Mum claims epilepsy drug caused birth defects
News > Local News
6:40am 29th February 2012.

A mum claims her children have birth defects because she took an epilepsy drug, made by a Guildford company, while pregnant.
Janet Stockley-Pollard wants the Government to look into an alleged link between foetal anti-convulsant syndrome and Epilim.
The drug's makers, Sanofi, says it has always provided 'appropriate information and warnings' and advises anyone taking it to speak to a doctor before making changes.
Janet's campaign group FACT hopes to trigger a debate in Parliament by gaining enough signatures from an online petition.
She said: "A lot of these children are being diagnosed either with autism or just poor behaviour, because there isn't the awareness within the medical profession of the condition.
"Without the right diagnosis, they're not going to get the right support."
In a statement Sanofi says: "The management of women is highly challenging as uncontrolled seizures in pregnancy may pose substantial risks to both mother and unborn child.
"Stopping anti-epileptic medication suddenly can lead to a reoccurrence of seizures, which can be fatal.
"Patients should not make sudden changes to their medication without discussing it with their doctor."

This story was just read out on my local radio station news. Although not mentioned above, on the radio they said that her FOUR brats had birth defects.

1) if you have a kyd with birth defects that you think is a result of taking medication whilst cooking your loaf, don't go on to have another three loaves whilst on that medication.

2) I don't know if epilepsy is hereditary or not, but if you have a lifelong medical condition, shouldn't you think carefully before getting knocked up?
From the BBC News website: (I have taken out some paragraphs so it's not tl;dr)
She believes Dale, 22, Jade, 20, Kyle, 12, and Cameron, 11, all have conditions caused by Epilim.

"They have medical problems. They need support in day-to-day life. Every day there is a crisis of some kind. Any small thing is a major one to them. They do things that aren't safe and they don't think about it.

"We were hoping by getting compensation [we] can put things in place for their future."

Mrs Stockley-Pollard said all her children needed support in everyday life
Mrs Stockley-Pollard said: "Dale is the least affected. He does have difficulties. One of his fingers is not formed correctly.

"Jade has concentration problems, problems with organisation, needs support in education, has been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and hypermobility, and is in constant pain."

When Kyle was born, he went straight into intensive care with a collapsed lung, a floppy larynx, sleep apnoea and clicking hips, she said.

He went on to have bowel problems and difficulty with social interaction, getting upset, lashing out and screaming, she added.

As a baby, Cameron had noisy breathing and suspected sleep apnoea.

The two youngest were identified as having special needs in nursery school and her three sons had speech and language difficulties. Jade has mobility problems and is registered as
Re: Moo blames epilepsy medication for birth defects in brats
February 29, 2012
Who took epilepsy medication whilst pregnant...MOOO? Who went on to get knocked up, over and over again, knowing she couldn't stop her meds, MOOO?

Whose fault is this, MOOO? Who should take responsibility for YOU getting knocked up while taking heavy medication....not to mention, getting knocked up with epilepsy?

These are MOOO's fault. She should not receive compensation for making shitty life choices.

I take medication too. I wouldn't sprog anyhow, but I KNOW that I could never get knocked up while taking these meds. They would be harmful to the parasite. Why would I know this, and not the MOOOO?

Just about every medication bottle reads: "Do not take while pregnant, trying to get pregnant or breastfeeding."

ETA: I have been on two antiseizure drugs and was warned heavily about their dangers. Anyone who takes these meds KNOWS about the side-effects. This isn't something that a person would have no knowledge of...or at least it's highly unlikely, especially since I had to get bloodwork done every three months while I was on one of them.
Re: Moo blames epilepsy medication for birth defects in brats
February 29, 2012
I could MAYBE give her the benefit of the doubt if it had just been the first kid. But four in total? She should be charged with child endangerment at that point. There's 11 years between the first and the youngest. The problems have already long presented themselves and she probably decided it was the medication, but decided to breed again anyway.

Her OB/GYN probably told her that her medication could cause issues and if MOO had read the fine print that comes with the medication, it probably said, "HEY, DON'T TAKE THIS SHIT WHILE PREGGERS. IN FACT, SINCE YOU HAVE A DEBILITATING NEUROLOGICAL DISORDER, IT'S PROBABLY BETTER IF YOU DON'T GET KNOCKED UP AT ALL, YOU COW."
Re: Moo blames epilepsy medication for birth defects in brats
February 29, 2012
I don't even have epilepsy and I know you can't go near those types of meds during pregnancy. And this idiot did it four times?!?

"Not every ejaculation deserves a name" - George Carlin
Re: Moo blames epilepsy medication for birth defects in brats
February 29, 2012
"Poor behavior" isn't a birth's shitty parenting.

What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine

"I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put them in my vibrator"
Re: Moo blames epilepsy medication for birth defects in brats
February 29, 2012
If a disease is not contagious, then 9 times out of 10 it is in the genes. She shouldn't have been breeding anyway. Breeders don't care about having healthy children or not burdening society with sickly wheezing, seizuring brats....all they care about is fitting into the lifescript and what they want.
Shit, before the doctor describes it, if they have two brain cells to rub together, they warn you about it. The pharmacist will also warn you about it and/or put a warning label on the meds (or it will be in the detailed info pamphlet that gets attached to your bag).

She's a fucking dumbass, even if she didn't receive warnings, for not reading the information pamphlet, and for not considering that as far as antiepileptics/anticonvulsants are concerned, if one causes or has been linked to birth defects, so does/has many of the others of the same class/similar chemical makeup. It's just common sense. And to keep it up after the first one? I'm not crying for her stupid ass.
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