Ketchup Wrote:
> I'm voting for Obama. And sorry Hillary
> supporters, he will be the nominee. There's no
> fucking way I'm voting for four more years of
> Republican rule.
Well then, I'm sure you're prepared for much more governmental nannyism and more of your tax dollars going to 'others in need' and other nonsensical garbage. And oh yes, let's not forget the looooooong awaited socialized medicine, that one's a doozy wink. There is no one great choice I know, but Obama? Are you kidding me?!

On his info. sheet on the internet, along with all the other candidates, he lists TWO hometowns. HUH? Where you're born is where you're from, you can't be from two different places. Oh, and he coincidentally lists Jakarta, Indonesia BEFORE he lists Honolulu, Hawaii.

Obama: -Support granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants: Favors topic 12; -Extend welfare and Medicaid to immigrants: Favors topic 12; -NO on declaring English as the official language of the US government: Strongly Favors topic 12 ; -Joined church that emphasized a "Black Value System". (Dec 2007); -More influenced by his race than public perceives. (Dec 2007); -
I could go on and on but won't bore you to death. America and the people who bust their asses here are NOT his primary focus.

May the lucky man/woman win!
I think I should be in charge of the country, with Ted Nugent as my right-hand man.

Things would be MUCH different. smiling smiley

Obama is an ass of epic proportions. All starry-eyed and delusional. Politicians are all nothing but a bunch of self-interest satisfying assholes. And liars to boot.
Yep, Ted Nugent and Neil Boortz - Now THAT'S what I'm talking about!! :beer

Howard Stern


Jimmy Buffett
For those here who have stated they are voting for Oboomer....

I understand the frustraion with the crop of neo conservative repugs we've had to endure for the past 8 years. And McSame is McSame, the only thing about him is that he appears to be a little smarter than Dumbya. Although I've been reading in the news where he is trying to make himself more like Hillary. I dunno about that....

What I do know is that both parties are sold out lock stock and barrell to corporate interests. Personally, I think voting for Obama if you are CF is one of the most foolhardly things you can do, because not only is he going to raise your taxes, CF person, he's going to raise them and give health care to all of the CHILDREN in America, under him, not only will you be paying for the welfare breeders and brats but you'll be paying for the brats of the middle class and wealthy as well. He has openly said that his healthcare plan will only be for CHILDREN. Not to mention he's going to raise your forced charity at gunpoint (the IRS, remember, they carry guns too) to the turd werld by sending even more aid than Dumbya does.

Both parties are also committed to the philosophy of seclective socialism, and selective socialism always means the childfree get fucked in the ass with a baseball bat.

You know I'd love it if I could get something for my tax $$ that I pay in, wtf do I get? No one said socialism is perfect but its a hell of a lot better than the selective socialism we have now that excludes the childfree from any of the social benefits they pay for.

The parties want Americans to keep voting by the "lesser of two evils" mantra... this is how they keep their hold on power. There is no such thing as a lesser of two evils, there is Satan and there is Beelezebub, lol, and the childfree will get a raw deal with either one.

It's best just to vote your conscience at the box, even if you know the good candidate doesn't have a shot in hell.

And remember, voting is NOT your greatest power as a citizen, JURY DUTY IS. As a juror you wield as much power as an senator or president because you can actually change the law, with one vote. That's the power and beauty of Jury Nullification. I don't know what the rules are for every state but you should do your damndest to sit on as many juries as you can instead of worrying about getting the repugs out of office by voting Oboomer.
the rest of the world watches with interest because whatever happens there will affect us here.All goverments are the same they all pander to families in australia they give you a $4000 baby bonus for having a child should be called the plasma tv bonus because thats what they spend it on.atleast your voting is voluntary here they fine you for not voting
^^^...and you've only scratched the surface regarding Obama's insane give give give mentality. If he is elected (God help us all) and takes his dumb ass over to Iran to try and talk with those insane motherfuckers, he will be assassinated. Hopefully he will have picked a good V.P.

It's mainly (but not only) the brain-washed college students walking around in Jesus sandals with dread-locks in their unwashed mappy heads who thinks this guy walks on water.

Save your money people, invest it wisely so you will be able to survive during your retirement years. I am a Libertarian so neither side is really want I'd like to see in office. But you want to see bad? You want to see MORE of your blood money going to the lazy fucks? Vote for Obama!
sounds familiar

this all has tinges of

The First Prophet was Nehemiah Scudder, a backwoods preacher turned President (elected in 2012), then dictator (no elections were held in 2016 or later)

a heinlein character. i know some people will dislike his works,

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
I just had a big meal.

Here's to you, turd world and Barack! angry flipping off

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
k-man Wrote:
> Strike 1. Michelle Obama's comments in a public
> speech about being proud of her country for the
> first time in her adult life.
You say this like you can't fathom that anyone wouldn't be completely proud of how our country has conducted itself for the past 20 years. Trust me when I say that there are many, many people who feel NO PRIDE whatsoever in the direction this country has gone.

> Strike 2. The Rev. Mr. Wright's excesses in
> anti-American rhetoric combined with his status as
> Obama's mentor for 20 years
Um. He didn't LIE. Hillary IS a rich white woman! 911 wasn't just a wacky islamo-fascist prank, but was a result of our foreign policy. When you find out that the government that rules you decided to use your community for a non-consentual, untreated syphilis experiment, you might decide that the government that rules you might not have your best interests at heart. It also might cause you to hold a grudge for a while. Funny that, I guess people don't like to be experimented on without their consent are anti-american.

> Strike 3. The infamous "bitter" speech that Obama
> gave in San Francisco putting down Americans
> suffering from good jobs being sent overseas.
That wasn't a speech, but a statement he made that someone happened to tape. That said, do you know anyone who is happy when their job is outsourced, and the helpful advice they get is "get new skills"? College costs money, and takes time...which, if you're 50, you may not have a lot of. Then when you graduate from college, your new degree gets you a shit job at the bottom of the ladder....if you are lucky. I tend to think people who have lost their jobs, and have few opportunities to get new jobs at the same wages they were making, and see that no one is even trying to get their jobs back, or make new jobs, might indeed be a little bitter.

> And now, Strike 4, this asinine statement. I
> don't see Obama giving up his constant plane rides
> to campaign or otherwise get around. And how much
> do we taxpayers have to pay for transporting his
> constant Secret Service protection? How much fuel
> does his entourage use?
Yes, that was a stupid statement from a sociopathic egoist who believes he can fix every thing for everyone. Obviously if he really cared about the environment, he'd stop campaigning and do something useful.

> I don't give a rat's ass about the Turd World.
> How many times has Ethiopia had a famine requiring
> massive Western aid intervention now?
This might be a completely insane question, but what's your beef with fly-covered, disease ridden, unfed, uneducated people who live in dictatorships and possess less than I shit out my ass every day? Really. I want to know, because it sounds to me like you firmly believe they have free access to massive amounts of food, money, clothing, transportation, medical care, clean water, toilet facilities, education, housing and general social peace and that they just choose not to use them or that they chose to move there and live under those conditions.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Easy, Feh. My point was that those four factors have turned off many potential voters who might have otherwise voted for Obama. For what it's worth, I don't particularly disagree with a lot of the substance of what Rev. Wright said, but the way he said it had racial overtones that naturally would make a potential voter wonder how many of those beliefs Obama shared.

Likewise with Obama's "bitter" comments, which taken in their entirety sounded elitist and disdainful of working-class Americans who are suffering in this brave new economy. He probably didn't intend to say it the way he did, obviously, but I suspect it made a big difference in the primary results in Pennsylvania and a few other states. Also, I myself have a lot of grievances with this country and the direction it's going, but for Michelle Obama to make the comments in the manner she did in a public forum rubbed many people the wrong way. I don't care that much what a candidate's spouse might say unless that spouse is a certifiable loon, but many do pay attention and pass judgement on the candidate himself based on something like that.

My whole point was that Obama and the people he is close to have made key gaffes that have alienated many citizens who might have favored him. This new statement about giving up food, vehicles, etc., is the latest and again makes him look elitist, especially when he obviously uses much more resources than the average Joe while he campaigns. (A similar hypocrisy helped doom John Edwards, who actually tried to portray himself as a champion of working Americans while getting $300 haircuts and living in a massive, energy-hungry house.) Some now have the perception that Obama actually looks down on many of the rest of us. That isn't a good omen for his campaign—and for the most part I like the man and wish him well.

About Ethiopia, it makes little sense when conditions are bad and food is scarce to keep popping out children who are doomed to die. Typical destructive breeder behavior like that we complain about here, and totally illogical. You have the time and energy to screw and bear children, then you have the time and energy to try to do something to forestall famine, or at least get the hell out of that area.

During the Depression in the US, birth rates dropped because of the bad times, and the US was nowhere near a famine. By contrast, in many of the troubled areas in the Third World, birth rates have remained high despite the likelihood that many children face an early doom from starvation, poor sanitation, poor medical practices, conflicts, corrupt governments, etc. The breeders in those countries could potentially use their numbers and some initiative to do something about those problems but choose not to do so. The Eastern Bloc finally got fed up with Communism and got rid of the Soviet regimes in 1991, so it can be done.

If someone persists in staying in deadly conditions, after a point I can't feel sorry for that. But I have compassion fatigue for humans these days anyway, so I worry about the animals instead... winking smiley
I'm heating my house to 72 now (it's not very warm where I am) and I don't give a fuck what the Turd World says about it!

Keep working more hours, CF people! Millions of breeders depend on us.
Feh Wrote:

We do not always agree on stuff but you got it right on about a lot of things.

> > Obama's mentor for 20 years
> Um. He didn't LIE. Hillary IS a rich white
> woman!

It is a trip how the Clintons were the poorest White House residents but are now two of the wealthiest people!

> When you find out that the government that rules
> you decided to use your community for a
> non-consentual, untreated syphilis experiment, you
> might decide that the government that rules you
> might not have your best interests at heart. It
> also might cause you to hold a grudge for a while.

That is bad shit. I know I would be PO'd for life!

> Funny that, I guess people don't like to be
> experimented on without their consent are
> anti-american.

Ain't that the truth??? No one would expect the Jews who survived Hitler and his evil camps to be 'glad' they were used for experiments.
> >
> > Strike 3. The infamous "bitter" speech that
> Obama
> > gave in San Francisco putting down Americans
> > suffering from good jobs being sent overseas.
> That wasn't a speech, but a statement he made that
> someone happened to tape. That said, do you know
> anyone who is happy when their job is outsourced,
> and the helpful advice they get is "get new
> skills"? College costs money, and takes
> time...which, if you're 50, you may not have a lot
> of. Then when you graduate from college, your new
> degree gets you a shit job at the bottom of the
> ladder....if you are lucky. I tend to think
> people who have lost their jobs, and have few
> opportunities to get new jobs at the same wages
> they were making, and see that no one is even
> trying to get their jobs back, or make new jobs,
> might indeed be a little bitter.

Egads...I hate when people say or the Sunday Career Classifieds articles state, "You can just go to school and start over." It is not always that easy. School takes time and $$$. How many people do I know with great college degrees are working in call centers, still waiting tables, or answering phones at a receptionist desk feeling fortunate if they get $10/hourly. I fear the good times are over for us in the States.

> > I don't give a rat's ass about the Turd World.
> > How many times has Ethiopia had a famine
> requiring
> > massive Western aid intervention now?
> This might be a completely insane question, but
> what's your beef with fly-covered, disease ridden,
> unfed, uneducated people who live in dictatorships
> and possess less than I shit out my ass every day?
> Really. I want to know, because it sounds to me
> like you firmly believe they have free access to
> massive amounts of food, money, clothing,
> transportation, medical care, clean water, toilet
> facilities, education, housing and general social
> peace and that they just choose not to use them or
> that they chose to move there and live under those
> conditions.

One thing that hacks me off is how any family planning aid was CUT due to the mention of abortion and contraception. It is as if we allow religion to keep people oppressed and poor due to rampant breeding.
Feh Wrote:
> k-man Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> > I don't give a rat's ass about the Turd World.
> > How many times has Ethiopia had a famine
> requiring
> > massive Western aid intervention now?

> This might be a completely insane question, but
> what's your beef with fly-covered, disease ridden,
> unfed, uneducated people who live in dictatorships
> and possess less than I shit out my ass every day?
> Really. I want to know, because it sounds to me
> like you firmly believe they have free access to
> massive amounts of food, money, clothing,
> transportation, medical care, clean water, toilet
> facilities, education, housing and general social
> peace and that they just choose not to use them or
> that they chose to move there and live under those
> conditions.

Feh, you've been watching too many save the chyuldrun infomercials.

grinning smiley

I'm here to tell you that they do choose to live under those circumstances because they keep reproducing more people.

The only reason we have things the way we do in the west is due to birth control and our low childbirth rates. Feh, in the 19th century, before birth control and family planning our cities resembled third world countries. Watch Gangs of New York sometime. You are childfree Feh, but you still aren't clear on what the problem is in these shitholes, and that is CULTURES THAT REJECT FAMILY PLANNING.

Feh, the more food, aid and money we send to these places the worse their problems are going to get. 50 years of "feeding the turd werld" and where are the positive results from that, Feh? Show me?

Every damn christmas our liberal Oboomer relatives send us those stupid fucking "give a cow to the turd world cards" where they buy a cow or some other poor animal and give it away to a fambly in the turd world, in our names. You can't even imagine how much this infuriates me.... you may not even want to know how much it infuriates me grinning smiley it finally stopped after I put my foot down and told them on no uncertain terms that we did not want our names involved in feeding the third world when in our own country, as childfree people, we cannot get any access to the socialist healthcare we pay for. That went over like a lead balloon but by god, those cards do not come in the mail anymore.

Now, like my relatives, you may think I am some kind of monster. But in all honestly Feh, you cannot save people from themselves. I just saw a news story today about 50 women being burned to death in Kenya because of "witchcraft." Yes, their lives over in those countries are going to be total fucking shit until the culture changes and there isn't a damn thing you or Oboomer can do about it. You won't be able to throw enough money, food, educational opportunities at the problem until the people GROW THE FUCK UP.

We need to pull out all aid, all military bases, all EVERYTHING financed by the American taxpayer in these dumps and let nature take its course so that the cultures will change.
**The only reason we have things the way we do in the west is due to birth control and our low childbirth rates. Feh, in the 19th century, before birth control and family planning our cities resembled third world countries. Watch Gangs of New York sometime. You are childfree Feh, but you still aren't clear on what the problem is in these shitholes, and that is CULTURES THAT REJECT FAMILY PLANNING.

Feh, the more food, aid and money we send to these places the worse their problems are going to get. 50 years of "feeding the turd werld" and where are the positive results from that.**

Sing it, nowiggers. The only action that might work is if we built clinics there that perform abortions, provide snips and tubals, and sex education. But hell, the U.S. needs more places like this, especially in the Bible belt. Sending food does nothing for these people. I doubt a lot of the aid we send even goes to the people who need it. They need condoms not bread.
I agree.

I'm also tired of being told its our obligation to adopt the third world's children, and they can breed all they want without any obligations.
Feh, just so you know, and probably much to the disliking of libertarians and conservatives here, I'd be right there first week of Nov, voting Oboomer with you if this guy was going to do something other than just take from me and not give me any healthcare or social services I pay for already.

It was very hard for me 20 years ago to watch my friend have his life sacrificied so that his rich fambly could make some welfare whores lives easier. It's been hard watching my partners health go to shit while his rich fambly turns a blind eye and sends hundreds of thousands in donations to turd werld interests. It's been infuriating to watch my own health go to shit because I can't afford more than the very basics in doctors appointments while "Doctors Without Borders" jets off to some shithole that in their mind, has people more deserving of free healthcare than me or to watch welfare whores in line at the pharmacy bitching and demanding brand name medicines "since the medical card payyyyys for it" while the pharmacist was looking after people like me, who foot the bill for those cards. Snotley doesn't need brand name penecillian when the generic does the same fuckin thing. This shit starts to add up after a while in my mind, and it's why I don't flinch in the least when I see the turd werld paraded around on the idiot box with flies buzzing all over them. No one gives a fucking shit if flies buzz around me or any of the childfree people I know.
nowhiggers Wrote:
..."with flies buzzing
all over them. No one gives a fucking shit if
flies buzz around me"...

^^Now THAT is some funny shit!! bouncing and laughing
Wow, I don't visit here for a few days and all hell breaks loose! Since when did this site become Free I can't believe all the vitriol against "liberal" Obama. Just as a reminder, the real liberals dropped out of the race early, like after Iowa and New Hampshire. And it seems all you libertarians know about "liberals" was learned from right-wing talk radio. Oy!:scr

Can we just go back to talking about the merits of the childfree lifestyle? Or is it just more fun to bash people's political beliefs? P.S. I AM politically active;if you just sit on the sidelines and bitch about the world, it guarantees that nothing will change. But if that makes you feel better...confused smiley
CJ Wrote:
> Wow, I don't visit here for a few days and all
> hell breaks loose! Since when did this site
> become Free I can't believe all the
> vitriol against "liberal" Obama. Just as a
> reminder, the real liberals dropped out of the
> race early, like after Iowa and New Hampshire.
> And it seems all you libertarians know about
> "liberals" was learned from right-wing talk radio.
> Oy!:scr
> Can we just go back to talking about the merits of
> the childfree lifestyle? Or is it just more fun
> to bash people's political beliefs? P.S. I AM
> politically active;if you just sit on the
> sidelines and bitch about the world, it guarantees
> that nothing will change. But if that makes you
> feel better...confused smiley

Not sure how many times I have to state this: I AM NOT A CONSERVATIVE. Never have been, never will be. Does that mean I think everything conservatives say is wrong? No, sometimes I agree with conservatives, just like sometimes I agree with liberals and sometimes I agree with libertarians. But mostly, I agree with policies, benefits and taxation that are FAIR for the childfree. And this thread happens to be about how Oboomers policies, benefits and taxation are totally NOT FAIR for the childfree.

And yes you are right, the real liberals did drop out of the race already, I 100% agree with that statement. Oboomer is a limousine liberal, just like 99% of celebrities and George Soros' etc ad nauseum. The limousine liberal despises the middle class and is in collusion with corporate interests.

And as for doing "something", well first of all, this is a rant board, and it's helpful to have a place to blow off steam when you are fucked in the ass paying for everyone elses healthcare and groceries at gunpoint. Second, presidential voting is the least power you have, so is protesting or picketing, or writing letters to congresscritters, you are wasting your damn time with that. This year I will be writing in Daffy Duck for president. And third, I relish my opportunity to serve jury duty, and take full advantage of it because it is the one place a childfree person has enough power to execute any real changes to benefit themselves and other childfree people. Now, if you have any other suggestions of things to do to benefit childfree people, I would like to hear them.
If he's so concerned about the terd werld, then he should have done his part and NOT BRED.

Sorry asswipe, the first step to caring about the environment and "being green" is DO NO BREED.
So much to
I'll start out by saying, I don't form opinions or get information based on "save the children infomercials". I don't find advertising to be the best source of facts.

"I'm here to tell you that they do choose to live under those circumstances because they keep reproducing more people."
And they keep reproducing why? Because, sex is a natural human drive. You put a bunch of people together, and they will fuck...even if they're all the same sex. Fly covered, uneducated people who have no access to birth control will still fuck, because fucking feels good...and well, sometimes its not fucking, but raping. As we all know, fucking leads to children. As was said "Feh, in the 19th century, before birth control and family planning our cities resembled third world countries. Watch Gangs of New York sometime." Hey, guess what, most people in the "turd werld" do not have access to family planning services...why? Because that's not funded. (oh by the way, Gangs of NY isn't a documentary)

"Feh, the more food, aid and money we send to these places the worse their problems are going to get. 50 years of "feeding the turd werld" and where are the positive results from that, Feh? Show me?"
There are no positive results, because in many instances the food doesn't get to the people who need it, and food aid is only a temporary fix at best. You see, these people live in COUNTRIES with GOVERNMENTS that may indeed be corrupt. When a corrupt system is put in charge of delivering food, in many instances that food doesn't go to the people who need it, but to "good party members". On top of that you have religious organizations in charge of much of this aid, meaning that there will be no education on family planning or safe sex, and again, the aid just might only go to the people who are willing to convert.

"That went over like a lead balloon but by god, those cards do not come in the mail anymore. "
Well, thanks for saving a tree.

"Now, like my relatives, you may think I am some kind of monster." No, as far as I can tell, you are an objectivist. Good on you for caring about yourself, though I'm not quite sure what your beef is about people donating in your name, except they could be sending that money to you.

"You won't be able to throw enough money, food, educational opportunities at the problem until the people GROW THE FUCK UP."
It's so funny to me when well fed, well educated, well housed, relatively decently governed people with a modicum of freedom say this.

"We need to pull out all aid, all military bases, all EVERYTHING financed by the American taxpayer in these dumps and let nature take its course so that the cultures will change."
Yes, because we spend way more on aid than we do on this war, prisons, welfare moos here, public schools or faith based initiatives. I mean, if it weren't for that foreign aid your taxes are paying for you would totally live in a mansion with an icee machine. FYI, military bases over seas are supposedly for US interests, not to aid the populace.

"Feh, just so you know, and probably much to the disliking of libertarians and conservatives here, I'd be right there first week of Nov, voting Oboomer with you if this guy was going to do something other than just take from me and not give me any healthcare or social services I pay for already."
So, please, enlighten me, which viable candidate is going to give you what you want? Hillary? McCain? Ron Paul? No matter who we vote for, as far as I can tell, none of them are going to make anything better for child free people.

"It was very hard for me 20 years ago to watch my friend have his life sacrificied so that his rich fambly could make some welfare whores lives easier." Hey, guess what? I know people who are DEAD now because they didn't have access to health care. DEAD.

It's been hard watching my partners health go to shit while his rich fambly turns a blind eye and sends hundreds of thousands in donations to turd werld interests. It's been infuriating to watch my own health go to shit because I can't afford more than the very basics in doctors appointments while "Doctors Without Borders" jets off to some shithole that in their mind, has people more deserving of free healthcare than me"
Um. Do you seriously think that if they chose to not help the "turd werld" they'd choose to help YOU personally? From the way it sounds, your partner's family doesn't care too much for him, or they'd make different choices. And I am sure your partner is a fine person who is deserving of better treatment, but if you have a problem with the choices that family makes, it's the families fault, not some random stranger who benefits from their misplaced generosity.

"No one gives a fucking shit if flies buzz around me or any of the childfree people I know."
Micheal Moore does, he did a whole movie about our shitass health care system, and what came of it? Not one fuck thing. Most public health nurses care, but what comes of it? Defunding of public health. A fuck lot of non-profit social service agencies care, but what comes of it? We've got to beg, and scrape for donations that don't even begin to cover half the problems here. See, you aren't starving to death on TV, so it's not compelling to the general public. The general public doesn't care about something unless it's on TV.

"And third, I relish my opportunity to serve jury duty, and take full advantage of it because it is the one place a childfree person has enough power to execute any real changes to benefit themselves and other childfree people."
Seriously, you tout this jury duty as if it's something that comes up ALL THE TIME. I've been eligible to vote for almost 20 years now, how often have I been called up for jury duty? Once, and I didn't even get assigned to a trial.

As far as I can tell, nothing I say will hold water because as an objectivist, your number one focus is on you and your needs. If someone gives money to an organization you don't approve of, you will feel they should have given that money to you. If a government gives aid will feel that aid should have been given to you. How the rest of the world is structured, what other people feel or choose, and the conditions of others don't matter when you truly believe that you are the person most deserving of help. That is fine, but do remember that when you complain about breeders wanting/taking/caring only for themselves and their family units, you are doing the same thing.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Feh, I want you to know how appreciative I am that you responded here, because it gives me the chance to say the things I've always wanted to say to our family, but can't.

I'm not an "objectivist" and I find Ayn Rand really boring, and that's the truth. I am concerned with what is best for MY people, the childfree. You can call that nepotism if you like, but don't call it objectivist.

And speaking of nepotism, in the third world, nepotism reigns supreme. Only in the west are we worried and concerned about everyone else except for our own people. I've adopted the philosophy of nepotism from the third world because I think it's a good idea and needs to be applied more frequently in the west.

Now you, like our relatives, may not like nepotism. I remember a time when my uber turd werld luvin relative screwed up her face and pursed her lips to utter "nepotism" a few years back when I informed her that I was only interested in hiring family members or childfree friends for a job I was doing. I did remind her at that time that in Mexico (where she loves to spend her time and money giving away everything while her sons struggle to survive here without healthcare) nepotism is king and families only do business with and take care of each other. You could have heard a pin drop.

The basic problem I see with limousine liberals (and not all liberals mind you, just the ones that are more concerned with what is going on in the turd werld than what is going on in their own family or backyard), is self loathing. Statements like "They have less than I shit out of my ass everyday!" are indicative of this to the max. West and white people-- BAAAAADDDDD Turd Werld and brown people -- Angelic and Good. It's just not that simple. There are good and bad people of every skin color and culture. Things turn bad though when limousine liberals throw money at a problem that can't be solved with money. You can't solve the problem of 50 women being burned to death as witches in Kenya the other day, with money. And just like in America, there are some people in this world who DO NOT WANT education.

We do a lot of bitching around here about the welfare whores popping out brats all the time. These bitches have had the opportunity to get educated more than 99% of the people in the world. Yet they reject it. Ok, I'm all for personal freedom, if you want to be a dumbass, have at it. But why should I and every other childfree person on this board be expected to throw money down a black hole for them? Is that selfish? Is that "objectivist" to say something like that? Or is it just common fucking sense and rational self interest?

I'm tired of the Bono's and other limousine liberals acting as if the third world people are somehow less intelligent than we are. Now that's racist, if you ask me. The white man saving the savages from themselves, what a bunch of racist crap. They may not have educational opportunities as we have, or even want educational opportunities, but they are still human and still have the rational ability to know that living in a shithole means that 10 kids aren't going to be feasible to feed, even the fucking animals in the wild know this. Even my mentally retarded cousin knows that babies would make her life a hell of a lot harder than it already is.

I agree that the governments of the third world are a problem. But let's do the math: If the people who lived under these governments stopped having babies, even under a horrible government, they'd at least be able to minimally feed themselves, or better. You think what happened in Zimbabwe was the west's fault? Zimbabwe used to be the bread basket of Africa before racist Mugabe took over and killed all the white farmers. The real shame here are the times the west has been involved in these places and put in leadership, which we had no business doing. We do not have any business installing dictators, sending food, installing farmers or anything else, it's none of our fucking business! Before the west was involved in the racist activity of "teaching the savages to better themselves" they did just fine on their own! Their populations were not out of control, they lived peaceful lives for the most part. Everytime the west gets involved in the racist activity of "saving the savages" we fuck it up for them even more and make their lives even more hellish.

Limousine liberals are eventually going to have to realize that their culture and the limousine liberal way of thinking about things is not superior in the minds of third world people. They want to burn their witches, they want to believe that fucking babies cures AIDS, they want to have pregnant 10 year olds. Yeah it makes me sick too, it's not my culture and I don't want anything to do with it, but where do I get off on trying to save them from themselves? Everytime the west waltzes in there with some enlightened ideas about curing AIDS with medical science, or having a discussion about how you shouldn't burn people alive for witchcraft, they fucking resent us even more. Let them have their fucked up culture and we'll have ours. It's none of our business! We need to worry about taking care of our own families and people.
"I'm not an "objectivist" and I find Ayn Rand really boring, and that's the truth. I am concerned with what is best for MY people, the childfree. You can call that nepotism if you like, but don't call it objectivist."
Well, at the very least then you are concerned with people beyond yourself, and that's always a good thing. I've benefited greatly from nepotism, my parents raised me, paid for my first try at higher education, and even provided me with a job at one time. There is nothing wrong with taking care of your own, and I never said there was.

"Statements like "They have less than I shit out of my ass everyday!" are indicative of this to the max. West and white people-- BAAAAADDDDD Turd Werld and brown people -- Angelic and Good."
No, that's a statement of fact. I have more than they do, period. When I have more resources, more freedom, more education, more everything than them. I personally have a difficult time saying "that person deserves their misery, that person deserves to have nothing because they can't pull themselves up by the bootstraps like I did". Because I didn't pull myself up by my bootstraps, I have the benefits of a public education that my parents allowed me to access, I have the benefits of two parents who fully support my choice to be child free, I have complete control over my own sexuality, I have freedom of movement, I don't have to worry about getting raped, having my hands chopped off, or really anything when I leave my home. I am enjoying all the benefits of living in a stable society.

"But why should I and every other childfree person on this board be expected to throw money down a black hole for them? Is that selfish? Is that "objectivist" to say something like that? Or is it just common fucking sense and rational self interest?"
Because when you live in the "richest/smartest/freest/bestest country in the world", your country is expected to contribute, and as a result you are expected to contribute to your country to help it maintain it's exalted status. When you pay your taxes, you have no control over where your money goes, to expect that is foolish. The only thing you are forced to do against your will is pay your taxes. You are not forced to donate additional funds to other causes, you are not forced to go overseas and help anyone, you are not even forced to help anyone here. Just because someone expects something of you in your private life, doesn't mean you have to do it, or get all cheesed off that they even asked.

"I agree that the governments of the third world are a problem. But let's do the math: If the people who lived under these governments stopped having babies, even under a horrible government, they'd at least be able to minimally feed themselves, or better. You think what happened in Zimbabwe was the west's fault? Zimbabwe used to be the bread basket of Africa before racist Mugabe took over and killed all the white farmers. The real shame here are the times the west has been involved in these places and put in leadership, which we had no business doing. We do not have any business installing dictators, sending food, installing farmers or anything else, it's none of our fucking business! Before the west was involved in the racist activity of "teaching the savages to better themselves" they did just fine on their own! Their populations were not out of control, they lived peaceful lives for the most part. Everytime the west gets involved in the racist activity of "saving the savages" we fuck it up for them even more and make their lives even more hellish."
And there you go, you've answered your own question. First world people want to try to fix Africa/India/South America because we're the ones who fucking broke it. They had resources we wanted, and we went in and redrew the borders for our convenience, destroyed the social order, installed dictators, shat all over the place, and essentially have made it impossible for these people to live without us, or with us for that matter. The first world fucked up, and we feel bad about it, and are just doing more fucking trying to fix it.

I KNOW it's fucked, I KNOW we're throwing money down the shitter, I KNOW it's going to just get much, much worse. At the same time, I personally would just much rather have that penny of my taxes that is allocated for overseas spending go to something moderately useful, than to actively hurt someone else in a war. I accept that that penny is gone no matter what. You may prefer that your overseas penny go to some other endeavor, but we both have to agree that neither of us has much of a choice in the matter. No matter who gets elected, some of our pennies are going to go overseas, and most of our pennies will be spent on the childed, and any remaining will be used to build prisons.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
nowhiggers Wrote:
> Feh, I want you to know how appreciative I am that
> you responded here, because it gives me the chance
> to say the things I've always wanted to say to our
> family, but can't.
I appreciate your respectful tone and willingness to share your opinions, and accept that I have different ones than you. I'm sure we can continue this argument until our fingers are bloody stumps at this rate.

> I'm not an "objectivist" and I find Ayn Rand
> really boring, and that's the truth. I am
> concerned with what is best for MY people, the
> childfree. You can call that nepotism if you like,
> but don't call it objectivist.
Well, at the very least then you are concerned with people beyond yourself, and that's always a good thing. I've benefited greatly from nepotism, my parents raised me, paid for my first try at higher education, and even provided me with a job at one time. There is nothing wrong with taking care of your own, and I never said there was.

> Statements
> like "They have less than I shit out of my ass
> everyday!" are indicative of this to the max. West
> and white people-- BAAAAADDDDD Turd Werld and
> brown people -- Angelic and Good.
No, that's a exaggerated statement of fact. I have more than they do, period. When I have more resources, more freedom, more education, more everything than someone, I personally have a difficult time saying "that person deserves their misery, that person deserves to have nothing because they can't pull themselves up by the bootstraps like I did". I didn't pull myself up by my bootstraps, I have the benefits of a public education that my parents allowed me to access, I have the benefits of parents who fully support my choice to be child free, I have complete control over my own sexuality, I have freedom of movement, I don't have to worry about getting raped, having my hands chopped off, or really anything when I leave my home. I am enjoying all the benefits of living in a stable society. And I'm not counting our welfare moos in this equation...THEY also shit out more daily than most individuals in the third world, and have the same, if not more, benefits as the rest of us.

> But why should I and every other childfree person
> on this board be expected to throw money down a
> black hole for them? Is that selfish? Is that
> "objectivist" to say something like that? Or is it
> just common fucking sense and rational self
> interest?
Because when you live in the "richest/smartest/freest/bestest country in the world", your country is expected to contribute, and as a result you are expected to contribute to your country to help it maintain it's exalted status. The only thing you are forced to do against your will is pay your taxes. You will never have control over where your tax money goes, to expect that is foolish. You are not forced to donate additional funds to other causes, you are not forced to go overseas and help anyone, you are not even forced to help anyone here. Just because someone expects something of you in your private life, doesn't mean you have to do it, or get all cheesed off that they even asked.

> I agree that the governments of the third world
> are a problem. But let's do the math: If the
> people who lived under these governments stopped
> having babies, even under a horrible government,
> they'd at least be able to minimally feed
> themselves, or better. You think what happened in
> Zimbabwe was the west's fault? Zimbabwe used to be
> the bread basket of Africa before racist Mugabe
> took over and killed all the white farmers. The
> real shame here are the times the west has been
> involved in these places and put in leadership,
> which we had no business doing. We do not have any
> business installing dictators, sending food,
> installing farmers or anything else, it's none of
> our fucking business! Before the west was involved
> in the racist activity of "teaching the savages to
> better themselves" they did just fine on their
> own! Their populations were not out of control,
> they lived peaceful lives for the most part.
> Everytime the west gets involved in the racist
> activity of "saving the savages" we fuck it up for
> them even more and make their lives even more
> hellish.
And there you go, you've answered your own question. First world people want to try, or are expected, to fix Africa/India/South America because we're the ones who broke it. Yes, not you and I personally, but such is the curse of the "sins of our fathers", so to speak. They had resources we wanted, and we went in and redrew the borders for our convenience, destroyed the social order, installed dictators, shat all over the place, and essentially have made it impossible for these people to live without us, or with us for that matter. The first world fucked up, and we feel bad about it, and are just doing more fuckery trying to fix it.

I KNOW it's fucked, I KNOW we're throwing money down the shitter, I KNOW it's going to just get much, much worse. At the same time, I personally would just much rather have that penny of my taxes that is allocated for overseas spending go to something moderately useful, than to actively hurt someone else in a war. I accept that that penny is gone no matter what. You may prefer that your overseas penny go to some other endeavor, but we both have to agree that neither of us has much of a choice in the matter. No matter who gets elected, some of our pennies are going to go overseas, and most of our pennies will be spent on the childed, and any remaining will be used to build prisons. We don't count. It sucks balls, and not in a good way, but considering the social set up in this country, the only way it'll get better is...well...I don't know how.

Ugh...Bono...don't even get me started on Bono. The only good thing I can say about him any more is that he inspired a particularly hilarious episode of South Park.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
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