Re: Carol believes she can always pick which female staff have children
December 15, 2010
That's it! Thanks, Varla!

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
No problemo. smiling smiley

"I treat my body as a temple, Laverne. You have chosen to treat yours as an amusement park."
I saved a bunch of stuff. Would this be what you are looking for?

I just do not read boards like that. I don't need further confirmation of the delusions, lies, idiocy and masturbational self-regard of parents. Reading about their views on life is like listening to a lecture about perfect table manners by someone who has a mouthful of food and the chewed-up matter is dropping out into his lap. It's a null and void opinion, ipso facto. People who produce children are simply re-running the first 18 years of their own lives rather than moving themselves forward through uncharted waters of independent adulthood... where they're expected to improve themselves continually, improve their roles in employment and social situations, form new skills and interests, and be of greater and greater value to society. All without the constant excuse of having children and hiding behind their diapers every time they might be expected to step up. They know they can't cut it, and frankly they can't think of anything else to do with their lives, so they have kids and think -- snort! -- that this is what teaches them about life.
We ALL spent the first 18 years of our lives surrounded by toys, cartoons, birthday parties, knock-knock jokes, schoolwork and baloney sandwiches in brown paper bags. For the CF, one tour of brat-tastic duty is quite enough, and we move on as human beings. But THEY choose to spend an additional 25 years surrounded by more of the same, all over again. And when they turn around and fill a messageboard about how beautifully transcendental it is to watch their baby son's red, strained, face bunched up like a fist as he takes another dump while sitting in his highchair, and how this experience gives them the key to all knowledge of life, they have no idea what sad and pathetic maladjusted fucks they sound.
Re: Carol believes she can always pick which female staff have children
December 15, 2010
I saved a bunch of stuff. Would this be what you are looking for?

I just do not read boards like that. I don't need further confirmation of the delusions, lies, idiocy and masturbational self-regard of parents. Reading about their views on life is like listening to a lecture about perfect table manners by someone who has a mouthful of food and the chewed-up matter is dropping out into his lap. It's a null and void opinion, ipso facto. People who produce children are simply re-running the first 18 years of their own lives rather than moving themselves forward through uncharted waters of independent adulthood... where they're expected to improve themselves continually, improve their roles in employment and social situations, form new skills and interests, and be of greater and greater value to society. All without the constant excuse of having children and hiding behind their diapers every time they might be expected to step up. They know they can't cut it, and frankly they can't think of anything else to do with their lives, so they have kids and think -- snort! -- that this is what teaches them about life.
We ALL spent the first 18 years of our lives surrounded by toys, cartoons, birthday parties, knock-knock jokes, schoolwork and baloney sandwiches in brown paper bags. For the CF, one tour of brat-tastic duty is quite enough, and we move on as human beings. But THEY choose to spend an additional 25 years surrounded by more of the same, all over again. And when they turn around and fill a messageboard about how beautifully transcendental it is to watch their baby son's red, strained, face bunched up like a fist as he takes another dump while sitting in his highchair, and how this experience gives them the key to all knowledge of life, they have no idea what sad and pathetic maladjusted fucks they sound.

waving hellolarious

I LOVE this one!thumbs upwink

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Carol believes she can always pick which female staff have children
December 15, 2010

And when they turn around and fill a messageboard about how beautifully transcendental it is to watch their baby son's red, strained, face bunched up like a fist as he takes another dump while sitting in his highchair, and how this experience gives them the key to all knowledge of life, they have no idea what sad and pathetic maladjusted fucks they sound.

This is poetry. This is why I don't post that much - I can't measure up to this kind of awesomeness.
Re: Carol believes she can always pick which female staff have children
December 15, 2010

And when they turn around and fill a messageboard about how beautifully transcendental it is to watch their baby son's red, strained, face bunched up like a fist as he takes another dump while sitting in his highchair, and how this experience gives them the key to all knowledge of life, they have no idea what sad and pathetic maladjusted fucks they sound.

This is poetry. This is why I don't post that much - I can't measure up to this kind of awesomeness.

Gnarler, I can't either, but that doesn't stop me! smile rolling left rightsmile

Shauna's like a gluten-free Jim Jones for dumb, lifeless middle-aged women. I swear, this bitch could set fire to a orphanage and they would applaud her for bringing them light. ~ Miss Hannigan
"The girl who is bespectacled
May never get her neck tickled.
But baby pins and bassinets
Await the girl who fascinets."

Poem I memorized, as a way out, when I was 12.
Re: Carol believes she can always pick which female staff have children
December 16, 2010
Yeah, Carol's got her shit backwards. CFers are the ones who carry out work to a more impressive degree, pick up the slack from the Moos, work late and on holidays, are less likely to participate in or perpetuate gossip, have better attitudes, and are the ones employers are more likely to hire since CFers will not require maternity leave or calling off work to wipe a child's ass.
To sum up my feelings on the article, I offer one of my favorite cartoon quotes: "Well isn't that cute...but it's WRONG!" smiling smiley
I read an article a while back about female vs. male bosses. Everyone, women included prefer male bosses and the biggest complaint about female bosses is that they treat their adult underlings like little kids.
"always wondered why CF people are often characterized as party animals when we are disproportionately introverts. I suspect that a good many breeders once swilled beer like it was going out of style, and staggered into work hung over during their early 20s

My wife and me have no kids and keep to ourselves most of the time. My wife likes to visit family and maybe have a few drinks, but can not stand bars or parties with large groups of people.

I'm in my 20's and I have have old high school acquaintances as friends on Facebook. The single moms are the ones with the status "going out to party" and the dozen photo albums full of bar pictures. I have no scientific proof, but it seems like single mom's are the biggest party people there are.
"always wondered why CF people are often characterized as party animals when we are disproportionately introverts. I suspect that a good many breeders once swilled beer like it was going out of style, and staggered into work hung over during their early 20s

My wife and me have no kids and keep to ourselves most of the time. My wife likes to visit family and maybe have a few drinks, but can not stand bars or parties with large groups of people.

I'm in my 20's and I have have old high school acquaintances as friends on Facebook. The single moms are the ones with the status "going out to party" and the dozen photo albums full of bar pictures. I have no scientific proof, but it seems like single mom's are the biggest party people there are.

I was raised by a single mother. My father died when I was young so she had no choice but to raise me on her own. She has quite a lot to say about today's single mothers, who basically spend most of their time trolling ladies' nights looking for a new man, instead of being at home taking care of their children.

My mother didn't do those things, she worked, sometimes working extra hours and other jobs to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table, she was home when I needed her, she helped with homework, kept the house clean, made sure we had healthy meals, taught me things I needed to know to one day be able to take care of myself, and kept me in line. With all this to do, how could she have time to go out and party?

She did date a few times, but it was rare when friends would try to fix her up with someone, but it never worked out. I never found out about it until I was an adult, because I'd stay with a relatives while she was out, and I never met any of her boyfriends. She says if you want to do it right, single parenthood is very hard, but she doesn't whine and complain about it, she just says she had a child to raise and her husband had died, so she had to do it herself.

The fact that I made it through school, got my associate degree, work full time, have a great husband, and have never been arrested, in jail, or pregnant, to her means she did something right. That's more than can be said of the children of many other single parents out there these days.

Tatayanna K.
Part of my job is supervision, so I guess I'm a "female boss." Our office has firm guidelines regarding when the office has to be staffed, what hours, and how many can be out at a given time. I grant leave on a first come/first served basis, whoever asks first, gets considered first.

I had an incident shortly after I started in this job, in which I had granted leave to an employee who is single and has no kids and to other employees who wanted time off for Christmas as well. An employee with kids decided at the last minute, she wanted the time off too but due to office coverage issues, I couldn't grant it. This employee begged me for the leave for her children and even said the employee I granted the leave to first could take leave anytime because she doesn't have kids! I told of her what the rules were, but she still argued with me, even trying to play the "mother" card and that I should understand.

She actually went over my head to my supervisor trying to say I was discriminating against her because I don't like kids, even though I never discuss my family/marital status at work, but there are a few who do know I don't have children. Fortunately, I kept the paper trail of who asked for leave first, and another employee who has children, but appears to be a parent, meaning no calls from them all day long, etc., was also granted leave, because she asked first. The one who wanted it at the last minute looked foolish at that point, so she had to work. She has sense transferred to another unit, so I don't deal with her anymore. She was also one of the employees who when school was out, got calls from the kids all day long. I'm glad to be rid of her.

Donna Four Eleven
Re: Carol believes she can always pick which female staff have children
December 18, 2010
"Much as I like to trumpet the importance of a woman's right to choose all things at all times, there's one choice I simply cannot understand: the choice of an otherwise sane and healthy woman not to have children.

If a would-be mother is a singleton of 40 who decides to have a baby without a partner, I might wish she'd thought of it sooner and prepared for it better - but I understand.

If she's half of a lesbian couple who 'borrows' the wherewithal, I might cross my fingers that the child is not teased at school - but I understand. Even if she's a 66-year- old pregnant pensioner, threatening to turn motherhood into a freak show, I might (indeed, I do) think she's monstrously selfish and dangerously wrong - but again, more or less, I understand.

Yet if she says she hasn't a shred of maternal feeling in her, moreover, if she says she would prefer to concentrate on her career and that a child would only get in the way of it, then my head might acknowledge her right to do so. But my heart whispers: 'Lady, you're weird.'"

perhaps so that i am weird-even by child free standards, i tend to clobber on my own drum. with that said, the idea i should be "normal" by having a child is nothing more than childish peer pressure. children are not fashion statements-they are not something to be done to "fit in". they are baby people. they are a responsibility and not everybody can be a parent. not everybody wants to. it is not a sign of "selfishness" to see within yourself that you are not a parent and choose not to have a child. it would not be fair to the child for me to have one. so, who really is "weirder"-the person who decides to not have kids because they are not willing or able to be a parent, or the person who thinks pressuring others into conforming, even with the tremendous responsibility surrounding it, by giving birth to a baby human? how old are you with this peer pressure crap? thirteen?

just for the record-a child is not a "mini-me"-it's an individual who must learn to live in society and live its own life. any parent who thinks a child is there to be a photocopy of them or to live out their fantasies is a selfish, irresponsible twit.

and "weird".

"It's not the mothers, for a start, who are going to turn up late and hungover after a night on the razz; they'll have been up, dressed and alert for hours, having cooked a family breakfast and delivered their children to school. On time.
It's not the mothers, usually, who run the office bitch-fest."

and yet, it is. one place i work at, the biggest workplace gossips are two mothers-one's a grandmother.

i have yet to work anyplace that single people show up with a hangover, except maybe at fast food places when i was a teenager.

"...because many employers believe them to lack what the study calls 'an essential humanity'. And I know exactly what they mean."

so, not having children means you cannot be compassionate? you mean nuns and priests who help the poor, nurses who help the sick and dying, school teachers who come to the aid of the struggling student, female philanthropist who donate millions to charity and to build hospitals and women who volunteer to deliver meals to senior citizens and homeless people must have kids or they are "going through the motions"?

there are childfree and childless individuals who have given more than you can imagine. the implication that people without children are somehow less human is very arrogant. i've known some very selfish mothers.

"They're not there to compete for the attentions of the male executives; they're there to get out of the house; they're there because they genuinely enjoy some adult company; and they're there because they have mouths to feed other than their own and shoes to buy for someone else's feet."

because child free people don't pay bills, need food or have financial responsibilities, right?

this implication is sexist-that child free women only work to look for sex partners and that successful child free women became so by sleeping with male executives. now, what was that again about mothers not being part of the "office bitch-fest"?

"You cannot be a mother without knowing something about selflessness, compassion, generosity, commitment, fierce loyalty and plain hard work. You cannot - surely - be a boss and not value assets such as those in your staff."

waving hellolarious

because we all know no mother ever has pitted their kids against each other in order to be rewarded with "love", judged how much their kids "loved" them by how much they spent on offerings gifts to them, or "unselfishly" had a temper tantrum because their grown children decided to attend a once in a lifetime achievement for their own children rather than do an annual event (birthday) with them.

"But, more than all the things we want, we actually need our children; they complete us as women, they are our light and our love and our legacy."

a child cannot "complete" you if you are not complete to begin with. nobody can. only you can complete yourself. stop burdening your children with this notion that they are emotional spackle. i said it before-they are individuals. they are not mini-mes, miracle pills or problem solvers. they won't fix your psyche, fulfill your dreams or save your marriage. they are people-baby people. get that in your baby-addled heads.

"So three cheers for the employers who are catching on, the ones who don't want to people their workforces with the cold, the calculating, the sad and the mad. The only question is: what took you so long?"

it's not "catching on" and nor is it something to cheer over when a person is hired or discriminated against for things that have nothing to do with the job description. you are cheering for sexism. a person should be hired on their skills and qualifications, not merely on whether or not they have a child at home, just as they should not be hired based on gender, skin color, religion or age. it is wrong to not hire a qualified candidate because she is without a child as it is to not hire her if she has one. nor should a person who is incompetent keep a job merely because they have a child, as it would not be because she is child free. if a person cannot do a job, you are doing no one favors by not demoting them or terminating them. kids or no kids.

"They will, it is true, snatch time off for poorly children and Christmas carol services. And it's true they will insist that, in return for arriving on the dot of 9am, they must also leave on the dot of 5pm."

frankly, i know mothers and childfree who both do not insist on being out at five on the dot, this is just more sexist musing.
Re: Carol believes she can always pick which female staff have children
December 18, 2010
Lady, go back to 1950s and be a Stepford wife! smile rolling left righteyes2
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