If you don't follow the lifescript, you are not grown up:rolleyes2
July 10, 2013
Another article from daily fail: Generation who refuse to grow up

I'll let you have some huge eyerolls because mine are ready to pop out by so much stupidity.

So, basically i should get myself in debt and with a lifestyle that i don't want just to be considered mature? It was mentioned the economy but smb. says that our parents and grandparents went through harsh times but they still had kids. Overall the article has a very accusatory and criticizing tone that really annoys me...oh, and the major obvious bingo with irresponsible, immature adults.

This passage really angers me:

People convince themselves that their immature behaviour is an attempt to become carefree, but it’s born out of fear.

‘We now have a culture in which people are frightened of what the future might hold and are terrified of taking risks.

How the fuck is being careful with finances and knowing you can't provide for a kid and even for yourself immature? Isn't it more immature to take risks and just venture yourself into a lifestyle you can't afford and maybe you don't want?
Re: If you don't follow the lifescript, you are not grown up:rolleyes2
July 10, 2013
Silly me. I thought that not wanting to have a kid I can't feed was me being mature. *eyerolls*

Also, I don't see anything wrong in my hobbies. They are mine. Why don't they STFU?


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
I agree. Being able to think ahead and not jumping into something willy-nilly even though it could ruin you 'just because it's the thing to do' shows the thinker has matured mentally as well as physically. It's an adult trait, but these folks seem to want to encourage the opposite, even though it often courts disaster.

These 'You ought to breed because it shows maturity' types drive me nuts.
Re: If you don't follow the lifescript, you are not grown up:rolleyes2
July 10, 2013
Yeah, no. Breeding is not Carnation Instant Maturity. In fact, I'd say breeders are the immature ones, and not just because they tend to have kids they can't afford. They all seem to think that having kids gives them an excuse to not bathe, to slack off at work, to beg people for gifts anf favors which they have no intention of returning, to eat junk food and act like a moron in order to "relive their childhoods." I could go on all day. Think of all the shit breeders do and then blame it on their kyds. The average breeder is a completely immature asshole that will do shit like abandon their kid in a department store so she can have a quiet shopping trip...yeah, very grownup.

Someone who can realize that they are in no position physically, mentally, and/or financially to deal with a child (which includes simply having no desire to breed) is someone who can look more than 2 seconds into the future and understand that breeding is not a universal choice.

Besides, who says growing up is any fun? I think that everyone has to become an adult...but not everyone has to grow up, because society's idea of being a grownup is being a boring ass workaholic who never has any fun and/or being a parent. And people who know their lives suck will accuse those of us who know how to have fun of being immature. Because that's the only thing in their arsenal they can use...meanwhile they all go back home and dream about being one of us and being able to enjoy their lives.
Re: If you don't follow the lifescript, you are not grown up:rolleyes2
July 10, 2013
Hey now, I have been married almost 17 years, have a good career, a mortgage, and pay tons of taxes! But I'm lacking in kids so apparently I'm still not "grown up." Must be those Harry Potter books...smile rolling left righteyes2

sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken
indecision may or may not be my problem
Re: If you don't follow the lifescript, you are not grown up:rolleyes2
July 10, 2013
Teenagers can have and raise babies, but that doesn't make them grown up. I reject breeder logic. But it's not like the world has a shortage of babies or humans in general, so what's wrong if a few (or a lot) of us want to be kids at heart, so to speak. They say carefree like it's a bad thing. But yeah, just because we're CF doesn't mean we don't have any cares or concerns. Geez.
I actually think our world is going down the drain and don't like what the future holds.

Falling on an unprotected cock does not an adult make.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Even if they are so condescending as to consider us immature for not having kids; why the HELL does it bother them so much that they have to keep pounding? The breeders need to go to a shrink and ask that question. If they have to pound insults onto a group of people for not choosing to live as they dictate, that tells me they have some SERIOUS issues.
Let's see: We were married when we were 22. Both college grads with jobs. We bought our first house at age 24. We've moved several times across the country (job promotions) and bought and sold several more homes. We've always lived well within our means. No debt issues ever. Never needed a parental bailout. Always paid our taxes (and then some!). Never a hint of scandal. 30 years of living a very responsible, very grown up life. But I guess according to many, all that is negated because we chose not to reproduce. Sheesh! I could tell many tales of siblings and friends who have made utter messes of their lives. And everything single one them did reproduce. Go figure!
Re: If you don't follow the lifescript, you are not grown up:rolleyes2
July 10, 2013
More Breeding PROPAGANDA!

It hits all the usual points. Paints singles as over grown teen partiers. The "author" puts herself down. There is an "expert" trotted out to explain this behavior simply, and of course the people examined *are at fault*. There are stereotypical graphics of the 'partiers' including a gratuitous picture of a fat guy smile rolling left righteyes2

Then, near the end, the "author" points out that the friends who have drifted away to clone up to The Borg seem "very happy". Not just happy - very happy.

Jesus. Can the Daily Fail get any more obvious??? smile rolling left righteyes2

I read something interesting the other day - that in the US Home ownership was pushed as a way to keep down labor unrest.

Any debt, and of course breeding act as a way to keep people compliant.
Methinks these folks are just a bit jelly because they unthinkingly went along with the pre-programmed life that society set up for them, when they could have had so much better! :yeah
Do breeders have any idea how fucking childish they look when they're practically screeching about how much more "growed up" they are than us, just because they had kyds? They're no more mature than their stupid fucked up brats.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

Interesting. I consider myself a fairly mature person and I don't have sprogs. Sluicing an army of brats isn't going to make a person more mature. If anything, I think it actually stunts personal growth.

How many self-absorbed, greedy, immature breeders have I met? Plenty. They seem to think the world revolves around them and their brats, and they live in a bubble.

They want to argue that the only way to become mature is by marrying someone and sprogging? I beg to differ. There are many people out there who have taken an alternate path and have done very well for themselves. Falling on a dick doesn't make a person more mature, compassionate or better. It's a ruse, and as Zzelda pointed out, this is just more breeding propaganda.
I've heard this argument in all of it's forms. If I don't watch Dora, change diapers, have tea parties and play with Transformers I'm not an adult. If I'm not getting my brain cells killed with childish games I'm not an adult. My response was to bounce a ball through the grocery store and then get a Happy Meal for dinner. I admit my response was juvenile but so is this entire argument. Too bad the average breeder can't see how much logic this train of thought doesn't have.
I've heard this argument in all of it's forms. If I don't watch Dora, change diapers, have tea parties and play with Transformers I'm not an adult. If I'm not getting my brain cells killed with childish games I'm not an adult. My response was to bounce a ball through the grocery store and then get a Happy Meal for dinner. I admit my response was juvenile but so is this entire argument. Too bad the average breeder can't see how much logic this train of thought doesn't have.

I've heard this argument in all of it's forms. If I don't watch Dora, change diapers, have tea parties and play with Transformers I'm not an adult. If I'm not getting my brain cells killed with childish games I'm not an adult. My response was to bounce a ball through the grocery store and then get a Happy Meal for dinner. I admit my response was juvenile but so is this entire argument. Too bad the average breeder can't see how much logic this train of thought doesn't have.


Who says you have to have kids to act like one??? My point in that is that I could act just as juvenile and immature as any breeder without wrecking my body, finances, home and life in general. My message to the world is that growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional. I'll be repeating that until the day I die.
Call me Wendy, because I guess I'm living in Never Never Land. I like it here, so I think I'll stay.grinning smiley
I wonder if these people going on about earlier generations and harsher times realize that back then people had even LESS awareness that having kids was a choice, pressures were MUCH higher to have kids and just "figure it out somehow", and there wasn't any reliable birth control. As recently as 50 years ago having kids was just what you did if you didn't stay single or join a convent. It wasn't actually much of a choice then.

These idiots irritate the piss out of me. Also, I could really give two shits if they think I'm a "real grown up". I'll tell you what is fucking grown up... being able to have sex and adult conversation with my husband whenever I want to. Being able to go to GROWN UP outings like the symphony without being restricted by kids. Being able to go on sophisticated, grown-up vacations. If that isn't "adult" and "grown up" I'm not sure how the hell one would define it.

Additionally I make my own way in life, pay my bills, and obey the law. So not really sure what's "immature" about my decision not to do something completely stupid with no benefit to me or my husband.

I remember being a child and being upset about how restricted my freedoms were and my parents telling me when I grew up I could do what I wanted. But if you have kids, you are right back to being restricted. If as a grown up I can "do what I want" (within reason and legal boundaries), then that should be the end of the story. Not... oh... now you have to have kids so you revert back to the restrictions you had AS a kid but this time you get to see how awful it is from the other side. YAY!
I agree. Being able to think ahead and not jumping into something willy-nilly even though it could ruin you 'just because it's the thing to do' shows the thinker has matured mentally as well as physically. It's an adult trait, but these folks seem to want to encourage the opposite, even though it often courts disaster.

These 'You ought to breed because it shows maturity' types drive me nuts.

Yes. THIS. Also, aren't most of these obsessive breeders also religious fundamentalists who believe they are the CHILDREN of a big, mean skydaddy who has the worst version of corporal punishment imaginable if they disobey or think any of their own thoughts? Yup, real mature, there. I stand in awe of their adult development.
I remember being a child and being upset about how restricted my freedoms were and my parents telling me when I grew up I could do what I wanted. But if you have kids, you are right back to being restricted. If as a grown up I can "do what I want" (within reason and legal boundaries), then that should be the end of the story. Not... oh... now you have to have kids so you revert back to the restrictions you had AS a kid but this time you get to see how awful it is from the other side. YAY!

This! You couldn't pay me to return to childhood! I remember being a kid and thinking how I couldn't wait to have my own kids so I could boss them around and tell them what to do (I sound like a schoolyard bully, don't I?). That was before I started seeing how much work kids actually were. It was a long wait to get to adulthood. Why on Earth would I ever want to become restricted again?

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
brown-eyed diamond

This! You couldn't pay me to return to childhood! I remember being a kid and thinking how I couldn't wait to have my own kids so I could boss them around and tell them what to do (I sound like a schoolyard bully, don't I?). That was before I started seeing how much work kids actually were. It was a long wait to get to adulthood. Why on Earth would I ever want to become restricted again?

That's it exactly. Being a kid sucked when I WAS a kid, why would I want to relive all that crap again as an adult? Why do I want to watch Dora? Or eat a bunch of boxed macaroni and cheese or do junior high school homework again. Dude I don't want to do any of that. It sounds terrible. WHY are parents so excited about this? They must just be extremely boring people with little imagination.

My parents also did the: "When you have kids you'll understand" thing. Even then I remember feeling like they were trying to trick me into falling into a "trap". (Don't get me wrong, I have great parents, and I really don't think they realized how that came off. It's just one of those cliche things parents sometimes say.)
I hate these bullshit articles. Maybe people are choosing an alternative path because the "normal lifestyle" of marriage, kids, mortage (aka responsibility, aka "American Dream"), has been exposed for the farce that it is. Many people feel imprisoned by those responsiblities and it doesn't make everyone happy. What's so noble about shitting your life away in some cubicle at a job you hate just to support kids who will, in turn, be crushed by their own student loan debt servitude? It's a waste of a life that could be filled with creativity, travel and volunteerism. Try to enjoy the world before it burns.

And duh, it has a LOT to do with the economy. Remember the good ol' 50s and 60s when a middle-class family could live handsomely on just dad's paycheck? Remember how state universities used to be FREE? Now, people have to scramble harder and harder just for the same scraps they were getting before. There's just too many people and not enough jobs. I read this article yesterday: Where the Hell is the Outrage?

Middle-class wages are stagnant. Unemployment is stalled at record levels. College education is leading to debt servitude and job insecurity. Millions of unemployed Americans have essentially been abandoned by their government. Poverty is soaring. Bankers break the law with impunity, are bailed out, and go on breaking the law, richer than they were before.

Getting saddled with a lifestyle you can't afford, a demanding spouse, big mortage, multiple vehicles, too many kids to raise, and a "keeping up with the Joneses" attitude is a way to keep the citizens invested in this corrupt morass of a country. It's hard to go out and protest when you've got PTA meetings, soccer matches and play dates to get to... Brainwash and distract with toxic religion, Fox News propaganda and vapid reality TV, rinse and repeat, and you've got Breederism.

The masses are always threatened by those who subvert the status quo, hence the hatred of hippies, gays, childfree-by-choice, "hipsters," vegans, and anyone else who bucks the LifescriptTM.
Re: If you don't follow the lifescript, you are not grown up:rolleyes2
July 10, 2013
The masses are always threatened by those who subvert the status quo, hence the hatred of hippies, gays, childfree-by-choice, "hipsters," vegans, and anyone else who bucks the LifescriptTM.

Don't forget Geeks!

Especially those who thought that their work was helping others.

They'll begrudge you trying to make something new and different, and if you're a female they'll tell you "That's a Man's Job". But what if I can do it better? And what if there are few men, or people in general who can do it and are also willing to sink the time and effort into it and thus lose out on the more 'entertaining' things such as Baby Showers and Super Bowl Parties?

Who do you think built that gigantic TV you're watching your sports game on?

No, they couldn't do it either IF ONLY the Feminazis, better educated Asians and Afirmative Action Blacks and Mexicans weren't hogging all the "good jobs" -

Because they are too stupid.

Even if all the people they disliked were magically gone - you uh, still have to know how to uh, *do stuff*. smile rolling left righteyes2

And the people they disparage are the ones who make their stuff. And bring food and water and gas and shelter and such.

An oft repeated "Old Saying" ~ Do not bite the hands that feed you.
Just look at the maturity of this couple who left their baybee in a hot car while they shopped for sex toys. Mr. T: I pitty tha fools
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