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Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk

Posted by SlumSlut 
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 24, 2015
Today at the grocery store, I was standing in line when a cashier asked me to move to her open lane. At the same time a specual sneauflakk overhears this and immediately darted in her lane with her hands empty. I presume she expected to sit there unchallenged and looking adorable and taking up space that could be utilized by paying patrons who have better things to do than stare at the back of the head of an unknown kid who is waiting for her parents and holding up the line unnecessarily. Unless SS was deaf, she fully heard the cashier asking me to come over. I'm also confident SS has done this before and managed to get away with it.

I also ignored her (as SS had nothing to purchase) and started to put my groceries on the ramp. Then SS father approached and waited in line behind me. Everyone (cashier, myself) ignored the SS! No special pats or strokes for that 9 year old. Which is good, because I definitely would have called her a rude little shit to her face.

Another reason I shop there is there are no famblee lanes.
Today at the grocery store, I was standing in line when a cashier asked me to move to her open lane. At the same time a specual sneauflakk overhears this and immediately darted in her lane with her hands empty. I presume she expected to sit there unchallenged and looking adorable and taking up space that could be utilized by paying patrons who have better things to do than stare at the back of the head of an unknown kid who is waiting for her parents and holding up the line unnecessarily. Unless SS was deaf, she fully heard the cashier asking me to come over. I'm also confident SS has done this before and managed to get away with it.

I also ignored her (as SS had nothing to purchase) and started to put my groceries on the ramp. Then SS father approached and waited in line behind me. Everyone (cashier, myself) ignored the SS! No special pats or strokes for that 9 year old. Which is good, because I definitely would have called her a rude little shit to her face.

Another reason I shop there is there are no famblee lanes.

My goodness do you have a big pair of balls! I normally wouldn't dare call out a kid for fear of what their parents would do. I'm usually a quiet person and it'd take a lot for me to say anything.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 24, 2015
My goodness do you have a big pair of balls! I normally wouldn't dare call out a kid for fear of what their parents would do. I'm usually a quiet person and it'd take a lot for me to say anything.

I didn't say anything to the SS, neither did the cashier. The SS was standing in line with nothing to check out. I started unloading my cart and once I did she darted behind me. The cashier didn't say anything to her either.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 24, 2015
A couple of kyds were runniing and playing in the clothing section of a local dept store the other day. I was in there looking around for a top to go with a pair of pants. I am crossing from one rack to another and one little snot is running by and I tripped over it. (didn't fall but caught my foot on her) I looked down at her with t'the look' and said (not yelled) 'This is NOT a playground' The tone in my voice made little snotleigh and her brother run back to moomie real fast. 'the look' and tone of voice do work...but seem to work better when they come from a stranger. I know they told moomie what I did because I heard moo ask them 'who was it?' I kept looking at tops. There were several other people in the area shopping too so.. I got outa there with no comment from moo.. but I was ready for her just in case.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
October 11, 2015
I was in line at Starbucks two days ago behind not one, but two moos. After the first one ordered her drink, someone that looked middle-aged {I'd hazard a guess that they were in their late 40s or mid 50s} walked by them with their drink. Instead of leaving like a normal person does after getting their drink, they stopped to hold up the line and talk to the moo. "Oooh she's so cyuuuuuuuute! How old is she?" Then they proceeded to do that thing, where they pretend an infant is capable of understanding language and engaging in conversation. "That's a very pretty dress! Who's a pretty girl?! Who's pretty?!" {wtf. I didn't even talk to my dog like that when he was alive.}

Then the middle-aged woman and the moo turn around and start cooing at the other moo and her brat. They turned back to look at me, with the stupidest look of expectance I have ever seen. I looked at them questioningly, the "what do you want" way I look at people when they say my name and I'm not in the mood to answer, and averted my gaze back to my device. When middle-aged woman left and moo 2 got to the line, the cashier was cooing at her. "How old is she?" "Two weeks!" "Congratulations." {wtf. Congratulations for what? You congratulate people for things that take merit, not because they utilized their ability to procreate.} I didn't say anything, but when I got to the till the lady was very cool. I guess childfree people don't deserve friendly customer service

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
October 22, 2015
HOA's annual meeting was today. It was mostly the usual bitching about the lack of parking and traffic from what I could hear. Lots of "as a moo..." and sprog this sprog that. Some idiot breeders brought their toadlers and loaves and both screeched non stop during the meeting. I glared the rest of the idiots smiled at the demon spawn.

In order to get a quorum for the meeting the HOA provides pizza and soda plus bottled water, this has been the routine since I started attending meetings 5 years ago. I was in line to get a soda and duh with toadler in front of me asks the volunteer if Zhayyyeeedddynhhn! could have water since he says soda tastes hot. Then crunchy moo asked if there was other food since sprogette was allergic to dairy, soy, wheat, meat, citrus, tomatoes, eggs, and probably water, and they need to have more healthy options since sprogette only eats organic kale hand picked by the light of the full moon by blind Belgian nuns.

Once it was finally over, I could hear some moo saying loud enough for me to hear, "look at the nice lady with the long hair. It's so pretty, her long hair...". Bright side is Takeo finished talking to a board member and we left.

So ready to move somewhere with far less spawn when Takeo retires.
I was at the dog park about a week and a half ago and there was some smallish child hanging off the small branches of a tree he has grabbed as he stood on top of the picnic table. He ripped all the leaves off, and kept trying to hang and it was clear he was going to break a branch if he kept trying. Mom was buried in her phone, dad was off pretending to pay attention to his dog while engaging in conversation* with a friend of mine. The one or two other brats were I don't know, sitting around with thumbs up butts.
Horrid child won't stop being horrid, so I walked up to him and politely said "would you please stop destroying the tree? Thank you." And walked away.
A little while later, moo walks up all huffy and gets in my face about how I talked to her kid without going to her first.
He didn't do anything! He was only touching the tree!
You don't know that because you weren't paying attention.
That's what my son told me
Well, he lied to you.
"My son doesn't lie!!"
Well, he just did.
"You made an 8 year old cry!"
I didn't MAKE HIM do anything. I don't control his reaction to the situation.
The only apology I gave was "I'm sorry I had to step in and parent for you because you were too busy."
I was comforting A friend who just lost her husband!

For everything she tried to throw at me, I always had something to say back. Eventually the shamblee left and I haven't seen them since. I was later told I should more or less tech a class about conflict resolution....

As for the * ....the father figure was talking about how protective his dog is. You know, when he raises his hand to his wife or kids, the dog gets in between them......that's just advertising you beat your wife and kids!!!! What the Fuck?!?!?!

Who does that? I hope the dog rips the guys throat out.

The kid had a black eye. Probably from his dad. I almost felt bad at that point, but not about what I had said to him. More or less because he has a shitty family.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
November 02, 2015
Encounter at the Urgent Care Clinic.
So.. I've kind of been feeling bat for the past week or so. In the last day or so it has turned into full blown bronchitis. So it's Sunday and there is no place to go except the ER (no way) or the local walk in clinic. I got there just as soon as it opened in hopes I could get in and out and not encounter the expected influx of moos and sprogs. Things were going well till there was a delay in getting my insurance card through...and I am finall sitting there filling out my paperwork when in comes a moo.. still in her jammies, with 2 sprogs in tow. One was about a year old and the other about a 4 yo girl... still in her halloween costume. (a fairy) I hurry to finish my paperwork. Moo drags sprogs to a row of seats across the room... but do you think they'd stay there...and stay quiet? No way. Wasn't long till that babbling 1 yo male crotch fruit was just about in my face... and the sister was right behind him. Moo (who was the patient) was not paying one bit of attention to the critters. Once they got uncomfortably close... I let out one of those deep nasty sounding bronchitis coughs.. like hockin' up a lung. FINALLY... moo corals bratley and travesty.
Don 't want tokeep this nasty cough...but it really came in handy today. LOL
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
November 05, 2015
broooohaaaaaaaaahahaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaackkk accccckkk acccckkk (sputter, spit, snark snuff)

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


No one is more arrogant towards women, more aggressive or scornful, than the man who is anxious (insecure..my word) about his virility. Simone de Beauvoir

people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children. The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 18, 2016
Today I had to get the overdue shopping done. I needed clothing as well as groceries, so I bit the bullet and went to Target.
Whilst there, some dud was, I kid you not, walking up and down the women's clothing section with a loaf in his arms, LOUDLY yelling out that it was the loaf's birthday. I'm not a sprog judge, but it looked small, like "smaller than freshly spawned" small. It had a full head of hair, but its face was still all mushed up like newly hatched loin lizard faces tend to be. How the hell was it this thing's birthday when it looks pretty far from a year old?
Are you having "birthdays" every fucking week, you freakshow?
Anyhoo, dud was not shopping. He didn't appear to be waiting for anyone. It didn't seem like anyone else is with him... so, why was he walking up and down the women's clothing section with his freshly dropped turd?
He was babystalking. He was literally stopping EVERY woman he can get within shouting range of, and tried to make her engage with him about his fuck trophy. He kept saying over and over, loud enough for the whole department and a couple departments over to hear him "It's his birthday today! Today is his birthday!" He talked about going to a local pub and trying to get a free beer for the crotchfruit for its birthday. He repeatedly, loudly sing-shouted the "Happy Birthday" song.
This continued on and on. He started to resemble a periscope, his head would come up over the racks of clothing, searching for his next victim, then lower back down as he'd sneak closer to her. He was like a huge, repulsive mimic of a prairie dog. I just wanted to play "Pop Goes the Weasel". It's bad enough that he was creeping on women in the ladies clothing area, but with the added vomit factor of sportin' a cunt nugget as if it was some prize-winning animal at the state fair... just wretched!
I managed to avoid him involving me in his stupidity directly... but it's just disgusting. Using a mini-loaf to try to meet women is gross. He was there when I started shopping and there when I left the store... I wonder if he just keeps loitering in the ladies clothing section all day until he gets a date.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 19, 2016
That's...disturbing. I mean, I know breeders will do anything for attention, but Jesus Christ that's bordering on crazy. Hopefully the only attention he got was when a hulking security guard booted his ass out of the store.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 19, 2016
Nope. He got a few women to coo at the thing a bit and talk to him. Nobody booted him out.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 19, 2016
Ya know... if I saw a guy doing something like that with a cute puppy I would steer clear of that perv. These dumb babby worshipers go cooing over the loaf...and who knows.. maybe he's baiting them for purse snatchers or something.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 21, 2016
I know they told moomie what I did because I heard moo ask them 'who was it?' I kept looking at tops. There were several other people in the area shopping too so.. I got outa there with no comment from moo.. but I was ready for her just in case.

Anyone ever notice how when a moo says "who was it?" in reference to their brat being told off for harming the stranger. Its NEVER to come over and apologize.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
January 25, 2016
About the duh in Target: maybe it was the loaf's birthday because it was born earlier that day. While Moo was still in the hospital Duh took the freshly shat loaf to a crowded public place to babystalk. Yuck.

Whether or not it was born that same day Duh's behavior is truly bizarre and had to be stressful for the kyd.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
February 11, 2016
Ew. Target guy might have been an actual stalker, trying to ted bundy someone's ass to go to some shady bar and or do something fucked up to them if not for the praise? Gross- you lose duhdy- rather look at a goddamn ferret in a carriage than hear about some strange potato's birthday. Grah- wish you could have called some kind of security on the harassing weirdo.

benevolent Anti-natalist, pro-abortion, pro-smut, anti-sleeze, eat the rich, fuck childbirth. pro-black, lgbtqia? Cool. *thumbs up*
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
March 14, 2016
Recently I encountered two of the most pathetic breeders I've seen in a long time.

For one, I was in a cafe and this infant was yowling. Of course neither handler took it outside. Once the noise stopped, the moo picked it up and walked around the entire cafe, pausing by each table to give people the opportunity to coo. Rarely have I seen such desperation for validation. Only one table and the server obliged.

The other wasn't babystalking but involved a baby. I was walking and passed some guys lounging aimlessly. They were probably early 20s and probably had more convictions than job experience, based on appearance. One guy had a baby with him. There's something rather pathetic about hanging out with your mates aimlessly while wiping up baby drool, but it's not as if the rest of them were winners. Anyhow, one of them - I didn't see which - catcalled me. Yeah, because if there's one thing a woman loves more than obscene propositions from strangers, it's obscene propositions from strangers with a baby.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
March 15, 2016
Went to Target since the stuff I wanted was in store only, found the stuff and in line for the register. Moo was 2-3 customers ahead of me and her 3 he brats are playing on the metal barrier for the cart corral next to the registers. One of the brats hurt himself and it started bawling. Moo picked it up (it was 6-7 years old?) and starts comforting it, not a word about how he shouldn't be playing on the barrier in the first place. Then she looks at me expectantly, and I roll my eyes. Then another cashier guides me to a new register, so I pay and leave.

Had to walk past the brat section on my way to the register, saw a shirt that said I may be small but I'm in charge. Thought that pretty much sums up the breeder life. Glad that will never be me.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
March 28, 2016
It's Easter, and I decided to go to mass. I got there late. Some young breeder decided to let her toddler walk around in the aisle and it proceeded to demand attention from everybody. I ignored it, and the young moo was laughing, saying how her daughter wanted to say hi. I don't think so. Looked her straight in the eye, and said "babystalking me isn't appropriate in a church." Yes, I said that right to the moo's face.

She shut the hell up, took her kid and sat right down for the rest of the service.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
March 28, 2016
You said 'babystalking' and she didn't have to pause to figure it out? Or did you say 'this' or similar? Good for you. smiling smiley
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
March 28, 2016
Yurble, yes, I said babystalking. She and the cows around her immediately knew what I meant.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
March 28, 2016
So they are aware of what they are doing. I wasn't sure it reached the level of conscious thought, it seemed more like an instinctive craving for attention.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
March 28, 2016
Of course the moos are aware. They encourage their kids to seek attention, to validate their choice to breed, as if they're special for doing something my cat can do.

I also find it very interesting that the rest of the babystalking gang heard me, and kept their kids on their lap for the rest of the service. They're young breeders, so they've probably heard the terms mombie, breeder, babystalk, crotchfruit, etc...they just never thought somebody would call THEM out on it, and in a Catholic church of all places.

smiling smiley
UGH I was babystalked today at a used bookstore of all places! I saw a dude wearing a firefly shirt, and I was looking for some recommendations for any fantasy I haven't read before. Which is hard cause I read a ton, but hey why not. Well he starts asking me what I've read and then...his wife hands over a baby. It has hair but it's like...idk maybe was 1 year or something? Idk but from then on he kept half talking about books and half being like "say hi to the lady!" With the baby. It was so obnoxious! I don't give a crap about your baby, I'm here for books, goddammit.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
April 03, 2016
UGH I was babystalked today at a used bookstore of all places! I saw a dude wearing a firefly shirt, and I was looking for some recommendations for any fantasy I haven't read before. Which is hard cause I read a ton, but hey why not. Well he starts asking me what I've read and then...his wife hands over a baby. It has hair but it's like...idk maybe was 1 year or something? Idk but from then on he kept half talking about books and half being like "say hi to the lady!" With the baby. It was so obnoxious! I don't give a crap about your baby, I'm here for books, goddammit.

You realise she thrust the child into his arms to ward off the rival female, you probably were perceived as a threat since your unchilded, therefor having a desirable life and breeding potential to the already DUH. Still, I hate that "wave and say hi"shit.
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