Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
And you know it's ALWAYS MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOs that troll cf boards, always the moos. Duhd's are too busy working or if they are online and run across us, they read in silence regretting the moment they allowed MOOOOOOOOOOOOO to suck them into prayguncy. I have yet to remember a time, anywhere online, where a duhd has had to get in his 2 cents with the childfree. It's always the MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOs.

Which is why I hate these whores with a passion. There isn't anything I despise more than some dumb fucking MOOOOOOO. Honestly? Duhds I kinda feel sorry for sometimes. It seems they are always suckers for the moo shit. They need a good kick in the ass. On the other hand, these goddamned whores need a good kick to the curb before they can poke holes in the condoms.
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
Didn't you get the memo? They're superwomen, they can do it all, including school us on our personal decisions.

This particular new array of trolls is pretty primitive. I'd like to see some smart ones.
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
Rose Red Wrote:
> This particular new array of trolls is pretty
> primitive. I'd like to see some smart ones.

Yeah, I've seen better, lol.
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
CherryBlossom Wrote:
> Rose Red Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > This particular new array of trolls is pretty
> > primitive. I'd like to see some smart ones.
> Yeah, I've seen better, lol.

I hear that saggy milk filled boobs, lower ones IQ by 70 points.

T wo
H ousehold
I ncome
N o
K ids
E arly
R etirement
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
annie35 Wrote:
> CherryBlossom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Rose Red Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > This particular new array of trolls is pretty
> > > primitive. I'd like to see some smart ones.
> >
> > Yeah, I've seen better, lol.
> I hear that saggy milk filled boobs, lower ones IQ
> by 70 points.

LMFAO. The milk bags have a higher IQ than the breeder itself.
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
I lurk on moomie boards for kicks and giggles, but I draw the line at trolling and making rude comments, UNLIKE the whores who spew their hatred on OUR little corner of the world. I sure hope they don't go look at some of our older posts where I have copied and pasted PATHETIC moocow stories about their perverted "extended" breastfeeding 5 and 6 y/o's, their "co-sleeping" with one babyee's hand on duddy (who knows where)and the other hand on one of their udders while suckling a teat, their "bloody kotex monthly miscarriage backyard burials", and the many other things which are common to moowcows and all of our "hateful" and laugh filled comments. Yeah, I sure hope they don't see any of those, or worse, read a copied blog that they wrote about their kyd eating it's own shit, pissing on it's own bed till he's 10, their crusty or puss filled udder stories, their saggy tits and stretch mark stories, their cavernous cooter stories, or anything. It might hurt their peewins.bouncing and laughing
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
NOW you done it. You did that on purpose.
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
Um. What exactly do you all think about your own parents??
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
haha Wrote:
> Um. What exactly do you all think about your own
> parents??

Are you implying here that all breeders must automatically have great relationships with their parents?

Don't let stuff like logic get in the way of your ignorant questions.
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
haha Wrote:
> Um. What exactly do you all think about your own
> parents??

And the breeder cliches begin! smiling smiley I'm seriously beginning to wonder if there's some kind of form letter circulating on mommy boards that has a list of tried-and-true 'insults' for them to use if they ever decide to put their "busy" lives on hold and try and debate with the childfree.

Oh, but I'm sure little Miss HaHa here realizes that ONLY people with children could possibly love and respect their own parents. eye rolling smiley
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
Idiocrate Wrote:
> haha Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Um. What exactly do you all think about your
> own
> > parents??
> Are you implying here that all breeders must
> automatically have great relationships with their
> parents?
> Don't let stuff like logic get in the way of your
> ignorant questions.

hereyago, bears repeating, many-names. My relationship with my parents has NOTHING to do with this.
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
My mother passed away in 1995 at the age of 59. I wish she were still alive so she could see how I was able to rid myself of the awful commute I had to work in NYC and NJ, and eventually retire very early. I owe a lot of my money-management skills to her (not that she had an MBA in Finance), as she got me started with doing more with my money than just "putting into the bank". She would have been very proud.

NOTHING she did or did not do had anything to do with my being CF. I knew since I was 20 years old I did not want to have kyds. Shame on you, haha, for implying that we CF have inferior relationships with our parents because we are CF.
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
haha Wrote:
> Um. What exactly do you all think about your own
> parents??

Um, various things, what do you think about yours? My parents were not breeders, so I don't think of them negatively like I do of people who are considered to be in your group, if that's what you are asking. Comparing my parents to the likes of you and your herd would be like comparing apples to oranges. I can't speak for others, but I don't resent people who are parents and not breeders, I only resent entitlement minded moocows, like yourself. You know the ones; They consider a SAHM a "full time job", when there are plenty of mothers who work at PAYING jobs all across America. They dump their kids off at camp, daycares, relatives, or anywhere or with anyone who will take them in. They incessantly whine about their saggy boobs and stretch marks and blame their obesity on having had a baybee in 2003. They get knocked up for attention and resent it when other women announce a pregnancy shortly after theirs. They refuse to name a baby daddy so they can suck welfare dry and not have to work. They think that giving birth somehow makes them "special", when most any female animal can do it, forth and so on.

Your question regarding how childfree people feel about their parents is so INCREDIBLY cliche', don't you know that by now? Surely you are'nt suggesting that baybee rabid breeders, such as yourself, have good relationships with their parents simply because they provided them with a second generational replicant? It would take little effort on my part to immediately name ten people who have children who have ZERO relationship with their parents, I mean absolutely NO contact. I would imagine that more childed people are estranged from their parents than are the chilfree, soley based on the numerous cases of grandparents who are left no choice, but to raise their own grandchildren. That is bound to cause parental relationship problems, I would guess. BTW, WHERE ARE YOUR CHILDREN? Did you dump them off at Meemaw's house again?

If you can think of nothing original to say, then do the world a favor and STFU. I am certain that if you haven't already run your husband off, your zipped lip tonight would be a welcome relief. Besides,don't you have some chicken nuggets to microwave, some pissed on bedsheets to wash before tonight, or a shitty diaper to change? I am sure that in the course of an important day such as yours, you have better things to do than post online and at a place where your kind is so very NOT liked to boot.
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
Kimmy Kimmy Kimmy! There there! It was a rhetorical question, don'tcha know! You don't think they're REALLY interested in an HONEST answer do you?

But thanks for your genuine effort as usual!

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
How funny when the stinking, shit-encrusted villagers grab their torches and pitchforks and come round to pound on our doors and 'kill' us because we don't subscribe to their kid-tastic lifestyles. Heh!

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Anonymous User
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
Hey 'haha'.
Like the rest of the world, our own parents ran the gamut. And, like the rest of us, the relationships with our parents run the same course. a) do not speak or deal with them ever
b) occasional contact through phone or mail but not in person
c) occasional visits in person in addition to mail, ph
d) frequent...
you get my drift.

However, some of our parents fall into the 'stupid breeder' categories. a) should have been sterilized
b) pulled an 'oopsie' and got abandoned
c) actually were good parents.
d) were not so good, did the best they could
(or substititue single parent)
My point of views step on my mothers past quite frequently. She has given every indication it was a 'stoopid oppsie', whether deliberate or not I don't know. However, she picked an alcoholic, self centered asshole. He wasn't stupid, just drunk and irresponsible. When I have thought things out, I can trace it all the way back to my grandmother when she was born... it is a history and, while I can understand why my mom acted the way she did, I spent my years growing up 'paying' for my mothers sins. She took out all her anger on me verbally. My term for her was 'bitchmouth'. She would pick a subject and open her yap and go on and on and on and on and on.... sometimes literally for hours. I learned at an early age how to tune her out: if I actually listened to her I would have gone totally crazy.
She locked me in a suitcase when I was about 3. (long story, but she lied to me and shut me in and locked it to teach me a lesson... bitch.)
When I hit my teen years she became increasingly fearful of being abandoned and left alone. She then proceeded to act in a manner that drove me off, fulfilling her own prophesies. (she developed paranoia which exhibited at odd moments.)
I finally left when I was 24. Just walked out while she was away and was gone for over a decade. We wrote on occasion, left it at that. My (now) ex husband managed to get us 'together' again and she has calmed down immensely. I thik part of the problems might have been menopause but I don't know. She has never 'owned' anything her entire life. She either has an excuse, twists it around so it is someone elses fault, or if she does say 'sorry' behind it was '(so I can be as vicious and nasty as I want the next time. you have to say your sorry because i'm the mommy and you are the kid but I won't afford you the same courtesy because I'm the sacred mommy...) In one respect, she did the best she could but working 'AS A SINGLE MOOMMY' there was very little energy left for a child which, since kids are annoying, left her with very little patience for me. I detest the statement "I did the best I could.." I regard that as a cop-out and 'as a single moooo' bs
Well haha, you got me going...
just what is your point?
or do we have a troll here...
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
my parents taught me to think for myself, she lived her life and she shouldnt try to live through me.

my parents are caring and nuturing, but if anyone has ever looked deeply into themselves, they will see not all people should be parents.

i live my life, while i respect my parents, its my life to live how i wish.

i wasnt abused as a kid, i was brought up in a loving home. but if your kids breeder dear breeder decide not to want kids, or are gay or asexual.. or bi, what has it got to do with you how they live their life, everyone goes to hell their own way. its having fun getting there..and being true to yourself..

"to thy ownself be true" as one person once said.. i am true to myself. i was nearly like you, but i would have been so unhappy.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
poofy_puff Wrote:
> Kimmy Kimmy Kimmy! There there! It was a
> rhetorical question, don'tcha know! You don't
> think they're REALLY interested in an HONEST
> answer do you?

Tough shit because they will get one anyway.tongue sticking out smiley It takes a special kind of low mentality to post idiotic and predictable shit like these latest nestlings of hatched breeders are making anyway. My very first thought was, WHERE ARE THEIR CHILDREN?????? When they are'nt trolling on here then they are blogging on their moomie boards about their udders, their kyd's genitalia, shit, pee, potty training, their stretched out holes, etc......WHEN are they doing TMIJITW???????confused smiley I noticed that one of those women on that breast feeding/attachment parenting board, who has 5 or 6 brats, has over THIRTY NINE THOUSAND POSTS.doh face
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
Jee-zus Kee-rist! I couldn't drum up that many posts if I spent ALL FUCKING DAY sitting here doing it....and this person has 5 or 6 kids?
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
I don't know what Breedy-Readers are doing here when Chuck E Cheese is open. Maybe they ran out of other parents' heads to knock together. *snort!*

- - - - - - - -
"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> I
> noticed that one of those women on that breast
> feeding/attachment parenting board, who has 5 or 6
> brats, has over THIRTY NINE THOUSAND POSTS.doh face

Holy shit! O_o
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
CherryBlossom Wrote:
> kidlesskim Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I
> > noticed that one of those women on that breast
> > feeding/attachment parenting board, who has 5 or
> 6
> > brats, has over THIRTY NINE THOUSAND POSTS.doh face
> Holy shit! O_o

Even if that board has been around for ten years, which I don't think it has, AND she has been a member since the beginning, that is an average of FOUR THOUSAND POSTS A YEAR. I am a regular poster on my local community forum since it started about 3 years ago, and I have less than 1000 posts AND I don't have 5 or 6 kyds to raise either. Again, WHERE ARE THEIR KYDS????? NO ONE can make 4000 posts (and likely more) AND be doing TMIJITW anywhere near adequately. Also keep in mind that they are very likely posting elsewhere too, as evidenced by our latest "visitors".
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
on my forum i have done 2021 posts from end 2004, here 2789 from april 2005..

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
kidlesskim Wrote:
> CherryBlossom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > kidlesskim Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > I
> > > noticed that one of those women on that
> breast
> > > feeding/attachment parenting board, who has 5
> or
> > 6
> > > brats, has over THIRTY NINE THOUSAND
> POSTS.doh face
> >
> > Holy shit! O_o
> Even if that board has been around for ten years,
> which I don't think it has, AND she has been a
> member since the beginning, that is an average of
> FOUR THOUSAND POSTS A YEAR. I am a regular poster
> on my local community forum since it started about
> 3 years ago, and I have less than 1000 posts AND I
> don't have 5 or 6 kyds to raise either. Again,
> WHERE ARE THEIR KYDS????? NO ONE can make 4000
> posts (and likely more) AND be doing TMIJITW
> anywhere near adequately. Also keep in mind that
> they are very likely posting elsewhere too, as
> evidenced by our latest "visitors".

That just boggles my mind... Maybe she DOESN'T have any kids, but is one of those wanna-moo creeps that can't have children of their own but pretends to be childed to feel "accepted"?
Re: Breeders on the message board
December 19, 2008
Did you ever notice how schizophrenic the moobitches are on their own boards? One minute they are supporting each other with so many virtual hugs and kisses that you need an insulin injection and the next minute they are tearing away like sharks in a school of herring. Gets to be an interesting sport watching from the sidelines. I don't hang out at moo boards and have less than zero interest in doing so, but every once in a while an example gets posted here that is hard to ignore.
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