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Protect Life Act

Posted by KitsNotKids 
Re: Protect Life Act
October 16, 2011
I've only read the main headlines about this new law, but if it were to pass in the Senate, doesn't this mean that:

1) If you are pregnant and your fetus dies and your body fails to naturally expel the remains (a failed abortion or failed natural miscarriage) and
2) Your body heads into septocemia (sp?) -- that type of infection that women get in these cases if their bodies for whatever reasons fail to pass the fetus remains then
3) You go to the hospital to have a D&C to clear out the dead tissue and
4) The hospital doesn't have to treat you - so they let you die?

Is this what's going on here? Because I know several breeders who had incomplete abortions, i.e., incomplete natural miscarriages, and they went into toxic infection that can kill you VERY fast if you don't have the dead fetal tissue cleared out of you.

So hospitals aren't going to do these procedures now? (If it were to pass in the Senate, which it probably won't ......at least this time. And Obama says he'd veto it, anyway.)

I think breeders don't realize that a LOT of the women in their family tree died of this shit because this is very common when a woman has shat out a dozen of kids and keeps getting pregnant every year, as most people's grandmothers and great-grandmothers did. And women today still have this happen. Sarah Palin actually had this happen, it's in her medical records as an "Abortion" and she whited it out on the medical form so that people wouldn't misinterpret it and think that she'd sought a clinical abortion. Hers was (allegedly) for an incomplete miscarriage.

Hmmm....now that I think about....maybe there IS a potential upside to this law.....if it meant Sarah Palin would have been left to die in a pile of her own vile fluids. HMMMMMMM.......smiling smiley

PS I think that this is probably already the norm at most Catholic hospitals, actually. There was a very excellent Catholic hospital my honey's mom spent time in, and I remember them talking about how they wouldn't even perform this type of procedure if the mother's life was in danger and the fetus was dead. So I think it's already being avoided, perhaps illegally, under the broad umbrella of "religious grounds."

I don't think they mind pulling out a dead loaf, they just don't want to suction one out that MIGHT be viable in order to save the moo's life. However, there's a thin line between whether they believe the loaf is "dead" and this would be even more difficult to immediately ascertain in an early stage inpigness. When the moo is bleeding to death isn't the TIME to worry if the loaf MIGHT be viable. ALL of this shit makes me so angry I can't even begin to express it.cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
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