"But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 21, 2015
I'm sure many have seen me post about the breeder that sat in the cubicle on the next aisle next to mine. The one that got upset that I didn't have money to give her. Well this one is the best. Her kid's birthday comes up and she starts asking questions about some cupcakes I had brought in to the ladies'. It had been a horrible week and I thought it would be nice to drop off something cheerful for them while I picked up my training rosters. I tell her the price and where I got them from and she pops out with "well I forgot my wallet." hoping I would volunteer to pick them up for her. There is a bank right outside work she can get money there. I got bored because the library went kaput for a bit so when they needed help on the ship, I volunteered. I have logged almost 30 hours of overtime in 2 weeks just inputting reports. Today is the first weekend off for me and when I told her yesterday that I was so thankful to not be going in, she throws the overtime in my face and the fact that I didn't offer to buy her kids cupcakes for her especially since I have overtime pay. All I could do was laugh, I'm sick as a dog, rundown to the point that if a fire started I would probably lie there and watch it. And she could only think about how mean I was to not buy her freaking kid's birthday cupcakes? I worked my ass off for that little bit of money and to be honest I would rather have had the sleep than the money. This has been a brutal two weeks and it isn't over with yet.

Entitlement much.
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 21, 2015
It's not your job to buy her specieal sneauflayke cupcakes. I would have told her:

1. My overtime money is mine, not hers.

2. She wants overtime pay, let her EARN it. Shitting out a kid doesn't equal automatic overtime bucks.

3. I would have told her to go bake up a batch if she's so hard up on cash.

4. I am not in any way obligated to buy anything for her kid, or her.

Selfish breeders.
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 21, 2015
addiea raine
when I told her yesterday that I was so thankful to not be going in, she throws the overtime in my face and the fact that I didn't offer to buy her kids cupcakes for her especially since I have overtime pay.

That is something worth going to the higher ups about, IMO. She is trying to exhort you to buy shit for her kid? Who the fuck does she think she is?
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 21, 2015
Buy your own damn cupcakes, biatch!

You can buy cupcakes for whoever you damn well please....and you can also NOT buy cupcakes for whoever you please. Too bad!
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 21, 2015
I really did think about reporting her because this isn't the first time she has pulled a money beg. Unfortunately nothing would be done. I've watched a clerk curse out a manager and nothing at all was done to her. She would have to do something against the company itself in order for anything to ever be done. I just sit back and use her for laughs while thinking "I'm so glad that will never be me". She is still butt hurt over not getting a drive in pass while I've kept mine so that is another whine fest for her (I've told her so many times that mine could be pulled at anytime I sound like a broken record). I know I shouldn't continue talking to her outside of work matters, but she is on my IM at work and it's kinda like watching a train wreck. You want to look away, you know you should look away but you can't because you just want to see how bad it can get.

I'm so going to Hell popcorn and jerry springer signjerry
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 21, 2015
Sounds like the workplace equivalent of getting your lunch money taken by the school bully,

Buy her a condom.
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 22, 2015
Well, the thing is, in this situation, it appears to be fair game. If what you say doesn't hurt the company, then you can say what you please. If there is something that will SEEETHE on a parents asshole it's social disapproval. Let her know that no one appreciates her constant mockery of independence and that it's a wonder that she can wipe her own ass, much less someone else's. And call her a bad parent for measure, they LOVE that. Parents act like they have all the cards, once you have a child and your life depends on the kindness of others, you hand all those cards to everyone else... An action that many of them regret dearly.
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 22, 2015
addiea raine
I really did think about reporting her because this isn't the first time she has pulled a money beg. Unfortunately nothing would be done. I've watched a clerk curse out a manager and nothing at all was done to her. She would have to do something against the company itself in order for anything to ever be done. I just sit back and use her for laughs while thinking "I'm so glad that will never be me".

Suggestion: buy a cupcake and eat it in front of her, loudly smacking your lips and remarking that the cupcake is soooo gooood, you are so glad you have the kind of money to be able to enjoy such things when other people don'tdevil with smile
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 22, 2015

Suggestion: buy a cupcake and eat it in front of her, loudly smacking your lips and remarking that the cupcake is soooo gooood, you are so glad you have the kind of money to be able to enjoy such things when other people don't.

YES. BREATHE. waving hellolarious
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 22, 2015
Funny, I was just about to suggest bringing a cupcake every day and well, you just happen to eat it while she's around. Continue daily for howeverthefucklong you feel like it. Glad others thought of the same thing. Talk about how awesome the bakery is (if you bought it) or how awesome the recipe is (if you made it). Eat the cupcake bottom to top one day, and top to bottom the next. Talk about how fun that is. Break the bottom half off and set it on top of the frosting to make a little cupcake sandwich. Bring in filled cupcakes, sprinkled cupcakes, gourmet cupcakes, cheapass mix cupcakes, cupcakes made with liqueur. Might have to run an extra half mile every now and then to work it off, but this lady sounds like she deserves it. :satan

What a waste of cells.
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 23, 2015
I've got Seinfeld 'The muffin tops' episode in my head.

Buy a daily muffin, eat the top and leave the rest for her...
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 23, 2015
Buy her a box of condoms and put a nice bow on it.

"I have found little that is 'good' about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all."
~Sigmund Freud
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 24, 2015
So many evil ideas! Well I decided to act on them.

She is doing the "give up sweets for Lent!" crap so I went to the store yesterday and bought the ladies' a treat.

Ever hear of a "Lady finger fruitcake"? It's basically fruit heaven with lady fingers all around. And as the ladies' described it "heaven come to earth" as they devoured it.

Guess who didn't get any?

Yeah. I'm going to Hell. devil with smile

Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 24, 2015
addiea raine
So many evil ideas! Well I decided to act on them.

She is doing the "give up sweets for Lent!" crap so I went to the store yesterday and bought the ladies' a treat.

Ever hear of a "Lady finger fruitcake"? It's basically fruit heaven with lady fingers all around. And as the ladies' described it "heaven come to earth" as they devoured it.

Guess who didn't get any?

Yeah. I'm going to Hell. devil with smile

Oh fuck me! waving hellolarious that it outrageous!
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 24, 2015
Oh what a great opportunity for you. I'd be baking a couple times a week, and maybe picking up stuff from a store/bakery on the off days. Probably at least one box of the cupcakes she was trying to extort. You HAVE to keep up posted!
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 25, 2015
All this is so deliciously evil. I approve. devil with smile waving hellolarious
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 25, 2015
I'm planning on leaving the kitchen life to find a higher paying job so I can get out of debt and pay for grad school (plan on starting a culinary art therapy practice; need to get my Ph.D). This crap is why I think I'll keep it quiet that I'm a culinary school-trained baker. I'll get entitlemoos expecting that I'll "donate" my time and money to make cupcakes, cookies, fully decorated cakes, and shit for their brats' birthdays, class parties, bake sales, PTA meetings, block parties, etc. so they can outshine the other moos. And I'm sure they wouldn't return the favor in any way via monetary or other; I'm just supposed to be happy to do it.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 26, 2015
paragon schnitzophonic
This crap is why I think I'll keep it quiet that I'm a culinary school-trained baker. I'll get entitlemoos expecting that I'll "donate" my time and money to make cupcakes, cookies, fully decorated cakes, and shit for their brats' birthdays, class parties, bake sales, PTA meetings, block parties, etc. so they can outshine the other moos. And I'm sure they wouldn't return the favor in any way via monetary or other; I'm just supposed to be happy to do it.

My first thought, upon learning that a classmate I was friendly with had trained as a chef was that I wanted to cook with her. I really enjoy cooking, but as an amateur, and observing a professional and learning from her sounded like great fun. Figures that breeders would have different ideas in mind.

I just think about whether I'd give that person my professional skills if I'm considering asking for help. For someone close to me, sure, a few hours perhaps. For someone I barely know, there's going to be some kind of exchange. For someone I get along with, I'll do something that will take me 5 minutes, but I'm happy to invest more if we do it together or you're trying to learn the skill. Knowing how I'd feel about a similiar request tells me if the request is ridiculous.
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 26, 2015
paragon schnitzophonic
I'm planning on leaving the kitchen life to find a higher paying job so I can get out of debt and pay for grad school (plan on starting a culinary art therapy practice; need to get my Ph.D). This crap is why I think I'll keep it quiet that I'm a culinary school-trained baker. I'll get entitlemoos expecting that I'll "donate" my time and money to make cupcakes, cookies, fully decorated cakes, and shit for their brats' birthdays, class parties, bake sales, PTA meetings, block parties, etc. so they can outshine the other moos. And I'm sure they wouldn't return the favor in any way via monetary or other; I'm just supposed to be happy to do it.

A friend of mine who's also a culinary grad in baking/pastries had a similar comment when we were talking about people expecting you to work for free. She shuts them down by saying, "Sure, email the details of the quantity and type of (insert baked good here) you want, and I'll send you a price quote. Generally for type of work I start at ($$$), but it depends." They shut up and invariably don't follow-up on an email, because the price she quotes is what she would charge in a high-end bake shop. The mommies probably think that they'd just have to pay for the price of ingredients...which in their minds is a cheapass box of mix and a tub of frosting that Friend will somehow magically transform into high-quality ingredients.
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
March 28, 2015
addiea raine

Yeah. I'm going to Hell. devil with smile

With a handbasket full of CF win!


Spam prevention "PCMjG"


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
October 25, 2015

So beggar moombie is back with her sperm provider. They went on a cruise, bought another vehicle and are taking a trip to Disney World next month.

Guess who is still complaining about being broke? I'm talking the "oh you got a new shed? I wish I could afford that" type of passive/aggressive broke.

Yes I'm still prodding her a bit. . . .especially when she complains about not being able to go out when I tell her I'm going out for dinner.

I shouldn't be so evil, but it's just amazing to me that people like this exist.
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
October 25, 2015
I wonder if this cheap-ass heifer realizes that she can buy boxed cake mix for a buck and a can of frosting for another buck. And sounds like her and her sperm donor are exceptional budgeters - those lovely folks who go out and blow entire paychecks on phones, TVs, going out to eat every other day, $9 coffees and manicures and then wonder why they can't afford their rent/bills. Funny how these financial retards are almost always breeders.

Yes you should be so evil! Be more evil if possible! This cunt decided that she was entitled to your hard-earned money because she's too cheap/lazy to buy/make her own brat cupcakes and/or too dumb to figure out how to save money from two combined incomes to buy Junior fuckin' birthday cupcakes. Grocery store cupcakes topped with about five inches of weird neon-pink frosting are like, what seven bucks? Moo of the year here can't spare seven dollars?

I'm going to assume that you don't work with too many other unchilded people, so Moo probably honed in on you because you not having brats = you've got truckloads of disposable income to spend on her brat! I guarantee that if you had bought her fuckin' kid anything, she wouldn't have thanked you, but she'd be begging for money from you at least once a week from then on.

Fuck I want some cupcakes now. tongue sticking out smiley
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
October 25, 2015
Sounds like a Disboards budget boarder. Those are the cheap-asses that use the coffee makes to cook dry noodles and to heat up hotdogs.
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
October 26, 2015
If you keep pushing her buttons, I'd love to hear a report back. grinning smiley

Moomy wouldn't be incurring all these extra expenses to begin with if she hadn't sluiced, and the luxuries would be a hell of a lot cheaper (1 or 2 cruise tickets instead of 3+, for example). Reminds me of my classmates who constantly complain about being broke but spend like $7 on a fattening Starbucks drink every single morning on the way to class and drink 3+ nights a week. Shit, I'm broke too and feel guilty when I spend $50 on a few weeks' worth of groceries, but then I remember how much these bitches spend on lattes and booze AND the fact that a few years after graduating most of them will be supporting kyds, working fewer hours and taking moo leave while paying off their student loans, and it helps me sleep a little better at night.
Re: "But you have overtime! Buy the cupcakes!"
October 26, 2015
"Funny how these financial retards are almost always breeders."
-> Yes! When they are short of money, they start complaining
"how the government doesn't support families".
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