Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
In his own words: "No, I've never posted here until last night. And rose red, no one on the internet will ever make my life miserable. If you try, I'll dismiss you like a fart in a tornado and you can wear out your keyboard being a moron for all to see after that, I don't give a shit. The Duggar family deserves to die for their selfish actions. They are adding to the overpopulation problem with no regard or respect for the rest of us and our futures. They are using eighteen times the resources I'm using and creating eighteen times the waste. What gives them that right? NOTHING, that's what. The parents each deserve to be fucked up the ass with an egg beater set on high, followed by a nice rectal reaming with a cactus and concluding with cauterization by blowtorch. Then they should be fucked in the mouth with an AIDS dick until it unloads down their rotten throats. Then we'd lock their kids in a room one by one alone with a catholic priest and shoot em in the kneecaps when they came out with their innocence down around their ankles. I'd buy every one of you a big bucket of popcorn for that show, I'm not kidding.

Seriously, my new weekend hobby is going to be figuring out ways to terrorize this family, whether by mail or phone or whatever. I want them trapped by fear in that ugly house with those ugly shit monkeys.

Fuck that whole family until their guts are hanging out of their assholes in glistening loops.

I don't feel this way about most people (or even sub-people like breeders), but I can honestly say I hope the Duggars die. I don't care how, but I hope all their kids die with them. Maybe a nice plane crash would be just the thing to rid this world of that fucked-up plague of a family. Or maybe one us (but someone more fanatical) with a high-powered rifle could snipe them all one by one at their next family picnic, starting with their youngest first. It would do them good to watch their childrens' heads explode one after the other, wondering why their loving god wasn't protecting them. I have to stop typing now, I think I'm about to cum."

Now, glurk, why would we want to listen to that garbage? One has to be in a position to make the decision to be CF, which you are not. Please go back to whoever else you bother.
Anonymous User
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
WOW what a NUT, im hardcore, but dam, this is just scary!
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
Maybe the spam-filter could be tweaked to recognize his IP address.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
That wouldn't work if he's set up with DHCP. He gets a new IP address every time he logs on.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
I think Glurk is a breeder troll who is baiting us. He/she is trying to get us to agree that the Duggars should die so he/she can run back to a parunting board and point out the insane CF.

Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
If this IS Coranth, what is this, his THIRD personality? There's no telling how many he's got in there. It's getting crowded, I'd say.

And if it's a breeder set-up, they're obviously deluded if they think we share the same kinds of twisted, teenage-angst views on the Duggars that they do. Nice try, though.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
If it's a breeder troll, I really hope they read our posts and try to learn from some of the stuff we bitch about.

Am I expecting too much?
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
I don't think that's what we're getting here. These posts are incredibly violent and visceral and breeders buy "happy meals". If a breeder came up with this then odds are good they don't see their kids much.

I'm telling ya, it's that cripple in Oz with the multiple personalities who lives with his mom! He's in a whole different time zone. NYC: 9:15 am, Sydney: 11:15 pm. This is why his posts don't synch with the rest of us.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
You're right, Rose. Breeders usually talk like this:
"u don know what your talkin about! Babies are the futur and how dare u tell me i dont got a right to have as many as i can!"

Or they're the Antigone/Gluten-Free/Alexa variety that write lengthy, flowery prose about their spawn's bowel movements.

The part about the "AIDS dick" (not to mention the rest of it) didn't seem to be breeder material. Coranth, go help your mom take out the trash. It's the least you and Larry, Moe, Curly, Guardian, Glurk, Bubba, MacGyver, and the rest of your personalities can do.
Anonymous User
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
nokyds4me Wrote:
> WOW what a NUT, im hardcore, but dam, this is
> just scary!

I've said that before... this one is dangerous..
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
2 cent, this loser is halfway across the globe. He can go pull wings off flies or something.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
I'm picturing a psychotic troll, running madly around in circles under a bridge, chasing away all the homeless people.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
RatsNotBrats Wrote:

"You're right, Rose. Breeders usually talk like this:
'u don know what your talkin about! Babies are the futur and how dare u tell me i dont got a right to have as many as i can!'

That made me laugh and it's true. Trolls that use correct punctuation, capitalization and grammar are a more scary variety of troll. The average ignorant breeder writes stuff like:

hwo can u not like a little baby u really need to grow up how would u feel if ur mom felt this way
Breeder troll trying to bait. Breeder troll, instead of parenting it's brats comes online to persecute the childfree and say threatening things to make us look like "terrorists" who would do something like what it has suggested.

Whomever owns Bratfree needs to do an IP ban STAT. We do not need this kind of shit here.

I'll quit posting here if this shit keeps up. I do not want the feds at my house.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
nowhiggers Wrote:
> I'll quit posting here if this shit keeps up. I do
> not want the feds at my house.

We have no mods. I'm not in a hurry to let a loser like this scare me off. They will go after him first.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
nowhiggers Wrote:
> Breeder troll trying to bait. Breeder troll,
> instead of parenting it's brats comes online to
> persecute the childfree and say threatening things
> to make us look like "terrorists" who would do
> something like what it has suggested.
> Whomever owns Bratfree needs to do an IP ban STAT.
> We do not need this kind of shit here.
> I'll quit posting here if this shit keeps up. I do
> not want the feds at my house.

I agree. I want to go on record as saying that I have never and never WILL harrass via mail, email, phone calls, in person, or in any other manner cause emotional or physical harm to the Duggars, or anyone else for that matter. NOR do I condone anyone else doing it. This is a rant site and discussion group for CHILDFREE related topics, not a place to plan out harassment campaigns for people who live or believe differently. I especially don't like the vile, cruel, and graphic things mentioned about the demise of their children or of them (Duggars)either.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
Gotta admit I'm pretty hard-core and can't stand breeders or kyds, but c'mon! You'd have to be pretty sick to want to do that to anyone, the Duggars included. Whoever wrote this--I am assuming Coranth--he or she needs help--FAST!

And I will go on record as saying that I come here to rant, not plan to harm anyone, no matter what their breeding opinions.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
Kim, I third that sentiment. I love to come to this board in order to mingle, chat, and rant with fellow childfree people. That is all. I've never harmed another person in my life and I don't intend on doing so. No matter my personal opinion of the Duggars, I certainly don't condone any form of harassment or emotional/physical damage done to their family. Glurk's "opinion" of what "should" be done to them doesn't mirror my own.

By the way, I got to 'G Lurk'? Like 'Guardian Lurk'? Another name for Guardian to lurk around on this board until he decides to pop up and act like a nutcase?
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
All I know is that the CF are already considered child haters and "bad people" by most of the childed community anyway, and this type of graphic plan by "glurk" or whoever, does nothing but perpetuate that image. I know that some of us do not like kyds in the least, no matter what, but just as many of us DO like some kyds, but our problems lie with uncontrolled BRATS (not well mannered kyds) and their whorish, entitlement minded moo cows of mothers and shit for brains baby daddys. Even those of us who can't stand kyds don't wish any harm to come to them or their parents. In my opinion, that crazy post about them and their kyds' grissly demise illustrates a sick mind and is NOT reflective of any other member or posters' feelings.

This is the world wide web and you can bet your ass that there are FBI bots and spiders which hone in on keywords like that and are investigated, ESPECIALLY when it has to do with a high profile famblee, like the Duggars and the double whammy of mentioning potential and specific harm to any kids. If I read some shit like that and MY name or famblee's name was actually used, I would feel threatened and ask that the comments be investigated. When and if those comments ARE investigated, I want to make certain that the feds dismiss MY IP address when they read my comments against what was posted. I really don't want any men in black knocking on my door, I REALLY do not.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> All I know is that the CF are already considered
> child haters and "bad people" by most of the
> childed community anyway, and this type of graphic
> plan by "glurk" or whoever, does nothing but
> perpetuate that image. I know that some of us do
> not like kyds in the least, no matter what, but
> just as many of us DO like some kyds, but our
> problems lie with uncontrolled BRATS (not well
> mannered kyds) and their whorish, entitlement
> minded moo cows of mothers and shit for brains
> baby daddys. Even those of us who can't stand kyds
> don't wish any harm to come to them or their
> parents. In my opinion, that crazy post about them
> and their kyds' grissly demise illustrates a sick
> mind and is NOT reflective of any other member or
> posters' feelings.

Def-o. But I can't help think Coranth/Guardian/whatever isn't venting only here. I have some kinda faith that his/her scary murderous feelings are leaking out somewhere else -- maybe to family members or neighbours or on other sites. And so he/she is giving him/herself away someplace else. In other words, we can't be the only ones to be granted his/her unwanted presence. We're not to be blamed just because that idiot chose this BB to vent spleen.


It might sound a bit unfunny at this juncture, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. There was a story here in the UK this week about a poster to a porno fantasy website -- where the posters scribe their rather sad tales for each other's wanking pleasure -- and the guy had his story banned quite literally by the authorities. The news story said something about it containing material about how he meets this girl-band here called Girls Aloud (very silly band of girls in their late 20s trying to be teeny-boppers) -- obviously they're all irresistably attracted to him and want to sleep with him so he gets to be alone with them. His story goes on to describe his sexual acts with each of the band members. But gee just when you think he's only a harmless old wanker, his story goes on to describe how he kills each girl after the sex act. Richard-fucking-Speck in the head. Anyways the upshot is that this guy's been checked out and he's just a sad old knob who's no more capable of pulling off some kind of action against the leggy tarts known as Girls Aloud as he is of pulling off the robbery of Fort Knox.

So Coranth/whatnot deserves sheer contempt and to be completely and utterly ignored -- but we're no more responsible for what he/she types as we are for anything else typed on here.

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Much more of this sentiment and we should consider tracing glurk's IP and dropping the local authorities a line.

There is a major difference between legitimately disliking the breeders that make our lives hard and wanting to make them change their ways legally...and wanting to perform such extreme acts of physical violence on living, feeling people.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
CFTeen makes a good point. Those threats were particularly troubling because of their specificity.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
Tiquer Wrote:
> CFTeen makes a good point. Those threats were
> particularly troubling because of their
> specificity.

We can always hope he has represented himself accurately;Nearly 30, still living at home with his mommy, and disabled in some way. If that's the case, it's highly unlikely that he has the means, opportunity, or the ambition to actually carry out any of these fantastic threats, except maybe the communications harrassment. Communication harrassment is quite easy to trace though and if he does it through the postal service then it's a federal and possibly international offense. Federal prisons are WELL equipped and able to meet or exceed their handicapped/disabled residents' needs. I think the Duggar famblee is probably pretty safe from this odd fellow.
Re: Coranth is back. try not to feed the troll.
October 10, 2008
CFTeen Wrote:
> There is a major difference between legitimately
> disliking the breeders that make our lives hard
> and wanting to make them change their ways
> legally...and wanting to perform such extreme acts
> of physical violence on living, feeling people.

Exactly. Not only are harrassment, rape and murder "fantasies" (read: threats) sick and disturbing, but they are ILLEGAL. And I certainly do not wish to be associated with that. And I don't want the CF movement to be perceived that way either, like we're all a bunch of psychos instead of reasonable people who are tired of being taken advantage of financially (taxes, insurance) and in the workplace (policies), and having our rights in general society being trampled on by the breeder majority.
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