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Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk

Posted by SlumSlut 
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 13, 2018
At the hospital earlier this week in waiting room. Surrounded by people with serious ailments -- cancer, in wheelchairs unable to walk, etc. And then there's a grandmoo essentially shouting and blowing bubbles IN THE WAITING ROOM for her grandson. She was SO annoying. I almost asked the receptionist to intervene, but she wasn't there long before the brood's appointment. So exceptionally rude. I could tell others were irritated and even heard one woman remark under her breath that the grandmoo needed to STFU.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 18, 2018
At the grocery store and in the cold food dessert section. As always, I come prepared with closed toe shoes because there are way too many people in society who basically live for one instant gratification to the next gratification impulse and will step on your toe and break it to get to the desserts. There are narrow glass doors throughout this section, so if someone is in the doorway they are the only one who will fit. I really love this feature because I don't have to worry about random arms reaching over me and smacking me because I dare to be there first and stand between them and their instant gratification. It is made for one person at a time. I see in the glass that there is some hyperactive older kid less than one inch behind me who probably has had sugar in the last 15 minutes based on her behavior. Kid hasn't been taught (or figured out) that the door is too small to allow more than one person at a time. It isn't as if she can reach over me because there is no room.

What the brat wants is for me to move so she can have her instant gratification because it was quite clear that at her older kid age/young teenager age that no one has every called her on this "I'm a kid so everyone loves me and all the stupid and rude things I do" annoying behavior. Trust me, her little diva attitude most likely isn't earning her friends at school either. Also, it is obvious this kid hasn't been denied much of anything in the food department. I make my selection, ignore her, step back by about an inch to shut the door and smack her while doing so because she is wider than me and literally blocking me from leaving. She cries out "ouch!" in a fake whiny attention getting stupid voice (again, a major friend deterrent at that age) and I say "maybe next you'll patiently wait your turn and respect other people's personal space, brat".

Seriously, it isn't a mosh pit. If it were I wouldn't be within 5 miles of it!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 18, 2018
You are now my personal hero. heart
Seriously though, I spent the whole reading of that post hoping you'd smack it in its fat face!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 25, 2018
What the brat wants is for me to move so she can have her instant gratification because it was quite clear that at her older kid age/young teenager age that no one has every called her on this "I'm a kid so everyone loves me and all the stupid and rude things I do" annoying behavior.

Nobody around her will ever call her out on it. She’ll finally reach the age where nobody on this earth will find her behavior any sort of cute and she’s going to be lost with no proper social skills. Again, that’s the problem with breeders not wanting to give their kids home-training. They’re not going to suddenly learn it on their own.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 25, 2018

Nobody around her will ever call her out on it. She’ll finally reach the age where nobody on this earth will find her behavior any sort of cute and she’s going to be lost with no proper social skills. Again, that’s the problem with breeders not wanting to give their kids home-training. They’re not going to suddenly learn it on their own.

Parents don't do their kids any favors when they raise them like this and just wait until they hit the workforce. I have one employee who is particularly bad. completely self-centered, and it's a direct result of his parents telling him that every impulse he has is fabulous.

Consequently, he is a managerial nightmare. He believes everyone is completely interested in **any topic** he cares to pontificate on. He won't stay on topic; he overshares....when someone else is the lead on something, he'll derail the whole conversation by talking about what he wants to talk about. He doesn't understand that he has a supportive role. He'll want to go back and re-do things that have been done by two other people just because he hasn't done it himself.

I've had the conversations with him about leader-follower, supporting his team members, LISTENING, staying on topic, working with other people, etc. He is completely defensive. "I think I'm a good team member," "but I do share with my team," etc. No you aren't and no you don't Dumbass. This person is almost 40 years old. The sad thing is, he's very smart but a chipmunk has more emotional intelligence than he does.

He doesn't understand that I'm really trying to help him in his career. The proof is that other members of the team are working around him because he's too big of a pain in the butt to have around on projects. And I have stopped including him on some things because I dare not allow him to interact with people outside our team. He muddies the water too much because he can't stay on topic.

Yeah that was a major trajectory, but I feel better.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 26, 2018
My fiance is having a jam session here at our house with some fellow musicians. One of them decided to bring her sprog along, even though one of the other group members offered to skip the get-together and babysit the kid over at her place (literally two doors down). Volunteer isn't here, but sprog is. Greaaaaaaaaaaat.

Sprog has been bothering my older cat and demanding to see our younger, more skittish cat (who smartly decided to hide away in my office).

Our house is definitely not child-friendly, with lots of breakable stuff. I'm already afraid of what's going to get damaged.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 27, 2018
Zeropop: Don't allow her to do that. Tell her flat-out that she cannot bring her crotchfruit into your home. Allowing breeders to invite their spawn into your home is rewarding their rudeness. Besides, when it hurts/kills itself, you're the one held liable.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 27, 2018
I have to agree with Bunny here. I generally don't allow sprogs in my house because of my pets and antiques. The last time I allowed one in it was a clusterfuck.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 27, 2018

I asked my fiance about the babysitting situation. Supposedly, the mom deciding to attend was a last-minute decision. Fiance said that volunteer member ended up coming over and watching the sprog in our living room while the rest of the group practiced one room over. Yeah, that's nice, but I heard the sprog running around and face planting at least once, which means she can't have been watched that closely. This is in a room with a large, raised fireplace and hardwood floors that I've slipped on before. On top of that, I heard a lot less music and a lot more talking to the kid, which pretty much negated the whole point of the evening.

He's hosting the events (and I don't play music), which means I don't get much as much say in things as I would like. However, I do understand future practice/jam sessions are going to be held in other houses, on a rotating basis. It's an improvement, but I still think the sprog's presence is detrimental to the group. If people are having to sit out of sessions to watch the kid or are spending more time playing with her than playing music, then what's the point of the group?
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 27, 2018
Yeah. Do not allow that thing in your home again. If they can't find a sitter that's their problem, not your liability. If you need to put it him that way. WHEN (not if) it hurts itself, YOU will be paying the bill, on top of whatever it breaks. Also, if the cow claims criminal charges for your "unsafe" abode, or anyone else's behavior, that's also you doing jail time. No jam session is worth it. If the (free) sitter (neglecter) fucks up and the thing is hurt or charges of them being abusive arise, they're going to point a finger at YOU and demand YOU tell them why YOU allowed it to happen in YOUR home. It's fucked up... but that's the world these days.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 27, 2018

Supposedly, the mom deciding to attend was a last-minute decision.

She's probably one of those clingy broads who is resentful that hubby might have an outing without her so she dragged the kid along.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 28, 2018
Cannot find a sitter or too cheap to pay a sitter? I was in a church choir where there were bunch of kids at practice and with those parents, I think they were just too cheap.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
June 29, 2018
When you have young children, you don't get to be spontaneous anymore. People who won't accept any change of lifestyle should not have children.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
November 02, 2018
I had the same unpleasant experience at an orchestra rehersal in church. Fucking breeders can even ruin music enjoyment -.-
Some chicks (one of them clearly below age 20!) brought their loaves, even to the following gig, and the bastards were running around and noising too. Damn. And these religious coocoos are particularily pro-natalist -.-
Baybeestalking happened, I can even say, I guess. One loaf in particular was standing uncomfortably close to me and staring at me all the time, and even pushing over my sheetmusic stand! ARGH! And his moo (she knows I dislike kids) did nothing at all to take her crotchling away. Instead she gave a goofy smile, as if I'm supposed to find the loaf's antics "cuyooot". Sheesh! Stinkeye is all they get from me!
I had my Fender bass with me, and the brat appearantly was all fascinated by the shiny chrome or something.

Same happened with one of my other bands too. One bandmember got accidentally piggo and birthed that loaf (single "abortion is murder" moo -.-).
Still she continued with the band, restricting and annoying us pretty much with her "schedules", musical quality loss, "I need an extra share of the gig money for a baybeee sitter" (ESPECIALLY INSULTING. As if the band is at fault if she messes up contraception, gets piggo, and doesnt have the balls to abort!!! Now the BAND has to PAY for HER goddamn mistake!) and "I cant stay too long in the evening after the giiig because of the baybeeee"-type of talks.
So at one gig, she let that freaking fuck-accident crawl around on an open air stage we played on. Since I forgot my guitar stand, I laid my bass on the floor, leaned to a monitor wedge. When that brat came, it crawled directly for my instrument. Again, that bandmember KNOWS I dislike kids, still, another goofy smile from her, and no action to disciplin the little monster. Good thing I saw it and picked up my instrument before this germ factory could grab it or push it over with its grimy paws -.- I guess its also a baybeestalking of some sort. Paired with "free range parenting".
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
November 02, 2018
UGH! I hate the goofy grin bullshit. EVERY TIME someone who knows I hate brats sees me exposed to them, they do that. They even giggle and prod each other in a "watch this" way, because me being uncomfortable gives them joy in some sick way. Breeders are fucking filth!
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
November 02, 2018
Wait, she wanted extra money just because she birthed a brat? If the fuck trophy isn't actually playing an instrument, game over. I hope nobody indulged that ridiculous request. If she can't afford to come due to hiring a babysitter, she needs to give up the gig.

I hate it when parents permit their brats to STARE and to be free range. I was raised Old School. My mom and my friends' moms all had a litany of sayings such as:

stop staring
look, but don't touch
where's your inside voice
keep your hands to yourself
straighten up and act right or I'll give you something to cry about

Parents actually made an effort then. Now sticky, grimy-looking free range feral children are the norm.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
November 07, 2018
Oh, they indulged alright, Bell Flower !
That freaking breeder a*hole regularly gets like 50+ bucks extra which is obviously subtracted from our shares. Only because the band boss is a breeder himself, the only difference being that he is first of all rich, and secondly has his brood-chick to look after his maggot. From the looks of it the other band members are wannabreeds, so they don't protest. I'm the only childfree there, so the joke's on me -.-

And to add "crazy" to "insult&injury", after that stage-crawling and guitar-grabbing babbystalking happened, i could watch in amazement how that single moo chick left her slimeball to his own devices without a comment when he was eating rocks off the ground, saying to somebody that it will help with his "immune system". What doesn't kill it makes it stronger LOL.

And I can 100% agree, staring and grabbing stuff wasn't tolerated ever, when I was young in the 90ies (not that I would have, I was an introvert from the start, but I heard other kids getting disciplined, which unfortunately doesn't and probably will not happen again)

Freedom & Art & Music >>>>>>>>>> human spawn

"Music is immortal. People are not."
-William Anger, "King's Story" - Thief2 FM by Zontik
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
November 07, 2018
Haha, my husband's friend used to have a basset hound that ate rocks. He had to take him to the vet to have the rocks removed from his gut. I'd still rather have a basset hound than a loaf, though! Muccchhhh cuter in my eyes.
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
August 03, 2019
This thread is gold.
I see I'm not alone in being foisted-upon. It's all in the ignoring.
Here's a facebook post I made along these lines. I tidied up my language a bit that day, because some days I have a low threshold for opprobrium.

My client Newfoundland and I are taking a break on a park bench at EGR middle school. Not *five minutes later*, a horde of kids and their mohhhms invade; lunches in tow.
I am spreading ALL OVER this bench so no one dares to sit with me.
One tyke approached shyly and said “can I pet your do-og?”
I said without looking up, “she’s stinky today, so it’s not a good idea.” The entity withdrew quickly.

Harhar! Just forward her therapy bills to me, mohhhm!

Anonymous User
Re: Babystalk, babystalk, it's a wonder you can walk
September 17, 2020
This thread is pure gold and I'm loving it so far. I consider myself lucky that I haven't been babystalked yet (at least as far as I know). Reading about the entitlement of breeders and their spawn in some of these posts may floor some people but the level of entitlement in some of them doesn't suprise me whatsoever. I've seen and experienced first-hand how entitled people can be. It used to shock me but nowadays it doesn't surprise me anymore. These kinds of things are more common nowadays because of the self-esteem, spayshul sneuphlake, granola-cruncher crowds. Jesus christ on a cracker, the modern world is going to heck in a handbasket.
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