They ae going after other meds now
July 05, 2022

A woman from NC has arthritis and her doc informed her they are no longer perscribing the med to women because "it can cause miscarriage" This means any cf woman in pain from this condition may not be able to get treatment because of the possibility of a fetus or any other woman.

Being in a red state is dangerous for women now as docs will let their health go out the window due to ANYTHING that could mess with a fetus. I remember when I was a teen and had a Catholic doc. He would put women on Acutane along with BC pills and tell them not to get knocked up explaining what could happen. Now we have people who just will not prescribe at all.
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 05, 2022

A woman from NC has arthritis and her doc informed her they are no longer perscribing the med to women because "it can cause miscarriage" This means any cf woman in pain from this condition may not be able to get treatment because of the possibility of a fetus or any other woman.

Being in a red state is dangerous for women now as docs will let their health go out the window due to ANYTHING that could mess with a fetus. I remember when I was a teen and had a Catholic doc. He would put women on Acutane along with BC pills and tell them not to get knocked up explaining what could happen. Now we have people who just will not prescribe at all.

Doctors know how easy it is to miscarry and don't want any involvement in it. Much better to just let women die or suffer in pain. I wonder how long it will be before doctors can refuse to treat women for anything based on the risk of a miscarriage? I grew up in a red state and was denied Accutane because of it.
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 06, 2022
I think I've told this story here before, but I had to deal with shit in ENT when I was a teenager and the doctor refused to prescribe me Biaxin (an antibiotic) for my sinus infection because it is known to cause birth defects. Mind you, I was not pregnant - I was still a virgin at the time - but because I said that another medication I was taking was causing me to feel nauseous, the dumb bint immediately assumed I was pregnant because "that medication doesn't cause nausea." Bitch just because it's not a common side effect doesn't mean it can't fucking happen. Protonix doesn't cause heart palpitations, but it caused me to have them. I got mad and told the moron that I was on my period and I'd be happy to pull out my tampon and show her that I am bleeding. I got my antibiotics.

So I guess that means no Biaxin for women in red states either because it might hurt fetuses that may or may not exist. I mean at the very least, there are many other options for antibiotics, but the same can't be said for other medications.

I wonder what's going to happen to pregnant women who need cancer drugs. Guess they'll just have to die because we can't be having chemo harming the clumps! Because I'm sure that fetus will be just fine all on its own if the woman dies of a treatable condition. Oh wait...

These are all the medications known to cause birth defects or fetal death:
  • ACE inhibitors
  • Angiotensin II antagonist
  • Acne medications like Accutane and tretinoin (it's suggested that women quit using Accutane a full THREE YEARS before trying to conceive because it's that bad for fetuses)
  • Lithium
  • High doses of vitamin A (which I think includes any retinoid skincare products)
  • Male hormones
  • These antibiotics: nitrofurantoin, Bactrim, Biaxin, Gantrisin, Sulfadiazine, Zonegran, Doryx, Monodox, Oracea, Solodyn, Vibramycin, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Trimethoprim
  • Sulfonamides, a.k.a. sulfa drugs
  • Some cancer-fighting medications (like Zofran)
  • Some drugs that treat certain rheumatic conditions
  • Hyperhyroid medications: Methimazole or Tapazole
  • SSRIs: Fluvoxamine, Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac, Symbyax, and Zoloft
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Over the counter and prescription NSAIDs: Aleve, Excedrin, Motrin, Diclofenac (believed to potentially cause miscarriages), Naproxen, Lodine, and Meloxicam
  • Anti-convulsants: Depakote, Dilantin, Lamictal, and Tegretol
  • Migraine medications, specifically Topamax (also used for treatment of eating disorders and epilepsy)
  • Anti-fungal treatments (Diflucan)
  • Warfarin/Coumadin
  • Atvian (can cause birth defects or life-threatening withdrawal in newborns)
  • Diethylstilbestrol (a hormone)

Soooo any women who need to take any of those are just gonna have to suffer/die, I guess. Because they MIGHT be pregnant. Depressed? Fuck you! Hyperthyroidism? Fuck you! Got a headache? Fuck you! Are you epileptic? Fuck you! Trying to transition into a man? Fuck you too!

I was prescribed Diclofenac for headaches and I have a nearly full bottle because they seemed to interact with other things I take and worsen my headaches. I think I'm just gonna hang onto them instead of throwing them away. You know, in case I get a "headache." I also use the highest dose of tretinoin right now too and I'mma just keep on doing that indefinitely if it makes my uterus hostile territory.
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 06, 2022
I found this comment:

"My wife has RA and takes methotrexate (along with predisone and xeljanz and some others) to barely control the aggressive RA she is dealing with (diagnosed in her 20s, came out due to immune response after 2nd child). If this happens here (GA, so real possibility), we will quit our jobs and move. If it happens nationwide due to the religious right, we'll move to another country. Why? Because she'll commit suicide eventually from the pain otherwise, as her joints are permanently destroyed.

This is insanity"

They may have to consider another country just to avoid a suicide.
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 06, 2022
I wonder what's going to happen to pregnant women who need cancer drugs. Guess they'll just have to die because we can't be having chemo harming the clumps! Because I'm sure that fetus will be just fine all on its own if the woman dies of a treatable condition. Oh wait...

There was a post on reddit I saw after Roe was overturned. The story was told by a man who said he's repeating what his wife told him. They live in a red state and the wife works in a hospital. A pregnant woman was being treated for cancer in the hospital and becuase of the Roe reversal, the docs stopped her treatment immediately because of trigger laws and harm to the fetus. Never mind her life, the fetus came first now.

Welcome to America 2022.
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 06, 2022
I do recommend that these women keep an exit bag on hand, because they will most likely die in agony anyway if they've something red states won't treat due to the all loving fetus. As for leaving the USA to go to another state/nation, these women are probably on a watch list already and won't be allowed to travel. The only right Americans have is to control the way we die.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 07, 2022

A girl on reddit/cf said that she was turned down for an anti-biotic for her eye due to complications for a potential fetus.
So now women could wind up blind if the infection takes off all for a potential fetus.

The thing here is that most of these people on reddit cf are either fence sitters or in their twenties and people that age seem to refuse to face just how bad this can get. They know that they have 25+ more years of fertility in a country that may become El-Salvadore and they are consoling themselves with the thought that is can't happen in a blue state or to them personally.

The post only got about 20 comments
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 07, 2022
If they're so fucking worried about pignasty, can't they just give women pee tests to rule it out? Don't hospitals already do that anyway? You'd think they'd be all for charging a female patient an extra $50 to have her pee on a $1 plastic stick. If the woman is actually pregnant, then they can figure something out. But if she's not, SHUT UP AND DO YOUR JOB.

If a woman develops serious complications from this kind of sexist medical neglect, I hope they sue the fuck out of the doctor or the hospital for refusing to treat them based on their gender. Abortion may be banned in some places, but malpractice is still malpractice.

I wonder if women could lie and say they were born male biologically in order to get around this kind of shit. Unless there's imaging on file stating that the patient is biologically female with all the internal female organs, how would the provider know? I don't know how much like a natural vagina a surgically installed one looks, but would someone like an eye doctor or an ENT insist on a pelvic exam to prove the woman is a woman? Isn't that outside their scope of expertise?
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 07, 2022
They will then claim that even with a pee test right there, that the woman could get knocked up a few nights later with the meds that need to be taken for weeks to get rid of the infection and prevent it from coming back.

My dh is saying that "the blue state won't let this happen" but IDK at this point.
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 07, 2022
That's insane because I work in a healthcare field where people are on heavy duty immune-suppressing drugs for life, and a hot topic is making sure a woman can have baybees even though the meds could harm the fetus. Because naturally women are just women you know, and they all just have to have baybees. We can't deny them baybees. Absolutely fucked in the head it all is.
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 07, 2022
You'd think people who make these medical restrictions would realize that dead women can't have babies. Because if they're going to limit or ban the use of drugs that can cause potential fetal harm/death, it just means that women will get very sick and die because they can't get something they need, whether it's to have a semblance of a normal life or something that is life-sustaining.

I'm sure there will be doctors who will prescribe anything necessary to women because they actually care about these women, which means women might need to travel to other states to get simple prescriptions for antibiotics or anti-depressants. There will probably be a black market for prescription drugs too - not the usual ones, but imagine going to a dealer in a dark alley for some fucking Diflucan because you've been scratching your crotch for a year and nobody will prescribe it because YOU MIGHT BE PREGNANT.
Re: They ae going after other meds now
July 08, 2022
This is happening because medical decisions are being made by people who don't have any training or experience in medicine.
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