This just keeps getting better thumbs upwink
$100 says his wife stays with him insisting Jesus will change him, calling it.
Ironically, the topic of marital fidelity has come up in a few of my social circles from time to time. My position is that I'm really not sure if it's possible, or realistic, to expect a person to be completely monogamous for let's say 50+ years of marriage. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know.

People really work themselves up into an emotional froth over it, on both sides of the coin. It makes me wonder about the social conservatives I know, always championing the "sanctity" of their marriages. Could they be on the list? Are they actually more likely to be on the list? Who knows.

FWIW, I don't care if you cheat on your spouse or not. I truly don't know whether it's possible to be faithful for decade after decade of marriage. I know people take vows, make promises, etc. But some things just aren't reasonable. I can promise to shoot an 85 on the golf course. Will that happen? Probably not.
@StudioFiftyFour: I personally think that being 100% monogamous is possible. But, that is me and that is my opinion. I personally do not think that media is really making a big deal out infidelity or multiple partners except that Duggars are supposed to be an example of how monogamy should really work. They take pride in that. Media loves to challenge and blow people's covers and that is what they did here. Nobody wants to hear from "do as I say and not as I do" kind of people and Duggars are just that kind of people.
@StudioFiftyFour: I personally think that being 100% monogamous is possible. But, that is me and that is my opinion. I personally do not think that media is really making a big deal out infidelity or multiple partners except that Duggars are supposed to be an example of how monogamy should really work. They take pride in that. Media loves to challenge and blow people's covers and that is what they did here. Nobody wants to hear from "do as I say and not as I do" kind of people and Duggars are just that kind of people.


I think it's possible, yes, but not likely. Will I go to the casino with $100 and come home with $1000? Probably not..... but yeah, it remains a possibility that I could in fact increase my initial bet by a factor of ten.

As far as the Duggars go, yeah, it's a real problem for their "brand" when this kind of stuff comes out. And remember, their brand is of course predicated on lots and lots of reproduction. They've got what, 21 kids? Well, just by sheer mathematics the odds increase that their kids may have problems. The oldest is a hypocrite, adulterer, and child molester. In the future, of the remaining 20, how many will get hooked on heroin or other hard drugs? How many will get in trouble with the law? How many will be caught in some sort of porno video?

Jim Bob & Co. assured us that their way was the right way, and their white-picket-fence-and-breeding lifestyle was a good thing, and a lifestyle to be emulated. They've got a lot of egg on their face right now.
Ironically, the topic of marital fidelity has come up in a few of my social circles from time to time. My position is that I'm really not sure if it's possible, or realistic, to expect a person to be completely monogamous for let's say 50+ years of marriage. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know.

People really work themselves up into an emotional froth over it, on both sides of the coin. It makes me wonder about the social conservatives I know, always championing the "sanctity" of their marriages. Could they be on the list? Are they actually more likely to be on the list? Who knows.

FWIW, I don't care if you cheat on your spouse or not. I truly don't know whether it's possible to be faithful for decade after decade of marriage. I know people take vows, make promises, etc. But some things just aren't reasonable. I can promise to shoot an 85 on the golf course. Will that happen? Probably not.

I know what works for me and that is monogamy; I couldn't imagine sharing my lover with even one other woman, much less many of them.

It's not because I am brainwashed by society to accept monogamy, which is what some opponents will claim -- I am a very deep thinker and a skeptic. I just feel in the core of my being that monogamy is what would make me happy.

To say that monogamy isn't natural, so it's "wrong", thus implying that polyamory/polygamy is, therefore, correct, is indicating that what is natural is always good and desirable, which is a logical fallacy called an "appeal to nature".

I do support the legalization of polygamy, though, as I believe what consenting adults do is no one else's concern, provided they are not harming others. Me not liking polygamy (and polyamory) isn't enough of a rational, logical reason for it to be illegal.

From a psychological standpoint, a few reasons people cheat are low self-worth, poor impulse control and immaturity.

Biologically-speaking, I have read that humans are at least mildly polygamous, but biology doesn't indicate destiny. No doubt monogamy works for some but not others -- and that's okay.

People just need to be honest from the start about what they want.

Lastly, keep in mind that Duggar grew up in an ultra religious household, which likely led to repressed sexual desires, as these nuts believe that even masturbation is a sin. Human beings are inherently sexual creatures and very few of us could keep our carnal sides suppressed for so long.

This is yet another example of how religion can cause great harm.
That is the most boring list of sexual wants I have ever read. No doubt he is a snoozefest in the sack.

But I can't help but feel giddy....karmic splendor. It is not that humans can't be monogamous, it is that these people make hundreds of thousands preaching famblee values, and how gays undermine the sanctity of marriage. Offhand, I say adultery beats Ginger and Mary Ann registering for gravy boats as the causal element.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Monogamy has worked out well for us. It's not that neither one of us has had opportunity or flirt from time to time, but our commitment and trust in each other is much more important than acting on a fleeting thought. Quite frankly, we're still crazy about each other, even 30 years later.

However, I think people should do what works for them, provided everyone is on board with it. But, as we all know, breeders seem to think if you're married and monogamous, then you automatically are desperate for spawn and will automatically be stellar parents. For us, nothing could have been further from the truth.
From the article:
The two accounts overlap by a period of a few months.
When he launched the second account, Duggar paid an
initial fee of $250 that appears to have gone toward the
purchase of an “affair guarantee”:

Customers who buy 1,000 credits for $250 receive a money-back
“affair guarantee,” if they don’t have an affair within three months.

-> so I think that we can sleep well as it is clear that got his ca$h back.

I am serial monogamist :-)
Ironically, the topic of marital fidelity has come up in a few of my social circles from time to time. My position is that I'm really not sure if it's possible, or realistic, to expect a person to be completely monogamous for let's say 50+ years of marriage. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know.

Work done by anthropologists and psychologists seems to indicate that "normal" equals serial monogamy - the average length of a normal monogamous relationship being around seven years. It makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint; it takes about that long to conceive and birth a child and get it to the point where it can run away from predators on it's own.

Having said that, my parents were married, quite happily, for 56 years (although my mother was a terrible flirt and cock tease), until my father died in 1997. So yeah, I guess it can happen.
I am a monogamous person as well. I could never imagine hurting my husband in such an intimate, personal way as to have an affair on him. Then again, I never HAVE been the type to cheat, even when I was with my asshole ex. I personally don't have the time or energy to keep up a lie like that. It would crush me on the inside.

If a couple wants to engage in an open relationship and they're both game, then I say that's pretty cool. If one person decides to cheat without telling their spouse, I think they are a dog - male OR female.

As for Josh Duggar, we can clearly see how his upbringing has affected him. He is a pedo and a cheater. Way to go, there, Ma and Pa Duggar, looks like you and your religious beliefs raised a perfect, upstanding and moral citizen! smile rolling left righteyes2

Work done by anthropologists and psychologists seems to indicate that "normal" equals serial monogamy - the average length of a normal monogamous relationship being around seven years. It makes sense from an evolutionary standpoint; it takes about that long to conceive and birth a child and get it to the point where it can run away from predators on it's own.

Having said that, my parents were married, quite happily, for 56 years (although my mother was a terrible flirt and cock tease), until my father died in 1997. So yeah, I guess it can happen.

I am sorry about your father's death. Their marriage sounds like my grandparent's marriage. There is one major difference in this day in age, and that being this is the digital age and there are all kinds of temptations out there. Ashley Madison, e-mail, social networking... which didn't exist in decades past, have made having an affair a lot easier than once before. And today's workplaces are largely co-ed, compared to years' past.
Call me hard, but I don't feel sorry for his wife at all. Remember, she's also an anti choice/anti gay/ bigot like him. Fuck her. This bitch is also raising their brats to be just like them.

Someday we'll look back on this moment and plow into a parked car.

Evan Davis
That is the most boring list of sexual wants I have ever read. No doubt he is a snoozefest in the sack.

LOL .. well, missionary position and all. And the fact that he and his wife enjoyed a very brief period of unchilded time with her body being unaffected by childbearing or childbirth, he probably developed ants in the pants quite quickly. smile rolling left righteyes2

But I can't help but feel giddy....karmic splendor. It is not that humans can't be monogamous, it is that these people make hundreds of thousands preaching famblee values, and how gays undermine the sanctity of marriage. Offhand, I say adultery beats Ginger and Mary Ann registering for gravy boats as the causal element.

I'm not seeing monogamy as relevant to this news. Duggar has admitted to a porn addiction as well.

Different verse, same as the first

And just as with the child molestation charges, the lout thinks that self-flagellation ("I am so ashamed of the double life that I have been living"), and his parents' call to prayer is good damage control. The guy is just plain messed up.

TLC did right in cancelling the show, but they actually might have been given a ratings rocket if the show had proceeded. I can envision a number of "very special episodes" where Ma and Pa Duggar addressed the failings of Oldest Son, admonishing the younger boys in how to stay true to the path of Christ, yadda yadda yadda. No doubt, behind the scenes, Ma Duggar is probably schooling the younger daughters on how Oldest Son's wife probably failed him in some way, driving him down the Devil's Path, and how they can keep their future husbands in line.
That is a pathetic list of kinks. Really, he couldn't get any of those (cuddling and kissing, even) from the woman he married and fucked? She must be as lame in bed as he is. His list of desired activities sounds like those of a wimpy virgin. With his obvious sexual prowess, I'm surprised his profile didn't say something like, "I wanna put my pee-pee in your happy hole, as long as you aren't a dyke." I also seriously doubt he genuinely wanted an "aggressive" woman. Why? So he can put her in her "rightful" place? I wonder what his definition of "experimentation" is - having a threesome with a woman and her five-year-old daughter, perhaps?

I don't know what kind of nookie he thought he'd be getting with his name plastered all over the news for his kiddy-diddling. I think it's safe to say he got his money back. Seems like these fundie Christian procreation-only sex types are the ones who always turn out to be the sexual deviants - having affairs, having gay sex while bitching when other people do it, molesting kids. The ones who preach the loudest about sanctity of marriage and sex only being for babby-making and all that are almost always the ones having affairs or sexually abusing minors.

I'll bet that the next thing we read about him is that he's actually gay and has had affairs with men, but since he apologized to Gawd, it's alright. He can still be a homophobe as long as he says sowwy to Sky Daddy for sucking another guy's cock.
I don't believe Josh is the sole deviant in the family - that home is probably a pervert factory. Just think of the atrocities the other Duggar men (or women) are hiding.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Call me hard, but I don't feel sorry for his wife at all. Remember, she's also an anti choice/anti gay/ bigot like him. Fuck her. This bitch is also raising their brats to be just like them.

I do pity her, as I suspect her upbringing closely mirrored that of the Duggar children (if it hadn't, she would never have been allowed to marry into the clan). I also pity all the Duggar children, including even Josh. And any Duggar grandchildren.

If what I've read is correct, none of those children was ever allowed to read a book that had not been pre approved by their parents, and none were ever allowed to surf the internet unsupervised. Their television and movie viewing was also heavily pre censored. They were homeschooled.

Even people raised in highly conservative/traditional households generally get *some* exposure to beliefs outside their sub culture . They go to public school, go to friend's houses, have some chance to read or view something that doesn't reflect mom's and dad's teachings. These Duggar children were entirely sealed off, as much as is humanly possible , from the outside world. HOW would they have ever had a chance to question any of their cult's teachings? How would they ever have the opportunity to even learn there ARE other perspectives on birth control or sexual orientation?ANY chance to develop their inborn talents, learn what really interests them, explore other cultures and subcultures, in reality or in their (probably permanently stunted) imaginations?

They're screwed. No matter how bright they are, no matter how well they did with their homeschool classes or how good their source material was, they are probably unfit for any but the most menial jobs, and their upbringing so isolated them that I doubt they're psychologically capable of dealing with people outside their current social/church circle.

The girls were raised to be mommies and wives (they never had childhoods, being forced to play mommy to their younger siblings), and to know that the ONLY work "outside the home" they are allowed to do is midwiving. Nothing else. A life spent cooking and cleaning and changing diapers, OR a life spent constantly handling other women's bloody mucousy "womanly parts", and that's it. The boys were probably raised to believe they had a few more life paths they could choose, PLUS they were taught they were automatically superior to 1/2 the human race and ALL "unbelievers"...But their minds, too, have been stunted from complete over protection from a "corrupt and pagan society", and from Bible literalism,(the notion that not only is The Bible "God's word" and the answer to all life's questions, it's also a science textbook).

Among the Duggar children, there might have been one with the inborn capacity to be a great scientist or an artist or entrepreneur . They'll never know and neither will we. The waste of human potential ...If this isn't child abuse, what is?
A former Quiverfull wife-mother on what sex is like for a Q-wife. Grammatically incorrect, but I think one gets the idea that it probably takes an athlete longer to run a mile than for a Q-male to finish sex.


Oh … and for those who are curious, but too polite to ask what it is like for these Quiverfull wives who are breeding like rabbits, I have a little story for you. A guy bunny meets a lady bunny in the field, and he says to her, “This won’t take long, did it?”

I checked the Duggars Without Pity site for comments about Josh. Nothing about the cheating/porn allegations, but this post outlines the (alleged) background of the family and (alleges) that TCL is behind the true molding of the family to what the public sees.

Makes me wonder if someone in Series Development at TLC had a :litebulb moment when they saw Michelle Duggar win the Mother of the Year award back in 2004, when there were only 14 kids (Michelle being puffed out, carrying #15). Take a bunch of overbred religious nut job yokels, (literally) clean them up and put them in a more charming setting. Shake, stir and have a hit show.
ex lurker
These Duggar children were entirely sealed off, as much as is humanly possible , from the outside world. HOW would they have ever had a chance to question any of their cult's teachings? How would they ever have the opportunity to even learn there ARE other perspectives on birth control or sexual orientation?

Right up until the TV show took off. Then they *did* go out into society, to other countries, explore, 'learn' about other cultures, etc. And all but the absolute youngest were old enough that it could have sunk in. I get that they were brainwashed, but there are lots of other people who have been brainwashed and still possess a modicum of common sense, and there are many many others who have been just as brainwashed and still managed to get out.

IF what Anna says is true regarding the first scandal (that he told her about his perversions before they got engaged), I have zero sympathy for her. She not only went along with it, she willingly brought potential victims into the mix even after moving away from from Duggerville-land and to DC - a huge melting pot of cultures. Even in the damn suburbs, she would have some across people with different view points and beliefs. Even just walking around the grocery store on her way to get another forklift full of diapers, she would have walked past the condoms.

And now, with the whole country behind her if she left his sorry ass, she's doubling down to stay and raise even more victims in this fuckery, who potentially will grow up to become perpertrators. Are they both unfit for most work? Oh yeah. No doubt about that. Is she especially unfit for pretty much any job right now? If her pahrunts were anything like the Duggars, then sure. But - all she'd have to do is one tear filled interview, where she'd bawl about her kyds and making a new life for them and she'd be raking in the cash and offers to go back to school or get put through a training certification/program. We all know that. Instead, she'll do (or already has done) the tear filled interview where she bawls about him being persecuted and how she is supporting him.

And despite her staying after the first scandal broke, probably because of fundie logic, the Bible even lists adultery as a grevious sin, so she'd be well within her 'fundie-Xtian' rights to leave him now that this *second* scandal has broken. Doubly so since he not only had TWO A-M accounts, but one of those he paid for an 'affair guarantee.' She's beyond complacent. And that's where my sympathy runs out.

"Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is asking others to live as one wishes to live." - Oscar Wilde

I do support the legalization of polygamy, though, as I believe what consenting adults do is no one else's concern, provided they are not harming others. Me not liking polygamy (and polyamory) isn't enough of a rational, logical reason for it to be illegal.

I don't support polygamy as society isn't set up for this . This isn't just about the social security monetary payout but also avoiding adding additional government oversight/overhead or higher taxes due to people living in very complex situations with 10 or more spouses. A huge group of people would have to be paid to unravel all those multiple spouse messes and tracking down divorces, etc. And if a polygamous parent dies who has 20 kids with various spouses all those kids would be entitled to survivor benefits along with the spouses. More parents would die early due to the pressure, especially religious polygamists who only allow the sole male to earn a decent living. And I can't help but think this is going to encourage the very people who can't afford it or have no business doing so to breed like rabbits. And most houses are probably around 3 bedrooms, so where are these polygamous families going to live? And the demand for urban assault vehicles would skyrocket.

A young naïve 18 year old guy could jump on polygamy to assuage his hormones and wind up 25 years old, with 5 or more kids and with sky high child support payments which mean he has to live in a car until all the kids are fully grown. If society had more social constraints the same man may have ended up childfree instead.

If he was in a monogamous marriage he may have 1 kid at 25 and still have a chance at life if he divorced.
Lawyers would love polygamy to be legal just as they loved it when gay marriage was legalized, imagine how much more their business would increase!

I do support the legalization of polygamy, though, as I believe what consenting adults do is no one else's concern, provided they are not harming others. Me not liking polygamy (and polyamory) isn't enough of a rational, logical reason for it to be illegal.

I don't support polygamy as society isn't set up for this . This isn't just about the social security monetary payout but also avoiding adding additional government oversight/overhead or higher taxes due to people living in very complex situations with 10 or more spouses. A huge group of people would have to be paid to unravel all those multiple spouse messes and tracking down divorces, etc. And if a polygamous parent dies who has 20 kids with various spouses all those kids would be entitled to survivor benefits along with the spouses. More parents would die early due to the pressure, especially religious polygamists who only allow the sole male to earn a decent living. And I can't help but think this is going to encourage the very people who can't afford it or have no business doing so to breed like rabbits. And most houses are probably around 3 bedrooms, so where are these polygamous families going to live? And the demand for urban assault vehicles would skyrocket.

A young naïve 18 year old guy could jump on polygamy to assuage his hormones and wind up 25 years old, with 5 or more kids and with sky high child support payments which mean he has to live in a car until all the kids are fully grown. If society had more social constraints the same man may have ended up childfree instead.

If he was in a monogamous marriage he may have 1 kid at 25 and still have a chance at life if he divorced.
Lawyers would love polygamy to be legal just as they loved it when gay marriage was legalized, imagine how much more their business would increase!

What bothers me, though, is the following question: Are we lying to ourselves as a society by expecting everyone to be monogamous? If it's not true, why believe it? Some people, like me, revel in monogamy, but it doesn't work for others.
Ha. Not everyone connected to the Duggar clan has swallowed the Koolaid

Brother of Anna Keller Duggar speaks out
Ironically, the topic of marital fidelity has come up in a few of my social circles from time to time. My position is that I'm really not sure if it's possible, or realistic, to expect a person to be completely monogamous for let's say 50+ years of marriage. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know.

People really work themselves up into an emotional froth over it, on both sides of the coin. It makes me wonder about the social conservatives I know, always championing the "sanctity" of their marriages. Could they be on the list? Are they actually more likely to be on the list? Who knows.

FWIW, I don't care if you cheat on your spouse or not. I truly don't know whether it's possible to be faithful for decade after decade of marriage. I know people take vows, make promises, etc. But some things just aren't reasonable. I can promise to shoot an 85 on the golf course. Will that happen? Probably not.

And, if they can't be monogamous then they need to tell their partner. Just like the kid issue, this is something that is highly immoral to lie about both from an ethical and practical (diseases and spawn by other partners) perspective.

If a man or woman isn't old enough to express their preferences they have no business marrying or spawning. If they have married and realized this, get a divorce. If they have spawned, tough shit. They can separate from their romantic partner but should still be doing AT LEAST 50% of the physical parenting and paying at least 50% of child support. It isn't the kid or their former partners fault they are a liar.
I don't have the link cuz I'm on a mobile when I don't know how to do that on my smartphone....
Apparently josh has entered some kind of "treatment facility".

As a poster above put $100 on it that Anna would stick by his side...

My bet is that it's yet again a fundie Christian kind of place, and that Moo and Jimboob Duggar are going to shill for that, too. They'll do anything themselves and their daughters' baby bumps in the media.

Or, in the alternative, someone will find him hanging in a closet.

"There's always a Plan B."
Amanda Rosewater, Defiance
I really wish the Duggars would disappear from the media. They've been attention whoring it long enough.
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