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The "nice guy" argument

Posted by Techie 
Re: The "nice guy" argument
June 05, 2014
Those same 'nice guys' that bitch about why no 'hot beautiful' girls to date them yet they will not date the ugly plain jane girls.
Look at Elliot Rodgers for example. He prefers to date girls who are blonde, skinny, big boobs, hot ass, blue eyes, tanned, supermodel body, and wants them to be dumb as rocks. If other girls tried to go out with him who don't fit his ideal women, he would reject them on the spot. If your an ugly, nerdy, chubby, skin and bones, freckles or smart, independent, non religous, or even childfree girl, they won't date you yet they whined why no girls won't go out with them.

Or even if they do date them, they would verbally abuse them to 'fix' themselves up such as pressuring them to go from A cup size to a DD size or change your hair color. They would get angry at you if you have male friends and accuse you of 'cheating' on them or calling you a 'slut'. But it's perfectly fine for those guys that sleeps around the girls or make friends with them but their girlfriend? Nope, not allowed.

In other words, those 'nice guys' are the biggest hypocrite assholes on the planet.
Re: The "nice guy" argument
June 05, 2014
Those same 'nice guys' that bitch about why no 'hot beautiful' girls to date them yet they will not date the ugly plain jane girls.
Look at Elliot Rodgers for example. He prefers to date girls who are blonde, skinny, big boobs, hot ass, blue eyes, tanned, supermodel body, and wants them to be dumb as rocks. If other girls tried to go out with him who don't fit his ideal women, he would reject them on the spot. If your an ugly, nerdy, chubby, skin and bones, freckles or smart, independent, non religous, or even childfree girl, they won't date you yet they whined why no girls won't go out with them.

Or even if they do date them, they would verbally abuse them to 'fix' themselves up such as pressuring them to go from A cup size to a DD size or change your hair color. They would get angry at you if you have male friends and accuse you of 'cheating' on them or calling you a 'slut'. But it's perfectly fine for those guys that sleeps around the girls or make friends with them but their girlfriend? Nope, not allowed.

In other words, those 'nice guys' are the biggest hypocrite assholes on the planet.

Well spoken! Seems that most of the self-proclaimed "Nice guys" I know fall right into this category!
Anonymous User
Re: The "nice guy" argument
June 12, 2014
Hear, hear. I couldn't have said any of this better myself.

My experience is that guys who go on and on about how they're such a "nice guy" are anything but in reality. Real nice guys don't need to convince people of it. And furthermore, they usually don't have so many problems getting a date.

Most of these self-professed "nice guys" give off a creepy, controlling, unstable vibe. That's what sends women running in the opposite direction after the first date.

I also love how he decides he'd gonna take her to a ridiculously expensive restaurant and then blames her for it.

I'd also bet a million dollars the woman he's writing this to doesn't really exist (or at least he doesn't know what became of her). It's probably just a revenge fantasy in his head. Come to think of it, I doubt someone this unstable has ever been able to hold a good enough job to afford a date like that to begin with. I call bullshit on the whole thing, to be frank.

And in all honesty, I doubt he looks so great at this point. Bitterness will leave some serious marks on your face as you get older, not to mention all the typical stuff -- graying, balding, his own set of baby wrinkles, etc. He's probably the kind of dysfunctional freak who lives in mommy's basement slowly letting his ass expand.

The gall of a toad like this to want a woman to breed for him and then complain about what it does to their looks. Hell, the gall of complaining how ANYONE looks, given how ugly his personality is.

Not that 30 is by any means "over the hill." I still feel like I'm on the incline at 25, and we have some very good-looking people here who are long past 30. But then again, I'm not a hateful little freak, and also not a breeder.
Re: The "nice guy" argument
January 22, 2015
Bumping this thread because an Elliot Rodger clone/'nice guy' attempted to murder three women just because he was unable to 'loose' his virgininty at seventeen.

He also says he's not a 'bad child' yet he thinks he's entitled for sex from women and sees them as 'sluts'. smile rolling left righteyes2

Thank god he's not my kid and people wondered why I don't want kids.
Re: The "nice guy" argument
January 22, 2015
I don't know why people want to keep raising boys with attitudes like this, but it seems to be getting worse, rather than better, for which I blame breeders who want to be exhaulted for fulfilling tired sex roles:


I attack women because I grew up to believe them as a more weaker part of the human breed.

And since he attacked women aged 20, 45 and 67, it's pretty clear that he hates all women, not just those who he expects to provide him with attention (unless he's expecting older women to fawn over teenage boys).

Thank god he's not my kid and people wondered why I don't want kids.

Not your kid, but in his twisted world view, you have a vagina and you're part of the village, so you owe it to him to service him. Gee, I wonder where he learned that entitlement.
Re: The "nice guy" argument
January 26, 2015
Actually, Ben, they would be bitches.

A slut fucks everyone, a bitch fucks everyone but you.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
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