Seen on Fakebook - tell me this isn't expected to be a one way street!

*ptooee* to that

The Fakebook poster is just trying to wrap that POS sentiment "it takes a village" in more elegant terms.
Fuck that shit!

I don't owe them, or their spawn anything. As it is, I pay higher taxes all around so specieale sneauflayke can get free education, free breakfast and lunch, free section 8 housing, tax credits, etc...the list is endless.

If that ain't enough for the breeder class, then too fucking bad. They're not getting anything more out of me.

angry flipping off
Yeah and we know how well that actually works in practice. Praise, coddle and buy their kid things, but the moment some stranger or employee tells the kid to quit acting like a feral monkey, out come the Mama Bear Claws and "Don't you dare tell my child what to do!" smile rolling left righteyes2
When I read the title, I was like HAHA WUT?

No, I will crack a joke about the kid to whoever Im with though, need more hands? Hire a nanny or maid or both, I do not give help for free, especially for shit I don't believe in such as for kids, now if an animal needed assistance, such as a meal, shelter and warm bed, yes I would and have offered that assistance for free, hell I'll even give money to make sure its got those.
One of the reasons that parunts look like incompetents with their children is because they are lazy fuckers who can't be arsed to teach their brats anything in the way of manners or half decent behaviour.

As a person without kids, that is absolutely nothing to do with me. You can't say shit to another person's kids these days, so count me out.
There's the big assumption that this is going to promote our species. Given how overpopulated the planet is, I don't see how encouraging people to reproduce by giving them assistance is going to help us survive in the long term. I don't think lack of assistance stops people who want to from breeding, but it might make people stop sooner than they otherwise would.

Another huge assumption is that, as a member of the human race, I want the human race to persist. I'm not so convinced that's a good strategy.
And I wonder how often these entitled fuckwits help old ladies with their groceries or help them crossing the road, or help people with disabilities? I'm guessing never. Fuck you, Fakebooker. If you want someone to help you out with your sprogs, maybe you could try being nicer to the people around you.
"Aunting", huh? So it's the women without kids who are to do these things? What about the men? What about "uncling"?

I hate the assumption that caretaking should always fall to people of the female persuasion.
Make me.angry flipping off
Sure I'll entertain your brats....and I guarantee you will never think about asking anyone for help again.
Ipad? Youtube on piercings and tattoos and their historical significance
Let's learn about other religion's and atheism
Mommy and daddy lied to you about what holidays are
Mommy and daddy are killing the planet just by having you
Do you know where hotdogs come from

And so many more
Seen on Fakebook - tell me this isn't expected to be a one way street!

The only time I remember helping a parent was some dip shit father ordered a four year old to wrangle two feral, out of control toddlers. One ran out into the busy parking lot and the other started to follow.

I grabbed both of their little hoods to keep them out from under the cars as a HUGE SUV rolled past.

Dad moseyed along with a fresh loaf in his hands and he gathered his gaggle, no thanks or nothing. No thanks except for a grateful glance from the four year old, who I bet had been put in that spot before.. I just knew I saved the little one's lives... Literally.

Why did I help as I did? I number one didn't want to see a big red splat in the middle of the road. Two, didn't want to be kept hanging around by the damned cops as a witness to said splat. Last but not least three. While it's a feral toadler and disgusting, it is a life form and I don't like watching life forms go splat under the wheels of some distracted bint's SUV.

Besides, I had witnesses, and if shit hit fan, all would be on my side. They were all not in range to grab little hoods, and well, I was.


(edited for grammar fails)


Passive Aggressive
Master Of Anti-brat
Yeah, but the type of "help" parents want (aside from the kind they get from my taxes) seems so unpredictable that many people are loath to offer, as a lot of the time they'll get a dirty look, or a "don't you talk to my child" or just a chilly, "I've got this, thanks".

Doesn't mean I won't help. I will always hold doors for people, regardless of age, gender, childed status, etc. That's just being a well-mannered person. I'll help people pick up things they've dropped. I'll give directions to people who're lost, if I know the area. All those good things that help make a community nice.

But unless it's a situation like craftyzits described, I am very hesitant to do anything to direct someone else's child. Anything beyond the kid's immediate physical safety I am not going to take that liability.
This is only directed at women because men who are friendly to kids are obviously pedophiles. :cigar

It's clear they only want people to shuck and jive and entertain their kids. Don't dare reprimand them or you'll face the wrath of mommabeast. Heck, don't even do CPR on a dying kid or you could be sued within an inch of your life.

Is 7-8 hours of school 5 days a week not enough free babysitting for you lazy twats? How about not having more kids than you can handle?
I also hold doors is good manners. I will say the fair share of moms with arms full are thankful. They also tell their kids to say thank you if they don't. But that is Wal-Mart all bets are off.

This one reeks of entitlement though. And to her I say this: Aunting also means I get to smack your kid into next week if it is acting like a howler monkey on meth.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
I see they only advise you to do "good" things for breeders and their brats, like entertaining the kids and helping bring in the groceries that were probably "purchased" with that person's tax dollars. Oh, and don't expect a "thank you" because Moo is raising the future; in fact, it's you who should be thanking them for creating the person who will pay your Social Security and wipe your ass when you get old.

Can I help by slapping a kid in the head or throwing them over my knee and spanking them if they misbehave? That Facebook idiot said themselves that young people could use more hands.

I will never go out of my way to help someone just because they bred. Ever.
When parents start thanking me for my activism so that their children can grow up in a world where their bodily autonomy is assured, then I will start thanking them for their "contributions".

I am not a babysitter. Baby and toddler aren't my problem. Teaching children to handle themselves is the point of being a parent, and by enlisting the help of others to keep your child happy/entertained/safe, you aren't doing your job.

You wanna joke from me for the little shit? You got 5 bucks, Mack?
If you can't handle all that childrearing entails, you probably should not have had children. Never take on more than you can handle on your own because you should not expect and rely on the kindness of others always being there to bail you out. The people around you have their own shit going on and shouldn't be expected to take on somebody else's responsibilities. You chose that burden, you deal with it, and don't you dare complain about it.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
I agree that having some form of support system is important for anybody, especially those with brats.
BUT -and I think this is where so many parents fail, nobody is obligated to provide this support system and especially CFers who will find that they will he expected to give far more than they get. Any expectations for "aunting" or whatever cutesy name they want to give it, needs to be discussed with with the person before they become pregnant/impregnate somebody. The potential parents also need to take no for an answer the first time and not pile on guilt then or ever.
I hate this expectation that people without kids are obligated to help raise other people's little mistakes.
Don't have more kyds than you can handle. If you can't handle any, don't have any. It's unbelievable how many people moo and low that having one or two kyds is sooooo haaaard...and then they shit out another one! FFS, choosing to breed is THEIR decision, and they need to accept the consequences of it, even—and especially—if it was a bad decision.

Besides, our tax $$ already helps their sorry asses. angry flipping off
What's wrong with "The Nuclear Family" is that the Duh's (most of them) do not pitch in.

You see the Cow's lowing about this all over.

I will guess that part of this is "cultural" too.

I live in a mixed area, there are alot of Mexicans. These Duhs are *always* with their wives at the store, helping to wrangle the kids. In comparison - the 'white' or 'Anglo' or 'EU' woman - is usually shopping alone. With kids.

I don't mean this to sound racist. I think Its cultural.

I saw this other thing online once - some M v F or Sex Role argument. Some Guy said that women were more suited for child care and also 'kids want their Mommy'. Something like that. angry smiley

What I wanted to tell this guy was - What's to stop you from picking up a mop then? Unloading the groceries from the car? Cleaning a toilet?

My point being: How about you Famblee types get YOUR OWN shit together - before you bleat for outside help.

There's the thread about 'weekends' here, shopping, how we all plan our shopping - WHY can't they do this too? IMO They don't need outside help - they need manage their own shit better!

I don't mean to malign men, either. An awful lot of them seem awfully lazy though. I myself was married to one. And LTR'd with another one. Grown Men looking for Mommy angry smiley

There are numerous reasons as to why certain people shouldn't breed.

Notice that this Fake Booker mentioned "Aunting" too. Where's the Uncleing? Grampaing?

These Cows either choose lazy men, or can't bear to leave once the truth of their character is revealed, or probably pigged up, sprogged by then to where they really have few other options, and these types of men know they've got them trapped so they lie about on their asses and do nothing - because - what's Cow gonna do? She's needs his pay check.

I saw this attitude blossoming forth with my exH and some other guys. Eager to get their hooks into me so I would serve them and mother them like a child. Keep in mind - I have *zero* "nurturing" attributes. For some men though, they see that as a challenge - to see if they can get you to 'bow down'. Or 'break you'. Plus if you're reasonably good looking - they want that. Plus if you are smart - they don't like it if it makes them look bad but they might be OK with it if you *direct those skills toward Mothering*.

And that includes being their Moo Moo too ~

Plenty of IDIOTS fall for such tactics too, women and men alike, and people make all sorts of promises they have NO intention of keeping.

And then once they've bought into the bull shit and hitched their wagon to some loser - they come looking for AUNTING help.

smile rolling left righteyes2
What's wrong with "The Nuclear Family" is that the Duh's (most of them) do not pitch in.

smile rolling left righteyes2

Generally the Mommies get little sympathy from me. I find it hard to believe that Duh was a really ambitious guy around the house prior to the kid being born. Somehow I think that Duh was probably glued to the sofa on Saturday and Sunday, and Moo thought, "Well he'll change once the baby arrives!"

When it comes to relationships, I can only speak for myself in saying to prospective partners, I don't want kids, I don't want to father any kids, I don't want to take care of your kids, I don't want to spend my weekends maintaining your suburban-white-picket-fence-and 2.3 kids, I am also not your personal ATM machine, and I will not work my ass off so you can stay at home.

If you can accept all of these things, we'll get along just fine. If not, there are plenty of other suckers out there who will put up with your shit.

Perhaps my communication is blunt but I think communication is absolutely essential in any relationship. Many women want a child and many guys are lukewarm about the idea. For whatever dumb reason, the guys stupidly go along with it. I don't think that these women, specifically, should find it odd when the fathers show themselves to be less than enthusiastic about the endless drudgery of raising a child. The guy who has left an ass-imprint on the couch for the past five years isn't going to magically turn into the World's Greatest Dad when the baby arrives.

And I believe it is a whole lot of drudgery.
Useless Duhs are typically useless pre-sprogging, and Moos just assume they'll whip into shape once Junior shows up, or they intentionally breed in order to make the guy "grow up" when he's nothing but a lazy hunk of shit. Or you get the other side of the coin, which is men who really want to be involved dads and do their share of the cuntwork, but the Moos are control freaks and don't let the guys have a hand in raising their own kids (or play keep away with the kid when the parents are divorced)... and then those same women bitch to their heifer friends about what a worthless deadbeat the dad is.

I don't know if the whole "kids is the woman's problem" is cultural, societal or anything in between, but the bottom line is that a man who is a piece of shit when he's childless will continue being a piece of shit after breeding. I think some women see such men as being sort of like pieces of vintage furniture that somebody else threw out. They take these dusty, tattered things and figure, with a little work, they can restore what they feel is a worn-out piece of junk to its imagined former glory. But it's only after they try to change the guy that they realize he's not a class act in need of a makeover - he's cheap, irreparable trash from WalMart and that no amount of work and changing will yield the desired result. But since she put so much time, effort and work into trying to make the guy into what she thought he'd be, she may as well settle for this shitty chair than trying to find something worth sitting on that she actually likes.

And it was already mentioned, but I also love how this whole village mentality is aimed just at the women. Gotta love the prevailing belief that all men are pedos and all women are angelic, motherly types. There are plenty of women out there who would and do sexually assault children, and because of the assumption that you need a cock to do it, a female pedophile would be much more likely to get away with it. If a totally innocent bloke approached a Moo and her brood and offered to help with groceries or to watch her loaf in the cart while she took a shit, 9 times out of 10 she'd probably call security or the police. And the one time she didn't, someone else would because obviously a guy who just wants to be nice to some random, struggling heifer is only looking to pop her kids' cherries.

Meanwhile, a female pedo could be sodomizing a toddler with a 9-iron in front of its handler and the Moo would probably thank her for trying to cure her kid's constipation.

Yes, some doods are pedos. But so aren't some women. It's not a gender-specific kind of thing. A strange man could never be part of The VillageTM without someone accusing him of ulterior motives. And on the off-chance a breeder accepts a male stranger's kindness, she will come to expect it from then on.
Meanwhile, a female pedo could be sodomizing a toddler with a 9-iron in front of its handler and the Moo would probably thank her for trying to cure her kid's constipation.

Unless the kid's an infant, the boy is also typically described as 'lucky'. Southpark did an extreme example of that, involving a kindergarten student, but that does turn out to be the refrain when it's a teacher and a boy barely into double-digits. All part of the stereotype that men always want it and therefore cannot be raped. Sexism at work.

More of these stories need to come out. It would both be better for children if women weren't seen as incapable of being molesters, and it would be better for CF women to not be viewed as de-facto substitute nurturing machines.
I notice how the Fakebook poster capitalizes the word group. The rest of the Group. So the non-parunts are just "the rest". A group of helping hands, as in tools. What about the individual needs of the rest? Oh they aren't allowed to have needs. And they wonder why We want to be Away from Them. thumbs updown
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