Anonymous User
#1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 07, 2006
My DOG, does this shit ever frost my pumpkin!

My favorite cat, Mitty the Kitty, turns 13 this year. I have had him and his sister, Dusty, since they were kittens. But Mitty has always been *my special*. We also have six other cats.

The fact that Mitty and Dusty are now well into middle age/senior catizenship makes me realize all the more that the day will come soon when they leave us. Maybe they will live to be 20-25. Or maybe not.

I can NEVER imagine being "done with them", or having "no feelings" about them! That is a DISGUSTING way to think about a pet who someone claimed to love for so long.

There is a special place in hell for people like this evil bitch. I, too, hope the husband dumps her ass, let's see how SHE likes being abandoned like yesterday's garbage.

Karma's a bitch.
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 07, 2006
I know what you mean, Catmommy - I am so disgusted too! Evil creatures who think like that are not even human, as far as I'm concerned. How can her husband even stand to look at her?

I hope your sweet kitties will live a very long, healthy, happy life. I am very scared too, because my adorable "girls" are both 10 now, so I know the day will come. I can't help but cry when I am holding them and start thinking that they might be gone soon. I wish cats (and dogs) lived a lot longer than they do.
Anonymous User
#1518: Disposible children
June 07, 2006
This breaks my heart to hear. I really can't understand why people get like this after having a child. It's one thing to say you are overwhelmed by having both pets and children but so many of these new breeders just see their faithful pet as something to be chucked away when they shit out a brat. Plus some of these people have such a contemptous attitude toward their pets too after they sprog. That has always kind of freaked me out. I think some of them get pets so they can be mommy to something before they find some poor man to knock them up.

I mentioned my old, blind pomeranian that I got back from a now breeder friend. She first took him in after I couldn't find an apartment in SF that took dogs, and she begged me to let her have him. I thought it was a good match because she had more time to hang out with him than I did. She was so in love with that dog, he slept in the bed with her and ate off her plate. Once she had kids the dogs were thrown outside and ignored. My poor pom was dirty and matted all the time as were the husbands two cockers. They all developed cateracts because there were out in the sun all the time.

They went from being "her babies" to "just dogs".

While she wasn't as cruel as other breeders I've heard about but the attitude change was still there. And is that really such a good attitude to pass along to your children? That animals are disposible?

It's like the shit out their common decency with the placenta.
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 07, 2006
That rant made me sick! I hate people like that...the ones who don't even have enough conscience to be ashamed!
Those poor animals! It makes me sick that someone can throw away an innocent being like that. Just because cats and dogs can't talk doesn't mean that they don't have feelings.
Luckily there are still SOME people out there who can procreate and still have compassion for animals. My PNB co-worker's dog is having major problems due to old age. One night she came in crying because her dog's problems were worse than normal and she was afraid that she would have to put her dog down. Her dog is a member of the family as much as her 3 year old son is.
And my PNB older brother is continuing the family tradition of teaching children to respect animals. His almost 4 year old daughter is VERY gentle towards both of my cats. She didn't try to pull their tails or any of that other malicious crap that tots do.
I just can't imagine tossing out my 2 furbabies for anything. I have had both of them since they were kittens. My girl turns 11 August 25th and my boy turns 8 July 15th (birthdates were determined by the vet when she estimated their ages in weeks and I backtracked on the calander for a "birthday"). It really sucks that cats and dogs have shorter lives than people sad smiley
Anonymous User
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 07, 2006
Please tell me they are not all like that cunt! How can you be friends with someone like that? I hate breeders, I do, I really hate babies with a passion maybe someday it will be socially acceptable. I love animals with a passion,they give you unconditional love.

"Everytime I hear the word baby,I reach for my gun."
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 07, 2006
Dear lord, you'd think having a pet for that long, the woman would have had stronger and deeper feelings for it. I fucking hate it when people just dispose of their pets, especially if the animals are still healthy, even in old age. My cat Mollie passed away last summer, about a week after his 15th birthday. I knew he was getting old and he wouldn't be around forever, but it still hit me hard when he died, especially considering he was still chasing imaginary things and playing with my hair and being his goofy self up until about a month before he died. I could never ever give up my pets because of some fucking kid - I'd sooner throw the kid out in the backyard harnessed to a pole than I would even consider re-homing or euthanizing my pets. People who treat animals as if they are toys that can be tossed aside or destroyed deserve to be put to sleep themselves, be cremated, and have their ashes be used as cat litter.

I'm also hoping for karma to come back and bite that heartless bitch in the ass - may her husband leave her sorry ass for a childfree woman who also happens to be a cat owner.
Anonymous User
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 07, 2006
Cambion, I am so sorry about your precious Mollie. I have been there, in that I lost a beloved pet.

Four years ago, we made the painful decision to have our Mister Bill euthanized. He was very sick and there was nothing that could be done to save his life. We spent a wad of cash, and even drove halfway across the state to Tufts Veterinary Hospital to see what could be done, but sadly, nothing could be done. But at least we tried.

I held him in my arms as he died, and Catdaddy was there, too. The vet let us have as much time as we needed to be with Mister Bill after it happened. I could not stop crying. Even Catdaddy, who does not cry much, sobbed as well. I'm tearing up now just remembering this whole thing. It never really goes away.

We had him cremated, and we now have his ashes in a nice wooden urn with his picture on it.

We still miss the big guy, and we always will. But we made the choice we did to spare him any further pain and suffering, and not for our own convenience. We know we did the right thing for him.

Anyone who can have an animal put down, for any reason, and not feel anything over it, is one of the lowest forms of life.
Some people have children because they want unconditional love and they think children will give it to them. I recall a friend whose parents were divorced saying that she was going to have a lot of kids so she would still have people to love her even if her husband divorced her. I recall another friend telling me that she wanted children "so that they will adore me." These people expect babies to come into this world and make them happy. A helpless infant can't "make" an unhappy person happy. It's ridiculous to expect that. Infants and children are needy. They are the ones that need unconditional love. I wish that people like this would not have kids. They will only be disappointed.

I adopted a cat from the Humane Society last January, and apparently her previous owners didn't want her anymore because she didn't fit their lifestyle anymore. The Humane Society was very vague about why the owners didn't want her anymore. She was only a couple months old when I adopted her. Who gives up a kitten? What kind of lifestyle does a kitten not fit into? She needs food, water, a clean litter box and love. That's pretty easy. The volunteer at the Humane Society picked her to give to me because she said that the kitten had been in the shelter for 2 weeks and was getting very depressed. The volunteer really wanted me to take her home. I did. She follows me around everywhere, from room to room. It's a good thing that I work from home and I am here, because she seems so needy and she doesn't really play. She is not like my childhood cat, Holly, at all. Holly would play for hours with a plastic milk cap or a piece of aluminum foil. I wonder what her previous owners did to her.
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 08, 2006
My Mollie also used to play with plastic milk caps. When we were done with the gallon container or just opened a new one, the cap or the plastic seal would get tossed on the floor and Mollie would chase it around the kitchen. I swear, that cat had so many quirks and habits - I've never known a cat that was as eccentric as him. Between running laps around the living room, drinking out of the toilet and the bathtub, sleeping in the sink, looking at what's in the refrigerator when the door was open, sleeping with all four feet up in the air...the list trails.

As much as I still love and miss my old boy, the worst part is that I have always celebrated his birthday on my birthday (since he ran into my house on my birthday 15 years ago and I never knew where he came from or how old he was when he came, considering I was only 3). I don't think I'll be able to have any kind of celebration on my birthday ever again without my old boy there to celebrate with me.
This is excruciatingly painful to read. Why do the same jerks that think it is sooooo sad when summat happens to a brat or baybee have no feelings when it comes to animals. I'd like to see the piece of shit in the rant given lethal injection with no one to care just like she did to her cat.

I've lost furbabies before, and you're right, CatMommy, It Never Goes Away. I still miss my Tax and my Patrick. Patrick played with the little caps that go on sports water bottles. There's still one deep in a corner of my room, and I just can't bear to throw it away. It's been there 2 years. He was my little baby.
As a huge cat lover, this pisses the shit out of me. I would like to euthanize that bitch, and take her cats home with me to love in thier last days. How dare she! I've got to go snuggle my kitties after reading this!!

Two summers ago I almost lost my youngest cat to bladder stones. My husband and I were willing to go to any length to save her. She was so sick. I was like a zombie with sadness. Thankfully, our vet was able to operate, and get her back on track, although it took a while. Other than being a bit overweight, she is doing great now. Making the decision to put an animal to sleep is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I've had to put a MUCH loved bird and a MUCH loved bunny to sleep, and I'm teary-eyed now just writing about it. It's a decision of humanity, not selfishness. I hope Karma bites this woman in the ass!!!!!!!
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 08, 2006
I have known people personally who did this shit and you are all correct in saying they are the lowest forms of human life on this planet. When I hear their canned excuses of WHY they are tossing the pets aside, I just want to bitch slap them into next week. They get an earful from me. My friends who work at animal shelters have horror stories of moos dropping off the famblee pet - giving the usual excuses of, "we just don't have time anymore" or "Shitford has allergies."

I hope when they are old, they lie rotting in a filthy second-rate state nursing home with no one to visit them. There's that unconditional love for ya. My friends and I take our pets to nursing homes once a month and let me tell you, there aren't too many visitors there and the old folks just LOOOOOVE the animals! One man sat telling me how he much prefers animals to people. I hear ya on that one!

The safety, happiness and health of my pets comes before anything. As I sit here at my desk and look at the pictures of their smiling little faces, I can't imagine what kind of issues a person who tosses their pets aside must have.

Rule of thumb: if you have kids or will EVER have kids, don't have pets. Stick to ruining a kid's life.
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 08, 2006
Oh Sherz, 2 summers ago, I too, also almost lost my beloved Sammy Cat - the diabetic - to bladder stones. It was AWFUL. But he pulled through. He had another brush with death January 2005 when he became diabetic and crashed, they could almost not save him. We call him our "special needs" furball. LOL

Maybe I should get a magnet for my car with "I have a special needs child" on it with a picture of a kitty? LOL
I think you should be able to get disability for your kitty, KFLL! I'm glad he's doing well now. The nursing home would be real justice for that bitch. ONe that specializes in bedsores and broken hips! She'll wish she had the love of her pets then!
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 08, 2006
My cat Rolly was very ill last year because of a bladder stone. He just laid on my bed all day and night and wailed in pain. My mom and I didn't know what was wrong with him, and since I didn't have a job and she had little money, she was reluctant to take him to the vet. Finally she saw how worried I was about him...and as much as she bitches about the cats, I know she loves them too, so she took him to get examined. Rolly did have a bladder stone and now he has to eat a special food for urinary tract problems. Still...we were told that if we let him go for a couple more days, he would have died. He's only had a UTI once since the stone, which was over a year ago.

I was just thinking...when my mom yells at the cats to get off the kitchen counters or table, they don't listen - especially my girl Caspurr. Does that mean my cats have autism, or oppositional defiant disorder? I can probably get one of those "my child has autism" bumper stickers and attach pictures of all my cats.

The dog has similar problems, but just not with jumping on the table.
Anonymous User
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 08, 2006
I had to have my dog Sebastian, who I've mentioned previously put to sleep a couple of years ago because he had arthritus so badly he couldn't walk anymore and as a once active dog. I felt it was unfair for him to have to lie there day after day while we tried to confort him. It was very difficult to do but it was within his best interest. I still miss him and my first cat Harley who died about five years ago.

My younger cat, Choo Choo Bear, gets chronic UTIs and has had to go to the emergency room twice and currently is on special food and meds to keep it in check. Hopefully I can get him x-rayed soon and get him fixed up permanately so he won't have to go through that I won't have to worry about him when I'm not home.

Some of the people at work think I'm stupid for spending so much money on my boy but animals aren't disposable to me and I let them fully know that.

But, I would do anything for my two little fuzzballs and I feel if you have an animal then you have a responsibility to that animal, to take care of it, feed, love and provide medical assistance for them as needed. If this is too much work for you then don't bother getting an animal. You won't die if you dont have a cat to neglect.

Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 08, 2006
I know this might be an odd story, but last month I had to bury my goldfish, Bah, who I'd had for 13 years, and I was much more upset about it than I expected. I know they're not really the most personable of pets but Bah was a pretty cool fish who really liked his spot right next to the couch. He'd spit rocks against the side of the tank to get attention, and particularly liked to chase fingers back and forth. Every once in a while I'd put my finger in his tank and he'd come up and give it a little nibble. Anyway, it was pretty depressing to wake up one morning and see he wasn't doing all that well. I had to bury him in the back yard as I just couldn't bring myself to flush him.

Anyway, I've learned over the course of my life that losing a pet is always hard, and oftentimes it's made harder by people who just don't understand the companionship and joy they can bring.
It is getting harder and harder to be friends w/ her.

But that is the story of my life.....

have friends, lose them to sprogging.

meet new friends, lose them to sprogging.

meet even newer friends,...well, you get the idea.

I put time and effort into these people, it is hard to drop them like a hot potato. Once the sperm meets the egg, you know it is going to happen sooner or later. If the new moo pal doesn't drop you b/c a lack of time and an indulgence of their sprog obsession, then their personality changes to the Stepford Moo slowly but surely and they start saying dumb shit like, "you don't think of your pets after you shit one out".

My condolences Feh. I understand why you buried and didn't flush. Coincidentially, my goldfish of 6 years also just died last month. I did the same thing, buried him with a little unmarked headstone and a small American flag. My hubby thought I was nuts, but I'm sure it didn't surprise him. That little fish was a good friend to me when I needed him and when I was temporarily separated from my 22 year old cat. Then, later, he brought much amusement to her when I did live with her again. I wasn't going to flush.

Since your fish was so old, I have a Q for you: Did people, especially breeders, act soooo surprised and almost oddly that your fish lived so long. People/breeders certainly acted odd about it to me. Like, they too are just a disposable pet for their sprog to look at for a couple of weeks and you get rid of them. To them, their early deaths are to be expected, and certainly aren't the breeders fault for not researching proper care,etc., and just let sproggy over feed and under clean it. Sometime when I tell them that goldfish actually live up to 25 years old, they look at me w/ astonishment and sometimes I even see a tinge of guilt in their eye, that they quickly try to rid themselves of, b/c of course, sprogy is more important to their thought and they ain't going to waste any energy on the living thing they bought sproggy.

Think I'm tired of breeders yet????
Anonymous User
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 08, 2006
I had a black siamese fighting fish I brought to SF with me when I moved there. I had to leave my dog and fish tank behind so he and my scorpion were my only companions.

That fish went everywhere with me. We started in a residental hotel and then moved in with a psycho roomate then stayed with friends for a short time until I found a better place to live. Once when I went out of town for a few days I had a friend watch him and she said he sulked the whole time. He wouldn't eat or swim around until I got back then he was normal again.

When he passed at the ripe old age of 2 1/2 I burried him in my favorite plant.

The scorpion was dried and mounted when he went to the big terrarium in the sky. tongue sticking out smiley
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 08, 2006
does it seem that animals live longer around us cf, longer than normal.

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 08, 2006
Fortunately, my childed friends are PNB. However, once Bah reached the advanced age of around 7, everyone would comment on his longevity. I would leave notes for whomever was taking care of him (and my cats) while I was out of town warning them that he was an old fish, and if he were to die in their care, not to feel bad and to put his corpse in a plastic baggy in the freezer. After he turned 10 or so, I stopped warning people.

I did go through many, many goldfish when I was a child. Mostly because we'd keep two in a gallon bowl, A LOT of people do not know how much room fish need to thrive (think 1 inch of fish per gallon). I didn't really figure it out until Bah outlived his partner in the small bowl, and I moved him to a 5 gallon upright on his own. By the time he died, he was living all by himself in a a 13 gallon bowl that my SO had given us for christmas, and was about 5 inches long.
Anonymous User
Re: #1518 - Cat-killing breederscum
June 08, 2006
Merc, you are probably right about that. We CF do not abandon our animals in favor of hatching The Almighty Loaf. Nor do we cut back on veterinary care so that we can use the money to buy a gas-guzzling moo-mobile and a shitload of kindercrap.

We also don't have nasty little sprogs who will abuse the pets in any way.
Wow, Feh, I'm glad Bah had such a nice long life with you. It's funny how attached we become to even the smallest of creatures. You don't even want to hear my story of when Lucy the anole died. It's just too sad.
Growing up, we had a cat named Belinda that lived to be 20 years old. She was a sweet, loveable kitty that mom brought home one evening from the shelter when I was six, and she died three days after I turned 26. I miss her. We took excellent care of Belinda and she was an indoor kitty. Belinda was very special to me because I had leukemia growing up, and she always stayed near me and took care of me emotionally when I had chemotherapy. She was one of the pioneering therapeutic animals, and she was just so sweet.

Misty, my DW and I have a beautiful cat named Dolly that we found abandoned in a field where we had parked for a picnic. She crawled into our car and right into the picnic basket. We found her when she started purring after she had eaten about a pound of chicken salad! What a sweet little lady she is, and she is now about 12. She is another indoor kitty and is a frequent flyer at the vet for checkups and good health care.

I know its kind of strange for a guy to be a cat person, but I have always loved cats and dogs, with kitties having a special place in my heart because of Belinda and Dolly.

Fuck that bitch with a 90 foot flagpole. Anyone who throws any loving, trusting animal out of their heart like that will probably end up being committed to the nutbarn when her brats decide to grab her money and property. And you are right...Karma is a bitch and that bitch is due for a whole boat-fucking-load of it.
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