. It seems economically smart because the Dud is self-employed and he admits that his work could slow way down. He was working six days a week while he could. Trade businesses are cyclical and that's often what you have to do.

It is also probable that Moo won't ever earn enough to pay the daycare fees. Daycare is getting more and more expensive.

Moo combined with the slowed down Dud could probably earn enough for a sitter or nanny if they trust someone in their home. Then sprog will be off to school in a few years if he's not a tard and if Dud doesn't grant Moo's wish for a second loaf.
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