My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 05, 2012
Ive been gone for awhile, so I'm going to grace you all with a funny post on the topic of regret. I was recently told by a coworker of mine that if I didn't have a child, I would be regretful of my not having a "child of my own". Then a very funny thing happened. I thought of what EXACTLY I would (or could) regret. Here's my awesome list.


1.) I hate waking up every morning not being covered in baby vomit.

2.) I hate this life of freedom, I mean seriously! I can go ANYWHERE I WANT! what kind of shit is thiiiiiis!?

3.) I wish MY life was tied to a child's every waking moment! This isnt fair!

4.) I wish I was living paycheck to paycheck trying to support a child that I can't really afford.

5.) How come I don't get to teach a child about the horrors of rape, torture, slavery, racism and genocide? come ON! I wanna do SOMETHING with my childbearing years!

6.) Why can't I get urinated on while im changing a diaper? Why.

7.) Why can't I have a snazzy new recto-vaginal fistula? New moms get to have all the fun..

8.) Why don't I get to look like a bloated elephant while someone inside me continually kicks me in the bladder?

9.) Why can't I trade menstral cramps for unimaginable weight gain and an undecided future?

10.) How come I can't be woken up every two hours to feed a colicky baby?

11.) How come I'm not totally vulnerable to economic downshift because my baby needs to eat regardless of my income?

12.) Where's my WIC!? huh? HUH?

13.) Why can't I be the target of every human being's hatred in a restaurant because my child is having a meltdown and wont shut up!?

14.) My vagina is compact and free of rips and tears! Why ME!?

15.) My boobs are round, buoyant and perfect! Balls!

16.) What? My barely-teenage daughter is pregnant? You sick bastard.. I don't have a teenage daughter that can GET PREGNANT! How dare you get my hopes up!

17.) What do you mean I can't raise my 15 year old's baby? Jesus!

18.) How come I don't have leaky nipples?

19.) I can't believe I could afford this new computer I'm currently typing on! IM A WRECK!

20.) I'm in my childbearing years and all I have is this education and bright future! I need to focus!

21.) I can't believe I just ate a doughnut for breaskfast without a small child begging for it and then throwing a monumental fit because I wont let them have diabetes!

22.) Why don't I have a child that has diabetes!? I want a child with diabetes!

23.) And autism!

24.) And elephantitis!

25.) And Bipolar disorder!

26.) And Down's!

27.) And is retarded with flippers! He would have so much fun in my bathtub and his name would be Happy (why yes, I am going to hell.), and I would defend him from all the other kids at school that call him "Flapjacks" on a daily basis.

28.) And a predisposition to laschivous behavior, so can have an early grandbaby and more economic strain!

29.) Why can't I have a child named Flapjacks, or Winona, or Sparkels McFlappynuts? (The "ark" would be silent because I wouldn't want her to think creationism is real, even though I believe in it because I wouldnt want to stifle her creativity).

30.) Why can't I ruin the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus and Harry Potter for my child and then have to help them cope with their shattered delusions and early onset childhood depression.

31.) Why don't I get to witness the majesty of a 4 year old's temper tantrum?

32.) Dammit! why am I sitting in class instead of having my nipple bitten off by a teething, hungry 3 year old?

33.) I'm not stuck at home tonight *sob*, I have.. PLANS!*sob sob*with.. my best friend!*sob sob sob*

34.) Steak again? Shit. I wanted Chef Boyardee and dry cheerios.

35.) Why the fuck am I at Dave and Buster's? We should go to Chuck E. Cheese's where the REAL party's at!

36.) Im listening to death metal when I SHOULD be listening to Dora the Explorer repeat destinations like a broken record.

37.) You know, sometimes I wish I could live in constant fear of my child being abducted and raped by a carny.

38.) I wish dead baby jokes offended me *sigh*.

39.) Why aren't my precious possessions covered in snot and grape jelly? I have no life!

40.) My walls are clean and not smeared with feces or feces-like children's scribblings.. I feel so sad and bitter.

41.) I have a life savings! What do mean that's "fantastic"?! Are you shitting me right now!?

42.) I have a job that is fast-paced and intellectually stimulating.. I wish I didn't.

43.) I have time to write this list! FML!

44.) I didn't have to censor the curse words on this list!

45.) Why don't I have to buy censored CD's? This is a travesty.

46.) I can actually drink alcohol tonight... fuck

47.) I just said fuck and noone is accusing me of being a bad parent because I'm not a parent and can say fuck whenever I fucking want! Son of a bitch!

48.) Why don't I have to keep a small version of myself from eating thumbtacks off the floor?

49.) Where is my morning sickness!

50.) What do you mean my weekend is totally free? This is torture.

51.) I wish I could see MY child become a serial killer.

52.) Why aren't I being blamed for everything that has gone wrong in someone's life? Ive wasted my existence!

53.) Mother Guilt doesn't apply to me.. *sob*

54.) I wish I had someone to kill me so they could get their inheritance early.

55.) Why don't I have someone to dump me in a nursing home and never call or visit?

56.) How come I can't be hated by random pedestrians because my doublewide stroller is taking up the sidewalk?

57.) Why can't I be useless in the workplace and call off of work for child related issues?

58.) Ugh. I hate the peace and quiet in my house. I want to hear the soothing screech of a toddler.

59.) Damn it. I can talk to an adult without mentioning bodily functions.

60.) I wish I could get sick more often, why don't I have a walking petri dish of my own?

61.) My relationship with my Sig. Other is entirely undisturbed and peaceful. I wish I could have a child screw it up.

62.) I could have spontaneous sex anywhere in my house and be as loud and perverted as I want without being interrupted. My life sucks.

63.) What do you mean I don't have to watch the porn on mute!?

64.) Damn. I can do any number of stupid things and not have to explain it to the next generation.

65.) Vacation? To a sunny tropical island with white beaches and blue, clear ocean? *sigh* I wanted to go to Kiddy Land.

66.) *sigh* Our car doesn't have an annoying-ass car seat in the back.. just my friends. *sigh*

67.) I wish I could be a brain-dead stay at home mom, but NOOOO! I had to be interesting and educated! BLECH!

68.) My trips to the store are quiet... too quiet.

69.) My vagina isn't the open-faced roast beef sandwich I wished it was.. just tight and pink.

70.) Oh how I wish I could go to PTA meetings and hear that my child is an idiot.

71.) Oh how I wish I could go to PTA meetings and they show me my child's secret stash of pot in their locker.

72.) I wish I had to rely on a man to feed my children while I stayed home and played farmville.. oh well.

73.) I wish my vagina was ripped from my cl*t to my a$$h*le.. what kind of woman am I?

74.) I wish I could feel a small human rip through my most sensitive areas.

75.) I wish I had to convince a screaming baby to eat at 4 in the morning.

76.) Diaper blowouts don't apply to me.. well fuck.

77.) My cat isn't tortured by little hands pulling her ears or tail. I'm a lousy pet owner.

78.) Damn. I cant believe I'm a high functioning member of society.

79.) I volunteer. I'm such a selfish shithead.

80.) What do you mean I can't help overpopulate our earth?

81.) I don't use half as many nonrenewable resources as I should.. I'm totally going to hell.

82.) Why don't I have to punish someone and make them resent me and love daddy more?

83.) I wish I could play head games with my child while my Sig. Oth. go through a nasty divorce caused by too much stress.. my life is so boring and unfulfilled.

84.) I wish I could be more depressed and stressed out. Damn all this contentedness!

85.) When I want to go for a walk, I only have to dress myself. I'm so miserable.

86.) I go to school, work, go out, and have a very good relationship with a person I love.. If only I could have a baby and put an end to this awful bliss and happiness.

87.) I don't have to share my belongings. damn.

88.) I don't have to take my out of control teen on the Maury show.

89.) I don't have to worry about doctors.. or vaccinations.. or whooping cough.. or the flu.. or chicken pox..what the fuck! I have no life!

90.) I wish I could raise someone for years, give them the better part of my life and then have them turn around and hate me.. That's tie well spent IMO.

91.) You mean my education will actually go toward me getting a decent job that pays and not towards wiping something's ass!? where did I go wrong?

92.) I wish I had a reason to get online and join the thousands of mothers who are now admitting that motherhood sucks donkey dick.. But Im not a mother so I'm not unhappy or resentful enough.. I can't live like this.

93.) I don't have to buy an ipod, xbox, barbie doll, or smartphone for anyone but myself. I hate being independent.

94.) My face is clear and wrinkle free. Why?

95.) If I am up past three, Its my own fault. I hate being able to sleep all night.

96.) This unscathed, beautiful, sexy body makes my sick. I wish I could give birth and ruin it.

97.) I have a family, an SO, and a slew of friends that I would die for *sigh* If only I could learn what true love is. If I had a child I would know!

98.) I wish I had to chauffer a child to 10,000 activities a day and still be considered a shitty parent.

99.) I wish I had to hear unsolicited advice about childrearing from everyone and anything that can speak.

100.) I wish I could envy the childfree and resent the world for not telling me that being a parent would suck ass for me. I want to feel my lifestyle be threatened enough to be an asshole and bingo someone! Why did have to think rationally about the choice to have kids?

There you have it folks. These are all my regrets. My coworker was right, I TOOOOTALLY regret not having kids. LOL! And this list could have gone on longer... believe me. But for now, I'm cursed with this happy, comfortable life style.. oh well.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 05, 2012
Great list, and #27 had me LMAO. I hope you share this list with your dimwit co-worker.


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 05, 2012
She's too stupid to get it. LOL!

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 05, 2012
This list is a true masterpiece!

A work of art!

Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 05, 2012
Awesome list!
Thank you for posting this thread, catharsist! thumbs upwink

All of those things truly suck...don't they? grinning smiley
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012

He would have so much fun in my bathtub and his name would be Happy (why yes, I am going to hell.)

Holy fuck, I almost fell out of my chair! waving hellolariouswaving hellolariouswaving hellolariouswaving hellolarious

Now, to read the rest...
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
Awesome list!

I know I hate going to NASCAR races without a screaming toddler. My life is so empty and sad.
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
Simply brilliant! And if I may.....

Why am I stuck driving this snazzy, clean sports car! And WHY is there Iron Maiden blaring from the speakers? I NEED my sticky, dirty, scratched & dented minivan with Barney music!
And where's my breeder stick-figure-famblee sticker that belongs on the back window?
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
waving hellolarious GOOD JOB catharsist!

I like this one: 58.) Ugh. I hate the peace and quiet in my house. I want to hear the soothing screech of a toddler.
Of all the reasons I am glad I don't have kids, PEACE at home would absolutely be at the top of the list. If you can't find peace and serenity in your own home, I fail to see how or when anyone would have time to relax or recharge in order to face life and function well or in any meaningful way in society. Men have had this thing right all along in that they dump the cunt work off on women and GO TO WORK, "boys' nights out", and otherwise be at home as little as humanly possible while their kids are young. I know of NO ONE who truly "enjoys" raising their kids on any regular basis aside from the Kodak moments, which as far as I am concerned are a poor exchange for a life, which is what you lose when you become a parent, although few will admit it. I don't like fessing up to horrible life choices II have made, so I suppose it's the same thing only the results of the choice to breed are forevershrug

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
I figured everyone would like this. Can you believe it only took about 45 minutes altogether to write this list? lol! Im considering doing a pt. 2 (now with 30% more caffiene).
I posted everything on my blog, I usually don't mention it, but its a decent read.

EDIT: after thinking.. and deliberation. I think we should start a meme.. The Regretful Childfree Person. Just to show all the famblees that we ARE truly regretting it. We could make it like First World Problems and everyone here can contribute. Can you say exposure and possible huge approval of the childfree choice? lol! memes: the perfect form of advertisement.

So.. We know that food and water are running out, with overpopulation and all... Yet people keep on poppin' out those babies! I guess they want to have their baby and eat it too...

My top reason is that parenting gives you a free license to be selfish based purely on the fact that you're being selfish for an emanation of your own self. The illusion that what you do to benefit your children benefits them solely is a fallacy. Every parent benefits from the benefits that their children receive. Henceforth, it gives one a license to perpetuate a dog-eat-dog mentality that I perceive to be amoral. Parents say that their children are their greatest loves, what they forget to add is that they are their ONLY loves and only because their children are a reflection of themselves. I prefer to be able to love multiple people and have lasting relationships of many types and possess the essential core value of empathy for all than to restrict myself to an echo chamber of ego-masturbation and self-serving chicanery.

In short: Not parenting makes you a better person.
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
ahahah this is precious!

I love this xD You are right, our lives are SO worhless!

My personal reason:

XX. I can plan my vacations around the World without paying extra for the stroller! How can I be so selfish? The airline counts on those money!


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
Hahaha! This list was fantastic! I've got a few of my own.

I can board an airplane and not have the other passengers want to throw my screaming kid out the window. What an awful person I am!
I don't have to explain to a judge that Junior is really a good boy, that he just made a bad decision when he beat up his ex-girlfriend. What a sad life I live.
I won't need to worry about rushing my kid to the nearest emergency room because her heart rate skyrockets every time she gets a cold. I mean, come on! Who wouldn't want to watch their child get poked and prodded by doctors while she screams her head off because she has no idea what's going on.
I don't get to experience the joys of having my teen daughter post on facebook what a cunt I am for not letting her attend that party.

I'm sure I could come up with more if I wanted to, but I'm too lazy.
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
Yes, I really hate these slow work days - what on earth shall I do?

It's just such a sad empty existence. Sigh.
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
What do you mean I can do my artwork and not have a child destroy it by coloring on it???
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
I have no toddler to use my records as frisbees.

I have no kids to cause my migraines to recur.

I have no teen to tell the world that he was a good boy who was just turning his life around when he fell in with the wrong crowd and pointed a pellet gun at a cop.

What do you mean I can devote my affections only to my potential SO and my animals?



"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
What a great list! I was chuckling as I read it, especially the part about having loud, perverted sex anywhere in the house.

I'd add just a few childfree regrets of my own:

-I regret that my spouse and I can go out to eat based on what places we like instead of which ones have a play area, a kiddee menu, or free balloons.

-When I discover partway through a cooking project that I'm missing an ingredient, I walk two blocks to the store, then come back and finish. I am aching to pack a diaper bag,corral some cranky, messy kids into the car, or maybe call someone and beg them to watch my kids while I run to the store!

-My spouse and I don't argue nearly enough. How we wish we had children...then we'd be able to argue all we want!

-I regret that everyone in the house is in charge of his/her own bodily functions! How I wish I had to be in on-call for wiping an ass, or rewarding someone with stickers for crapping in the toilet!
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
Meal times are waaaay too quiet around the house. Oh, how I wish it was filled with the sweet sounds of Shitlina shrieking her head off because she doesn't like what we're eating, which will happen pretty much every meal except when I make chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese or when I bring home McDonalds.

I would just so love to get a call from Tardford's teacher saying that he's been trying to molest the other kids again. (sigh)

My life wouldn't be complete if I didn't come home from a girls' weekend to police cars surrounding my house and said house looking like a bomb went off inside all because Junior decided to throw a little get-together with friends, and friends of friends, and random strangers that happened upon his facebook page while I was gone.
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
Why do I have eight pets and not eight children??? Life is so unfair!!!
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 06, 2012
Oh I hate how if I'm sick my hubby takes care of me while I lay in bed!
I would much rather have to feel like shit just to make sure a demanding,
ungrateful screaming fuck trophy has their cheerios and juice!
Being spoiled by DH is so awful!
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 07, 2012
You came so close to having me do a spew all over my computer. That would have been a good waste of bourbon and probably electrocuted me ... but it would have been worth it! BRILLIANT LIST!
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 07, 2012
Why do I only watch cooking shows, various animal documentaries, or the occasional King Of The Hill rerun on TV? I could be killing my brain cells slowly and painfully watching some insipid Dick-elodean cartoon or one of those baby shows where they scream every second on the second.
I regret not having four kids and raising them badly (ex: letting my oldest son live in the garage with his girlfriend - the only caveat - if she gets pregnant - they're out! - bad role model for my slutty daughter), Aforemention slutty daughter has 5 kids, and dumps the first 2 on my wife and me. We're too wimpy to put the two kids up for adoption so at least those two would have a chance at a better life. Now I worry that one of those two kids (one's a daughter - oh joy!) will leave GREATGRANDKIDS at my door.

Wait, that's not me, that's my brother's shitty existence. And he deserves every second of it.
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 07, 2012
awesome list. this is why I love bratfree people. the awesomeness is overwhelming.

gee, I will never waste my engineering education by watching dora the explorer, preparing for someone else's meals, cleaning and picking up, and having to teach the most basic principles of things to an ugly offspring. my life is so empty.
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 07, 2012
I'm just so depressed. I will never experience the joys of having an adult son who consumes large quantities of alcohol every day, works a shit job that he'll probably get fired from, hits on 16-17-year-old girls (he's 33), is a shit parent to his own kid and blames me for all his problems.
I am saddened that I will never hear my second adult son tell me and everyone else who cares to listen how much he hates me. I regret not constantly worrying about my teenaged daughter who is an alcoholic, is dating a 22-year-old loser, will likely flunk out of university because of her wild ways and would likely get pregnant, or raped, or pregnant as a result of a rape.
Oh yes, it's a terrible life!
Re: My sad, regretful Childfree life. (a list) sad smiley
September 07, 2012
Simply brilliant! And if I may.....

Why am I stuck driving this snazzy, clean sports car! And WHY is there Iron Maiden blaring from the speakers? I NEED my sticky, dirty, scratched & dented minivan with Barney music!
And where's my breeder stick-figure-famblee sticker that belongs on the back window?

I hear ya, though my sports car is coated with pug hair after taking a trip up north to watch opening of CFB at my alma mater. I hate being able to do that.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
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