Female pedo and her pedo bf just busted in Houston.

Charges include superaggravated sexual assault among other crimes. And they have been doing it for years....

Bad news for her. She had a masters degree and a cush job at Chevron as an exploration geologist (salary average: $150K a year). He did the same job for ExxonMobil.

She befriended women witn young kids so she had a nice stream of victims. Not one of these parents questions why a woman making six figures wants to watch their kids for money?

(she confessed to a man she was cheating on her pervy other half then gave him her phone to charge for her....he backed that shit up and turned her in to the cops with the flash drive.)

However, for unemployed geologists, it looks like two positions just opened at Chevron and ExxonMobil.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Not my brats, not my job. They signed up for it, they can do it. I'm not spending my time picking up after your brats. It's bad enough you can't teach them manners and respect, but now you expect everyone else to pick up your slack? I don't think so.


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Those Moos have no one to blame but themselves for wanting to be slaves to their brats every whim and they think everyone else in society should act the same way to their brats?

Why should I help breeders who voluntarily chose their predicament? I have no responsibility to help. Let them sit and rot in it.
Nope, nope, nope. I'm not interested in raising anyone's brats, including my own. That's why I didn't have them.

Even with the loaves in my famblee, I'm not exactly the most interactive aunt. I'll be nice to them, but I have to get away from them and go for a smoke after just a few minutes.

I believe in personal responsibility for ALL things. You sluiced it, you look after it. Don't expect ME, a Childfree by choice person, to help you raise it. Oh, and by the way, just because I have a vagina, doesn't mean I'm going to fawn all over your spawn, either.

If that's what they mean by being part of the group, then count me out.
Yeah, right! Not my kyds, not my problem. If you can't handle them yourself, maybe - just maybe - you shouldn't have had them in the first place.

Anyway, "aunting" would cut into valuable gaming/painting/drinking/sex time.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who haven't got it."
George Bernard Shaw

"An oyster can play catch if u only give it the oprotunity"
Some random YouTube commenter

"hate comments will be deleted!! fuckers!"
Some random YouTube uploader

"Auntie" is just another way to say a sucker for free babysitting, lots of expensive gifts, and whatever else the family tries to extort from her.

I don't even play auntie to my own nieces and nephew.
Fuck that. "Not my circus not my monkeys."
Sure, breeder. I'll do my part and tell your leaking sack of flesh to behave itself while it's running feral in public.thumbs upwink

I don't have low self-esteem. That's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else.
other than holding doors for them or exhibiting other common courtesies (which I do for everyone), it's not my job to help them raise their rugrats.

i'm an ER nurse and help them enough already.
Sure, breeder. I'll do my part and tell your leaking sack of flesh to behave itself while it's running feral in public.thumbs upwink

This right here is what's needed, but not what's wanted. When breeders bleat and moan about "the village" stepping up, they mean "give me yet more free shit and udder rubs", as several people here have mentioned.

Try to administer the more practical side of "care and raising", such as teaching Bratlina that there are consequences for stupid actions and that the world does not revolve around you, and boom-- out come The ClawsTM, Mama BearTM, yadda frickin' yadda.

Here's a better idea, whiny breeders. Try closing your mouths-- and your legs-- as tightly as your little minds are.
Dunce cap
Dream on, cows. They can make sappy Face Book posts, passive aggressive suggestions, and ask for kalamata olives with black panties, but I am not doing shit. The emotional and physical well being of the kookiecrisp is enough to take care of, and I'm not lifting a finger to do anything unless I like you or think you need help. Usually breeders don't need help, just a nice kick in the ass will do.
What I hate is they never want you to have a vote if they birth or father brats (and yes, men are 50 percent of the problem) but they expect you to cough up cash because of their poor decisions. I have extended family who will bend over backwards to accommodate breeding assholes who thrust their poor decisions on others, who won't say no, who pass yet again, and again to others who won't say no before it lands in my lap.
I can and do say no, and frankly resent some asshole spawning just to get others to pay her bills and I refuse to do so, even if the request for cash is filtered through the fallout from several others who can't say no.
I don't care if the sum is nothing to us.
I refuse to give cash for non-emergency requests, especially when I refuse them for my own sibling.
I would pay for an abortion but not for more spawning.
I'm quite happy to give back to the world the equivalent of the 'aunting' help I've received in life... which is precisely fucking ZERO. angry face saying 'eat me'
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