First Commode list of 2014
January 05, 2014
I've been slacking the last couple of months on these, haven't I? I promise I didn't forget my little tradition. It's a little late for New Year's, but WTF-worthy all the same.

Need moar baybeez

:Violin Moo is "mourning" because her husband is getting the snip after three loaves and bawwww she will never again be able to be a bloated land whale, get kicked in the gut by a fetus or beef a new baybee. A fellow Moo says that vasectomies cause lots of health problems, which I guess OP Moo is supposed to use to talk her man out of a vasectomy. They can never be glad with the kids they have - they always have to "mourn" over not being able to make more and get attention and showers and casseroles for doing so.

hitting over the head with a hammer Responsible Moo is responsible for about five minutes and gets an IUD, but then it falls back out. So she decides to go back to the pull n' pray method. Another Moo commenter says she gets knocked up with the IUD still in place and cleverly names the resulting loaf "Faith" because I guess she feels it was divine intervention or some shit that she was among the 0.5% of women for whom the IUD fails.

two cents Moo bitching that her insurance won't cover homebirth and that she can't afford it out of pocket. Waitaminute, I thought women sluice at home to AVOID paying anything at all in a big mean evil sterile hospital. If you can't afford to shit out your maggot on the floor at home, you have no business having kids, period. That's like saying you can't afford to piss at home because flushing the toilet costs too much. Unless they mean hiring a midwife, in which case I say good. Calving is a completely optional health condition that should get as much insurance coverage as plastic surgery: NONE.

I am breeder. Let me play you the song of my people.

Duh with bratsd Wonderful mother lets her daughters play naked in the backyard and is SHOCKED when she finds out Old Man Pedo next door has been just reaching over the fence, picking the girls up by their arms and taking them into his yard/garage for pedo romps for a few months. LOLs at the topic being closed temporarily because the mods felt Moo was a troll with this shitstorm of a story being one of her first posts. Serves you right, Moo. You put a smorgasboard right out where a pedo can feast his eyes on it and he WILL find a way to partake in the goods physically. I love that, in more recent posts from the OP, she claims all her dumplings were created using fertility treatments and that she is an "overprotective parent." Orly? Is that why you didn't notice PedoMan hoisting your darlings over the backyard fence for months?

:crz Another form of Moo horse shit: Birth reclaiming ceremonies. These allow Moos to "heal" emotionally when their loaves are not born to their liking (I assume they mean Moos who try to sluice at home, but have to do so in a hospital due to complications). Link from Smothering to some dumbass site called Belly Belly. Because apparently having a live, healthy loaf isn't good enough. I wonder if they try and stuff their loaves back up their cooters to "re-birth" them as part of the "ceremony."

two faces puking Moo quits co-sleeping only after her brats puke all over the bed repeatedly (and, in one instance, in her face). Too bad it took her ass six years to put the fuckers in their OWN beds where they fucking belong, but it's more progress than most Moos make getting off the co-sleeping tit.

kissing ass Moo with buyer's remorse likes to take her frustrations out on the cat. Straight from the cow's ass: "I'm nostalgic for my old life and all the freedom I had. The little things I took for granted, being able to go out easily....or just to use the bathroom when I need to. I can't enjoy a glass of wine, cup of coffee, or piece of cheese because of breastfeeding and my son's sensitivities." She says she feels like a monster thinking this way, and of course all the other Moos are handing out udder rubs and ass lickings and telling her it's okay. But if a CFer says they enjoy a glass of wine of a cup of coffee or pissing in peace sans children, they are selfish and immature.

Headlines: "Gentle Discipline Success Stories Labeled World's Shortest Book"

hitting over the head with a hammer How dare that meanie head husband try to get his kid to be obedient and not a little shit! Cue lots of mooing about how husband must be mentally ill and is playing mind games with the kid and the Moo, all because he tells the kid he's bad for not listening. The guy doesn't hit the kid for fuck's sake. Isn't that good enough for GD heifers? One Moo says "point out that punishment doesn't make a kid obedient, it just makes him afraid." I think those kind of go hand in hand. Punishment makes a kid afraid of misbehaving, so therefore, he learns to listen. Though it sounds like the husband is full of hot air to an extent and maybe the kid needs a few good swats on the ass to make him listen.

spanking with a whip on the ass Assault victim Moo wallops her brat after he runs away and then beats her with his toys. I also love that, as usual, a Moo can do ANYTHING to her child for ANY reason, but as long as she says she's bawww sowwy on Smothering, all is forgiven. I bet one of these women could sexually abuse one of their kids on a church altar and as long as they type out a curt "sorry" somewhere in their story, they'll have more udder rubs than they know what to do with.

ranting Annoying brat that bitches about everything and does nothing he's told, like simple chores or homework, complains about his rights and that his parents hate him when he doesn't get his own way. Like I needed another reminder of the joys I'm missing out on by not breeding.

When the rooster flies the coop for another hen

moo with baybeem Moo no likey that her toadler is calling Daddy's side dish/now wife "Mommy" instead of her. Side Dish was/is, funny enough, the director at the toadler's daycare. Bio-Moo has a shitfit and tells both the kyd and the side dish that Junior only has ONE mommy, goddammit. Duh chews her ass out and tells her the kid can call Side Dish whatever they want. Moo doesn't like that one bit! Meanwhile, one of Moo's older daughters started calling Moo's new wallet "Daddy" and Moo told her not to. Most Moos would be thrilled for their dumplings to refer to the new wallet as their Duh. I bet, in the event any of her children get married, she'll guilt trip them about calling a mother-in-law "Mom."

:fmbl Moo and Duh playing custody tug-of-war with Junior. I think the Duh is just doing it to piss the heifer off, not because he wants to spend time with the kid.

Here's to another year of tasty Commode shits. :beer :chug
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 05, 2014
That bit about the kid puking all over the co-sleeping bed is comedy gold! Better late than rolling left rightsmile
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 06, 2014
Birth Relief Ceremonies. Nurse Ins'. Homebirths. This is all middle to upper class white women self centered bullshit. Earth Mother feminists whose only activism involves the above.

With the exception of sexism, the Kyriarchy works for them, otherwise they'd have more important things to worry about, like working at a shitty job, with a shitty boss, while paying for crappy housing that costs too much.

TL,DR Second Wave, Hippy Dippy Feminist bullshit 2.0 angry smiley

ETA: There is a reason why women and their babies don't die/suffer permanent damage like the Good Ol' Days:

The evil hospitals and doctors.


Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
Anonymous User
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 06, 2014
I fucking hate the "gentle discipline" morons.

Yes, discipline makes the kid a bit afraid. It's supposed to. You know why? Because small children don't have empathy. That part of their brain isn't working yet. They don't know or care how others feel until they're older.

So the only way to make them act even slightly human is to train them that when they do certain things, bad things that they don't like will happen. The only thing they care about is themselves, so that's the only way to stop them from being little shits.

Young children are basically sociopaths. That's why they do things like throw animals around, beat up on smaller kids, and refuse to share. These are all things that EVERY young child WILL do, if you don't discipline them. Thank goodness they're small, or they'd be a lot more dangerous.

They have no concept of other people's feelings. "Gentle discipline" just teaches them that being a sociopath is ok.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 06, 2014
Birth Relief Ceremonies. Nurse Ins'. Homebirths. This is all middle to upper class white women self centered bullshit. Earth Mother feminists whose only activism involves the above.

With the exception of sexism, the Kyriarchy works for them, otherwise they'd have more important things to worry about, like working at a shitty job, with a shitty boss, while paying for crappy housing that costs too much.

TL,DR Second Wave, Hippy Dippy Feminist bullshit 2.0 angry smiley

ETA: There is a reason why women and their babies don't die/suffer permanent damage like the Good Ol' Days:

The evil hospitals and doctors.


*Applauds loudly* YES! Doctors and hospitals have made it so safe to give birth that these stupid women have forgotten how dangerous it once was.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 06, 2014
I've been slacking the last couple of months on these, haven't I? I promise I didn't forget my little tradition. It's a little late for New Year's, but WTF-worthy all the same.

Need moar baybeez

:Violin Moo is "mourning" because her husband is getting the snip after three loaves and bawwww she will never again be able to be a bloated land whale, get kicked in the gut by a fetus or beef a new baybee. A fellow Moo says that vasectomies cause lots of health problems, which I guess OP Moo is supposed to use to talk her man out of a vasectomy. They can never be glad with the kids they have - they always have to "mourn" over not being able to make more and get attention and showers and casseroles for doing so.

THIS IS SUCH A CROCK! Had my snip in 1983 in a urologist's office under local anesthetic (Novocaine). He was a shaky old dude too. I think he retired just a few weeks after he did my snip. All of these years and nary a thing wrong, health wise. I was a bit sore for a day or two. No biggie. There is absolutely no reason for any dude to fear this. NONE!

Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 06, 2014

Yes, discipline makes the kid a bit afraid. It's supposed to. You know why? Because small children don't have empathy. That part of their brain isn't working yet. They don't know or care how others feel until they're older.

So the only way to make them act even slightly human is to train them that when they do certain things, bad things that they don't like will happen. The only thing they care about is themselves, so that's the only way to stop them from being little shits.

Never heard it better said, and I definitely could never have summed it up so perfectly myself!
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 06, 2014
I fucking hate the "gentle discipline" morons.

Yes, discipline makes the kid a bit afraid. It's supposed to. You know why? Because small children don't have empathy. That part of their brain isn't working yet. They don't know or care how others feel until they're older.

So the only way to make them act even slightly human is to train them that when they do certain things, bad things that they don't like will happen. The only thing they care about is themselves, so that's the only way to stop them from being little shits.

Young children are basically sociopaths. That's why they do things like throw animals around, beat up on smaller kids, and refuse to share. These are all things that EVERY young child WILL do, if you don't discipline them. Thank goodness they're small, or they'd be a lot more dangerous.

They have no concept of other people's feelings. "Gentle discipline" just teaches them that being a sociopath is ok.

A little fear is a good thing. There are many reasons not to destroy other's property, steal, harm someone, etc., and one reason is the consequences like jail, having to pay restitution, etc., Being afraid of these things happening is a good way to deter inappropriate behavior. It won't stop everyone, but it will stop many. Fear of being burned will make someone think twice about sticking their hand in a fire,and so on. Today's kids have no fear of consequences, rules, etc., so many run wild. As for the lack of empathy, not caring about others, I see more and more adults who don't have that part of their brain working and it's not pretty. I'm not happy with the world we're in now, and not sure I want to see how much worse it will get unless something changes.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 06, 2014
Birth reclaiming...weeping over hubby's vasectomy...WTF is with all these mush-brained mommies who "mourn" so much? I see/hear women talking about how they "mourn" for the ideal birth they didn't want, or when that kid can walk and talk, they mourn the end of the "little baby" stage. After that, the kid toddles off to pre-K and they "mourn" that, too. And when their kid gets more independent, starts full-day school, learns to read and count, etc. mommy "mourns" the loss of the little baby days. And not just a bittersweet "Awww, he used to be so little!" moment...I mean full-blown grief process, big crocodile tears, leaning on enabler mommy friends, the works.

Maybe these fragile moms who want a permababy should adopt a special needs kid. Then they'll get the continuous dependency they apparently crave. Sheesh.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 06, 2014
Read the "birth reclaiming shit" and guess what? It is a GD hot bath with candles and music and then someone ruins it by tossing a sprog in to that nice, relaxing moment.

And what causes these terrible traumas that require a hot bath? Not, like you'd expect, a cesarean but
“I wasn’t at the birth, but it was super quick and mum felt traumatised.
saying 'wtf' A quick birth is bad? Damn these moos are F----d up -- nothing makes them happy.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 07, 2014
Birth reclaiming...weeping over hubby's vasectomy...WTF is with all these mush-brained mommies who "mourn" so much? I see/hear women talking about how they "mourn" for the ideal birth they didn't want, or when that kid can walk and talk, they mourn the end of the "little baby" stage. After that, the kid toddles off to pre-K and they "mourn" that, too. And when their kid gets more independent, starts full-day school, learns to read and count, etc. mommy "mourns" the loss of the little baby days. And not just a bittersweet "Awww, he used to be so little!" moment...I mean full-blown grief process, big crocodile tears, leaning on enabler mommy friends, the works.

That alone tells how pathetic their lives are.

Nostalgia is one thing, but "mourning"? Seriously? I'd hate to know what their definition of a tragedy is. Or is that it?

"Be yourself, no matter what. Some will adore you, and some will hate everything about you, but who cares?

It's your life. Make the most out of it."
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 07, 2014
brown-eyed diamond
I'd hate to know what their definition of a tragedy is. Or is that it?

No moar babies. waving hellolarious

"Don't you know how to deal with children?!"
"I don't like animals who act on instinct."
I think you're on to something Akihiko.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 07, 2014
Maybe these fragile moms who want a permababy should adopt a special needs kid. Then they'll get the continuous dependency they apparently crave. Sheesh.

They won't. Don't you remember that the kid is only worthy of love, if they squeeze it out of their uterus?

" ... what's one more once you've already got two shedding on the couch?"
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 07, 2014
brown-eyed diamond
Birth reclaiming...weeping over hubby's vasectomy...WTF is with all these mush-brained mommies who "mourn" so much? I see/hear women talking about how they "mourn" for the ideal birth they didn't want, or when that kid can walk and talk, they mourn the end of the "little baby" stage. After that, the kid toddles off to pre-K and they "mourn" that, too. And when their kid gets more independent, starts full-day school, learns to read and count, etc. mommy "mourns" the loss of the little baby days. And not just a bittersweet "Awww, he used to be so little!" moment...I mean full-blown grief process, big crocodile tears, leaning on enabler mommy friends, the works.

That alone tells how pathetic their lives are.

Nostalgia is one thing, but "mourning"? Seriously? I'd hate to know what their definition of a tragedy is. Or is that it?

Yeah. That's one thing I didn't get into in my earlier post. If they're all teary over their kids' normal, non-remarkable growth & development, their husbands' vasectomies, or events of non-conception--how rude is that to people who're going through actual loss, stress, or violation. I mean people who have had a loved one in hospice care, a spouse deployed in military service, or had a loved one die.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 07, 2014
I like that someone in the fence pedo topic called Moo out on her bullshit and the other heifers got their udders in a twist over it.

Mother with more than one brain cell (so why is she on Smothering?)
I am sorry this is happening to your family, but truthfully I am always shocked with what some parents are comfortable. You wouldn't leave a million dollars in your backyard without watching it...why would you let your wee little children run around in the yard without supervision. Anything can happen. I am sorry, but this wouldn't have happened to my family.

Hit the nail on the head. And cue mooing and lowing along the lines of She's Suffered EnoughTM. Even if there were no neighbors at ALL, you don't fucking leave two toddlers alone in the backyard. Kids are fucking idiots, but goddammit if they don't find fast and bizarre ways to kill themselves. Even in a backyard full of plastic kindercrap with blunt edges, I bet you anything a two-year-old will find a way to kill itself, given enough time. These kids are too young to be outside - even in a gated yard - without Moo keeping an eye on them. Determined pedos will find a way around someone's pesky fence. WTF was Miss Overprotective Moo doing that was that much more important than watching her own kids? I'm not saying they need to be watched every single second, but they do need some supervision for fuck's sake.

And I don't understand why these cows have to "mourn" and "grieve" over EVERYTHING. Either they don't know what real grief is and just like to toss these words around like nothing, or they really are sobbing and needing therapy and support because they're that emotionally unstable. Why can't they just say they miss these things? They miss their kids being babies, they miss the kids being home, etc.? That's normal for a parent to feel a little nostalgic for their children's younger years, but it's called life. Kids grow up. It seems these Moos cannot accept that, which goes a long way in explaining why all their kids are spaced exactly two years apart. When the kid hits the toddler stage and becomes more independent, they're no longer a cute helpless baby. Moo no likey, so she sluices another helpless loaf and just kind of deals with the first kid. Then when Kid #2 hits the toddler years, Moo is gearing up for a third loaf so she can push the other two aside. Lather, rinse, repeat. Sometimes they wise up and stop serial breeding when they realize the have three screaming monsters in the house to deal with and they can't handle more. Others are not so quick to learn and just keep on pumping out babies while neglecting the older kids after they have exited the cute stage.

First of all, you cannot mourn something that never existed. You cannot "mourn" over a dead baby when the "baby" was actually a two-week-gestation fetus with no discernible features. You cannot "mourn" over the Ideal Home BirthTM when it never occurred. In order to mourn something or someone, it has to have existed so you can grow to know and love that person or thing and have an attachment to it/them. If someone's born infant dies, then yes, mourn that. I understand being sad or disappointed over a loss or something not happening - these are normal, sane emotions to feel when a homebirth goes awry. As in, "Aw shucks, was hoping to avoid the hospital for this baby. But shit happens and because of the hospital, I have a healthy and alive baby." This is along the lines of having to book a room at an inn instead of a five-star hotel: maybe you would have wanted it to be different, but it still works just fine and it's not a big deal. This is not worthy of full-blown grief and the need for support.

It's comforting to know the most unstable people in the world are raising children. Boy these kids are going to be a real joy to interact with when they become adults and raise another generation of nutcases.
Anonymous User
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 07, 2014
I fucking hate the "gentle discipline" morons.

Yes, discipline makes the kid a bit afraid. It's supposed to. You know why? Because small children don't have empathy. That part of their brain isn't working yet. They don't know or care how others feel until they're older.

So the only way to make them act even slightly human is to train them that when they do certain things, bad things that they don't like will happen. The only thing they care about is themselves, so that's the only way to stop them from being little shits.

Young children are basically sociopaths. That's why they do things like throw animals around, beat up on smaller kids, and refuse to share. These are all things that EVERY young child WILL do, if you don't discipline them. Thank goodness they're small, or they'd be a lot more dangerous.

They have no concept of other people's feelings. "Gentle discipline" just teaches them that being a sociopath is ok.

A little fear is a good thing. There are many reasons not to destroy other's property, steal, harm someone, etc., and one reason is the consequences like jail, having to pay restitution, etc., Being afraid of these things happening is a good way to deter inappropriate behavior. It won't stop everyone, but it will stop many. Fear of being burned will make someone think twice about sticking their hand in a fire,and so on. Today's kids have no fear of consequences, rules, etc., so many run wild. As for the lack of empathy, not caring about others, I see more and more adults who don't have that part of their brain working and it's not pretty. I'm not happy with the world we're in now, and not sure I want to see how much worse it will get unless something changes.

True. There are some people who are just less capable of empathy than others, and for these people, fear is what keeps them in line.

I think perhaps the increase in adults who seem oblivious to the feelings of others is the outgrowth we're seeing from this "gentle discipline" bullshit.

The human brain is extremely plastic. It's wrong to say we're completely "tabula rasa," but we're more flexible than any other creature on earth, and nearly every single function of being human is something you have to learn. Even basic social necessities, like empathy. We don't just come pre-programmed with most of this stuff, like migratory birds do. Since our survival strategy is being intellectually flexible and cooperative, we have brains that can be programmed for almost anything.

If you are never put in situations where you have to find empathy in your youth, it stands to reason you will be inadequate at it as an adult. You never practiced when your brain was at its most plastic.

If you have appropriate empathy, you can do away with fear. Honestly, the rules don't scare me, and I ignore them at will (although I may weigh my risks). However, I only do so if I hurt no one in the process. At the end of the day, I have to look at myself in the mirror. A lot of rules are kind of arbitrary and I have no reason to feel bad about ignoring them, but sometimes rules and empathy do coincide, and even if the rules don't matter much to me, the empathetic aspect of it does.

Me getting to that point started when I was too young to have empathy. I do something bad, something bad happens to me.

It continued as I got older and that part of my brain started running, as bad stuff happening to me was gradually replaced with feeling bad when I did something bad ("How would you like it if this happened to you?"). Since I knew how I felt when bad things happened to me (punishment), I could use that to apply to others as I got older and more human.

And that's how you get an empathetic adult. But that entire process is being skipped now, replaced with this bullshit about how punishment damages self-esteem.

And you know what? Maybe it does. But people who hurt others don't deserve to have self-esteem. They have no reason why they should feel good about themselves. Saying your child should be happy with themselves no matter how shitty they are is an excuse to be sociopath.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 07, 2014
Lilin_unite, your last sentence says it all. I wouldn't be surprised if we see an uptick in the number of sociopaths in the next generation. Scares the crap out of me to think about it ...
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 08, 2014
Lilin_unite, your last sentence says it all. I wouldn't be surprised if we see an uptick in the number of sociopaths in the next generation. Scares the crap out of me to think about it ...

This is why I got out of doing yoof work. Every bit of good we did with those kids and teens would be undone by their stupid famblees. I was working with kyds and young adults who had no idea of boundaries or acceptable behaviour, and they weren't special needs, they had just either a) been left to raise themselves by parents more interested in drinking/drugs/finding a new shag of the week/popping out moar baybees for moar benefits, or, they had been enabled to be utter shitbags by parents who never disciplined them and had brought them up like little princes and princesses. They couldn't hold jobs down because they couldn't turn up to work on time, they would cheek the boss or other colleagues, refuse to do things they thought beneath them, or do inappropriate stuff like swear at customers. Or they would just be plain bloody lazy.

The worse end of the spectrum was the borderline sociopathic ones who were incapable of understanding or caring about the impact of their behaviour on others, because they had been taught they didn't have to care about anyone but themselves.

These self sacrificing "everything for my kydzzz" moos are doing nobody any favours, they are as bad if not worse than the neglectful ones.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 08, 2014
Lilin_unite, your last sentence says it all. I wouldn't be surprised if we see an uptick in the number of sociopaths in the next generation. Scares the crap out of me to think about it ...

This is why I got out of doing yoof work. Every bit of good we did with those kids and teens would be undone by their stupid famblees. I was working with kyds and young adults who had no idea of boundaries or acceptable behaviour, and they weren't special needs, they had just either a) been left to raise themselves by parents more interested in drinking/drugs/finding a new shag of the week/popping out moar baybees for moar benefits, or, they had been enabled to be utter shitbags by parents who never disciplined them and had brought them up like little princes and princesses. They couldn't hold jobs down because they couldn't turn up to work on time, they would cheek the boss or other colleagues, refuse to do things they thought beneath them, or do inappropriate stuff like swear at customers. Or they would just be plain bloody lazy.

The worse end of the spectrum was the borderline sociopathic ones who were incapable of understanding or caring about the impact of their behaviour on others, because they had been taught they didn't have to care about anyone but themselves.

These self sacrificing "everything for my kydzzz" moos are doing nobody any favours, they are as bad if not worse than the neglectful ones.

One of my previous careers was as a 'child and youth worker', which is working with young offenders aged 11-17.
Those "parents" caused such a huge amount of damage and undoing of good progress that it forever changes your opinion about parents.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 08, 2014
trekkie monster
Maybe these fragile moms who want a permababy should adopt a special needs kid. Then they'll get the continuous dependency they apparently crave. Sheesh.

They won't. Don't you remember that the kid is only worthy of love, if they squeeze it out of their uterus?

Silly, silly me...what WAS I thinking?
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 08, 2014
What randomcfchick said. No second-hand child (step, foster or adopted) will EVER measure up to a home-baked one. I kind of wonder... if Moos who want nothing but cute baybees and not the older children they eventually become, would any of them ever intentionally try to birth a retarded child? I mean through the use of drugs - OTC or prescription - that are known to cause birth defects in the hope of sluicing a tard. Hell, not even drugs are necessary - a Moo can drink throughout her pregnancy and wind up with a fetal alcohol syndrome loaf. Which she will mainstream when it becomes school-aged because they want a perpetual baby, but don't you dare suggest it's a retard by sticking it in the sped class! It might explain why some Moos will carry a pignancy to term even when they find out that the child will be an arm-flapper.

Yeah, the pweshus widdle tard-baybee won't be so pweshus anymore when it's 25 years old, 285 pounds and can rip a door off its hinges effortlessly. Of course Moo won't put the big fat tard in a nut house - she'll just feebly attempt to wrangle it when she's 50. All the while, the tard's Duh - if he was in a committed relationship with the Moo at one point - will have long since either committed suicide or left for another woman.
Re: First Commode list of 2014
January 09, 2014
What randomcfchick said. No second-hand child (step, foster or adopted) will EVER measure up to a home-baked one. I kind of wonder... if Moos who want nothing but cute baybees and not the older children they eventually become, would any of them ever intentionally try to birth a retarded child? I mean through the use of drugs - OTC or prescription - that are known to cause birth defects in the hope of sluicing a tard. Hell, not even drugs are necessary - a Moo can drink throughout her pregnancy and wind up with a fetal alcohol syndrome loaf. Which she will mainstream when it becomes school-aged because they want a perpetual baby, but don't you dare suggest it's a retard by sticking it in the sped class! It might explain why some Moos will carry a pignancy to term even when they find out that the child will be an arm-flapper.

Yeah, the pweshus widdle tard-baybee won't be so pweshus anymore when it's 25 years old, 285 pounds and can rip a door off its hinges effortlessly. Of course Moo won't put the big fat tard in a nut house - she'll just feebly attempt to wrangle it when she's 50. All the while, the tard's Duh - if he was in a committed relationship with the Moo at one point - will have long since either committed suicide or left for another woman.

I have said the same sort of thing in the past. Would be parents today don't want to have children, they want to have babies. Once the child starts growing up, becoming more independent, the parents don't want them anymore. They just want this cute little dependent doll they can control. It's not what the child needs that matters, it's what the parent wants. It's sickening.
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