Teen male awwtard wants a wife by age 18 and wants their kids homebirthed
November 14, 2011
I was researching shit earlier for something I had to write, and I found a link to a book on Google aimed at asspie teens who want to date. Upon looking for it again, I found this site - yet another Moo blogger with an awwtarded kid - in particular, a post about Junior marching up to Moo asking if she knows what homebirth is and saying he wants his children to be born that way.


Since, you know, I'm sure all the girls in his class (he's in 8th grade) are falling over themselves to fuck him. Moo also tells him he will always be a normal man regardless of whether or not he has a wife and brats. Good, lie to him.

After looking more at this pile of shit, it seems Junior is a mainstreamed awwtard who was initially diagnosed at age three (meaning he was an unholy brat and Moo refused to beat his ass). He also has one of the awwtard disorders recently invented by non-discipline Moos: sensory processing disorder. Moo has another younger kid who has "undiagnosed autism" of the sensory disorder variety - I'm guessing the diagnostic tool was Moo intuition.

Two teen awwtards. I would have killed myself by now if I were in her shoes.
As long as he's autarded he should be sterilized.
Oh JEEZ, Did you read the entry under it where he's writing love notes to some poor girl named Stephanie? Apparently she's nice to him and he's in love, stands outside her house, follows her around, asks her to dances, etc.....God how I would HATE to be that girl.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
I thought autistic and aspergers people did not like other people. So why is he being pushed so much to socialize? maybe the social awkwardness is a natural form of birth control.
mr. neptune
I thought autistic and aspergers people did not like other people. So why is he being pushed so much to socialize? maybe the social awkwardness is a natural form of birth control.

I have a feeling he's not really autistic, just moo claiming he has a cutesy disorder so she gains more sympathy, attention-whoring and 'pats on the back'.

You are right, however, most autistic do NOT like being around people, not even for a second. My uncle is an autistic spectrum 'aspie' and he is just fine being by himself for HOURS. NEVER has it crossed his mind to want a famblee. He's just happy as pie being SINGLE and INDEPENDENT. I think it's more moo wanting a fyooooture GRANDSPROG, more than anything, IMO. :complaining about a brat :BS

lab mom
Re: Teen male awwtard wants a wife by age 18 and wants their kids homebirthed
November 14, 2011
He's probably got it in his dumbassed little mind that this poor girl (I did read about her) is going to be his wife and home-birth their children. I'm sure Junior will stalk her and if/when she begins looking to date someone (which won't be this freak), Junior will chase off any guys because he will be convinced in some way that Stephanie is his girlfriend.

And of course Moo is gung-ho that some girl "understands" him - meaning she probably just smiles and nods until Junior goes away because she doesn't want to be rude. Also, I think aversion to social situations is something mostly experienced by Assburgers, whereas I think other forms of autism have more to do with general over-stimulation, loud noises and all that shit. Not 100% sure, though - someone feel free to correct me if this is incorrect.

The dumb bitch even says that the kid being in school before reversed the progress he made via therapy and he had to be home-skooled for a few years. So why is he not only back in normal school, but in the normal classes? He ought to be in sped classes if he's got to be in school at all.

No wonder Duhddy lives 700 miles away.
Many of the things that boy is doing like interacting with "Stephanie", having give and take conversations with his moo, wanting to go to dances, participating in group games and other activities, functioning okay in a loud setting like that dance unsupervised, desiring to be "normal", among other things sounds more like he's mentally retarded or brain damaged than Autistic.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Anyone else think he's already digging a "Buffalo Bill" pit in his basement for Stephanie's home birth experience?

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Anyone else think he's already digging a "Buffalo Bill" pit in his basement for Stephanie's home birth experience?

Maybe not now, but going by the way his moo is encouraging him he can be "normal", I wouldn't be surprised to hear about it later on down the road. I feel for that Stephanie girl because I too was always nice to the weirdos and tards because I felt sorry for them and so many people would pick on them. Consequently, I amassed quite a fan club and it followed me all the way through high school. I still attract weirdos and the odd and unusual, so perhaps it's me and not them. I do find strange people interesting and tend to listen to what they have to say, so maybe that's it or MAYBE I too am weird but just "look" normal.'.bouncing and laughing

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Many of the things that boy is doing like interacting with "Stephanie", having give and take conversations with his moo, wanting to go to dances, participating in group games and other activities, functioning okay in a loud setting like that dance unsupervised, desiring to be "normal", among other things sounds more like he's mentally retarded or brain damaged than Autistic.

True, especially with his obsession with Stephanie. Something is 'off' about that.

lab mom
I have a nephew with sensory processing disorder.

he is well-behaved the majority of the time, especially in public, because my sister-in-law DISCIPLINES him in ways beyond goo-goo talk.


He does NOT get encouraged to overstep boundaries; if anything he is a lot more shy and quiet than most little brats his age, partly because he is naturally a shy person I think and partly because HE IS BEING RAISED PROPERLY.

fucking moo-cows need to stop making excuses and teach their brats to toe the line!
People with Asperger's can't read social cues and other people's feelings well.

It is *highly* innapropriate for the moo to be pushing her son to overstep boundaries by pursuing a 13-14 year old girl, to the point of making her uncomfortable.

If anything, she should be teaching him about respecting boundaries and proper social interaction.

What's the bet mum's an aspie herself, seems like she can't read cues either.

I think people who put their autard/aspie kids in mainstream schools do so either because they don't have the $$$ for some private school, or just want to pretend that the kid is *normal* when they're not.

The solution? Don't have kids, spend the $$$ on yourself and you don't get stuck with 'tards.

The solution? Don't have kids, spend the $$$ on yourself and you don't get stuck with 'tards.

This board has so much wisdom! So many right answers! Aren't we brilliant?!:biggrin2
I think Tard Boy is asking for a bullet to the head.
Anyone else think he's already digging a "Buffalo Bill" pit in his basement for Stephanie's home birth experience?

It rubs the lotion on its skin, it does this whenever it's told....

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Teen male awwtard wants a wife by age 18 and wants their kids homebirthed
November 15, 2011
Oh, that is creepy that an eighth grade boy would be thinking about home births at all and then to not be grossed out by it. I imagine he finds something about it "interesting" and he may be developing a sexual fetish involving childbirth.

Like Kim, I had a tard fan club because I would be nice to them. They would still chase the mean girls who were hot though. They didn't understand that the girls were laughing at them. It was quite an experience working with so many tards and watching the crazy dynamics and the bosses trying to control them. One autard told me about his ranking system for women - it was similar to the ones the players use in those pick-up artist books but much more detailed. He told me where I fit in to it too. Good move, Romeo. Another one I actually dated for a short time had a jealousy problem and wanted us to isolate and never go anywhere. Anyway, those tards were horny as hell, so even if they are socially awkward and dislike people, they still want girls and relationships and probably long for a stable little family so they don't have to keep dealing with the outside world alone.

This kid though, seems to have a real fucking problem.
Re: Teen male awwtard wants a wife by age 18 and wants their kids homebirthed
November 15, 2011
Another poster with my own small following of weirdos. Most were harmless, but one really pegged my Creep-O-Meter. I attended a rural high school and we didn't get that many new kids, so I saw a new male student in the hall one morning and simply said hi. Inside a day, he wrote me a rambling note about how he already loved me and wanted to have babies with me. After that, I ignored him completely and he did eventually leave me alone, but I was completely skeeved out by a teen male who was fixated on babies. I thought it was WEIRD then, and thirty years later, I still feel the same way.
Re: Teen male awwtard wants a wife by age 18 and wants their kids homebirthed
November 15, 2011
I had a mini tard fan club in high school - this girl who I think may have had a combination of Aspergers and brain damage (I think she came from a physically abusive home). I smiled and nodded a lot, but I wasn't mean to her like everyone else was. Ehh she didn't give me a reason to be mean to her and I only had to deal with her in two classes.

I remember in art class, she was actually compiling a hit list and telling everyone who was on it, but I wasn't on there. I'm sure it was a partial joke, but I'm amazed she didn't get expelled for even joking about it.

As far as the tard at hand, I guess it would take a tard to think about getting married and having babies at age 15. That's usually something girls giggle and dream about, but a guy? That's fucking weird. If I was a student at this school, I would assume this guy has loaves on the brain because he's horny and looking for someone to drag into the janitor's closet to rape between classes.

And with Moo telling him he's normal, I guess it shouldn't surprise me that he's mainstreamed. Gods knows how badly his classmates are doing because I'm sure he commandeers the teachers' attention or makes a scene during lessons and wastes time. Putting him in the sped classroom with toys and padded walls would show him he's not normal and that might hurt the self-esteem he doesn't even understand he has.

Moo is doing him no favors by encouraging him to chase this girl because he's going to develop unhealthy obsessions with her and his stalking behavior could worsen. People will not pity him when he does this as an adult.
Oh, that is creepy that an eighth grade boy would be thinking about home births at all and then to not be grossed out by it.

I think that is strange too. I also think he didn't come up with those ideas himself, someone else put them into his head. I wonder who.

Surely the moo has been talking to the kid about homebirth.

13 year old boys wouldn't really even think about homebirths vs hospital births unless that kind of belief has been instilled in them by the family.

It's like hearing a child make a racist/homophobic comment - where did they get this idea? MOO and DUH. Kids parrot what their parunts say, till they can make their own minds up (some never do though, which is why stupid breeds stupid)
This kids has issues, but I highly doubt autism. The autistic people I have came across are not really into social interaction.
I read a few more posts on that mommyblog.

If I were the kid, I don't think I'd be too thrilled to have my private life/personal challenges sprayed all over the Internet for anyone to read. She appears to have an ad along the side of the blog. Fantastic.
Re: Teen male awwtard wants a wife by age 18 and wants their kids homebirthed
November 15, 2011
All I can think of is this ~

Oh God, she "interviews" her boyfriend on one of her blog entries. His answers are in bold black and my thoughts are in red.bouncing and laughing

1. Did you have any experience and/or preconceived ideas about autism prior to knowing that I have an autistic son? What did you think at first?

I didn’t have any thoughts – I had heard stuff on the radio about autism, but really had no idea what it was about. On the "radio"? What decade is this guy living in and WHO hasn't heard of awtardism? It's beat to death in the media. I guess if all you have is an AM radio you might have missed it. The only thing that makes any sense in this answer is the first part where he admits, "I didn't have any thoughts". Now that, I believe. bouncing and laughing

2. From what you know now about Nigel’s autism being more severe when he was younger, do you think if you had met and dated me then that things would have been more difficult?

Probably, but I wouldn’t have left. Translation: KEEP THE PUSSY COMING:sx

3. What, in your experience now, is the most challenging thing about dating someone who has an autistic child?

When he was younger, I’m sure that getting a babysitter would have been a big challenge, but right now it’s not really much of a challenge to me, and I don’t mind it. I’m accepting this for what it is. In other words, KEEP THE PUSSY COMING:sx

4. What are the things you enjoy about dating someone with an autistic child?

He makes me laugh sometimes – stuff he says. I do have fun with him and the way he laughs. So, he is indirectly saying he is laughing at the poor tard OR he too is a kitten shy of a litter.:drool

5. Do you have concerns about the future regarding Nigel living with me into adulthood?

No, I’m a very family-oriented person. MAJOR KEEP THE PUSSY COMING ass licking answer. bowing

6. Why do you feel comfortable dating someone with an autistic child?

My brother has paranoid schizophrenia, so I’m used to different behaviors and ways of communicating. Then FFS, PALEASE don't go and have, "one of our own". The last thing anyone needs is a second generation half breed Awtard-Schizo roaming the streets with an over sized AM-FM radio stuck to the side of his head.:smn

7. Would you feel differently if Nigel were still non-verbal? No. Oh HELL to the no he wouldn't feel differently, unless you count ECSTATIC at the peace and quiet "differently". drinking coffee

8. Any advice for someone entering a relationship with a person whose child has autism?

Be patient, and let the kids get to know you at their own pace. What's he gonna say? DON'T DO IT! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!!!!! eye rolling smiley

9. What about for the parent whose (teenage) child has autism?

Don’t worry about him being out in public and disturbing people; let him spread his wings a little more.]That's easy for YOU to say because it isn't YOUR dinner or peaceful evening the little chatter box is disturbing.angry smiley

Many thanks to Rick! Be sure to visit Aerocraft Fiberglass to check out the cool race car bodies he designs and manufactures! Translation, Rick is cool, I am cool, and we have a cool little awtard too so buy from him and give us money! Oh and, KEEP THE MONEY AND THE DICK COMING ::sx

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Anyone else think he's already digging a "Buffalo Bill" pit in his basement for Stephanie's home birth experience?

It rubs the lotion on its skin, it does this whenever it's told....

You beat me to it! Good one! :-)
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