The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
WTF, if that little fucker bit me, I would have raised holy hell, screamed my goddamned head off and kicked that kid away from me. Of course the idiots over there are going on about how "normal" it is for these little shits to bite. EXCUSE ME? I don't recall people biting in school. I never witnessed it and I sure as hell do NOT think it was common at all when I was a kid. I would smack the shit out of my kid if it bit anyone. Slapped the teeth right out of the little jackal.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
WTF, if that little fucker bit me, I would have raised holy hell, screamed my goddamned head off and kicked that kid away from me. Of course the idiots over there are going on about how "normal" it is for these little shits to bite. EXCUSE ME? I don't recall people biting in school. I never witnessed it and I sure as hell do NOT think it was common at all when I was a kid. I would smack the shit out of my kid if it bit anyone. Slapped the teeth right out of the little jackal.

While it is not unusual for kids to bite, it certainly is not "normal" and needs to be stopped immediately. Human bites are very dangerous.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
I can't believe the little piranha made THREE swoops at the woman, one successful, and moo just stood on the sidelines like it was acceptable behavior! She handled it much better than I would have because the FIRST time the toothy toddler sunk her teeth into me would have caused an involuntary reaction which would very likely include slapping her away with force. It's outrageous the moo would even take the biter out into public knowing she'd try to bite at the first available opportunity! Had it been another chyyld she had bitten, I wonder if the other cunts would have been more concerned? Biting dogs get muzzled, so I don't see why biting kids can't be muzzled as well. confused smiley

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
Someone needs to market little Hannibal Lecter masks for the feral little creatures.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
When I was like, three, I once bit my mom and she had to slap my face because I wouldn't let go. I never did that again.
I would gladly do the same to that feral chimp. Then I would slap the moo silly for allowing this kind of behaviour.
I don't care how spayshal your child is, that sort of behaviour is not acceptable. Betcha in a few years time Moo will be whining that her snowflake is being mistreated in school.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
Unbelievable that most of the posters in that thread are repeating "Oh biting is normal for kids". No. Just absolutely no. If your little shit is going around biting people, it doesn't belong around others until it can conduct itself like a human being.

The little shit shouldn't have even had the opportunity to get that first bite in.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
My sister's oldest kid ran up to my Mom when he was two, like he was going to give her a hug, and then sank his teeth into her stomach. My brother-in-law thought it was fucking hysterical until Mom whispered in the kid's ear to go bite Daddy. Suddenly it was time to paddle kid's behind and he never bit again.

If I were the woman writing the EHell post, I'd be going to the doctor, updating my tetanus shots, etc, and presenting my bills to that useless shit's useless moo. Then maybe she'd take her shitling's psychotic behavior seriously.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
Whip out the Kimber dual barrel pepper spray and mace her and the wild ape child.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
Yeah, the whole "Oh it's normal" bullshit is what really made my blood boil. I know kids can bite, but to just shrug that shit off like that is what kids do is idiotic. No it is not NORMAL and the worthless fuckheads that don't discipline that behavior out of their feral brats need to be locked in a room with the jackals and get bitten a few times. Oh the duhs and moos will start to care once they become the teething ring for their shitsacks.

Oh, the kid is pre-verbal and can't properly express itself so it bites.... smile rolling left righteyes2

I can be non-verbal too, and smack the crap out of the little fucker that bites me.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
I hope you are okay, somebody else posted that human bites can be very dangerous and they are correct. Keep an eye on the place where she got you and if it swells, turns reddish, or is painful around the site, go see the doctor, you will need antibiotics. Plus, if you are lucky, they might give you a couple vicodin. Mr. T: I pitty tha foolongue2

On another note, I think you handled this situation gracefully. Do not be unkind to the moo ever, but don't go out of your way to be her best friend either. Just tolerate her presence on the scene and hope that blasted rugrat grows out of the biting phase.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
I hope you are okay, somebody else posted that human bites can be very dangerous and they are correct. Keep an eye on the place where she got you and if it swells, turns reddish, or is painful around the site, go see the doctor, you will need antibiotics. Plus, if you are lucky, they might give you a couple vicodin. Mr. T: I pitty tha foolongue2

On another note, I think you handled this situation gracefully. Do not be unkind to the moo ever, but don't go out of your way to be her best friend either. Just tolerate her presence on the scene and hope that blasted rugrat grows out of the biting phase.

Ah, it was not me, there is a link to the story. I assure you, if it had been me the ending would have been very different.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
Ay yi yi....

I'm glad this didn't happen to me. Not only because I don't enjoy being bitten outside of certain consensual games with my husband, but because I learned to deal with biters while working in a stable. Some horses, when they're feeling grouchy, or bored, or particularly dominant, will decide to take a chunk out of the nearest human. If the person doesn't react, or just screams and runs away, or tries to bribe the horse with treats, that horse will never listen to that person ever again, because that person has confirmed that the horse is the dominant member of the herd, and he/she can do whatever he/she wants.

So, working in a stable, you develop a reflex. You see something coming at you with teeth, you stand your ground and crack that something hard across the face.

This is the same way horses deal with each other in the wild. If a horse tried to bite a more dominant herd member, that horse would end up getting bitten or kicked. A quick strike across the face, especially before the bite lands, doesn't really hurt the horse, and confirms that you are dominant. I've done this more times than I can count, and each time that horse NEVER tried to bite me again.

What I'm trying to say is that if this kid bit me, I'd whack her so hard it'd knock her on her ass. Which, as far as I'm concerned, is exactly what the little shit deserves, but I'd probably end up getting arrested.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
Guh, why can't these losers discipline their little feral assholes?? How fucking hard is it to say NO and give a time out and enforce it, or to remove their little hyena from the situation - or, better yet, if they know the kyd is a biter to NOT BRING THEM AT ALL?? Do these dipshits not watch Supernanny?

That said, this makes me want to buy a taser. For both the brat AND her worthless moo.
That said, this makes me want to buy a taser. For both the brat AND her worthless moo.

Exactly what my signature (below) says!
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
I just commented elsewhere that I have a cold, likely picked up from some child in public.

I'm really beginning to get pissed off about this / breeders letting their hellspawn do and contaminate anything and anyone around them.

If this biting incident happened to me? You can bet your sweet ass I'd have contacted an attorney and instituted a lawsuit. I have FUCKING HAD IT! with these asshole breeders allowing their kids to run amok!

Gah, imagine how many germs there are in a nasty child's mouth. PUKE!!! two faces puking

angry smiley

- I was thinking Taser, also. After I quit this board I might do a little online shopping.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
EH Commenter
When surprised - including pain or not - I tend to flail or punch. If I'd been the OP, that first bite would have probably led to an involuntary physical reaction that the child would not have enjoyed. But I bet her mom would think I was the wrongdoer.

This reminded me of something that happened around 15 years ago (I was 17). I was walking home from wherever with a friend and we passed a house where a gaggle of brats of various ages were tearing around their front yard, while a big gross moo 'supervised' from the porch. Suddenly, I feel a hard, stinging slap on my lower back and my involuntary reaction was to spin around with my fist. I missed the 5-year-old bastard's face by an inch. The kid laughed and ran away and moo didn't even bat an eye. I yelled "FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT, NEXT TIME I WON'T MISS!!!" Yeah, I was quite perturbed.

The 'friend' berated me pretty good because "he's just a CHYULD!" We didn't stay friends for long.
If a little shit ever takes a bite out of me I'm just going to scream out , "NO! I have AIDS!" at the top of my lungs and then tell the moo to get the brat tested ASAP!

Hopefully a nice meditation on blood born pathogens, a western blot and "near miss" for her pweshious will ensure that the biting is kept under control in the future.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
If a little shit ever takes a bite out of me I'm just going to scream out , "NO! I have AIDS!" at the top of my lungs and then tell the moo to get the brat tested ASAP!

Hopefully a nice meditation on blood born pathogens, a western blot and "near miss" for her pweshious will ensure that the biting is kept under control in the future.

waving hellolarious
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012

"Approximately 10-15% of human bite wounds become infected, a considerable infection rate that arises from multiple factors. Patients often wait until infection is established before presenting late in the course of their injury, thus necessitating medical attention. Wounds evaluated earlier are frequently more extensive than estimated on initial examination by the inexperienced observer and are frequently managed inadequately.

The bacterial inoculum of human bite wounds is rich in oral flora, as saliva contains as many as 100 million organisms per milliliter, representing as many as 190 different species. Moreover, most of these injuries occur on the hands, and hand wounds of any cause have a higher infection rate than do similar wounds in other anatomic locations.

The possibility of transmission of disease through human bites must be considered. Human bites have been shown to transmit hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes simplex virus (HSV), syphilis, tuberculosis, actinomycosis, and tetanus. Evidence suggests that it is biologically possible to transmit the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through human bites, although this is quite unlikely.

Although controversies exist regarding the optimal management of human bites, the basic tenets of meticulous wound care are the same as those for other contaminated wounds. The goals of therapy are to minimize possible soft tissue deformity and to prevent or appropriately treat infection. Recognition of the high risk of infectious complications and early aggressive treatment are mandatory to prevent serious wound infection and its associated complications."

What a filthy little monster!angrily flogging with a whip

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
I can't believe what was happening when looking between the lines on this article. When the child wasn't allowed to take the bracelets off this women the brat responded by biting. The moo's response was to suggest that the woman give up her bracelets to the brat. I see another spoiled entitled bitch on the horizon.

I walk the path of life to my own rhythm, my own beat-if you don't like it, step off and find your own damn song!
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 12, 2012
That kid wouldn't have any damn teeth to bite with if that happened to me. Little shit. The mom is a moron too.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 13, 2012
Breeders need to understand that the general public has a right not to be assaulted. An injury is an injury, regardless of whether it was caused by a feral brat or an adult with anger management issues. My right not to be attacked will always trump your 'right' to express yourself.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 13, 2012
I can't believe what was happening when looking between the lines on this article. When the child wasn't allowed to take the bracelets off this women the brat responded by biting. The moo's response was to suggest that the woman give up her bracelets to the brat. I see another spoiled entitled bitch on the horizon.

I noticed that too. "...She just likes your bracelets!", AS IF that's a viable excuse for the attack. Maybe the little biter would like some handcuff bracelets and being attached to a sturdy object in a back room the next time she's allowed out of her cage. I have a cat who developed a biting behavioral problem a couple of years ago due to extreme jealousy of a kitten brought into the home. A thump on the nose and being put into lock down went a long way in thwarting the number, frequency, and severity of future attacks. Amazingly, her daily,numerous, and skin penetrating "bite attacks" have dwindled to one every few weeks when she's especially upset and they're more like nips now and then she runs off and hides because she knows the behavior is unacceptable and there will be consequences.spanking with a whip on the ass

While I don't condone child abuse in any way before any Troll Cow comes on board with her stupid commentary about what a mean childless beast I am, I honestly believe a biter should be immediately punished with a spanking and then physically removed from the site of the attack, locked in a room, reasoned with afterwards, and made to apologize. I'd do this each and every time until they realized the punishment wasn't worth the joy they appear to get from the crime. It IS a crime to assault people and biting IS an assault whether it's an adult doing it or a kid allowed to do it. There is no known medical reason for a toddler to bite and if it isn't in self defense, then it's an obvious behavioral problem. I don't happen to think hugging it and offering it up an udder is the solution, much to the chagrin of the attachment parenting moos I am certain.eye rolling smiley

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 13, 2012
All human children tends to bite when they are in toddlerdoom (no it is not a typo). However, they are usually, and fast, taught not to. End of the problem.

And I also think that if the feral brat is not taught to AVOID violence to have what she wants, she is in for a load of police trouble in the future.

But this comment made me laugh grinning smiley

Did this girl appear to have a green, decaying complexion? Bleeding or ominous, inexplicable black ooze coming from her mouth and nose? Did she walk with a halted, lumbering gait? Because unless she was a zombie toddler, I have no possible explanation for this bizarre, antisocial behavior other than extremely poor parenting*

*PS, if you suspect that she was in fact a zombie, you should probably isolate yourself from loved ones pretty soon.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: The POS brat is a biter and Moo does nothing. :wtf
September 13, 2012
One big worry Moo should have is tot could bite someone who would for reasons of PSTD (such as returning solders from Afghanistan or other wars) may hyper-react. These men and women aren't uncommon.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
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