Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 20, 2014

My husband and I have hit a snag in the sex part in our marriage...things have been really stressful with this pregnancy, not to mention uncomfortable, so sex and other sexual aspects of marriage are a rarity to us anymore. I honestly think he's not attracted to me anymore because he never trys to initiate anything with me even if I drop some obvious hints, some of which could be considered initiative.

Well today he comes home from work and says he's not feeling good (said he has a sore throat and congestion) I'm not surprised since our two year woke up the other day with a runny nose and feeling like poo. ANYWHO getting straight to the point is tonight I tried to get a piece of ass...I mean kissing on him rubbing on him even trier sucking his dick. He tells me he's not in the mood and I say whatever because he's never in the mood. I told him if he's so sick he can go sleep on the couch so he huffs about it and goes to sleep on the couch.

A couple hours go by I get up to get a glass of water and I'm pretty dang annoyed so I walked over to where he's a sleep take a drink of water and spit water on him and asked if that helped his imaginary fever.

***Normally being sick doesn't irritate me BUT he sits there and tells me I'm over reacting when I tell him that certain foods he's eating make me nauseous or when my nerve in my back gets pinched and I can't move around alot or when I move around to much and start contracting OR when I had a bad UTI and he told me that it can't be that uncomfortable (might I add that I was almost 7 months pregnant at the time) Basically to me it's annoying as fuck that I have to cater to him when he's sick with a freaking cold but when bigger things are going on with me and my body I'm over reacting. I don't ask for marathon fucks just a wam -bam -thank you -ma'am

And no I don't care if I seem like a bitch smiling smiley I'm tired of getting turned away. Its not very often that I actually feel like having sex and when I do he's always got an excuse. We have nine weeks till my due date (and chances are I'll have him early like I did my first so we're looking at 7ish)
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 20, 2014
He's getting it somewhere else.


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 20, 2014
Why on earth would she WANT to have sex that late in her pregnancy? And then to spit water on her sick husband because he doesn't want to have sex with a whale? What a royal bitch! Did it ever occur to her that a) he may be uncomfortable screwing with his kid in there or b) knows there is a risk of bringing on labor that way (so I've heard). I thought most didn't want the ebil sex when knocked up....I was wrong.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 20, 2014
She spat in his face? And failed to take a no as a no? I don't care if she is pregnant, pissed off or unwell, that is a revolting way to treat your partner. If I were in the husband's position, sleeping on the couch and away from this woman would be no hardship at all.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 21, 2014
Luckily all the comments are bitch-slapping her too.

Imagine if the situation was reversed. Sounds like an abusive relationship to me. Advice to Wallet; RUN!!! Run like the wind.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 21, 2014
Why is it that people who can't communicate their needs and expectations ("hint", really?) like an adult and are incapable of handling disappointment in a mature way (getting that pissy over a "no") tend to think they're fit to raise children?

And if she passes on her notion of consent, I fully expect to see one of her kids charged with rape at some point.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 21, 2014
What yurble said. Parunting makes everyone more mature, right? smile rolling left righteyes2

He turned down a blow job?


He's getting it somewhere else

Concur, or he's so completely disgusted with her that their marriage needs some serious help.

Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 21, 2014
I think hubby is taming some strange somewhere else. Lol! Seriously, I'd cheat on her for a Klondike bar.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 21, 2014
I think if you spit on a cop that is regarded as a form of assault.

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 21, 2014
Who wants to fuck someone who has no respect for them? Clearly this woman is an abuser, and he's probably getting some on the side. I wouldn't want to stick around, if I were him. I think their marriage is pretty much circling the drain.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 21, 2014
If I treated my spouse that way, he'd be gone yesterday.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 21, 2014
If he's not cheating on her ass, jacking off is likely the favorable alternative to fucking her screeching, bloated ass. Maybe he's turned off by her fat gut and will be more interested when she sluices. Maybe he's worried sex might start labor, what with the first brat that came out early. Or, much more likely, he just has no interest in banging her anymore. He probably had zero interest after #1 came out and #2 was conceived after many drinks. Going back on the calendar, the incubating loaf was probably conceived on New Year's when Duh had a few dozen drinks and "got lucky."

I have a feeling she didn't treat him with much respect before the pigging as evidenced by the way she treats him now. Earth to heifer: most people don't want to fuck when they're sick. Spitting water on your sick spouse after you banish them to the couch all because they won't fuck you is ridiculous. But I'm sure if Duh did that to her in her "delicate condition," Moo would be screaming blue murder to her cow forum friends about her horrible asshole husband.

He probably couldn't get on that couch fast enough. I'm glad Moo doesn't care that she's being a bitch. Hopefully she will refrain from caring when her man up and leaves in the middle of the night, divorces her or murders the whole family.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 22, 2014
I'm seeing a lot of "It's okay, you're pregnant and hormonal" bs in the comments. How is this behavior anything other than full-tilt psycho cuntery?! You can only blame hormones for so much.

Then the bitch goes on to justify her behavior by saying she's "had sex with a stomach virus" (ewwww) and "sucked dick with a sore throat more times than I can count". That's on you, you disgusting germ-spreading cuntess. Not everyone is in the mood when hacking up green phlegm or shitting themselves.

Unless he's into spitting, I'm sure your chances of scoring just got a lot lower.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 22, 2014
She spat in his face? And failed to take a no as a no? I don't care if she is pregnant, pissed off or unwell, that is a revolting way to treat your partner. If I were in the husband's position, sleeping on the couch and away from this woman would be no hardship at all.


A no is a no is a no. No means no. If you try to have sex with somebody who said no, that is called RAPE.


“I was talking about children that have not been properly house-trained. Left to their own impulses and indulged by doting or careless parents almost all children are yahoos. Loud, selfish, cruel, unaffectionate, jealous, perpetually striving for attention, empty-headed, for ever prating or if words fail them simply bawling, their voices grown huge from daily practice: the very worst company in the world. But what I dislike even more than the natural child is the affected child, the hulking oaf of seven or eight that skips heavily about with her hands dangling in front of her -- a little squirrel or bunny-rabbit -- and prattling away in a baby's voice.”

― Patrick O'Brian, The Truelove

lib'-er-ty: the freedom given to you to make the wrong decision, based on the reasoned belief that you will normally make the right one.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 22, 2014
I have never met a man who turned down a beeje....they don't care what the other party looks like. Maybe he was legitimately sick.

She is legitimately a psycho abusive twunt. She probably is not all that into it, she just needs affirmation that she’s still got it.

As for the husband, I would totally turn off to the screeching spitting cobra too regardless of whether or not there was a bit of strange on the side.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 22, 2014
Well, if there was a snowball's chance in hell of her getting some anytime in the future, she just ruined it by being a crazy bitch.

He's got some kind of sexual alternative to his hosebeast of a wife, even if it's just jerking off to porn when she's not around.

Or maybe he's turned off by her pregnant body, or is spooked by the idea of his hard dick being inches away from his kid.

If in the past she had sex when she wasn't feeling up to it, that was her choice. He gets to make his choice.

Also: if the genders were reversed...if the husband was storming around, demanding sex, making his wife sleep on the couch, and spitting on her, you can bet that people would cry "abuse". And rightly so. She's an abusive, nasty bitch who needs to apologize to her husband pronto, then work on managing her anger (hormone-fueled or not).
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 22, 2014
I'd love to know how she'd feel if he spit water in her face when she was sleeping.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 22, 2014
And these cows wonder why their men leave them while they are inpig or immediately after the kyd is sluiced.

Batshit crazy twat.

I miss my little feather baby.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 26, 2014
Gee who wouldn't want to bump uglies with this delightful sow. It really is no wonder duhs abandon ship so often though I do wonder what she was like preinpig. Surely this all didn't just suddenly appear after the baby bump, there had to have been some signs, right? I don't really know.

Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 27, 2014
Aside from the specific details, here you have a relationship with unmet needs, lack of- or passive aggressive communication, self-pity and lots of anger. I bet when they were dating, she gushed to friends that they talked for hours, trusted one another with their deepest thoughts, had great sex and couldn't wait to make a life-long committment to one another.

And then they had a kid and it all went down the crapper.

And people tell me I'm missing out on so much because I didn't want to be a parent? Yeah. Right.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 27, 2014
Aside from the specific details, here you have a relationship with unmet needs, lack of- or passive aggressive communication, self-pity and lots of anger. I bet when they were dating, she gushed to friends that they talked for hours, trusted one another with their deepest thoughts, had great sex and couldn't wait to make a life-long committment to one another.

And then they had a kid and it all went down the crapper.

And people tell me I'm missing out on so much because I didn't want to be a parent? Yeah. Right.

When it comes to many married people, I just don't get it.

They get up in front of their church, God, the law, their friends, and all of society and proclaim their undying devotion to each other. They hold an event which has a cost rivaling a new luxury car, complete with expensive decor, dress, a photographer, a videographer, and a fully catered buffet and bar for everyone. The event is so expensive, that invited guests are supposed to give them a gift which will cover the cost of "their plate."

And then, once all of this is over, just a few years--or even months down the road, they treat each other like dog shit, complain to those same wedding guests how awful their husband/wife is,

Some guys at my work refer to their wives as "the boss," or "the ol' ball & chain," and it's always in a nasty, negative context. They say, "Well you know how [my wife] is. Total pain in the ass." It really irritates me in that they're the ones who married these women under their own free will. Whether or not their wife is a bitch is immaterial. I can't believe people talk so negatively about someone they supposedly agreed to love "'til death do us part."

saying 'wtf'
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 27, 2014

Some guys at my work refer to their wives as "the boss," or "the ol' ball & chain," and it's always in a nasty, negative context. They say, "Well you know how [my wife] is. Total pain in the ass." It really irritates me in that they're the ones who married these women under their own free will. Whether or not their wife is a bitch is immaterial. I can't believe people talk so negatively about someone they supposedly agreed to love "'til death do us part."

saying 'wtf'

Right there with ya. And it's almost always the ones with kids. The childless/CF ones don't seem to have the problems, or at least don't let them splash over into their work world. Kids really are a live hand grenade in a marriage.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 28, 2014

Some guys at my work refer to their wives as "the boss," or "the ol' ball & chain," and it's always in a nasty, negative context. They say, "Well you know how [my wife] is. Total pain in the ass." It really irritates me in that they're the ones who married these women under their own free will. Whether or not their wife is a bitch is immaterial. I can't believe people talk so negatively about someone they supposedly agreed to love "'til death do us part."

saying 'wtf'

Right there with ya. And it's almost always the ones with kids. The childless/CF ones don't seem to have the problems, or at least don't let them splash over into their work world. Kids really are a live hand grenade in a marriage.

If it gets to the point where one's partner is publically disclosing their dissatisfaction, the CF couples know they can (and should) end the relationship without a lot of fallout. The childed couples -- well, from what I've seen, the women (especially if they're SAHMs) feel they can't make a go of it without the husband/wallet, and the men don't want to be stuck with child support and possibly losing access to their kids. Or they have the misguided notion that they should stay together "for the sake of the children." So they muddle through for at least the remainder of years that the children need both parents, then have a rancorous divorce. Or they stay together because of inertia and spend the rest of their lives making one another miserable.

Seems like you can't win for losing when you have kids. Damn glad I didn't go down that rutted path.
Re: Cafemom: "Making my husband sleep on the couch!"
August 28, 2014
And then they had a kid and it all went down the crapper.

And people tell me I'm missing out on so much because I didn't want to be a parent? Yeah. Right.

Kids sometimes destroy relationships before they are even conceived. Or, better stated, an idea of kids sometimes destroys relationships. Sometimes it is an argument over how many kids, other times it is an argument over whether to have kids or not. In any case, that one who wants more kids gets more support from the outside. CF person or the one who wants less kids - they are vilified - good luck getting support.
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