I hope that any man with half a brain RUNS LIKE HELL when he sees her coming. Talk about a high-maintenance bimbo. I shudder to think how she would react if she ever had a REAL problem.

I headdesked until my nose bled.
Oh goddammit, I couldn't even finish it.

You know what? If you NEVER find "The One" and/or NEVER have children, it DOESN'T mean that your life has no meaning. Or, it doesn't have to be. It certainly doesn't make you a failure, either.
Yeesh. It's the "Daily Mail", one of the trashiest papers ever to pollute this world. Makes me laugh whenever "Mysterious Universe" quotes a story from them. Is Ben Grundy really that ignorant of its reputation?
Jeez, this is pathetic. Go adopt a kid or a dog or volunteer for a charity to satisfy your maternal instincts. Women like this make me sick.
"....But the pain of being childless throbs away in my chest, and sometimes it feels unbearable. There are evenings I go home and just lie in the dark waiting for the day to end and my disappointment to be wiped out by sleep.
There are also few people I can talk to about it. My deeply mourned infertility is somehow seen as my own fault — a badge of shame that I have to wear....."


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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
"....But the pain of being childless throbs away in my chest, and sometimes it feels unbearable. There are evenings I go home and just lie in the dark waiting for the day to end and my disappointment to be wiped out by sleep.
There are also few people I can talk to about it. My deeply mourned infertility is somehow seen as my own fault — a badge of shame that I have to wear....."


And they think WE are the ones with the problem!
"....But the pain of being childless throbs away in my chest, and sometimes it feels unbearable. There are evenings I go home and just lie in the dark waiting for the day to end and my disappointment to be wiped out by sleep.
There are also few people I can talk to about it. My deeply mourned infertility is somehow seen as my own fault — a badge of shame that I have to wear....."


And they think WE are the ones with the problem!

And that WE are the selfish ones.
I think it's funny they are now saying they are "circumstantially infertile". The same could be said of me, I suppose. I am infertile due to the "circumstance" that I do NOT want to shit a loaf NOR do I want to live under the circumstance that includes raising said loaf. This entire shit is absurd because there are PLENTY of men out there who would be willing to spawn with them. I have been beating these types of wishy washy fence sitting men off with a stick for DECADES because they are everywhere and a dime a fucking dozen.Duh with bratsd

In today's breederific society it would take a pretty annoying and fugly moo-cunt wannabee to NOT be able to find a man willing to marry and knock her up. I can only begin to imagine what a pain in the ass these women must be. moo with baybeem

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
maybe the fact that she is a 39 year brat who dresses like a child (a little pink plastic barrett - really?) is part of why she can't get no mans.

oh, and shut up, please.
myrna minkoff
maybe the fact that she is a 39 year brat who dresses like a child (a little pink plastic barrett - really?) is part of why she can't get no mans.

oh, and shut up, please.

Yeah... come to think of it, she did look rather childlike herself, didn't she?
Pixie-like fer sher (like a Cullen Mormonpire)! This bint can go fuck off down a sewer for all's I care. The fact the she's surrounded by dull, lifeless people makes her situation worse. If she truly wanted to be "sassy and single" she could be. WITH MAJOR PSYCHIATRIC HELP! If she battled alcoholism, I think she'd better go back to the AA meetings and vent. If you think this isn't related to her addiction, think again. She wanted to be a mummy but couldn't find financially or emotionally stable men? Okay, she dodged serious silver bullets. Then again partying doesn't fill the void of not getting what you want (that's what a child does asshat). With her moo-cow advising her to freeze her eggs so she could hire a 23-year-old surrogate in a few years guarantees NO success. And would she be able to handle single moo-hood? I think she'll be a-crawling back into the bottle (or a meth pipe). Idiots like this need depo bullets.
We are designed, as human beings, to reproduce. Our instincts are primed for parenthood, our bodies built to carry and give birth to babies. To my mind, to fail at this is to fail at being a woman.

Dingdingdingdingding!!! There's your sign, baby.

Fuck off you judgemental loser, here's a bottle of Jack honey, drink up and die in your lonely tears.
I find it hard to believe when someone says they can't find a may-unn. From what I've seen, the average American male will fuck absolutely anything, and his standards drop as he gets older. I guess it's good the woman has enough standards to not bang the first man waving his erection that strolls her way, but it sounds like she has some ideal fantasy image of a man established in her mind that no guy will ever live up to. If a man didn't meet her standards, he probably ran for the hills when he realized what a nutjob she is.

This is not the kind of person who should be shitting loaves anyway because if they have such an idealized "dream guy" in mind, they almost certainly have an idealized "dream child" in mind too. And if that kid doesn't live up to Mommy's standards, the shit will hit the motherfucking fan.

All this blather is is more of the "you aren't a real woman until you have kids" bullshit. This dumb bitch is perpetuating that belief by being depressed, addicted and empty because she isn't doing what the filthiest, most toothless crackwhore in the trailer park can do with no effort whatsoever. Poor widdle baby. If your biggest problem in life is not having kids, then count your fucking blessings. If this woman did have kids, she'd be writing articles on how hard it is to be a Moo or how difficult it is to deal with a child that's like a burned batch of cookies that doesn't turn out the way you want them to.
Wow, I think of myself as a failure because I don't have a PhD and a job in research.

This cunt made me feel great about myself.
My comment:


Oh for fucks sake! Kids are not fucking accessories. No one NEEDS kids. Having them isn't an accomplishment. Nor are you suffering for not having them. If you want one so bad, and make no mistake it is about you then, what's stopping you from adopting?

Holy shit. Are women so weak that we need other people, men or babies, to complete us rather than just completing ourselves like functional human beings would? I would like to think not. People like to imagine there's a hole in them that others can fill. But that's just it, the hole is imaginary and even when you get what you want, you can't fill a hole that was never really there. With or without kids, you have to realize that your satisfaction of your own life is your responsibility, not some man's or some poor child's.

Not having kids is not a failure. I like to think you've managed to have real accomplishments in your life. There's nothing wrong with wanting kids, but drop the self-pity, it's pathetic.

Incidentally, I don't have a lick of sympathy for people who are infertile or just haven't had kids like this one. I reserve my pity for people with actual problems. To me, pitying someone for not having kids is like pitying someone for not having horses. It's not something they actually need. It's not something their lives are actually ruined without. I may as well pity myself for not winning the lottery when I've never even bought a ticket.

Well, really pitying someone for not having kids is like pitying someone for not having cancer - but that's just me.

Lady needs to stop feeling sorry for herself and get a life and start taking pride in her actual accomplishments.
"....But the pain of being childless throbs away in my chest, and sometimes it feels unbearable. There are evenings I go home and just lie in the dark waiting for the day to end and my disappointment to be wiped out by sleep.
There are also few people I can talk to about it. My deeply mourned infertility is somehow seen as my own fault — a badge of shame that I have to wear....."

Y'know, it took me over 40 years to learn this, and I still have trouble remembering it sometimes, but (aside from a crippling, painful physical or mental illness, ongoing hunger/deprivation, or severe past trauma) by and large we choose our own levels of happiness. And stupid as it sounds, if you're down on some day, just acknowledge that and realize that there are other options you can choose to feel, and that you'll probably feel better tomorrow. Sounds pat but I still struggle with this some days but it helps me when I remember. If I saw myself making myself this miserable, I'd hope to high heaven I had the sense to tell myself to stop it already.
Not having children is one of my greatest accomplishments. I'm an achiever.
Oh For The Love Of Gawd. When is that odious doucherag going to stop dragging stories of Wee Deid Ovaries out all these maudlin hormonally addled cows who can't breed ..
Is it some kind of an attempt to make those of us who don't breed feel we're doing something wrong? Do they honestly believe that all the happy, healthy, fulfilled CF women are suddenly going to spontaneously combust with uterine emptiness angst or something after reading this tripe?
Where do they get the eejits for these garbage articles? Every six weeks they trot out more of the same old tired guff. It's pathetic. It's irritating & it's all very underhand misogynist propaganda.
They just don't fucking get it. We ain't breeding. Ever. Doesn't matter how many shite articles appear in the gutter press. We don't give two shits about babies, breeding or the state of our ovaries.

This woman is pitiful on so many levels I actually DO feel sorry for her,but writing this crap for that toilet-paper journal really wasn't her smartest move..
Oy, I can see infertile people taking offense to her remarks....she is unfucked, not infertile.

And seriously, who wants to fuck a whiner with baby rabies?

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
She is mentally and emotionally unstable. Until a person gets that shit straightened out, they don't need a partner OR a chyld. Nothing makes me cringe more at work than when some cracked out lunatic picks up Zoloft, or cries because Medicaid won't pay for said drug because they're sooooo poor, and there is a freshly shat loaf obliviously cooing away in the cart.
My comment:


Oh for fucks sake! Kids are not fucking accessories. No one NEEDS kids. Having them isn't an accomplishment. Nor are you suffering for not having them. If you want one so bad, and make no mistake it is about you then, what's stopping you from adopting?

Holy shit. Are women so weak that we need other people, men or babies, to complete us rather than just completing ourselves like functional human beings would? I would like to think not. People like to imagine there's a hole in them that others can fill. But that's just it, the hole is imaginary and even when you get what you want, you can't fill a hole that was never really there. With or without kids, you have to realize that your satisfaction of your own life is your responsibility, not some man's or some poor child's.

Not having kids is not a failure. I like to think you've managed to have real accomplishments in your life. There's nothing wrong with wanting kids, but drop the self-pity, it's pathetic.

Yes—you are right on Julie! Being happy in life is your responsibility, it's not something that others can give to you. So many people have babies because they think it will make them happy, only to discover it's a LifeScript lie.
Maybe Michael Bolton could record a song about this shit.
These "articles" are SO FORMULAIC!

I have seen so many of these, and I can now easily pick out their BS which follows the same old template.

They are even still referencing Sex In The City. I'm not familiar - but I do know this is like extremely yesterday.

Update your PROPAGANDA Daily FAIL!

The Desperate One is always a journalist too, and semi successful.

These things are so predictable bots are probably writing them.

Yawn. Another desperate childless spinster article. Almost anyone can get fucked or even married if they lower their standards enough. I guess it's good she has not bred with some douchebag loser, but apparently she is not doing anything to attract a good man; just pining away. There are blogs about how to be the best possible woman so you can attract the best possible man. If she really wants a partner she should read them and follow the advice.

On the other hand... some people seem to enjoy bitching about what is wrong with their life. If they actually made a serious attempt to fix their problems or get what they want they would no longer have the pleasure of bitching.
Really, I was a fence sitter who gave some serious thought to having kids. Around the years of 30-35 I really thought about going to a sperm bank, having a kid with a good male friend of mine etc. But then I started thinking about the logistics of taking care of the kid for the next 18 years and that's how I became CF.

Seriously, if she wants a kid that badly, it's not that hard. Go to a sperm bank, find a guy who wants to be a daddy. Adopt or foster. But she's a life script zombie asshole mindfuck. We need a smiley for that.
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