Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
Yesterday I stopped in at my local pet/feed store to pick up some wild birdseed and another feeder. As I got out of my car, I saw a mawm getting out of an SUV with two girls, about 7-8 years old, and the three of them followed me into the store. As I looked at all the different styles of bird feeders (this took some time, because they were in three separate aisles) I could hear the constant yammering of these two girls. They seemed well behaved, not running around the place, but the chatter was continuous and mind-numbing, like listening to a pair of magpies. You could hear those two high-pitched voices throughout the entire place, and I have NO idea what they were yapping about. At one point when they were one aisle over from me, one of the kids kept trying to get Mawm's attention with the "Right, Mom, right?" tactic--and she never answered them. I muttered under my breath, "don't they ever shut up?" as I made my final selection, and went to the checkout. If I had to listen to that non-stop noise every goddamned day, I think I'd wear earplugs or would be a raging alcoholic. Or both.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
I hate kids like that. I'd be tempted to put them in a ball gag 24/7 to stop the noise.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
Sounds familiar. I was out walking my dogs when I noticed people had moved in above me. The lights were on in the bedroom and I see the trendy name wall lettering so popular with kid rooms spelling out "ELIJAH". I thought "oh shit, here we go..."

Little did I know. Elijah is an elephant child. He also goes from 5 am (when I get up for work) till 10 pm (when I finally fall asleep.) The ceiling fans shake and my dogs bark constantly. Elijah also seems to have two volumes: "loud" and "LSU on game day stadium".

Wanna bet the parents lob a complaint to the office about my dogs barking? My reply will be that they are barking because it sounds like they are throwing couches on the second floor.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
Wanna bet the parents lob a complaint to the office about my dogs barking? My reply will be that they are barking because it sounds like they are throwing couches on the second floor.

Get your complaint in first!
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
Even when I am around kids who I like, like my nephews and niece, it's EXHAUSTIVE putting up with the constant chatter and litany of, "AUNT KIM", .."...but AUNT KIM!", ..."AUNT KIM, COME LOOK AT THIS!!!!", until it all starts running together..........'AUNTKIMAUNTKIMAUNTKIM!!!!!!!", and my head starts swimming until it gives me a headache. Each is vying for my UNDIVIDED attention and talking over one another so fast, so much, and louder and louder that sometimes I make the umpire signal and yell out, "HALT! ONE at the time, please!". :smn After an hour or so of enduring this, I am a nervous wreck.:crz

I will be going home for Christmas and haven't seen those two kyds since last year and you can BET YOUR ASS that they will try and "catch up" in the first 30 minutes. I will try and arrive in the middle of the night so I can at LEAST get come sleep before they start in on me.eye rolling smiley THAT'S annoying enough, but the stranger-kyds who I have had the misfortune of overhearing the relentless babble and chatter is more than I can usually take for any length of time. Do they just talk to hear themselves speak? It sure seems like it because I can't actually understand a WORD that they are saying! They may as well be speaking in a foreign language because all I hear is constant jibberish.ranting

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
Whatever happened to "Children should be seen but not heard"?
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
I was just in the grocery store picking up a few festive items and some wine; it was rather a slow Saturday afternoon and I was enjoying a slow survey of the various departments, gathering ideas for treats for upcoming guests and even little gift items (spices, etc.) I may add to some people's gifts.

Naturally I'm standing there pondering the cheese display when some moo and her kyd hove up. "Where's the cubed cheddar? where's the cubed cheddar? Liam do you see the cubed cheddar? Ched-dar? CHED-DAR?"

JFC. I look over and it's some spiffed-up sahmoo sporting a trendy ski jacket and lots of jewelry with a little girl (Liam?) with long scraggly unkempt curly hair. The both of them just wouldn't shut the fuck up. "Well let's see what Mrs. Wilson's recipe says again... yes cubed cheddar. CHED-DAR Liam, help me is swiiiiisss cheeeeesee... and brieeeee but i don't see ched-dar, do you Liam?......." Meanwhile the kid, roughly age 7, was off on her own monologue that had nothing to do with paying attention to or responding to her mother. I couldn't believe it and finally gave the bitch a look for disrupting my focus on the gruyere and havarti. Finally she heaved a sigh and said (get thissmiling smiley "Well, I guess we are just going to have to cut it up ourselves..." like she was going to have to milk the fucking cow and skim the curds! They meandered off, still both voicing their disconnected, disjointed babbling. I saw them in the laundry detergent aisle and moo was chirping "Liam, do you want to help me scan our items? Sca--ann? Then we are going to CVS and you can help mommy get our shampoo...." all the while Liam was staring at jugs of Tide and muttering to herself. It was eerie. (And no disability involved, I assure you.)

Meanwhile two other little brats had picked out books in the magazine area, sprawling across the floor in front of the display so I was unable to navigate that area and left without the mags I'd intended to buy as stocking stuffers. Later they rounded a corner, both of them with their noses stuck in the goddamned books, against traffic, and careened into my cart. Frankly I could've veered it out of their way but didn't bother, just said "Excuse me" in a dryly bitchy tone as they ricocheted off into the canned pasta sauce. Their moo started whispering "pay attention" but she had that defeated look and the two girls just ignored her and continued reading their books.

And these vapid dimwits honestly believe we are envious of THEM? I came home, unpacked, got a glass of wine, lighted some scented candles, set out some appetizers, laid a fire and tidied up in anticipation of an enjoyable overnight visit from one of my favorite men. Liam's mom is home cubing the cheddar for Mrs. Wilson's recipe with her spooky little spawn at her side and the other girls' mother clearly is already at the bottom of the pecking order in her family, even below the 7 and 8 year old girls she gave birth too. Yeah, I'm burning with jealousy. devil with smile
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
I saw some of that lately. The kids go:mom mom mom mom literally, and the moo/duh ignore and don't pay attention and are stuck in their own perpetual hell. Bed.Made.Lie. No sympathy here, condoms are cheap, and they could of been more responsible.

lab mom
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
I was just in the grocery store picking up a few festive items and some wine; it was rather a slow Saturday afternoon and I was enjoying a slow survey of the various departments, gathering ideas for treats for upcoming guests and even little gift items (spices, etc.) I may add to some people's gifts.

Naturally I'm standing there pondering the cheese display when some moo and her kyd hove up. "Where's the cubed cheddar? where's the cubed cheddar? Liam do you see the cubed cheddar? Ched-dar? CHED-DAR?"

JFC. I look over and it's some spiffed-up sahmoo sporting a trendy ski jacket and lots of jewelry with a little girl (Liam?) with long scraggly unkempt curly hair. The both of them just wouldn't shut the fuck up. "Well let's see what Mrs. Wilson's recipe says again... yes cubed cheddar. CHED-DAR Liam, help me is swiiiiisss cheeeeesee... and brieeeee but i don't see ched-dar, do you Liam?......." Meanwhile the kid, roughly age 7, was off on her own monologue that had nothing to do with paying attention to or responding to her mother. I couldn't believe it and finally gave the bitch a look for disrupting my focus on the gruyere and havarti. Finally she heaved a sigh and said (get thissmiling smiley "Well, I guess we are just going to have to cut it up ourselves..." like she was going to have to milk the fucking cow and skim the curds! They meandered off, still both voicing their disconnected, disjointed babbling. I saw them in the laundry detergent aisle and moo was chirping "Liam, do you want to help me scan our items? Sca--ann? Then we are going to CVS and you can help mommy get our shampoo...." all the while Liam was staring at jugs of Tide and muttering to herself. It was eerie. (And no disability involved, I assure you.)

Meanwhile two other little brats had picked out books in the magazine area, sprawling across the floor in front of the display so I was unable to navigate that area and left without the mags I'd intended to buy as stocking stuffers. Later they rounded a corner, both of them with their noses stuck in the goddamned books, against traffic, and careened into my cart. Frankly I could've veered it out of their way but didn't bother, just said "Excuse me" in a dryly bitchy tone as they ricocheted off into the canned pasta sauce. Their moo started whispering "pay attention" but she had that defeated look and the two girls just ignored her and continued reading their books.

And these vapid dimwits honestly believe we are envious of THEM? I came home, unpacked, got a glass of wine, lighted some scented candles, set out some appetizers, laid a fire and tidied up in anticipation of an enjoyable overnight visit from one of my favorite men. Liam's mom is home cubing the cheddar for Mrs. Wilson's recipe with her spooky little spawn at her side and the other girls' mother clearly is already at the bottom of the pecking order in her family, even below the 7 and 8 year old girls she gave birth too. Yeah, I'm burning with jealousy. devil with smile
man, you were brat stalked.

lab mom
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
Liam's mom is home cubing the cheddar for Mrs. Wilson's recipe with her spooky little spawn at her side and the other girls' mother clearly is already at the bottom of the pecking order in her family, even below the 7 and 8 year old girls she gave birth too. Yeah, I'm burning with jealousy.

In either case, I cannot imagine living such a hellish life.
Srsly, I'd be buying vodka by the case just to get through the day.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
I'd rather buy (and enjoy) my gourmet food than to be stuck with kid friendly crap. BLECH! two faces puking two faces puking

lab mom
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 04, 2010
I had a fifteen year-old boy try that attention-getting shit in my classroom one day. I was standing on the side of another student's desk, explaining something about the assignment. . It was obvious that the two of us were busy, as I was pointing at her paper, she was nodding, and we were conversing. So this a-hole decided to say my name over and over again to get my attention. Well, he got it all right. I finally turned on him and yelled, "Blake! SHUT UP!" He then tried to defend himself, "Well...uh...I needed to ask you something!" I responded that he could CLEARLY SEE that I was busy talking to another students, and he was so annoying that I didn't care what he had to ask, and if I heard another PEEP out of him, he was going to the office. He looked stunned, so I followed up with, "You aren't three, and I'm not your mother, so knock it off!" That was the end of that. This was clearly learned behavior that he did with his mother. I just love to see the stunned expressions on the spoiled little fuckers' faces when teacher won't give in to them, like moomie does.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010
I'm a substitute teacher for the time being. I'd like to become a full-time science teacher someday.

The other day I was subbing for P.E. class and there was an 8th-grade brat who started crying every time I told him to stop misbehaving. I couldn't believe it. His classmates said he does that kind of thing all the time for attention. I was ready to backhand the little shit by the end of that period. I should have just sent him to the office.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010
Tell them "OW! That hurts! when kids start screeching. I find they usually say I'm sorry, probably because they are not used to an adult telling them their screams hurt. (and they do!)
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010

Yeah, I was in a B&N trying to scan some books I was looking to purchase and some brat was 5 feet away babbling VERY LOUDLY on and on and on and on and on and on and on, fake babble reading out loud from some book.

Irritating as all hell.
Tatayanna K.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010
marco polo
I'm a substitute teacher for the time being. I'd like to become a full-time science teacher someday.

The other day I was subbing for P.E. class and there was an 8th-grade brat who started crying every time I told him to stop misbehaving. I couldn't believe it. His classmates said he does that kind of thing all the time for attention. I was ready to backhand the little shit by the end of that period. I should have just sent him to the office.

My husband once told me his sister often did things like that to get her way, and his mother caved in almost every time. She'd cry and have temper tantrums, even when she was still around 20 or so years old and the minute she got what she wanted, the tears went away.

Whenever she didn't get what she wanted in school or didn't like something, Mom, and more often than not it was Mom, sometimes against Dad's wishes, would go down to the school and scream, and they often gave in. One example of this is she didn't like the English teacher she had and Mom raised hell, so the principal agreed to teach her, and a few of her friends she felt were too good for that teacher, separately, while others who had complained got told just to deal with it. She got cut from the swim team one year and Mom of course raised hell and she was given a position on the diving team, which she didn't even try out for, instead, which she later quit because she didn't want to be on a losing team. This was supposedly an elite private school in the area and I can't see an elite school coddling someone like that. My husband says they did it because there was money on the line if they didn't. His mother, even 20 years later, still hasn't forgiven him for being turned down for admission to that school, but he's now kind of glad they didn't take him.

He thinks even though he went to public high school, he did better because at 22, he was working full time, in his own apartment, basically supporting himself, while she was flunking out of medical school because they wouldn't cater to her like everywhere else did. She also tried physical therapy school and washed out of there for the same reasons. She did later go to law school and graduated, passed the bar, and so forth, but has a hard time keeping a job because she thinks she should be worshiped because she always had the high grades. My husband says grades matter less and less once you get into the working world and what it takes to make it in the working world isn't necessarily what it takes to earn good grades.

Tatayanna K.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010
My nephew's daughter has a voice like a ringing alarm clock. When she was visiting my mother I had to hide in the bathroom to get away from it - and even then I was so anxious that I filed my fingernails too short. How in hell can people listen to that shit? It's torture!
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010
I was a talker as a little kid - but my parents and older siblings would tell me, "Okay...that's enough talking. You need to be quiet now, and give others a chance to speak." So that's how I learned not to be an annoying chatterbox, and hog conversations. Breeders would never tell their kids to be quiet, because it might damage their precious self-esteem. So then they enter school, and the teachers have to do it. For the first time in their young lives, they are stunned that they aren't allowed to prattle on and on for hours.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010
WE were having breakfast this morning and a little kid almost got parked next to me at the counter, but a table opened up just in the nick of time.

Then at another table nearby there was this constant "Mamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamamama" for about what seemed like 20 minutes, but was probably really about 5 minutes.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Miss_Hannigan NLI
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010
"Teachable moments" really are desperate cries for attention. Just watch the moo searching for approving nods for her little theatrical performance. I'll be hearing ched-dar in my nightmares.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010
Whatever happened to "Children should be seen but not heard"?

it's now "they HAVE to express themselves"....
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010
I was a talker as a little kid - but my parents and older siblings would tell me, "Okay...that's enough talking. You need to be quiet now, and give others a chance to speak." So that's how I learned not to be an annoying chatterbox, and hog conversations. Breeders would never tell their kids to be quiet, because it might damage their precious self-esteem. So then they enter school, and the teachers have to do it. For the first time in their young lives, they are stunned that they aren't allowed to prattle on and on for hours.

the funny part is-that whole self esteem thing? it's not all that important. in fact, it can be pretty bad to boost self esteem. violent criminals have high self esteem, while most successful people have low self esteem.

here's another fun thing, related, imo: narcissism is no longer listed as a mental disorder.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010
here's another fun thing, related, imo: narcissism is no longer listed as a mental disorder.

It's narcissistic personality disorder. That's worse than calling it a mental disorder, isn't it?

some random source:
"Personality problems are quite different from all other types of mental disorders. Anxiety and depression, for example, might come on suddenly or be upset by specific circumstances. Character or personality disorders, on the other hand, tend to be deeply rooted, more encompassing, and broader in spectrum. Likewise, treating such a disorder is perhaps more difficult, and in some cases intractable, primarily because these traits are intimately related to the core of the person's sense of self."
Anonymous User
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 05, 2010

Naturally I'm standing there pondering the cheese display when some moo and her kyd hove up. "Where's the cubed cheddar? where's the cubed cheddar? Liam do you see the cubed cheddar? Ched-dar? CHED-DAR?"

I think people who do shit like this are doing it on purpose because they get a little thrill out of the fact that the total stranger in the grocery store miiiight be a little envious of them. I would bet money that this woman was thinking in her head "I have a child with a cool name like Liam...I'm going to emphasize this cool, British sounding name in the earshot of this other woman...she will envy that I have a Liam and wish she were the one getting cheddar with Liam"

When this is done to me, I make sure I amp up my level of 'ignore' and detached annoyance.
Re: Kids that never shut up
December 06, 2010

Naturally I'm standing there pondering the cheese display when some moo and her kyd hove up. "Where's the cubed cheddar? where's the cubed cheddar? Liam do you see the cubed cheddar? Ched-dar? CHED-DAR?"

I think people who do shit like this are doing it on purpose because they get a little thrill out of the fact that the total stranger in the grocery store miiiight be a little envious of them. I would bet money that this woman was thinking in her head "I have a child with a cool name like Liam...I'm going to emphasize this cool, British sounding name in the earshot of this other woman...she will envy that I have a Liam and wish she were the one getting cheddar with Liam"

When this is done to me, I make sure I amp up my level of 'ignore' and detached annoyance.

I would be so tempted to mutter, loud enough for her ass to hear: "I took the last package, so go home and cut the cheese, wench."
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