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Kancer Kurer kills seven people, because girls wouldn't sleep with him

Posted by nightfire 
As far as I can tell, this asshole had never been rejected. He had never even approached a girl at all, in fact. He didn't want to make any effort at all to meet someone, much less get to know them and perhaps date them. His claim of rejection is merely the fact that girls didn't throw themselves at him.

Well boo fucking hoo. Most people go through life having to actually meet people and try to find common interests. Most people do not have others throwing themselves at them. He was no more rejected than anyone else who is/has ever been in the dating pool. In fact, he was less rejected, in that he was not rejected at all. He didn't go up to girls, ask them out and get shot down. He felt entitled to have girls pursue him. Because they didn't, they all apparently hated and belittled him. Give me a break.

What is really bothering me these last few days is the attempt by some (mostly online) to suggest that this was NOT a misogynist issue and that he supposedly hated men as much as women. That is not true. Whereas he definitely hated men who had what he thought he deserved -- women -- his hatred towards women was profound and scary.

He thought women should have no control over our bodies. That we should not be able to choose who we date. That we should be rounded up into concentration camps -- yes he said those exact words. That most women should be starved to death and a few keep and forced to breed. How is that not misogyny? He was sick and twisted and hated women because women didn't throw themselves at him.

He definitely felt entitled and looked down upon just about everyone, as if he was some kind of spayshul sneuxflayke. He seemed to never have a good word about anyone. Even though he DID have friends, or people who tried to be friends, he was critical of every one of them, and people in general. He was Mr. Perfect and everyone else on the planet -- minus his "hot women" -- were all stupid, ugly, immature, etc.

When I looked at his picture, I didn't see hideously ugly, though I don't find him attractive at all. I'm sure the murderous misogyny colors that to an extent, but, he also looks girlish to me. It looks like he's had collagen in his lips and he was apparently dying his hair and whatnot. Kinda metrosexual look I guess he was going for. Not to disparage metrosexual looks, but would not appeal to me. But, that's what is great about the world; not everyone and everything appeals to everybody. We all have our own thoughts, opinions and tastes.

Were he not a raging, entitled maniac, he might have found a girl who was interest in him. Although his attitude was one of selfish and money-hunger, so maybe not. In a way, his aspirations were way too high, on a superficial level. He was not a hunk whom women would generally throw themselves at in the first place. But, more importantly, his attitude sucked ass. You can have a person who is thoroughly attractive physically, but beyond ugly in personality. Most people -- at least I like to think -- look a bit beyond just the physical. I tend to think that even if he was drop-dead gorgeous, his personality would still have sent girls fleeing.

Perhaps, had he been more realistic in trying to find someone based on other attributes besides having to be a "perfect blonde goddess", he might have at least dated a little bit. But, either way, he was absurd. The idea that a woman needed to sacrifice herself to become his possession, otherwise he would mass murder people? Ugh. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Just sad that he had to take innocent people with him.


The fact that there are more where Elliot came from is scary as fuck!
Also, what about all the entitlement from these a**holes?! I HATE how they talk about women like we are only machines and not really human.
No wonder I am starting to sympathize a bit with radical feminists when I am seeing shit like this and more of it every day.

I find myself fascinated by the psychology of these men. HOW do you manage view half the human race as non-human? I posted this article in another thread a while ago about how popular culture teaches men that they are "owed" an attractive prize:

I think it's very true that our culture teaches men that women are rewards and that they're owed the best looking one. Women are taught that our attractiveness is the MOST important aspect of who we are. If you're fat or ugly, forget about being viewed as a worthy person who contributes to society. And a lot of men act pretty vile toward unattractive women - they are stupid fat bitches who should shut the hell up and get on the damn treadmill - because unattractive women aren't acting like they're "supposed" to. They are not giving up their entire existence to provide men with a desired prize.

You are right, it fascinates me a great deal also. I have spend the last few months with always trying to read up on MRAs and their antics in my spare time (because curiosity got the better of me), but also started to do the same for the radical feminists.
The most fascinating aspect is that MRAs, even in their hatred of women, still cannot leave their entitlement. They hate women, yet still want to bang and own them. Radfems, in comparison, (at least from what I have seen), who also hate men at least try to abstain from men entirely. I haven't seen even one radfem whine that they should own men and are entitled to them, but then again maybe I haven't searched thoroughly enough.
I also get the feeling that radfems hate men in retaliation to the entitlement bullshit of these MRA douchebags. Like, "they did all these awful things, invalidated me, so no wonder I hate them!". Huh, then again, entitled males probably think the same way, but in a rather skewed way.

Gosh, this subject will haunt me for a long time to come.
Stuff like that used to bother me, but now that I'm old I don't care as much. I wasn't put on earth to please men and then die.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Stuff like that used to bother me, but now that I'm old I don't care as much. I wasn't put on earth to please men and then die.

I hold the same view.

I do know that males in the western world need to socialized differently from birth, and not necessarily according to the annals of far-left feminism. Judeo-Christian gender roles are obsolete and don't help males and females at all.
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