May 23, 2006
These people are such idiots! Why subject yourself to sleep deprivation?!

I had a parent conference, years ago, with the parents of a boy who was basically a pussy with legs. He was having difficulty getting along with the other students because he wouldn't share or take turns, and he had an opinion about everthing. He also cried at the drop of a hat, which made him a huge target for bullies. During the conference, his mother shared with me that she was suprised that I had called her in because she thought he was doing better. She then told me at home he had just started sleeping in his "big boy bed" at home. I taught 3rd grade! This kid was 9 years old! The other teacher that was doing the conference had to avoid eye contact with me so we wouldn't start laughing. This kid continued to be a pain in the ass pussy throughout the rest of the school year. There's really not much you can do with a child who has been completely overindulged at home, other than sit back and laugh silently to yourself as you watch the natural consequences of being a pussy unfold.

The other thing--Don't these parents want to have a sex life?!?
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
I know with the whole co-sleeping shit, the mother tends to think it's wonderful and cutesy. And I'm sure while the kid climbs into the bed for the sixth time that week, the father is trying to think of all the women who would consider sleeping with him since he probably hasn't gotten any action since the introduction of a family bed.
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
I think the co-sleeping thing is creepy and weird. It should be considered a form of child abuse.
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
What is worse is that I know a woman who still breastfeeds her four-year-old daughter! The child does not go to pre-school or any other activity but spends her days at her mother's small business. I don't think the kid was even toilet trained until she turned four.
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
Yuck! When a kid is old enough to lift up mom's shirt, unhook her bra, and latch on, something is really wrong. I had a friend in college confess to me that her nickname at home was Suzi-Nursey, because she breastfed until she was 5!!! Luckily, this girl was a fairly normal adult, but how weird!
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
That is so disgusting!

Sherz asked: "Don't these parents want to have a sex life?!?"

Hey now, there's no need for THAT anymore, since Moo already has her almighty pwecious! They will only "do it" again if she wants another baybee.
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
That's fucked up!
Lady War-Dog
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
Maybe it's the generation that I grew up in, but I agree with what KFLL is creepy and weird and smacks of "control-freak" behavior to me. Plus, it's dangerous! What if you or your spouse is a a heavy sleeper and you roll over on the kid and don't wake up to its crying/squirming?

I also think that as Sherz said, it will turn your kid into a giant puss who can't function independently. Let your kids sleep by themselves, they'll be fine!

--Lady War-Dog
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
I think the breast-feeding thing until you are 5 is also a control-freak behavior. Breast-feeding after 6 months is gross. Hell, it's just disgusting altogether. That's why bottles were invented. YUCK

Plus I think it's some sort of whacked-out turn on for the moo doing the breast-feeding.
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
Those breeders must NOT have a sex life.

lab mom
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
KidFreeLuvnLife Wrote:
> I think the breast-feeding thing until you are 5
> is also a control-freak behavior. Breast-feeding
> after 6 months is gross. Hell, it's just
> disgusting altogether. That's why bottles were
> invented. YUCK
> Plus I think it's some sort of whacked-out turn on
> for the moo doing the breast-feeding.

I thought the post 1 year breastfeeding was just freaky. 5 YEARS OLD???????? OH.GOOD.GOD.

I'm against the thought of co-sleeping w/ kids. Don't these parents want some alone time WITHOUT THE KIDS????? Parents today are f*cked up.

lab mom
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
I googled images and found this. A 2 year old breastfeeding? Really creepy!!!

Get ready to GAG yourself!

lab mom
Anonymous User
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
Waterlily...My DOG! The squickiest one by far was "Breastfeeding in Brazil c/o Margarida*. For fuck's old is that kid anyway?

I had heard about this *extended breastfeeding* nonsense, but I had never actually seen it in action before. That picture looks like some sick porno that I don't want to see.
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
I couldn't look. I just couldn't do it. The only logical reason for it might be saving money on thier food bill?
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
And then they complain if we call them cows.
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
I've also never seen the point in breast-feeding for so many damn years. I know breast milk is better for infants and what-not, but dear lord it's just so fucking unsettling to see a woman with a toddler clamped onto her tit. I agree that it looks like some kind of twisted porno - if there are female pedophiles out there, that site is probably a sanctuary for them.

Here's a question I'd like to pose to you guys: What do you think of kids sleeping in the parent's bed when there is only one parent in the picture (single parent, spouse is away, etc.)? Is that as bad as co-sleeping with two parents?
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
I slept in my Mom's bed during the winter, because we lived in a "long" apartment and my room was furthest from the gaz furnace - so it was freezing in there. My Mom's room was closest to the heat, and she had an electric blanket too. But that's IT! A valid reason, at least, IMO.
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
For warmth would be a valid reason--that's survival. I think in a single parent situation it is a really bad idea. I've known too many people who turn the kids into little adults by making them their confidant in the absence of the other parent. A healthy parent should want that time to his or herself, and the child needs to learn the independence of sleeping in their own bed. Everyone sleeping in their own space is an excellent way to establish parent/child boundaries. I think there are temporary exceptions to this, like if a child is sick, or if one parent is on a short business trip.
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
I remember reading in another forum about a three or four year old who, after sucking on its moo's boob, jumped off her lap and walked off with a loud burb and a sigh of "ahhh!" GROSS.

What's up with the ad for the nursing bras on the breastfeeding site: "Glamourmoms" ??! That's a contradiction in terms.
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 23, 2006
Where is CPS or DCFS in this situation? Surely, someone in authority in that area must think this is disgusting?!
Lady War-Dog
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 24, 2006
I think that when the kid is old enough to walk, that's the time to wean (usually 9-12 months, IIRC). Jesus, what do these EBF women do when Junior starts demanding his snack in public? I mean, lots of people are already squicked out when they see a woman breastfeeding an infant in public (I think it's fine if done discreetly) but at least the infant will not yell, "I want my nurple!" at the top of its lungs and embarass the hell out of you. Let's face it, kids are not exactly subtle, especially when they are being denied something they want.

I personally would throw up if someone breastfed their 5 yo in front of me and then rush to the phone to call CPS. It looks/sounds too much like pedophilia to me.

--Lady War-Dog

PS: Hey, anybody remember that documentary made in Great Britian about EBF? There was a lady on there who was still BFing her 8 yo daughter. WHY?!?
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 24, 2006
Gross. I swear those nasty pervs are so obsessed with their boobs and their babyees. Breeders are wierd.

lab mom
mercurior 1
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 24, 2006
this was in the other days times.

'Hundreds of babies' killed by sleeping with parents
By Nigel Hawkes, Health Editor,,170-2191113,00.html

UP TO 300 babies are smothered to death accidentally each year in beds or on sofas, according to a coroner in Yorkshire.
Roger Whittaker said yesterday that midwives should warn mothers of the dangers of falling asleep next to their infants.

Mr Whittaker, who covers Bradford, Calderdale and Kirklees, said that in the past two years he had dealt with a dozen cases of children being smothered accidentally.

He said that coroners in West Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire have seen similar numbers of cases. If the pattern were repeated across the country, that would mean 300 babies were dying each year in this way.

The Department of Health, in a leaflet published last year, advised parents: “The safest place for your baby to sleep is in a cot in your room for the first six months. While it’s lovely to have your baby with you for a cuddle or a feed, it’s safest to put your baby back in their cot before you go to sleep.”

It gives a warning against smoking or taking alcohol or drugs while sharing a bed with a baby and adds: “There is also a risk that you might roll over in your sleep and suffocate your baby, or that your baby could get caught between the wall and the bed, or could roll out and be injured. Never sleep with a baby on a sofa or armchair.”

A study in the Bristol area found that sofas were particularly dangerous, perhaps because the baby can be trapped between the mother and the back of the furniture.

Mr Whittaker has issued several statements about the dangers of sleeping with babies after the death last September of Keitha Briggs, who was five weeks old.

Keitha’s mother, Lisa Briggs, had lost another daughter, three-week-old Cerese, in the same away in 2002. Both babies were smothered after she had taken them into bed and then fallen asleep
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 24, 2006
I know two women who did/is doing the co-sleeping thing with their child.

The one who used to do it reciently confessed to me that she didn't like sex with her ex-husband. Her son suffers from anxiety and would get scared at night so he would come in and sleep on their floor. Last time I went over to her house while she was still married he had a little bed in the corner of their bedroom. Sadly, her son is a gigantic pussy as well I feel bad for him and now his mom has gone harcore fundie so I don't see him toughening up anytime soon.

The one who is doing it now has a seven year old son. She is also stuck in an unhappy marriage and doesn't enjoy sex with her husband so she allows the kid to sleep with them all the time. Dad isn't too happy about the arrangement of course.

I broke up with my fiancee last year, and except for the kid we had alot in common as far as our relationships go. After I broke up with my ex she would tell me how jealous she was of me since I wasn't stuck in a marriage since I didn't have to worry about kids.

Her kid is not a pussy in fact he's very confident and outgoing. But then she's an actual parent.

So yes, some women do it to get out of sex with thier husbands. I couldn't imagine being stuck in a marriage like that.
leaning toward childfree
Re: 1434-Co-Sleeping
May 24, 2006
I have to admit, as a child with severe anxiety and going through torment, I slept in my parent's bed because it was the only place I felt loved and safe and I didn't get nightmares or insomnia.

Jesus Christ. on that breastfeeding site there's a kid with milk all over her face and I swear to God it looks just like Bukkake.
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