Hmmm and perpetuating YOUR name and YOUR bloodline isn't a tad selfish and very narcississtic?

Seriously, your jealousy is showing. You chose one road, I chose another. I know most parents need an out once in a while, but most are content with their road. They are not bitching because someone else chose another less traveled trail. And they especially don't do it when an article about the other trail comes out in a major magazine.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Well-typed. I am not a partier, even though I am only 25 -- I rarely drink -- and hardly socialize.

I especially like the part about shit-covered asses.

Yeah, I'm pretty much the same, at 24. If I am going to drink, give me a quiet night with a gin and tonic over a party any day.

But that's just me. I'm not "superior" for being a more introverted person, just like breeders aren't "superior" for spending all their time and money on a brat they obviously resent. If they didn't, why would they care what we do?

That's the reality. They're mad that we get to spend our free time doing other things. And even if we spend that free time feeding the homeless, we're still "inferior" because we haven't bred.

They'll spew anything about us to try to justify to themselves why they made the choices they did.

I'm 45, but that is exactly how I was when I was in my 20s, and still am now. I was never into bar or club hopping, parties, even though I did get dragged to a few when I was in college living with my sister and parents. One reason I liked moving into my own tiny 1 room apartment after graduating was I could stay in it whenever I wanted and nobody would say anything about it.

I have never thought that made me better than anyone else, it's just what I prefer to do, and what makes me happy. If you haven't already, check out the Introvert and Staying in Over Going out discussions in The Patio if you haven't already. I know not all childfree people are introverted, but I do sometimes wonder if we are more introverted than the general population.

Just more propaganda being beamed into people's weak minds so they can use it to go on the ATTACK and bingo their friends into creating more consumers for the corporate elite and more soldiers to fight tomorrows useless, expensive wars. Plus it makes the average breeder feel better than for making his/her contribution to a more ravaged, unjust planet.

SBW: As a working mom myself, I completely know what you mean. And I wonder why I, feminist that I purport to be, have a knee-jerk reaction when I hear that women (and also men, but less so) don't want to have kids. The other day, my husband said that one of his colleagues, in her early 30s, definitely doesn't want to have kids. I immediately went to "selfish, narcissistic." What is that about?

BG: Do you think it could be partially that you are envious of her gall?

SBW: I wouldn't ever give up the experience of being a mom. I think it’s that, somewhere back in my primitive brain, I see it as "natural" to have kids, and weird not to have that desire. Of course there are many reasons—economic, environmental—that might make it extremely reasonable not to have kids.

BG: I totally hear you. I have always wanted to be a mom, and admit to being perplexed when I’ve met women, throughout my life, who say they don't want to. But even though it might at first surprise me, I believe it's not for everyone—some of my closest friends don't have kids and don't want them, and live happy, adventurous, amazingly fulfilled lives. When I got pregnant I actually felt a bit guiltily selfish. What were my motives in becoming a mom? Was it a good decision for the world, which is overpopulated? Or was it just a good and selfish decision for me?

SBW: That's interesting. I have two stepkids and one daughter, but sometimes I feel somewhat selfish—and lazy—for only having one biological kid. Like, you aren't a “real mom” unless you have four! At the same time that birthrates are dropping, I'm seeing a trend in rich parents and celebs (like Heidi Klum or Reese Witherspoon) popping out three or four. In a way, in our culture, being a "real mom" is equated with being a "real woman."

Now, what can we say about Sarah B. Weir? Where to begin... Immature, jealous, shallow, dumb. She is obviously one of those late third wave insecure girlie celeb-following conformist feminists. I cannot understand how anyone would give this person credibility. I would be embarrassed to even have this conversation with this creepy moo much less publish it. She basically admitted she doesn't know why she thinks the way she does, that it is primitive, that she and therefore "our culture" is about blindly doing what famous actresses and models do. How fucking shallow and stupid is that.
I'm selfish too and I don't care!

I make a decent income and drive a brand-new car that is unsullied by the sticky hands and crumby messes of toddlers. I also have time to pursue hobbies and activities that I enjoy. I can have engaging, intelligent conversations with friends without clucking about diaper messes and toilet training. My free time is MINE and I enjoy my quiet home life.

Yeah, I'm selfish...what of it, breeder bitch?! angry flipping off I love spending money on my nerdy hobbies, tattoos, music, etc. Oh...I can also pay for my own education, and I will graduate, unlike some ungrateful, entitled twat demon who would probably drink his/her way through school.


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
I am lazy, yes. I take care of house and pets, while husband earns more money than I ever would. While I do not drive a sports car, I am happy with the zoovan. I go out once, twice a week, and not to get drunk. Usually, I'm home reading, doing crossword puzzles, and enjoying my critters.smiling smiley
Not hurting anybody.
Jeez! Could she sound any more jealous and envious? What does she care if the cf couple is working hard, partying or laying lazy at home everyday? Mind your own business, lady! Or are things at home so boring you have to pay attention to someone else life to have some action?

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Yes, breeders, I am a selfish, narcissistic hedonist living for the flesh and the thrill. What are you going to do about it?

May I suggest breastfeeding your preschooler while wearing your preteen? Having your overgrown, equally worthless spawn on your body should remind you of your self-imposed little burdens.

Me? Don't worry your empty, little heads. Somewhere, someone out there who didn't follow the herd is, indeed, living a willful life.[/quote)

You might be a Lazy CF Yuppy if ~

- Collapsing into bed means relaxing in your queen sized bed, full of big fluffy pillows, which you can prop yourself up with, along with some key lime gelato and a book on over population.

grinning smiley
I'd rather clean my pets three P's, than another human's. A hairball smells a lot less than soured milk. The dog poops outside unless he's sick. A cat's box is not as disgusting as a full diaper.:satan
I'd rather clean my pets three P's, than another human's. A hairball smells a lot less than soured milk. The dog poops outside unless he's sick. A cat's box is not as disgusting as a full diaper.:satan

I absolutely agree with this. Nothing my dog has ever expelled has disgusted me the way a dirty diaper does; or that curdled milk substance that babies throw up continuously. I would rather clean out all the runs and litter boxes at the animal shelter, seriously.
Anonymous User
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 06, 2013
Someone on Cafemoo posted a thread about this story. Comments are what you'd expect.

Childfree are "missing out."

Sorry I haven't posted much, I was up in East Battle Lake and I haven't had access to the Internet for four days.
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 06, 2013
Someone on Cafemoo posted a thread about this story. Comments are what you'd expect.

Childfree are "missing out."

Sorry I haven't posted much, I was up in East Battle Lake and I haven't had access to the Internet for four days.

I read some of those comments - these are the same idiots who envy the childfree for what we DO have and the childed will never have. Fucking idiots.
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 06, 2013
In the above link, one woman said she never even wanted an education! Not wanting a career is fine, I think, but not wanting an education? Methinks she would've been a teen mom if she could've.the world 'fail' on flames

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
Anonymous User
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 06, 2013
Childfree is a movement, but it's a social one, not currently a political one. Social, economic and environmental trends are forcing more people to question breeding.

The value I see in mainstream coverage like this is to support and encourage those who are still trying to decide if being CF is right for them. If you grow up in a small midwestern town, you might not be aware that choosing to not have kids is even an option, and I'm also glad that the word is getting out that parenthood isn't all sunshine and roses.

There's more of us than I thought, if 1 out of 5 is really CF... it could be a political movement! Equal taxation and removing incentives to breed is a very worthy goal, but also—I'd just like the bingoes to stop. People need to realize how fucking rude it is to question other people's reproductive choices.
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 07, 2013

Childfree are "missing out."

The moos get to act all bad-ass and special because of a path most people choose. :drool Why do they need to put CF down and try to justify their choice to be a moo, when most people support THEIR way of life?
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 07, 2013

Childfree are "missing out."

The moos get to act all bad-ass and special because of a path most people choose. :drool Why do they need to put CF down and try to justify their choice to be a moo, when most people support THEIR way of life?

I often wonder why they concern themselves with the CF at all. shrug

It's not like our very existence creates an impact on their lives, except maybe to point out an alternate path that they could've taken. Other than that, we pose no threat to the childed. They need to mind their own business and raise their damn kyds!
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 07, 2013
Someone on Cafemoo posted a thread about this story. Comments are what you'd expect.

Childfree are "missing out."

(reading link while sipping on wine in a summer studio apartment in Paris).

Yes, I'm just so "missing out," aren't I? bouncing and laughing
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 07, 2013
What is wrong with women? Saying things like this is seriously an insult to all women who want to, you know, contribute something to society besides more shitty diapers:

"No. All my life I wanted to be a mommy and it's the best thing I've ever done."

"Some people are meant to be athletes, others doctors or lawyers. I was born to be a mom."

"My sole purpose on this earth was to be a mother."

Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 07, 2013
The hurts!
I was a young (17) mom, so I might not be objective because I don't know adult life without my son, but I don't feel it's been all that different from a childfree person's life. I put a lot of my time in my work, travel, wear and buy what I want, party when I want to... except that I have someone to come home to.

I'm absolutely 100% positive that my life would have been so much easier if I didn't have a child, but I don't feel like I've missed out on anything when I decided to keep him.


A moo WITHOUT a life
That is all I ever wanted to be was a mom,I never wanted an education,career.....I also wanted a large family,we lost 3 and have a son. The only time I am seperated from him is when he is in school. We do not use daycare/sitters.

two faces puking


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 07, 2013
Here we go...another converter! cutting a smiley with a chainsawfuck


I had a life without kids. When I was younger, I thought that I was not Mommy material, could not see myself in that roll at all. I was a single career woman, owned my own house, car and free time.

I was bitten by the Mommy bug in my 40s. It was too late at that point, of course, for me to have them naturally. I went though IVF to have my twins at age 48. They are two now, and the loves of my life! I am now a part time career woman and a full time Mom and I am loving every minute of it.

I firmly beleive that things happen when they are supposed to happen.

Yeah...if you need IVF, then it wasn't supposed to happen!angry flipping off


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 07, 2013
Well, some people are being honest:


Yep, I would've. I love my kids, but I can't wait for them to grow up so it can be just my husband and I.


Yes. I hate to admit it but I'm not cut out for this. I hate myself for it.


Honestly, if I hadn't gotten pregnant to get married, I would have never had a kid.

I never had the dream of having that stupid huge fairy tale wedding and being a "mommy". I didn't play with babydolls like they were my kids. I wanted action. I dreamed of being a drag racer, cop, writer, traveler ... I did not want to be tied down with kids.

"...gotten pregnant to get married"? Huh? Is she admitting to trapping someone into marrying her? Oh, boy.


I think I would've made an awesome aunt. Don't think I'm cut out for this mom thing. Guess I shoulda figured that out 10 years ago....


Yes, I would prefer a life w/o my kids nor would i have ever gotten married, if i knew what it was going to do to my kids.

So basically she just regrets her whole life.


I absolutely would have preferred it. I won't send them away now that they're here, but I would have preferred not to have children. It was important to my husband though. Mother has always been the job I saw myself least suited for. I try my best everyday and do a much better job than most, but secretly I do not enjoy it.
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 08, 2013
When I screw up something that costs a lot of money to fix, I call it "paying the Idiot Tax" and move on. These regretful breeders have one hell of a penalty, and they're stuck with it for the rest of their lives. That's pretty harsh for the relatively simple mistake of taking a sperm injection.

I got 99 problems, but kids ain't one.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Time Magazine CF Cover Story
August 08, 2013

I had a life without kids. When I was younger, I thought that I was not Mommy material, could not see myself in that role at all. I was a single career woman, owned my own house, car and free time.

I was bitten by the Mommy bug in my 40s. It was too late at that point, of course, for me to have them naturally. I went though IVF to have my twins at age 48. They are two now, and the loves of my life! I am now a part time career woman and a full time Mom and I am loving every minute of it.

I firmly beleive that things happen when they are supposed to happen.

Bitten by the mommy bug? More like bitten by the “Oh my God, if I don’t have kids now I’ll have no one to take care of me in my old age” bug. Yeah, good luck with that, toots. I’m sure when your kids reach their twenties, they would rather go out and have fun with their friends rather than stay home and take care of their aging mother.

The hurts!
I was a young (17) mom, so I might not be objective because I don't know adult life without my son, but I don't feel it's been all that different from a childfree person's life. I put a lot of my time in my work, travel, wear and buy what I want, party when I want to... except that I have someone to come home to.

I'm absolutely 100% positive that my life would have been so much easier if I didn't have a child, but I don't feel like I've missed out on anything when I decided to keep him.

Of course it hasn’t been different from a cf person’s life. You dumped your son on Mee Maw whenever you wanted to go out and get shitfaced, and then had her drop Junior off at school because you were too hungover. You took full advantage of school supply drives, Christmas toy drives and anything offering free stuff so you could spend all your money on booze, cigarettes and pretty little accessories to make you look good for your next wallet. Plus, those nice government benefits and child support payments from babby duhddy helped out a lot.

A moo WITHOUT a life
That is all I ever wanted to be was a mom,I never wanted an education,career.....I also wanted a large family,we lost 3 and have a son. The only time I am seperated from him is when he is in school. We do not use daycare/sitters.

So all you’ve wanted to be was a broodmare? Hey, why don’t you move to a third world country and let some woman who actually wants a chance at an education and career leave her home. The only problem is you’ll be expected to clean house, cook your husband’s meals and raise the brats. No sitting around on your ever expanding ass watching soap operas while collecting WIC and welfare. Oh and there’s the possibility of being killed if you so much as wave to another man. But hey, it’s what you want isn’t it?

Note to the walking fistula that is Sarah Weir. Your jealousy is showing.
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