In jail for an abortion in Nebraska
July 22, 2023

A teen aborts her abusive boyfriend's fetus with abortion pills she got over the net and she gets three months in jail.
Someone in an article said that since the fetus was fairly advanced the game was to get people fired up against her so they can do this to teens/women who were raped even aborting at 6-8 weeks. It is all to end abortion completely.
I think the teen got the pills over the smart phone with no security and was caught by some "tracker"

Imagine the mental heath issues, a girl takes control of her life and truly escapes her abusive boyfirend and the society she lives in throws her in jail for it.

As my Dh said last light, It is all about women being "property" Can 't let "property" do it's own thing. Also a single mother in Texas ordered the abortion pill from her desktop with a lot of computer security from India and had the pills delivered in a brown paper bag hoping that there would not be complications that would require her to go to a hospital in Texas, but she made it though with just bad cramps and a heavy period at home.
Re: In jail for an abortion in Nebraska
July 23, 2023
I'm surprised the pills worked when she was 29 weeks along. Aren't they supposed to be used up to 8 weeks gestation, and beyond that point, a termination has to be done surgically because the pills aren't as effective? Because I have personally never heard of a woman successfully using RU-486 that far along.

Says she was 17 when she aborted too. I wonder if they waited until she was 18 to punish her for it so she could be tried as an adult.

Just goes to show that the people who fight to end or restrict abortion not only don't care about women, but also don't care about the kids that would be born as a result. If lawmakers can honestly say it's better to allow a kid to be born to someone who cannot possibly afford it and then raised by an abusive asshole rather than spared that kind of upbringing, they shouldn't be the ones making the fucking laws.

Women will just get better at hiding their at-home abortions. Making something illegal never stops people from doing it.
Re: In jail for an abortion in Nebraska
July 25, 2023
The GOP don't see women as human, just as breeding machines.


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