Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013

Love the lowing and boo hoo-ing in this article. AND how they blame everything from Social Security to college for women for the horrifying drop in birthrates.

Much to love here, CF'ers!!
Anonymous User
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
If anything Social Insecurity was supposed to be an incentive for MORE breeding - it was founded on the principle of an ever-increasing population. When the 50's baby boom ended, so did its credibility.
Anonymous User
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
Ugh. People aren't spawning because it isn't beneficial to spawn.

And I have suspicions that this article is mostly bitching about not having enough white babies.

I'm... speechless with this article. It's discouraging Social Security, higher education, medicare, all for the sake of having babies?

No. Fuck you. You don't deserve your stupid babies if you don't want to help these programs. The elderly have earned the right to be cared for better than this. Higher education is necessary because it prevents brainless babymakers like this stupid cunt demands. Medicare is important too for reasons I don't think I need to explain.

This person seriously wants us to sacrifice health and education for babies? GOOD GOD MY FUCKING TEMPER IS GOING TO EXPLODE AT ANY FUCKING SECOND.

I can't help but see 'have more babies!' as a lazy way to solve the problems we have. I am certain there is a strategy available to solve the problems that we have. There is work to be done, and we have enough people on the planet to figure out a way to solve them.

This person is just forwarding GOP-like policies under the guise of... whatever this garbage is. -.- Notice how they target only government-funded programs?
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
Until less than 10% of Americans are dependent on fucking Welfare and there are no starving, homeless, uneducated people in the world, I will see dropping birth rates as a GOOD thing. Why on earth can't these shit-for-brains see that we have more damn people using up resources than we do time and energy to create said resources? We're going to breed ourselves into extinction.
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
And I have suspicions that this article is mostly bitching about not having enough white babies.

I was also thinking the same because we also had some mind blowing articles that people here should have more baybees because there are lots of working people retiring soon and there isn't enough workforce and at the same time another newspaper was writing about qualified immigrants who can't find a job. I was just lurking on the Finnish "CF" forum and a breeder was bitching that only Somali immigrants and religious people are having baybees and that they will destroy the rolling left righteyes2
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
A DROP in birthrates!

Gee, maybe there's hope yet!

"What To Expect When No One's Expecting"
A better world, maybe?

Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
I think my head has exploded!

Prior to this I was looking at the US Gov Small Biz Admin. website. So, my head was already partially exploded. I began thinking to myself - you can make yourself a paper pusher for the gov. And really nothing but a cog that borrows $ from one dept or gov entity and then hands it over to another one. What a cluster fuck. A clever person could probably run their own pyramid scheme within it all.

In any case, you really do not want to parse this crap I was reading so I will paraphrase, one point that stuck out at me - they're presently NOT passing out any pollution controls loans, check back later (it seriously says that). So - that point in the article, that the US is environmentally better off, is a load of bollocks. At the least, they're not sticking their necks out to make any improvements.

There is something going there for NAFTA affected areas. And various other things, as you can imagine. The thing is - if the gov is backing this stuff, as well as various tax breaks - all this too is essentially a 'government bailout' of biz. Or, another negative impact on taxes due to the actions of biz.

More babies is not going to make up for lack of industry. Tax issues? Too many elderly? How about where the rest of this tax is going? To shore up the messes that de regulated Big Biz created. My head is too fried to get into trade imbalances and subsidies. Is it too early to start drinking?

And don't get me started on the Military. Which I am not opposed to but it is bloated and full of waste at the least. As is everything else in gov. And yet another thing they keep throwing $ at thinking it's some how going to 'fix things'.

Fix the systemic issues before you start loading more humans into this cluster fuck.
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
Oh please. The grand argument that "WHO WILL REPLACE THE RETIRING WORKERS!1!!!!!!111!" is such a load of shit. Basically, these people are saying that children will:

1. Grow up without incident
2. Become educated
3. Become productive members of society and pay taxes

Well, that would be nice, but we all know that doesn't happen for EVERY child. There are plenty of poor, mentally ill, mentally retarded, profoundly autistic, chronically ill and general deviants being born everyday. What are we supposed to do with these kids? Put them on a barge like garbage and let them float around endlessly?

You can't roll out the red carpet for all the privileged and healthy white children born today, and then not make a plan for everyone else. How ridiculous and short-sighted.

Ever notice that the people who moan the loudest about cutting programs are the first ones on line with their palms up if something happens to them or their precious children?
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
Enough of the breeding propaganda bullshit smile rolling left righteyes2

If everyone is so concerned about the 70+ million baby boomers and how they will fuck government budgets with their medical expenses, they should realize that not even boomers are immortal.

For one thing, they paid into their social security for the most part. Another thing: this dilemma is self-correcting. The oldest boomers are 67 years old this year and the youngest are 49. In 40 years, nearly all boomers are DEAD.

Creating another baby boom can only create another round of handwringing, wailing, and other :BS about who wil payyyyyy for all the old people expenses. Fewer old people, fewer expenses. Especially with a shift in the working models of yesteryear with jobs disappearing to other countries or automation.
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
Enough of the breeding propaganda bullshit smile rolling left righteyes2

If everyone is so concerned about the 70+ million baby boomers and how they will fuck government budgets with their medical expenses, they should realize that not even boomers are immortal.

For one thing, they paid into their social security for the most part. Another thing: this dilemma is self-correcting. The oldest boomers are 67 years old this year and the youngest are 49. In 40 years, nearly all boomers are DEAD.

Creating another baby boom can only create another round of handwringing, wailing, and other :BS about who wil payyyyyy for all the old people expenses. Fewer old people, fewer expenses. Especially with a shift in the working models of yesteryear with jobs disappearing to other countries or automation.

Right, and how many Boomers are retiring with a pension and benefits? Pensions and benefits are becoming extinct for future generations.

It's Generation X and beyond who are going to need Social Security in the future. smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results." Throwing babies at our problems do not fix them. Not to mention that it is fucked up to expect your children to fix your problems.

As an anti-natalist I have been told that "life is worth the suffering." Well, if all that's true, why do these people feel that increased breeding is such a dire subject? If the breeding doesn't increase, then it doesn't. If older people suffer "because"* of the decreased amount of breeding, then that's just the way it will be. Either life is worth the suffering or it isn't. If it is, then this article isn't necessary. Pro-natalists need to make up their minds.

I'm not continuing this unnecessary cycle of suffering and death for any reason. All I can do is hope that the people who currently exist and will exist don't suffer too much.

*People suffer because suffering is part of existence. People who don't breed are not responsible for the suffering of existent people. We are not responsible for ANY problems. All of the problems we have are the direct result of breeding in the first place.
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
Ugh. People aren't spawning because it isn't beneficial to spawn.

And I have suspicions that this article is mostly bitching about not having enough white babies.

I'm... speechless with this article. It's discouraging Social Security, higher education, medicare, all for the sake of having babies?

No. Fuck you. You don't deserve your stupid babies if you don't want to help these programs. The elderly have earned the right to be cared for better than this. Higher education is necessary because it prevents brainless babymakers like this stupid cunt demands. Medicare is important too for reasons I don't think I need to explain.

This person seriously wants us to sacrifice health and education for babies? GOOD GOD MY FUCKING TEMPER IS GOING TO EXPLODE AT ANY FUCKING SECOND.

I can't help but see 'have more babies!' as a lazy way to solve the problems we have. I am certain there is a strategy available to solve the problems that we have. There is work to be done, and we have enough people on the planet to figure out a way to solve them.

This person is just forwarding GOP-like policies under the guise of... whatever this garbage is. -.- Notice how they target only government-funded programs?

Love how this jackass assumes the elderly are useless to society. Love to mail him/her a turd.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
According to the quiverful whackjobs, (christian) people need to breed more or there won't be enough Warriors for Gawd.
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
From the comments

"The "trouble" with children...

They can have a negative impact on "ME" time: partying, working out, hanging with friends, sleeping around, bar hopping, shopping, etc... Kids can impact career advancement. They cost money to keep around. And according to some they are even a threat to the sustainability of the planet. "

This is specifically directed at women. It is THE stereotype of a Career Woman, Feminazi, or TV character. Also, children do not usually have a negative impact on a MAN'S career.

"Since Americans seem to be focused on pleasing self, children have become a stigma. Unless you are same sex couple. Then having an adopted child is a badge of honor... at least until the novelty wears off."

He's bigoted against gays. Also thinks that they are ALL rushing out to have or adopt kids.

Having more than one child, has become a social "crime".

Oh? From where I sit it's preached NIGHT AND DAY. If anything's a "social crime" it's being CF - and oh look! - here's another article about it - right here! smile rolling left righteyes2

"One solution is simply kill the children before they are born. If they manage to survive until after birth, many have pushed for the government to become their primary provider. After all the government can employ child care experts to look after these unwanted nuisances. "Parents" have become nothing more than biological donors that help to bring the child into existence. "

These are the ones that people like YOU suckered into breeding! Deal.

"Of course there was a time in this nation when children were considered a blessing, a gift from God. Dad and Mom found joy in watching their little ones grow and reach new milestones. Fulfillment, hope, and peace came from shared sacrifice and share achievement. Love meant laying down your life for one another and not simply a 30 minute encounter to feed the all consuming lust for self-gratification. "

Uh, Ward Cleaver? Our generation was not the first to toss the Lurving Famblee under the bus. These Aging Baby Boomers that you expect us to bust our cooters on? They weren't exactly paragons of virtue. And neither were their parents - the so called "Greatest Generation" smile rolling left righteyes2
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
Of course there was a time in this nation when children were considered a blessing, a gift from God.

Oh please, there was never a time when this was universally true. Some people have always been schmaltzy and overly sentimental about children. Most people just dealt with the fact that you didn't have much choice in the matter, if you wanted to be sexually active. Kids were basically unavoidable. Some people still think they're unavoidable. And many of those same people are the ones who get so butthurt over the fact that people can and will reject parenthood. They give themselves away when they refer to the childfree as thinking that children are a "nuisance" or a "burden." Of course they know that kids are troublesome and inconvenient. That's exactly the point they're making when they deride those who would opt out.
Anonymous User
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 04, 2013
Some things from the comments
" Women who will not have kids so that they can make money do not deserve to reproduce their way of life. The future belongs to those willing to sacrifice for their children."

I love how they think all women would avoid abortions if they paid for the pre natal and birthing costs. I wouldn't even start to think twice about not aborting until they offered 5million, it would take twice that to actually consider it and even then I wouldn't raise it. I love how they keep spouting out that 55 million abortions statistic, may as well mention the natural/birth control induced miscarriages, there's billions of those. Thank dog for those ones too.

Most of them seem to think all women want baybeees and they just can't afford them, many women don't want them for ethical reasons, such as the predicted quality of life of their child based on hereditary/financial/other issues, and those who just don't want children.

If the population does in fact decrease, which I hope to dog it will, robots will be used for things like childcare/elderly care while dealing with insufficient workers(highly unlikely that there won't be enough). And then the elderly will die off and the population will regulate itself.

The best thing they can do is cut welfare, except disability. Welfare should have a 1 year limit every 10-15yrs, for those who end up losing their jobs etc. Its sad how many commenters believed that the world can support 10+ billion people easily...its just shocking that some people have such little knowledge of basic biology in this day and age.

The easiest way to sum up the article and comments, "barefoot baby cannon chained to the kitchen" They want less educated people so they don't have student loans and can pop out babies like crazy. And yet somehow they think an uneducated population will lead to innovation etc. If you cut down on education you'll also cut down on live births due to not having enough doctors. In general their plan would lead to devolution.

Articles like these remind me about how glad I am to be sterile, even if the pro-natalist crazies try to illegalize birth control and abortions, I know I won't have to worry.
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 05, 2013
Alternately, we could encourage the university system to be more responsive to market forces by creating a no-frills, federal degree-granting body that awards certificates to students who pass exams in a given subject.

That isn't a college. It's a high school!

He's on drugs. We fought, and won, WWII with half the population we have now. If anything, going from 150 million people to 300 million people made us weaker.
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 05, 2013
Some things from the comments
" Women who will not have kids so that they can make money do not deserve to reproduce their way of life. The future belongs to those willing to sacrifice for their children."

What baffles me about such people - who are doing nothing but parroting 'talking points' some right winger has fed to them - is why they can't see what is right in front of their eyes!

The Over Lords WANT you to breed and 'sacrifice' so they can MAKE MONEY OFF YOUR BACK! Why can't they see this? They even USE the word SACRIFICE!!!

I'm not necessarily passing judgement on this either. It's a feature of Capitalism and other political or governmental ideologies. The boosters of which are now making their wishes clear - they want more babies for *economic purposes*. They make no bones about it now. Some do cloak it in religion, tradition, emotionality.

And this showing of the economic hand is still cloaked in fear (of Social Security collapsing, if not the whole of society. Also includes Xenophobia.)

But, it is out in the open - what they really want: Moar Serfs.

The thing is - the industrialization of society won't support these. Sure you might like more consumers - and bodies to work for you to squeeze that way - but there is not enough work to absorb these bodies (made redundant by technology) - so they can't consume if they cannot make money.

Here in lies the problem. We are no longer operating off manual labor. These people cannot be absorbed.

A certain type of racist Far Right parroter also likes to point out the shit condition that Africa is in. Too many people who are 'useless eaters'. They assume they are lazy.

But many countries in Africa have famine and war and even if you are the smartest guy there like the next Bill Gates looking to build a silicon chip factory - uh, first of all - you have to be able to feed yourself. And if you have to walk miles to water - your time may be kind of taken up with that. And - you will need all sorts of 'things' for your factory - like electricity - and more then likely - your area doesn't have that. And it's too cost prohibitive to do it all yourself.

Lack of resources (food and water) and infrastructure and too many people.

Take a different place. I was just thinking about Hudson Bay, Canada. Not many people live there. Know why? Because it's REALLY COLD. And frozen. What will you eat? You will freeze to death. And there's really not much you can do to 'fix the place up'. Wolverines probably don't even go there.

Unlimited expansion is NOT possible! Some of these nutbags even think we're going to 'colonize space'. Not anytime soon, bucko.

And then of course is the corollary idea that MOAR PEOPLE breeds 'innovation'. To put this in the vernacular - some other chump can clean up the mess. Which is one of the most reverently held tenets of The Overlords.

Fits nicely with YOU! SACRIFICE! too.

These people also hate it when you say NO. This is how you know it's all about them. If something a person does has little to no affect on another - that person is not apt to care. But if their actions (or inaction) - does affect the person - well then they do care and their level of benefit off the actor can be judged by their anger.

I cannot believe people can't see through all this. It's right in front of your face! THEY admit to it! But these people will lick their Master's boots and even give away the most basic of rights. And then parrot their Propaganda on top of it. And they get JUST AS MAD as those who will benefit when you say NO also.

I'm getting onto one of my Anti Capitalist / Corporatist / Fascist rants here, so I'll wrap this up. Just thought of another thing this commenter says -

"The future belongs to those willing to sacrifice for their children."

Can you see how illogical this is? This is outdated thinking. It has been distorted by technology.

The only way this idea works is in the realms of communal living and manual labor. Children are simply no longer worth that much because manual labor is no longer worth that much. If needed at all.

But of course Jesus is coming back soon! Sounds like in the form of some kind of George Jetson guy, some Techno Jebus is gonna innovate us all onto another planet, so don't worry.
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 05, 2013
Alternately, we could encourage the university system to be more responsive to market forces by creating a no-frills, federal degree-granting body that awards certificates to students who pass exams in a given subject.

That isn't a college. It's a high school!

He's on drugs. We fought, and won, WWII with half the population we have now. If anything, going from 150 million people to 300 million people made us weaker.

That's what trade school and vocational-technical high school is for! I am NOT for dumbing down universities to so-called "market forces." University education is to EDUCATE. If you want to learn a trade, go to vo-tech or trade school after high school.
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 05, 2013
retarded sentence
"The future belongs to those willing to sacrifice for their children."

This sentence is so retarded. LIFE IS NOT A CONTEST. You do not "win" if your progeny are the last human beings to exist.
Re: Boo Hoo...People don't wanna have babees.
February 05, 2013
Some things from the comments
" Women who will not have kids so that they can make money do not deserve to reproduce their way of life. The future belongs to those willing to sacrifice for their children."

What baffles me about such people - who are doing nothing but parroting 'talking points' some right winger has fed to them - is why they can't see what is right in front of their eyes!

The Over Lords WANT you to breed and 'sacrifice' so they can MAKE MONEY OFF YOUR BACK! Why can't they see this? They even USE the word SACRIFICE!!!

I'm not necessarily passing judgement on this either. It's a feature of Capitalism and other political or governmental ideologies. The boosters of which are now making their wishes clear - they want more babies for *economic purposes*. They make no bones about it now. Some do cloak it in religion, tradition, emotionality.

And this showing of the economic hand is still cloaked in fear (of Social Security collapsing, if not the whole of society. Also includes Xenophobia.)

But, it is out in the open - what they really want: Moar Serfs.

The thing is - the industrialization of society won't support these. Sure you might like more consumers - and bodies to work for you to squeeze that way - but there is not enough work to absorb these bodies (made redundant by technology) - so they can't consume if they cannot make money.

Here in lies the problem. We are no longer operating off manual labor. These people cannot be absorbed.

A certain type of racist Far Right parroter also likes to point out the shit condition that Africa is in. Too many people who are 'useless eaters'. They assume they are lazy.

But many countries in Africa have famine and war and even if you are the smartest guy there like the next Bill Gates looking to build a silicon chip factory - uh, first of all - you have to be able to feed yourself. And if you have to walk miles to water - your time may be kind of taken up with that. And - you will need all sorts of 'things' for your factory - like electricity - and more then likely - your area doesn't have that. And it's too cost prohibitive to do it all yourself.

Lack of resources (food and water) and infrastructure and too many people.

Take a different place. I was just thinking about Hudson Bay, Canada. Not many people live there. Know why? Because it's REALLY COLD. And frozen. What will you eat? You will freeze to death. And there's really not much you can do to 'fix the place up'. Wolverines probably don't even go there.

Unlimited expansion is NOT possible! Some of these nutbags even think we're going to 'colonize space'. Not anytime soon, bucko.

And then of course is the corollary idea that MOAR PEOPLE breeds 'innovation'. To put this in the vernacular - some other chump can clean up the mess. Which is one of the most reverently held tenets of The Overlords.

Fits nicely with YOU! SACRIFICE! too.

These people also hate it when you say NO. This is how you know it's all about them. If something a person does has little to no affect on another - that person is not apt to care. But if their actions (or inaction) - does affect the person - well then they do care and their level of benefit off the actor can be judged by their anger.

I cannot believe people can't see through all this. It's right in front of your face! THEY admit to it! But these people will lick their Master's boots and even give away the most basic of rights. And then parrot their Propaganda on top of it. And they get JUST AS MAD as those who will benefit when you say NO also.

I'm getting onto one of my Anti Capitalist / Corporatist / Fascist rants here, so I'll wrap this up. Just thought of another thing this commenter says -

"The future belongs to those willing to sacrifice for their children."

Can you see how illogical this is? This is outdated thinking. It has been distorted by technology.

The only way this idea works is in the realms of communal living and manual labor. Children are simply no longer worth that much because manual labor is no longer worth that much. If needed at all.

But of course Jesus is coming back soon! Sounds like in the form of some kind of George Jetson guy, some Techno Jebus is gonna innovate us all onto another planet, so don't worry.

This is an awesome post.

I also want to know if Techno Jebus also spins dubstep?

thumbs upwink
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