My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 05, 2014
I apologize if there's another thread like this somewhere already (I looked around a little bit and didn't see one), but I thought that it would be fun to share our reasons for being CF.

Of course, no one needs a reason, and "I just don't want to" is 100% reason enough. It goes without saying that it's not for justification breeder pleaser purposes or whatever bullshit. Still, I felt like sharing my reasons anyway for fun with like-minded people, especially since I read a few lifescript-regret articles from our archives and was mentally going over all my reasons for my gratitude for my own life.

1. I want adventures in my life. Ever since I was little, I've been happiest when living my life in a way that is (and working toward future goals that are) fast-paced, out-of-the-box and exciting. I want to travel; I want to make a difference for people in developing countries with little rights or resources; I want to be free to up and change my life, as "called," wherever the journey takes me. I don't want to be "settled" into some boring life of being stuck in a suburb somewhere, saying things like "Oh, I had dreams like you once, but I'm settled down now..." Fuck that bullshit.
Whenever I talk about wanting adventures, to someone who is a Lifescripter, more often than not they will try to convince me with some lame argument about "But playing with legos in the backyard again is an adventure, too!" Yeah no.
Also, the goals I have involve helping lots of people on a larger scale. Not just living a life that only affects a few kids, who will [likely] not have much major impact.

2. I've observed other women in my life who were SAHMs/traditional roles. To their credit, they CHOSE to do it (no pressure from Og husbands or limitations of the time period etc), and they were great PNBs and not at all like the ones we cite on here. Still, I knew early on that that would never, ever, EVER EVER be my life.
The scary thing is, so many people, once they sprog, just fall into this life without wanting it. They plan to keep their outside lives and independence along with their kids, but it "doesn't work out that way" or they realize AFTER it's too late that they can't handle it after all...but by that point, you can't give the loaf back.
I'm very freedom-oriented, and the idea of digging myself into a Stepford domestic prison that I can't get out of, ever, is one of the scariest things I can think of.

3. Tied into item #1, I have very high visions and aspirations for my life, and if I had teh babbies they'd likely come to a screeching halt (or at least be greatly limited). Not only would I mourn for my lost life and potential, I'd probably end up resenting the kids too, and that's not fair to them. I recognize that forcing expectations of grand impact on the world, on them, would make me a shitty parent, but if they didn't make any kind of difference with their life, I'd feel like I made all the sacrifice for little to nothing. I can't say it anywhere but here, but it's the cold hard truth.

4. Childbirth/pregnancy/Risk of Vaginabutthole/etc etc...Bodily autonomy, both from the abovementioned natural body change horrors, and also from busibodies around me (like the people who get all forceful about pressuring women to titfeed even if it doesn't work for them, etc.)

5. Who knows what kind of shithole parenthood will be in the next 10-20 years? We aren't in the times when kids can just ride their bikes around everywhere, be independent and do shit on their own. I grew up in those times (90s) and sadly, it looks like they're gone. Now we have all these cases of parents getting jailed because their Delicate Fragile Loaf walked to the playground alone (hell, we would spend ALL DAY at the park with no grownups, in a mediocre neighborhood, and learned to watch our own backs!) or stay home alone a few hours etc.
I could totally see a future where no one under 18, even teens, can even leave the house or buy anything or eat or whatever without Moooomy's permission, for "protection."
This would chain people to their offsping even about no cutting the apron strings, no freedom or independence and no life! Plus I'd feel terrible for anyone who'd have to grow up that way.

6. I am an extrovert. I like to go out. I like concerts, clubbing sometimes, the freedom to stay up late talking at a friend's house or do whatever else.
It would depress the shit out of me to have to restrain all my activities to home-oriented things or "doing lunch" or whatever because of having to be around to do home-oriented things. I'm not home-oriented. Being CF gives me freedom to be the way I am and not stifle myself in.

7. On the converse side, sometimes I do want time to recharge and just chill out alone. Like after work for example..I like to go home, put on some music, write, relax etc. Sometimes I want to go out, but I have choice. No one screaming at me and making noise nonstop, not being able to do anything alone etc. I have me time and want to keep it this way.

8. I want to be able to cultivate life-long friendships and maintain the friendships I have, and have a network of people who I truly connect with (as well as devoting time to nurturing relationships with the family I've got). I don't want to wind up focusing on no one but a husband/kids, then wind up isolated when the kyds are gone.

9. All the obvious shit about what if your kid becomes a rapist, deals meth, or whatever else. Plus "what if they die," they could be severely disabled and dependent for life, etc.

10. I just don't want to.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
I am disabled, I have physical problems and rather extensive mental illness. It makes too flaky to even take responsibility for a pet. If someone cannot look after a pet, that someone is in no position to look after a child.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
Where do I begin...? :eyebrows

1. I love traveling (I did so when I was in the Navy). grinning smiley

2. I enjoy looking the way I do. thumbs upwink Fuck toning down my tattoos and unusual hairstyles just to cater to the PTA drones. angry flipping off

3. I was not put on this planet to be anyone's fucking 'role model'. I'll be damned if I'm going to set an example for some brat who'd probably screw up any damned way. winking smiley

4. I embrace my nerdiness far too much to give it all up (that includes my wall scrolls, plushies, and graphic novels).

5. No kiddie-muzak crap will ever pollute my dwellings. (Actually, come to think of it, I grew up just listening to the radio...) :eyebrows

6. Doing what society expects women to do sucks flea balls...I'm much happier doing what I please. :yeah

7. I can come and go as I like grinning smiley

8. I value my sleep, and free time, far too much grinning smiley

9. I may be fat, I may have stretch marks...but, no Mine Shaft Mooter (TM) for this gal! :GOMIIMOG

10. My munchkin cat is awesome as fuck, and he deserves the best life I can give him...impossible to do that with mucus-glazed twat croissants.

11. I may not be the greenest person in existence, but I'm leaving a much smaller carbon footprint

12. I'm also not adding to the population

13. Sex. In every room. Day or night.

14. I refuse to share anything, especially food, with cunt dropplings

15. I only have one life...I'm making it as amazing as possible :meta


Why live in a fishbowl, when you could be swimming in the ocean?

"She, and all other rabid breeders, are like crabs in a bucket headed to Red Lobster. When they see a smarter crab escaping, they try to pull it back in." - Miss Hannigan

"Yeah, that's what family is about - guilt tripping people into cleaning up someone else's mess." - mrs. chinaski

(Shameless blog promotion:

(Cornucopia of visual rantage:
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
Here's mine....always good to remind oneself of all the awesome things the CF life brings Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhankyou

1) I decide what I do where I go and when. I don't have to worry about whether a place is chyld friendly, if I have enough beef milk or nappies. I just go.

2) I have long term inheritable health problems that I won't pass on by remaining CF. I see this as a positive thing for society because my nonexistent kids won't cost the health service a shit ton of money, nor will they have to worry like I do about becoming too sick to work and having to rely on benefits, which are pretty fucking paltry when you are unchilded.

3) Kids are for the most part fucking annoying. I don't buy this crap about its different when they're your own. Nearly every kid I meet irritates me in one form or another, and being CF I get to limit my contact with them.

4) A sex life.

5) the above, without having to negotiate Cheeseburger Twat, or a Mooter Shooter.

6) I can choose what I do for a living and don't need to worry about earning enough to pay for the brat care. I can choose to do something that taps into my passions or start my own business, don't have to think about will there be enough money to stuff the house with kindercrap.

7) Not having a house stuffed with plastic kindercrap or feeling the need to buy a bigger Wendy house than the Jones kids down the road have.

8) Fuck having to compete with any Joneses at all, or even enter into any of that shite. At least being somewhat unconventional, you can circumvent much of that crap, because once you're openly CF it usually serves as a big fat "don't give a fuck about social expectations" badge. And I won't hide it for others' benefit either.

9) having nice food in my house. No nuggets, crap n'cheese or kiddie junk.

10) Being able to pursue hobbies without the guilt that my parent friends feel if they go off and do anything just for their own enjoyment. My mountain biking crowd includes a few duhs, they are always made to feel guilty for coming out on rides, and if they get any injuries they are admonished for being selfish, so they usually pass on the downhilling and fun stuff. The women are all CL or CF. The mothers rarely get back on the bike except to cart the kids round on a carrier seat and preach about how dangerous they now think the sport is and whinge about their partners continuing to do it.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
1) I can do whatever I like and be as whimsical as I like. Decide to move to a new country just like that? Go surfing for two weeks? Party the weekend away in Amsterdam? All impossible if you've got kyds.

2) My body belongs to me, and me alone. There is no way anything would ever be 'all worth it' if it ruined my body. Just the idea of something coming out of my body is so gross that I wonder whether people who think that's normal are actually ok in the head.

3) I hated, hated, HATED school, there aren't words strong enough to express my hatred. I was bullied by other students and teachers alike and while I got my revenge on some of the students and just never spoke to any of them again after I was done with that institution for sadistic idiots I also vowed to never set foot in any school again, ever. Because of my experienes I am extremely wary when I hear someone is a teacher and tbh, I wouldn't want to associate with them. Sorry if that offends anyone, as usual there are always a few token good people in every profession but even just the word 'teacher' makes me feel queasy.
When you have crotchlings, you have to go to their skul at some point and pretend to show respect to their cheaters. Thank dog I'll never have to do that.

4) Rat races of all sorts. Parents always want to be competitive about everything, and I hate stupid competitiveness that makes no sense.
'Oh, so Screamley hasn't taken a shit yet? Cackerette went twice just yesterday, I think she might be a genius.' :kill

5) I can drive cool cars. I have this thing for small, slinky, sexy sporty cars, like the Audi TT, BMW Z4, Japanese race cars, Mercedes SLK, Porsche Boxster and Carrera etc. and wouldn't be caught dead driving a moo van.

6) I can't deal with loud noises of any kind. Heck, I don't even listen to music at a high volume when I'm at home because it's just too damn loud. I wouldn't survive if I'd have to be around a screeching chyld for longer than five seconds.

7) Food. Sometimes I'm very healthy, other times I'm not. I hate cooking, mainly because I hate the smell of food, it gets into your hair and clothes and it's just yuck! If I want to eat nothing but chocolate one day, I will. And then I'll have nothing but nectarines the next. Obviously that's not possible when you have kyds.

8) I am pretty messy and find household chores to be the most boring thing ever. But since I don't have a shitling who smears hell knows what over everything the apartment still doesn't look too bad so I don't have to do much which is awesome. Again not possible if you have chyldrun.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
dont like 'em
Don't want 'em
Don't need 'em
CFness works for me and I'm the kind of person who finds what works and sticks with it.
Been driving the same model and color car for the past 26 years and I've had the same breed of dog for the past 40 years. Yep... if it works... why switch.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
When you drop a loaf you lose a piece of your soul. That's enough reason for me.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
When you drop a loaf you lose a piece of your soul. That's enough reason for me.

Not to mention... a piece of your MIND.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
While I have a myriad of reasons I don't wish to be a parent, the likely primary reasons include, but aren't limited to, the following:

1)I have witnessed pain, hardship, immeasurable grief, suffering, depression, despair, and every other unwelcomed emotion imaginable in ALL women I have ever known in my life who were mothers. All of this extra negativity was a direct or indirect result of having children and I want NO part of that. While I realize there are usually some Kodak moments mixed in, I personally do not think the good outweighs the bad except possibly in women in denial or who wear some rose colored glasses when they reminisce. Since I prefer to live within the realms of reality I would likely NOT be able to sugar coat any of it and would likely suffer worse because of my realistic outlook, which I might add FEW mothers tend to have because they are always looking to the future of what could be, trying to change their kids to suit them, or pretending things are better than they actually are.thumbs updown

2)I have always sought peace, quiet, and tranquility and consider my home my private haven. When you have children you can forget that. You can't even go to the bathroom alone or talk on the phone in private when you have kids of ANY age, teens included.

3)The odds your kids will choose a life partner you like are slim to none, so even IF you enjoy your own kid you'll have to put up with their asshole spouse or partner for the rest of your life OR a slew of them if they can't stay in one relationship. On the off chance your kid remains single that comes with it's own sets of problems too such as constant judgement by society of "what's wrong with your kid?" and fending questions about why they aren't married, etc.... Either way and whatever your kids does or does NOT do with his life, YOU are judged for and by it and that's a burden I'd rather not endure. I'd prefer to be chastised for my OWN choices only, not also the choices of my kids.

4)I have witnessed Boomerang adult kids "come back home", most often with kids from failed relationships in tow, and the thought of that makes me sick to my stomach. It isn't like in the old days where after the kids go off to college, moves out on his own, or gets married where there was a light at the end of the tunnel. A 20 year sentence with parole at the end when you are early 40's seems almost doable, but grown kids coming back home to live when you are at or in retirement at 50-60 plus years of age WITH THEIR OWN brood in tow for you to raise is a life without parole sentence and a most depressing scenario. It's like getting Shingles in your old age after having thought once you had Chicken Pox as a kid you were DONE.

5)Rarely is there an adult child who does NOT blame his parents for something "gone wrong" in his life whether it was their parenting style, conditions of his upbringing, or an undesirable genetic trait he inherited. Parents recall Kodak moments with Mall Santa pictures and adult children remember the Christmas back in 1974 when Daddy got too drunk to put the bicycle together or when mom cried at the kitchen table all night because she was depressed during the holidays for no apparent(to the kid) reason. Kids remember moving all the time and always being the new kid whereas parents remember lots of fresh starts with new beginnings.. Kids remember being the one with the bulbous Rudolph nose and parents remember how cute it was you looked like Pee-Paw when you emerged nose first into the world.

6)If you are unfortunate enough to sire a kid with serious mental problems or other incurable disability, you have just signed on for LIFE to be a caregiver. There are too many support groups out there filled with mostly women who are burdened for life with all this emotional horror because few men stick around after this kind of kid is born. Lives are shattered, feelings are irreparably hurt, your kid won't ever know the difference as long as he's fed and cleaned, and you can look forward to spending your life pretending you are a happy mama bear and kid advocate, when in your heart you are weeping for your own life. NO THANKS!

7)I can barely tolerate a mild medical condition of body parts from above the thighs and below the navel such as urinary tract infection, constipation, ovarian cysts, or severe menstrual cramps. THEREFORE, I am POSITIVE I would NOT fare well with a vagina-butt hole, ripped uterus, a belly button or cooter resembling The Grand Canyon, or ANYTHING that leaked, smelled, swelled, dripped, sloshed, or looked like a cheeseburger. I also couldn't deal with having to wear a jock strap for cooters to constrain my bloated lady bits, not be able to feel or see my belly button while in a sitting position, NOR could I handle it if my crumpled stomach swung down like an old Yellow Dog after her tenth litter or deal with my boobs becoming part of the landscape of my lower abdominal area. While all this might happen should I get old enough, it would be more severe had I sluiced and I see no reason to greatly increase the possibility of it happening at all.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
1. My first experience of family life was miserable. I had a narcissistic mother, a useless enabler father, and a sadistic and spiteful sister who joined in with the abuse in her attempts to remain the favourite- why would I want to risk going through all that again, and what if I turned out to be as bad a parent as them? *shudder*

2. My family are a bunch of fuck-ups. On my father's side- a string of emotionally abusive and drunken fathers with terrified wives and children, including my aforementioned spineless father. On my mother's side- a load of hypocritical Catholics who preach about "families sticking together" in between shagging around and having affairs, more drunks, relatives with criminal records for violence, parents who all play favourites and siblings who all hate each other as a result. My sister may be a bona fide sociopath and I'm fucking neurotic with a history of mental health problems- why on earth would I want to risk spawning another fuck-up to add to this fucked-up brood?

3. You can choose you friends, but you can't choose your enemies... or your family: "Families need to stick together" is a threat, shorthand for "You'd better put up with our crap, or else". Relatives use their status to make unreasonable demands which they would never dream of making of a friend, while friends keep each other in check and will call people out on unreasonable behaviour- and be thanked for it. Relatives who hate each other attend family gatherings out of fear, obligation and guilt (FOG, the abuser's trio of controlling methods), friends hang out together because they actually like each other. The whole "you never know when you might need your family" thing is a horrible attitude to have towards other human beings- do you know what a person who thinks "I'd better be nice to them because I might need them one day" about a non-relative is called? Yes, that's right- a user. Families are full of users but they rarely get called out on it. The British sitcom Spaced features the line "Friends are the family of the 21st Century" and I think that's wonderful.

4. School. I hated school with a passion and was also bullied relentlessly. The idea of having a child and then having to send them to one of those places by law is just too much, and homeschooling is too weird, plus that would mean me or my partner giving up our exciting and fulfilling careers. Rockchick- I loved your post, and while I personally am not suspicious of all teachers- I have friends who teach and do a bit of undergraduate teaching myself- but I don't believe any truly good person would want to become a sports or PE teacher. That's a job school bullies do when they don't quite grow up. I still have issues around exercise and sport because of my sporty school with its sadistic PE teachers and my pointlessly competitive sporty classmates.

5. Career. My job in academic research doesn't pay well but it pays enough for me and my partner (who is also an academic) to enjoy plenty of nights out and city breaks, and I'm happy with this balance of fulfilling work and downtime to relax and have fun. I don't want anything more- and that includes children, SMooVs and other things which would cost money we could spend on ourselves instead. I also wouldn't want to give up an interesting job I love to spend my days at home wiping up shit and piss and puke.

6. Freedom. I have already lived abroad once and loved it- and the knowledge that I could do it again is a comfort. Right now I think owning a dog would be too much commitment and would tie me down, and I love dogs... I'm planning to get a few dogs when I retire and not before- how would someone like me even begin to cope with kids?

7. No biological urge. This is the main one- people bingo'ed me with talk of biological clocks and "you'll change your mind when you're older"- I'm 33, nothing has changed, I just feel lucky to have found a man who also has no urge to spawn!
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
1) Like thundergirl, I want adventures. I want to see the world before I die. I want to be able to afford that and not have to go to Disney world for every fucking vacation for 18 years.

2) Life is hard and scary and often miserable. I am proud that I am not needlessly subjecting another innocent human to it.

3) I can't fucking afford them. The crap economy fell down hard on me and I'm still sifting through the ashes. When I finally get my life back on track, I want to spend money on me and things that make me feel good - after all this shit I've been through, I deserve it!!

4) Like someone else mentioned - I need a cute, sporty car that has some oomph to it. Not some stupid "mini"van or SMoooV

5) My parents sucked. My mother had kids with a fuck-up because she wanted kids, then we had to grow up in financial straights because they got divorced. I barely have a relationship with my father and it's fucked up my self esteem for life. I'm in the hole for student loans because neither one of them thought to save money for college for us. Basically, my brother and I were forced along with their shitty, sucky, selfish lives while we were growing up with no control or say. Knowing what I know now and being through what I've been through, I'd probably be a better parent, but I also know I don't have the inner fortitude, sanity, energy, or finances in order to be the parent a kid would need. I'm proud that I know this about myself and didn't go off to breed anyway on a whim.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
It is simply the way I am.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
My list is probably more fear oriented than pride oriented but I am very proud to have resisted the social pressures to spawn, and that I have survived many difficulties in life, quite possibly because I was wise enough to make this decision.

1) My Mom most likely suffers from Borderline Personality Disorder, I grew up thinking that's what you became once you sprogged, shudder.....
2) I always saw Moos as having very little of their own, they were just there to be servants to children and husband, like their personality went away once BAYBAY came into the picture. I am not in favor of ceasing to exist while I am still physically alive.
3) I have a fear of having a fetus inside me, just controlling my body and swelling me up; and having to walk around with it sticking out in front of people.
4) I suffer from OCD, general anxiety disorder, and depression; I would be an awful Moo, despise every minute of it, probably commit suicide, and hand down mental issues to my offspring.
5) If I ever had a chyyyllld that abused an animal I would most likely lose it and literally beat the hell out of it.
6) I was bullied throughout my childhood and even well into college, I am a nerdy introvert and my anxiety would cause me to stand out. If I had a kid that went through that I would end up in jail. If I had a child that made fun of me, after being its slave, I would have the same reaction as in #5.
7) My Mother would have latched onto my life and the kyd like a blood-sucking leach because GRAND-MOO! My appeasing Dad would have done anything she said to keep from being her target. If I resisted any interference they may well have put me through God knows what, probably the legal system.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
My reasons:
1) I value my privacy and my free time. I love being able to read, practice my instruments, stay up late when I want, etc., without being at a chyld's beck and call all the time.
2) a strong family history of mood disorders and substance abuse. I've had several episodes of major depression and severe anxiety, and I didn't want to pass that on to a hypothetical chyld. Or worse, take out my problems on that chyld.
3). I'm basically a goof. I enjoy not "acting my age" and not having to be a role model for the younguns.
4) I love travel. Few people with small children go to the British Isles, they end up going to the Dells or Disneyworld. Repeatedlysmile rolling left righteyes2
5) I'm not the healthiest person physically, either. Can only imagine the troubles I would have had with pregnancy.
6) my Better Half never had an overwhelming need to sprog, and that's one of many things we have in common. Why mess up a good thing?
7) It's nice to have halfway-organized surroundings. And nice to be able to buy things for myself or hubby without having to save up $ for kyd's college, expensive clothes that " everyone else has," and other badges of conformity.
8) my body is still in decent shape for a woman my age. Sex is still enjoyable.
9) it just never seemed like a good idea to have kyds. No real desire at any point in my life.

It takes a child to raze a village.
Mine are mostly repeats of everyone else's, but it is fun to write them out:
1. I'd make a horrible parunt- I hate telling people what to do as much as I hate being told what to do. My aversion to such would result in horribly spoiled brats. Spoiled Dogs=Cute, but Spoiled Kyds=Any-Sane-Person's-Worst-Fucking-Nightmare. I'll stick to my happy, rotten dogs, thanks.
2. Peace and quiet, and the ability to turn off the phone and computer and not answer the door whenever I want (which is often). Not to mention never having to hear the eardrum-shattering shriek of a irrationally ecstatic loaf or, alternatively, have an irrationally wailing babby keep me up all night for six months straight.
3. Travel/Living abroad- I am currently trying to switch to a particular career where I will live abroad and move frequently. I can pursue my "dream job" without worrying about compromising anyone else and I'll never have to give up my dreams to wipe someone else's ass.
4. Aesthetics- I freaking hate primary colors and pastels (A.K.A. the color of every single piece of shit chyuld's toy on the market). I could never tolerate ugly pieces of plastic crap cluttering up my living space. I can also travel and go to museums, rather than spend my life at Chuck-E-Cheeze.
5. I prefer mental progress to mental regress- those weirdos that brag about knowing every word to every song in their kyds' music collection need to get a life. It's not cute and it doesn't show what a good parunt they are. It shows they have no interest in improving either themselves or their offspring. I, on the other hand, get to read grown up books and learn about things that actually interest me.
6. Independence- meaning not just personal freedom, but emotional freedom. I'll never have to experience the disappointment of being told to "fuck off" by something that shredded my vagina 17 years earlier. I'll never have to put my hopes and dreams into someone else who isn't likely to cure cancer or even give two craps when I'm too old to change my own diaper.
7. I don't have to be selfish 24-7- and have my life completely consumed by imaginary slights to my DNA replicants. I can focus on contributing to society and serving in a field that aims to improve the lives of others, rather than staying at home and improving the dishes and laundry. (This is in response to the one BINGO that actually enrages me in its stupidity, as opposed to the others that just make me LOL)
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
I can't morally justify having a child and that was what made me CF in the first place. That and DUH. who the fuck actually wants to have kids? Parents can't stand em, I can't stand em, no one can really. That and this world is total shit and I'm nice to my gametes. That and I'm a woman, and women get all the cuntwork so no. Also, sleep. And, eating good quality food that isn't chicken nuggets all day. And I'm decently hot with a p*ssy that GRIPS! And my boobs rock. I could literally sit here all day because every facet of my life is affected by my decision in the best of ways.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
I've inherited mental illness too I'd end up doing something totally illegal to any kids I had.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 06, 2014
There's no way I could list all the reasons, but I will try my best.

1) In general, I hate babies and don't particularly care for most older children. Most pre-teens and teenagers are assholes. Being around one every day? No thanks!

2) I have sensory processing disorder and the sound of crying babies makes me want to die. Not to mention, children are offensive to the senses in plenty of other ways.

3) I refuse to clean up after or wipe the ass of another human being.

4) I like nice things, and no kids means more money to spend on myself and less chance of nice things being ruined.

5) When I finish school, I would like a career that allows me to travel internationally, and would also like to do so for pleasure. Sprogs complicate travel. I also would not want to sacrifice potential career opportunities because of a child.

6) I'd like to have my own dog(s) if my career permits it, and I'd rather pour time and energy into them than a human child. Dogs are way cuter, more grateful, and less gross (even the ones that eat their own feces).

7) I am strongly introverted and enjoy spending much of my free time alone (or with my dogs) without the prospect of interruption.

8) I would not respond kindly to a lack of privacy when showering, going to the bathroom, etc. or to having my sleep interrupted (cute animals would be forgiven, see #6).

9) I spend the time not filled with work or school how I want, when I want.

10) I cannot stand the thought of loss of bodily autonomy that comes with inpigness and its aftermath. NOTHING is worth that (except maybe a billion dollars…but we all know chyldrun cause you to hemorrhage money, not make it).

11) I don't care about passing on my DNA and don't want to contribute to the growing population.

12) I feel no urgency to find a partner or get married.

13) No matter how great a parent is, there's no absolute guarantee that their child(ren) won't be little shitheads.

14) I would forever resent the father of my child because women make all the physical sacrifices to reproduce (and let's be honest, they do most of the childrearing in the majority of cases, too). If I reproduced I would feel that I was perpetuating gender inequality. Not to mention, I would resent the child for fucking with my body and interfering with everything I listed above.
At one time I THOT I did want kids...but then I became a teacher in Jr. Hi....after about 5 years my tubes tied themselves!!!
:complaining about a brat
After seeing how kids are allowed to disrespect their parents and teachers and ANYBODY who'd dare tell them what to do I realized that if my own kid talked to me like that I'd knock their teeth down their throats and I'd be in jail!!
1.) My money is mine; my free time is mine. Seems so simple but it's one of the greatest pleasures in life.

2.) Not passing on the mental and physical illnesses that run in my family. My bro was born with genetic problems requiring surgeries throughout his life. Both he and I have decided we could NEVER risk passing these problems to an innocent baybeh. We also have a laundry list of mental illnesses and suicide attempts in the gene pool.

3.) Never having to deal with multiple people getting sick at the same time while living under one roof. When the "seasonal stomach flu" goes around and people are graphically describing their puke-cleaning adventures, I'm more thankful than ever not to have kids. (I've suffered from emetophobia/germophobia since age 2 so it's a big deal).

4.) The aforementioned "free time" can be spent enriching myself and learning instead of getting tits-deep in kindercrap. Or if I so choose, I can dedicate my time to my friends/pets/community. My world does not revolve around nurturing a DNA copy of myself.

5.) See #1.
Because I would completely suck at it. Parenthood, that is. I am so glad I was born in an era and in a country where, despite all the shit I take for it, opting out of parenthood was/is a possibility. Yay for abortion, contraception, and sterilization (I've done all three!).
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 09, 2014
When people get all misty-eyed imagining Kodak moments, I just don't get it. Those are supposed to be the good moments, and they don't sound remotely appealing to me. Since I never had the urge to be a parent and I live in a time and place where I have reproductive autonomy, being CF is just my innate nature asserting itself.

That said, I'm proud of myself for not contributing further to the world's increasing population and sucking up more dwindling resources on disposable crap. I feel morally at peace in knowing that I have not condemned anyone to suffer and die simply to feed my ego, to make myself feel immortal, or out of curiosity or laziness. I appreciate being able to take a broader view when it comes to ethics. My scope is beyond my own relatives, beyond people who share my nationality, and broader than just my own species.

I take the most joy out of being free to change for growth, to avoid boredom, and to get out of uncomfortable situations by moving, changing jobs, changing careers, making new friends, embarking on new romantic relationships and taking up new intellectual pursuits.

I also know that, given how much I dislike being around young children, how much I like quiet and time to myself, my quick temper and my need for a full night's sleep, having a child would not only rob me of the freedom that is one of my main pleasures in life, but it would turn me into a raging stressed shrew. I've also seen how most relationships fall into gender stereotypes with the appearance of a child and there is no way in hell I'm giving up the equality I demand in all my relationships for doubling the housework and having to do a larger proportion of it as well!

Children would suck all the juiciness out of life, leaving me with the peel and pits.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 09, 2014
1) I don't like kids. There are some kids I'm sure that are good and quiet, but for the most part....NO. I do however enjoy holding babies at times, as long as I know they are going home. Every time I'm asked "when are you going to have babies?" I simply smile and say "I like my kids returnable". Makes people give me horrified looks but I don't care.

2) I care too much for my animals to put them through that abuse. I was one of those toddlers that didn't know what hurting something was. I didn't know what killing was and would sometimes kill the frogs in the yard. My moo belted my ass for that and justifiably so. It made me understand that I was hurting something. The thought of having to go through that with my own kids over an animal makes me see red and I don't think I could handle it as well.

3) We have 7 billion+ people on this planet with fewer and fewer resources. Why on earth would I bring a being into existence that would most likely have to scrape and scramble for just the basics of survival? There are water shortages in 10 of the states here, food shortages are on the horizon, war, pestilence, plague, soon you won't be able to even get a job at a McDonald's. WHY would someone bring a child into this?

4) I don't want to bring a child into existence where a man can tell it what it can and can't do with it's body based on his religious beliefs. Nor do I want to bring a girl into being where she will never make as much as her male counterparts just because they have a little dangley piece of flesh between their legs.

5) I enjoy buying organic foods and more expensive hair care products. It may mean nothing but I do believe the creatures slated to be dinner should at least have lived in humane conditions before being killed for dinner. It never fails though. I will be buying something that is organic and there is a breeder....either glaring at me for having the audacity to buy something she can't or they will make a comment. I actually had a duhd look at the organic milk I bought (a half gallon and for some reason expires longer than regular non-organic milk) and actually snark "must be nice to afford that". Well excuse me for trying to save a few bucks....jerk. The same for my shampoo. I've dyed my hair...a lot....yes I like purple hair and thankfully my job doesn't care what color my hair is. In an effort to make it stronger I've started buying a more expensive shampoo. You should see the glares. You can't win with these people.

6) I can eat out if I want to. If I want a steak I can go and get a steak. I have yet to see someone with kids say the same thing.

7) I don't have to worry about what I look like. If I don't want to do my daily regiment I don't have to and I don't have to listen to some smart ass kid make a comment.

8) Mental illness runs rampant throughout my family. I am one of just a handful for it to not hit hard. I have my days, though few and far between, where I just don't want to go on but I do. I think we all do. Three members of my family have been committed at one point or another in their lives, my mother included. Having a kid with those odds already stacked against it is a crime no matter how you look at it.

9) I enjoy sleep. I mean I ENJOY sleep. My bed is my happy and safe place.

10) I enjoy being able to watch what I want, listen to the music I want, and to not worry about someone having nightmares about it after

11) I only want to worry about me. If I live to be 65 I refuse to bring in another pet after that age. I don't want to worry about what will happen when I die, will they find my body before the pets starve etc. I will keep what I have until they go, but will not bring in another. If you are a parent and not a breeder, you will worry your entire life about your kids. My grandmother worried about me constantly when I lived in my apartment. Here I am 30 years old and she is calling me to make sure I hadn't fallen down the stairs and broken my neck. She still worries about me driving back and forth to work bouncing and laughing .

12) I enjoy my freedom to much to take it for granted. Kids do nothing but tie you down, and its cruel to them to live any other way but tied down. You made a commitment to them when you brought them into the world, you stick by that commitment no matter what if you are a true parent.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 09, 2014
The reasons are numerous, and do include the basic "I don't want to", which is reason enough in itself. But I can list a few of the others here.

1. I like quiet when I need it. I am not shy, but I am an introvert and require some quiet alone time every now and then. I do best when I know I can find that time at my own home.

2. I work with kids during the day. I am very good at it. But I don't work for free. Combine that with reason 1 and you see why I need a child-free household.

3. Today's parenting culture sucks. My own parents raised me and did a damn fine job of it. But the time when they did so with my siblings and me (1970s-90s) was a different world. Typical nice-weather day would include Mom or Dad tossing us outside to play in the yard, or as we got older, ride our bikes around the neighborhood. We walked to school. We waded in creeks, went away to summer camp for a couple weeks at a time, and walked to friends' houses to go play together. My parents hired sitters every now and then and went out to dinner without us. Nowaways...well...Any type of risk is deemed neglectful or worse. I don't like the stunted, wussified culture that's out there, nor the way that obsessive, neurotic parenting is applauded.

4. I love having free time! I am never bored! I read, ride my bike, take bubble baths, go swimming, cook, visit with friends...I love that I have control over my time.

5. Relationships. I have deeper, more intense friendships than most moms I know. I have the time and energy to devote to them. Also, they're my friends because we LIKE each other and our lives are better for having each other around...not because our kids are the same age. I know there are plenty of mommies out there who find real friends thru their kids...but how many of them are genuine friends? And of the ones that are, how much time do those women get to devote to actually being friends, vs being "mommy friends"?

6. My marriage and sex life! Sex is important to me. I can't imagine going through what some women describe during the post-baby years. Ugh. I like that my skin's still soft, my boobs aren't to my belly button, and my curves haven't shifted to strange places. And I know for a fact that the spouse appreciates these things, too. I like that we're free to be sexual in the privacy of our own home whenever we want, and don't have to censor what we say or do. The toys, rope, and other lovely fun things don't have to be locked up for fear of Junior finding them.

7. Being able to continue having adult conversations, hobbies, vocabulary, and tastes! I am not a Disney fan. I don't want it plastered all over my house. And in that house, adults can swear whenever they want during frank conversations about violent, sexual, scary, or mature topics, using polysyllabic words that seem to disappear from people's vocab once the stick turns blue.
Re: My "pride list" of reasons why I'm CF (share yours too!)
August 10, 2014
For me

1. I have absolutely no paternal instinct what so ever. Too late to develop one either. Plus, the more I see of other peoples kids, the less I want any.

2. I looove my holidays taken out of term time. I love paying a lot less. I love how quiet places can be. I love not having to search for kiddie-friendly resorts. In fact I actively seek out CF places. That said I will admit to doing the odd Disney cruise, but only the ones in term time and at least Disney have a decent prison for kids.

3. Being CF, means I can spend my money on what I want and no considerations on nappies, clothes that cost a fortune but they grow out of in a week etc. It also means I can fly business class on holidays so reducing my likelihood of being sat next to a screaming loaf.

4. I like sex too much and we use birth control because neither of us want kids.

5. Even with 4, I want porn. No danger of bratley going to school and saying "daddy watched a film with nekked people in" and getting raided by the moral crusaders.

6. I like good food. I have no desire to live on spaghetti hoops and don't want to keep wearing pureed peas or cauliflower.

7. I like the occasional drink and don't want to lock it away in case brat gets hold of my burgundy thinking it to be blackcurrant juice.

8. Shopping is a in, grab what I need, out exercise and not like some expedition to Nepal.
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