Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
Anybody who thinks the CF are bitter, angry, haters, what have you, really doesn't get what it's all about, what we see from our end and what we bitch about. Anybody who is not CF is constantly on the defense and takes every little comment or remark as an insult.
I don't have kids, so I've got nothing to be defensive about.

This stuff reminds me of "straight-edge", that term for people who
don't do drugs, and for some reason need to make a big deal about it.
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
So why do you threaten perfect strangers via the WORLD WIDE WEB over Halloween candy? The High Road: not yours.

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Joss, your analogies of childfree to boatfree and scarffree are badly off the mark.

Boatfree people are not burdened by the boated people. Scarffree people are not burdened by the scarfed people. This is why you don't see scarffree people and boatfree people railing about the scarfed and boated people.

However, the childfree people are constantly being burdened by the childed people. If you have read some of the threads on this board, you will see how the childfree people are treated in an inferior manner in the workplace and in the tax code, for example. We have our meals ruined by the childed in restaurants (we do not "count our blessings" when one acts up in this setting, for sure!). The scarfed people don't demand tax preferences from the government. Neither do the boated people. Scarfed people don't ruin meals of the scarffree people in restaurants. Boated people don't demand preferential treatment in the workplace at the expense of the boatfree people.

Many childed people are treated preferentially to childfree people by their families, too, as many threads on this board have attested to. The childed people are often relieved of family burdens or given a free pass by other relatives on burdening their childfree relatives.

And the internet is a great place for people who share any kind of common interest or viewpoint to come together to share their experiences, offer advice to others, or to simply rant and vent. Like us childfree, the childed have plenty of boards like these and nobody here would want to deny their right to do or say as they please.
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
In all fairness, someone's owning a boat, motorcycle, or scarf is not something that I subsidize with a significant portion of my tax monies as are taxes for schools and social security payments for kids with diagnosed autism spectrum disorders--many of the less severe of which have very nebulous diagnostic criteria indeed. Taxes for roads and streetlights and so forth are fair, as I use those services. The childfree subsidize services for kids, and that's not quite fair. Having kids results in a lot of social policies and legislation that affects the childfree.

Also in all fairness, the number of CF boards like this one is miniscule compared to the number of parenting boards in which parents are doing just as much complaining about various things (including the CF) as we are.

Also in all fairness, this board has plenty of plain old upbeat posts in which people celebrate the benefits of being CF.

Update: Oops, deegee just posted the same thing, sorry!
"So why do you threaten perfect strangers via the WORLD WIDE WEB over Halloween candy? The High Road: not yours."

It's a JOKE.
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
Again in all fairness, if our posts about "wanting to choke that obnoxious brat in the restaurant" weren't jokes, the paper would be filled every day with stories about yet more restaurant murders by those awful childfree and we'd all be in jail and this board wouldn't exist, unless they give computer time to those on lockdown.

Come on now.
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
Seeing as she has declared herself a work of fiction, it's pointless to address "her" anyway.
Well I've been whipped in the face by scarfs before, but I digress.

Okay, so the main complaints are:

-The government of our society using legislation to promote the creation and raising of future society members

-Families putting value on the continuation of family lineage, and spending more time with the ones who have adorable, wonderful kids, rather than visiting you in your cramped Pittsburgh apartments full of cats.

-Parents dealing with the difficulties of parenthood while you and your same-sex parteners are trying to enjoy a prix fixe dinner at T.G.I.Friday's.
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
"You" are easily one of the dumbest people I've ever seen post. Stop embarrassing yourself.

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
You're just annoyed because I've got you pegged.

Must be a fun life, being such a humorless bitch.
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
Pegged? "You" called me a spinster. Jealous, much? We are not interested in you and you are not interested in us. Instead of surfing the web looking for people who disagree with you why don't you tend to your own life?
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
Future society members were getting along just fine before the income tax was created at the end of the Civil War. Till then, for more than a third of this country's history (if you date from 1776), families were individually responsible for their choices to have kids and that seems more fair to me.

"Wonderful, adorable" is purely subjective. Most kids, like most adults on the big bell curve of life, are average. "Cramped apartment" seems unlikely--most CF couples, though not all, have more disposable income than childed couples and in fact are often objects of envy for that reason. "Full of cats" is just as likely for childed families as for childfree families, and often the childfree have more time, money, and attention to give their pets a higher quality of life.

"Same-sex" has nothing to do with being childfree in my circle of friends. My DH and I are straight, and a lesbian couple who are friends of ours have 2 adopted kids. The CF whom I know generally tend to avoid "family" restaurants like TGI Friday's--they're meant for families with kids; it's only natural. TGI Friday's does not have a prix fixe menu so far as I know (not having been there my entire life).
Joss Wrote:
> Well I've been whipped in the face by scarfs
> before, but I digress.
> Okay, so the main complaints are:
> -The government of our society using legislation
> to promote the creation and raising of future
> society members

Why should goverment be "promoting" the creation and raising of kyds? Was there such a shortage of kyds that the government had to raise the child exemption in the tax code a few years ago? Do you think anyone based their decision to have kyds on whether the child exemption was $x or $y? Raising that exemption was simple pandering to the childed at the expense of the childfree. Aren't we childfree people subsidizing the childed enough?

> -Families putting value on the continuation of
> family lineage, and spending more time with the
> ones who have adorable, wonderful kids, rather
> than visiting you in your cramped Pittsburgh
> apartments full of cats.

What about families favoring those who have awful, misbehaved kyds at the expense of those who are childfree? And there are plenty of childed families who live in cramped apartments, too (some of them with cats). And what is so special about continuing family lineage? In the end, we are all worm food anyway.

> -Parents dealing with the difficulties of
> parenthood while you and your same-sex parteners
> are trying to enjoy a prix fixe dinner at
> T.G.I.Friday's.

Parents who have kyds should (a) hire a sitter if they want to eat out at any moderately upscale eatery such as TGI Fridays and not ruin the meals of those who are eating there (and many of those are childed people who WERE responsible enough to keep their kyds at home), (b) eat at a fast-food joint or Chucky-Cheese if they want to take their kyds with them, or (c) do take-out.

The childed people made a CHOICE to have kyds. The make a CHOICE to burden others when they take them to places where they can worsen the lives of others. We childfree people were NOT responsible for these choices and should not have to endure the burden of these choices when we try to have a nice meal at TGI Fridays.
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
I'm sure the neighborhood kids loved us last year, we handed out dental floss and toothbrushes.
It was meant to be funny. Don't overthink it. Your justifications are cliched, desperate, and tiresome. I specifically picked TGIF because it's a family restaurant. Go somewhere decent if you want to avoid the human population.

Now I'll get back to my good works, and let you folks get back to whatever it is you do to fill your vacant lives.

Here's something for ya: It's free taco day at Taco Bell!
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
Ok. We've had our psycho for the day.
Stick a cock in it you stupid douche bag, you're as annoying as gnats on a dogs' balls...and fucking boring to boot..sleeping
Wow, looks like I missed a good troll fight while I slept in this morning.
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
Yeah, where were you? "She" even got up at 5 am to put us in our places!

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Funny, when Joss was faced with replies from me and from others which were well thought out and directly to the point, all Joss could do was to try to dismiss them as "cliched", "tiresome", and "desperate". No actual addressing of the issues we raised but to toss some mild insults at us and give us the usual "go somewhere else decent to eat" instead of trying to tell us why we should tolerate a bad dining experience instead of telling those CAUSING the bad dining experience changing their ways to make it better for us and everyone else.

Good riddance, Joss!
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
I'm wondering how "decent dining" and human avoidance are supposed to go hand in hand......

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
Joss Wrote:
> If your computer crashes from Google's blogspot
> then you've got problems.
> And "Childfree" would imply that you don't have
> kids. But you people are so much more. I'm
> Boatfree, motorcyclefree, and even scarf-free.
> But I don't go around bashing people who have what
> I don't. You're "Childhaters", and Mother hates
> too, apparently. If kids bother you so much then
> you should count your blessings every time you see
> one acting up. But instead you seeth and get so
> riled that you have to vent it on the web. It's
> ridiculous. It really is.

Childless is can't have kids. Child free is we observed the whole breeder scene and decided we can do better.
From what I've observed over the years, most people do not even stop and think about having kids and ask themselves "Can I provide the best situation possible for a child?"
No, what I see is women regarding men as sperm and a paycheck. Over and over, in all venues, boards, shows, etc. once the almighty child has been conceived, the male only serves to support mom and child.
People can brainwash themselves into anything: and this includes the misery having children can bring. You talk yourself into how cute that the baby wakes up every 2- 3 hours or so to eat. wakes up again an hour later to poop or piss. In the morning when you drag yourself out of bed you have to lie to yourself to be convinced that it's TMIJITW. Baloney. It's a job, a freakin job like anything else and we do not like the job description.
If you married an asshole, why did you pick an asshole? (answer: see sperm and a paycheck because most are obvious bad picks). If you did not, just what did you contribute to the demise? What I see of women, they have their heads stuck up kiddie ass so far they fail to see they have a husband who would like a little affection. He only gets any when women want another baby. Painting with a broad brush? All you have to do is look at posts, statistics and the phrase and timing comes up like a bloody mantra:"And then the kids came". "And then little Timmy came". "Once the kids came..." ad infinitem, ad nauseum.
Don't even try to defend yourself, it is not worth your time as you have succinctly pointed out.
Re: Meet Jocelyn- Halloween mother goon extrordinaire
October 28, 2008
2 cents, this describes TMC perfectly, both sides, male and female.

"You can't slit the throat of every cocksucker whose character it would improve."
-Al Swearingen
2 Cents just sounds like a bitter divorcee.
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