Wonder what our birth control is doing - Smothering collection
April 27, 2011
Seems like it's been forever since I did one of these, so I thought it was time I made one. Also, if this takes forever to load for anyone from all the emoticons, let me know and I'll take them out. And booooy are there some fun ones this time:

:eyebrows How long is it okay for siblings to share a bed? I guess it's not a problem with really young kids, but some of these Moos claim they slept with their siblings up until they left for college! Isn't it normal for a kid to kind of want his own little space? I was forced to co-sleep until I was 14 and I was aching for my own bed pretty much since the age of five.

ninja "I put my tard in a karate class and he better love it because we paid for two years of classes!" Fabulous. An aww-tard that will also know a martial art...he totally will not try to karate-chop his teachers in the head for not doing exactly what he wants.

confused smiley Three-year-old won't eat anything but baby food. Kid's cousin says the kid is like this because her Moo smoked while pregnant and rode motorcycles. No, methinks it's just the kid's Moo kowtowing to it and turning it into a spoilt brat. Or she was too lazy to feed it real food and just kept on feeding it baby food. Give it ten years and Mommy will need to learn to make strained, mashed cheeseburgers.

:chug Moo sends her partly-successfully medicated seizing kid to school. Expects the teacher to document his seizure activity (which is at a rate of two seizures a day). Junior's a sweetheart at school too - punches, scratches and bites people. But he also claims he doesn't realize he does these things and thinks he shouldn't be in school because he doesn't want to lose control and hurt someone else. The kid's 10, so it sounds to me like he has a problem and is aware, but of course Moo sends him to school...probably so she doesn't have to deal with his seizing and assault at home all day. Either that, ir he just assaults people in an attempt to get out of going to school. Probably the latter.

moo with baybeem Moo's kid is born premature at 32 weeks. He's ten months old now (or eight and a half months "adjusted" - if he came out normal). She is ONLY tit-feeding him and wonders why he's just shy of 13 pounds.

:pwned Brat doesn't listen at all - just does her own thing. GD Moos say that "forced time-outs" are not art of gentle discipline. It is suggested that the child must be physically helped to learn. I fail to see why a slap across the ass couldn't be considered physical help.

eye rolling smiley Feral brat likes to shove and throw shit, effectively hurting other kids (board Moo's kids). Another Moo who has a feral bully brat chimes in, saying that shoving and bad behavior is just how he communicates and that the other kids need to learn to not yell and shove because they set a bad example. Just goes to show...when someone ELSE'S bastard is a brat, it's bad parenting. But when it's a Smothering brat, it's okey-dokey.

:crz Seven-year-old brat runs away when it's to get disciplined. Moo punishes the kid with time-outs and writing sentences...sounds alright. The board cattle say the kid is running from the punishment and to not punish the child because discipline = teaching and punishment = suffering. And that's a no-no for the non-discipline followers. One person has a story of, "My mom punished my cousin when he ran away as a kid and now he's a jailbird."

:smn Moo's brat begins to hit, and she deals with it by putting the brat at a distance and saying she doesn't like to sit near people who hit. Other Moos say this is unfairly exclusionary, shaming, and withholding love. Well yeah - unless I were a serious masochist, I wouldn't want to be near someone who hits me either. Gods, these women are fucking goddamn dumb.

hitting over the head with a hammer Brat toadler wrecks the house (breaks dishes, screams bloody murder when the phone rings) and her room when locked in for a time-out (has torn the wallpaper off the walls and punched holes in her door with a rock). Other Moos say time-outs worsen bratty behavior, so don't use them. But the wall under that paper has a lot of lead paint - I say lock her in there and let her lick the walls; the issue will sort itself out.

smile rolling left righteyes2 GD brats are "self-disciplined" and thus do not require parental discipline. Oh, and physically punishing a child is considered "violent parenting."

:baybie1 "Halp! How do I get my toddlers to quit playing with their turds in bed?" Aren't you just wrought with envy over what we're missing out on?

:dindin Awwtarded, bed-wetting 8-year-old sneaks food into his room and Moo no likey. Doctor says because of the awwtardism, the brat can tune out his parents' yelling. Moo has window alarms on the cabinets and does an inventory of the kitchen each day so it becomes apparent when Junior is scavenging for food. Other Moos claim that the more control exerted over an awwtard, the less he will listen, so they advise not being so controlling.

ranting "Why does my shithead brat only behave when I lose it?" Because losing it works.

Mr. T: I pitty tha fools Trouble negotiating with a five-year-old. Gee, I wonder why. I feel bad for the other people in this place who have to listen to a brat screaming all night long because she can't be "negotiated" with. Here's a good negotiation: Stop crying or I'll slap you. Keep crying and I'll slap you again. Slapping will continue until you shut the fuck up. Do that and I guarantee the brat will be straightened out within 24 hours.

:sx Moo's baby dies at six weeks of age in January. According to Moo's sig line, she is due for another calving around Halloween. Which would mean she pretty much got pregnant again right away after shitting out the late loaf. I wonder if she was just working on another loaf in general at the time of conception or if it was already a replacement.

:gun1 I guess it's not all worth it - Smothering Moo kills herself right after her toadler turns three. I'd say I see at least one or two Smothering suicide or murder stories there a year.

angel with halo New Hampshire does not do the "philosophical exemption" vaccine bullshit, so Moo is wondering how to lie and get around vaccinating her brats without philosophy or religion. People encourage her to lie about being religious to be exempt.

:eh?? "My first attempted home birth sucked, so should I try again with the second baby?"

:Violin Home-birfin' Moo is fall-down depressed because she didn't have the home-shit of her dreams, had a "bad" midwife and a partner who wasn't kissing her feet as she was crowning. This one's really fucked in the head. Yeesh.
Re: Wonder what our birth control is doing - Smothering collection
April 27, 2011
Holy shit, I don't even know how to begin to react to all of these. Just a few choices, though: First, the dumbshit moo is having trouble NEGOTIATING with her brat? No no no, you do NOT negotiate with sprogs, you order them, and make sure it's clear that you're in charge and brat needs to shut the fuck up. Second, I'm glad New Hampshire has some sense. Third, in reference to the last two, let the two cows each go through another home birth - hopefully they'll experience some horrible medical complications and need rushed to a hospital, just so they can see how fucking stupid they really are.
When I acted up as a kid I got smacked or penalised for it in some fashion. While some prats might consider it barbaric it certainly reduced how often I acted like a cock-up and I did not turn out to be a dysfunctional, serial killer type either. I suppose the better alternative though would be to leave me to destroy everything I touch, harass those around me and grow up to be a stupid, special snowflake that wonders why suddenly my antics are no longer 'cute' because I'm an adult now?
I don't understand the logic these people used to reach this conclusion.

I do feel somewhat sorry for the seizure kid though. He seems to recognise he has issues but his mother forces him to go off to school anyway, leaving himself and other students/teachers to handle it.
One quote from that did interest me though:
"So, this week, his teacher tells me she thinks he has been have seizures at least 2 times a day that she is catching for over a week (I am having difficulty getting teachers to document actual times of seizure activity for me)."
Is this a school specifically for children with issues where teachers are trained to deal with this sort of thing, or is this a regular school? If it's a regular school then this is quite the demand to put on the teachers. They have a lot of students and likely a bunch of tetchy parents to deal with and are now saddled with a student prone to seizures. They are not going to have the time to catch all of them and keep track of this students health, that's the parents job.
Now teachers have to document seizure times? FUCK THAT.
Re: Wonder what our birth control is doing - Smothering collection
April 28, 2011
I still find it amazing that, on average, Smothering has at least one or two people die/get killed annually. I'd love to see a study done on the suicide/murder rates of mothering forum members. Of all the CF boards I've been on, only one member had died in some way, and that was over on CFEZ (and sadly, it was not one of the problem people).

But yeah, I think odds are very good the seizing child is in a regular school because his mommy is mainstreaming him for his self-esteem. So while the teacher has to pay extra-special attention to him, she is likely neglecting all the other students in the process. I think if Junior is seizing at least twice a day while in school, his meds need to be adjusted ASAP.

And that gentle discipline forum makes me want to puke and punch someone at the same time. It's just mind-boggling and sickening what these women - these sentient, free-willed women - will let their kids do to them, their other children, and in general.

Lotta classy women over there, let me tell ya. smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Wonder what our birth control is doing - Smothering collection
April 29, 2011
"How long is it okay for siblings to share a bed? I guess it's not a problem with really young kids, but some of these Moos claim they slept with their siblings up until they left for college! Isn't it normal for a kid to kind of want his own little space? I was forced to co-sleep until I was 14 and I was aching for my own bed pretty much since the age of five."

in new jersey, it's actually against the law to have kids of opposite sex sleeping in the same room after a certain age.

"Moo sends her partly-successfully medicated seizing kid to school. Expects the teacher to document his seizure activity (which is at a rate of two seizures a day). Junior's a sweetheart at school too - punches, scratches and bites people. But he also claims he doesn't realize he does these things and thinks he shouldn't be in school because he doesn't want to lose control and hurt someone else. The kid's 10, so it sounds to me like he has a problem and is aware, but of course Moo sends him to school...probably so she doesn't have to deal with his seizing and assault at home all day. Either that, ir he just assaults people in an attempt to get out of going to school. Probably the latter."

i think the kid is having control issues-either from the seizures or the meds. he probably does not want to be around other kids because he gets teased, is fearful of his own actions and is embarassed. moo does not want to deal with him and probably does not want to pay for therapy or special schooling where he can be controlled.

mom sounds ignorant on her own kid's illness-some seizures can be almost undetectable-he could be having as many as 60 smaller seizures a day (some might be the reason of the violent behavior). i think it is unreasonable to pin this documentation on a person who has no experience with monitoring children for seizures and to expect her son and his classmates to function with this situation.

"Feral brat likes to shove and throw shit, effectively hurting other kids (board Moo's kids). Another Moo who has a feral bully brat chimes in, saying that shoving and bad behavior is just how he communicates and that the other kids need to learn to not yell and shove because they set a bad example. Just goes to show...when someone ELSE'S bastard is a brat, it's bad parenting. But when it's a Smothering brat, it's okey-dokey."

an ass beating communicates to feral brats that their behavior won't be tolerated.

"Seven-year-old brat runs away when it's to get disciplined. Moo punishes the kid with time-outs and writing sentences...sounds alright. The board cattle say the kid is running from the punishment and to not punish the child because discipline = teaching and punishment = suffering. And that's a no-no for the non-discipline followers. One person has a story of, "My mom punished my cousin when he ran away as a kid and now he's a jailbird.""

"Moo's brat begins to hit, and she deals with it by putting the brat at a distance and saying she doesn't like to sit near people who hit. Other Moos say this is unfairly exclusionary, shaming, and withholding love. Well yeah - unless I were a serious masochist, I wouldn't want to be near someone who hits me either. Gods, these women are fucking goddamn dumb."

"Brat toadler wrecks the house (breaks dishes, screams bloody murder when the phone rings) and her room when locked in for a time-out (has torn the wallpaper off the walls and punched holes in her door with a rock). Other Moos say time-outs worsen bratty behavior, so don't use them. But the wall under that paper has a lot of lead paint - I say lock her in there and let her lick the walls; the issue will sort itself out."


"Trouble negotiating with a five-year-old. Gee, I wonder why. I feel bad for the other people in this place who have to listen to a brat screaming all night long because she can't be "negotiated" with. Here's a good negotiation: Stop crying or I'll slap you. Keep crying and I'll slap you again. Slapping will continue until you shut the fuck up. Do that and I guarantee the brat will be straightened out within 24 hours."

NEVER negotiate with a child! EVER! Kid starts negotiations, you gun it down with "It AIN'T up for a vote! Now shut up and go to sleep! The next peep out of you, I'm going to (enter something that will actually affect the child, like confiscating favorite toys, here)!"
Re: Wonder what our birth control is doing - Smothering collection
April 30, 2011
Now I know why everybody seems to be so tired all the time - So much cosleeping that nobody gets any sleep!
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