Re: It's gone
July 25, 2022
I'd guess this is another "act" to try to prevent abortion, another nail in the coffin. The talk is all about helping out the mahms but I suspect this is an attempt to legitimize a fetus and keep abortion illegal.

Unborn Child Support Act:
Re: It's gone
July 26, 2022
I think all that "act" is going to do is increase the amount of violence toward pregnant women. If men are going to be on the hook for fetus support, I bet a lot more of them will abuse their baby-mommas in an effort to make them miscarry to avoid having to pay up. Or they'll just straight up make these women "disappear." Then everyone will scratch their heads and wonder about the surge in violence against piggos and why an inordinate number of pregnant women go missing.

What if the woman doesn't know who the father is? Will she just receive financial support from all the potential fathers until the fetus is born and the actual paternity can be discovered? I think paternity tests can be done starting around 8 weeks gestation, but you'd have to get the Moo on board to agree with it. What if she refuses a paternity test? Could she just point at some guy and say, "Yup he's the daddy, gimme money now?" What if it turns out the man she thinks is the father actually isn't? Will she have to pay him back the fetus support money she unjustly took from him? Or will she be off the hook because babby needed moneys?

What if she was raped and got pregnant that way? Could the rapist use fetus support as a way to remain involved in the victim's life? Rapists can sue their victims for custody of children conceived out of sexual assault, so I'm sure they could pay fetus support and say that they are entitled to access to their victims. Women have the option of refusing to collect fetus support from the baby-daddies, but what woman is going to pass up child support payments before the fetus even becomes a child?

But hey, if it was truly about the welfare and well-being of women, Roe v. Wade wouldn't have been overturned in the first place.
Re: It's gone
July 26, 2022
A lot of pro-choice people think things like this sound great and will switch to voting for anti-choice types over this. If society makes abortion a crime then all we all to do is make having babies easier for the women forced into it.

It is the norm to think that abortions are only done for women in "desparate straits" who would happily give birth if only they could have more than a life of poverty, as most people see kids as a total money issue. A real mystical thing, if only they were affordable.

But it is like that guy recently on tiktok who was desparate to divorce his wife in a country where it takes years for the divorce papers to come through so the person can move on. The guy just hunted her down and killed her
Re: It's gone
July 26, 2022
I'd guess this is another "act" to try to prevent abortion, another nail in the coffin. The talk is all about helping out the mahms but I suspect this is an attempt to legitimize a fetus and keep abortion illegal.

Unborn Child Support Act:

Can I just laugh sarcastically at this legislation? hysterical laughter

The same forced birther men all over social media platforms who were blaming pregnancy on women, and telling them to either close their legs or take responsibility for unwanted spawn, were up in arms at the thought of paying spawn support before birth. Especially the MRA types, they were absolutely livid that a woman might want support from the sperm donor before birth.

The bitch in me says too bad men, you don't get to force women into unwanted birth and unwanted children alone. You helped to create that unwanted fetus, so you're going to pay for it. What's that, it not faiiiiiirrrrrr? Well, neither is stripping abortion rights from women, but you had no issues with that. In fact, you were downright gleeful in forcing women to bear unwanted babies. I would tell those Neanderthals to either wrap it up or get snipped. Both prevent unwanted pregnancies.

devil smoking the finger smiley
Re: It's gone
July 26, 2022

The same forced birther men all over social media platforms who were blaming pregnancy on women, and telling them to either close their legs or take responsibility for unwanted spawn, were up in arms at the thought of paying spawn support before birth. Especially the MRA types, they were absolutely livid that a woman might want support from the sperm donor before birth.

Yeah, that. And I'm drifting a bit, but lately I'm so completely annoyed by all the TV ads for soft dick remedies. Every other commercial is for a "men's Wellness Center" or a non-invasive laser treatment to cure someone's soft pecker or get Viagra by mail.

So many of these conservative male assholes believe it's their constitutional right to have a hard dick, but Heaven forbid a woman be able to get the abortion Pill by mail or have the medical treatment she needs. They tell women to 'close their legs,' well, how about they zip up their pants? And for all these 'sluts' who are having sex--there is also a man involved in the act.

Of course they are not zipping up their pants. The wealthy ones like Rush Limbaugh just go to the Dominican Republic or other places where they can engage in sex with minors or with women who are being trafficked.
Re: It's gone
July 29, 2022
They'll tell them to close their legs, yet complain when the women actually do so. 'Frigid,' 'Prude,' 'Future Cat Lady' etc. Republicans will then bitch and moan about the declining birth rate and how it's a crisis.
Re: It's gone
July 29, 2022
They'll tell them to close their legs, yet complain when the women actually do so. 'Frigid,' 'Prude,' 'Future Cat Lady' etc. Republicans will then bitch and moan about the declining birth rate and how it's a crisis.

These are assholes that I'm not worried about. I'm worried about the ones who will commit rape, and if they can't overpower an adult female, they'll take a child.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: It's gone
July 30, 2022

This is what the pro-liars do.
Re: It's gone
July 30, 2022

This is what the pro-liars do.

You see, I was on board with the MALE author of this blog until I stopped reading when I got to this part: "Abortions aren't always traumatic, but they certainly can be..."

Let me emphasize again that the author of this blog is MALE!!

I am so motherfucking sick of fucktards claiming an abortion is "traumatic". Are you fucking kidding me?! Having an early abortion is THE most safest and complication-free procedure. I was more traumatized when I got my wisdom tooth yanked out my face with an anesthetic that never kicked in!! Abortion CAN be emotionally traumatic because of all the shame and guilt attached to it, but that has fuck-all to do with the actual procedure. Why is it that I never, and I mean NEVER read anything advising how goddamned traumatic childbirth can be? Especially now that it will be forced onto women who may have to carry and give birth to their rapist's baby! Not to mention all the physical complications that take place all the fucking time. I'm fucking livid! angry smileyangry smiley
Re: It's gone
July 30, 2022

Translation. Abusive manipulator lost control of his third wife who realized what a manipulative loser he really is and aborted hitting the road. Guy is pissed that she cut a permanent connection with him as control is only way any woman would stay with this a-hole. Uses the idea of "loss of fatherhood" to make it look she is the bad guy in all this.

Imagine having to go to these lengths to hang on to wife #3.

Not a new tactic! Remember that guy who featured on a forced birther billboard talking about being denied fatherhood? The one who, it turned out, had been grooming and pressuring a much younger woman and was pissed off that she was able to escape him? I am sure there are going to be many, many more such cases coming out.
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