BBC News

Should have shot the brat instead as they're way too numerous and need thinning out.

The boy climbed though a barrier and fell into a moat, where he was grabbed and dragged by the gorilla.

Yeah, right...
Yep, let's shoot a critically endangered animal to save one offspring of the shallow end of the gene pool of more than 7 billion. Makes perfect fucking sense.

Fuck this kid's idiot breeders. It's really too bad they passed their stupidity on to the next generation. That they reproduced is almost as big a tragedy as the loss of Harambe the gorilla.

Honestly I think zoo leadership deciding to shoot this gorilla should land them in hot water with the fish and game department and the federal government. If a kid falls into an animal enclosure, too fucking bad. Zoo authorities can go into the enclosure themselves physically with a stick to grab the brat back or tranquilize the animal but shooting the animals should be illegal, and whatever happens to some idiot's brat happens.

But, to hear some people tell it, what importance is a zoo animal to a PWECIOUS CHYYYYULD?? I guess we should just dismantle the zoo and build a shrine to the almighty human brat.

angry smileyangry smileyangry smiley
Longer Article


The boy was with the 400-pound animal for about 10 minutes before the zoo's Dangerous Animal Response Team deemed the situation "life-threatening,"


Maynard also explained that while Harambe didn't attack the child, the animal's size and strength posed a great danger.

BS they didn't have time for tranquilizers. A four-year-old is in a gorilla enclosure for 10 minutes before the response team decided it was threatening?

And of course, everything is supposed to revolve around the almighty child. A zoo is the perfect place for moo and duh to let their damn kid run wild and fart off wherever while they play on their damn iPhones.


Many commenters criticized the parents of the boy for not watching him more closely. A Facebook group called Justice for Harambe was created and gathered more than 100 "likes" in less than two hours.

I hope to fuck these parents are getting roasted alive on there.
Zoo authorities can go into the enclosure themselves physically with a stick to grab the brat back

No, the pahrunts should go and get the kyd back if they want it back. Why should the zoo staff put themselves at risk because the pahrunts weren't supervising the brat? You want the kid back, you go in and get it.
All the more reason to shut down zoos. The conservation aspect, if it exists, is always overshadowed by the need to bring in money, which means the well-being of the animals comes second. This is one of just many incidents where animals are killed due to human actions and it demonstrates that it is not possible to have a humane zoo which is also open to the general public.
You know, this story is making me wish for a Planet of the Apes scenario.
While I don't agree with zoo's, I believe that the parents should have watched their brat more closely. The kid was four, it should have been in a stroller or other restraining device if it was known to wander off and get into trouble.

This just proves again that the world considers the human brat more important than an endangered species. Isn't killing an endangered species illegal? Does it not carry heavy penalty of fine or imprisonment? I think that they government should go after the zoo because they did break the law. I also think that stupid parents should be on the hook for the majority of the fine as well, seeing as it was them that let their crack monkey get away from them and into the enclosure in the first place.

The human species is easily replaceable, these gorilla's aren't!

They are having children for selfish and narcissistic reasons, or are simply irresponsible. Funny... Those are the terms often used to describe the CF

~Live, Laugh, Love~
This is sickening. At worst they could have returned Harambe the gorilla to where they poached him from. Or maybe used a tranquilizer on him so they could fetch the all-important cancer curer. There was no need to hurt him.

The shooting of the lions in Chili because a man attempted suicide is also wrong.

It really galls me that people remove animals from their natural habitat, put them in enclosures and stress them out then the minute some idiot enters the enclosure they shoot.....the animal! They're setting up the animals to be stressed and potentially killed for the entertainment of people. The irresponsible parents are responsible for the death of an endangered animal.
Accidentally, I went to the zoo today.
From what I saw, I am genuinely surprised that those
kind of accidents aren't more common.
How many more incidents of idiot breeders refusing to do the basic responsibility of what they signed up for resulting in the death of an endangered animal before zoos finally wise up and ban children under a certain age? These animals are kept in enclosures away from humans for the safety on both ends, so a human, whether adult or child, ending up in these enclosures is never an accident. Like the twatcunt who dangled her toddler over the African painted dog exhibit, resulting in "the most precious thing in the world" being ripped apart by non-domesticated animals. That was not an accident; that was somebody intentionally ignoring all rules and safety barriers. Same thing here. This was yet another breeder ignoring not only the rules and regulations of the zoo, but her own duties as a parent.

Clearly, zoos (and most other public venues) are not a place for children. Not when society has accepted letting breeders never take responsibility for the burdens of their own doing. If parents want to whine that they and their kids shouldn't be punished and banned for the acts of others, then they need to take their role in speaking up agains shitty breederisms because other parents are the only people whose opinions breeders view as valid.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan has a petition up for people to sign who hold the parents accountable for not watching their brat. Not sure what what actual actions the petition can actually take, but I'll support anything that calls out lazy parents who let their shrieking burdens do whatever they want.

Ever notice how you never see the parunts leaping in willing to die to save sproggie? They wait around like other spectators to see what zoo authorities will do. I wish they had a policy where if brats fall in parent have to get them out.
This is disgusting. I wish they would close all zoos, humans are destroying animals even behind huge enclosures.
Ever notice how you never see the parunts leaping in willing to die to save sproggie? They wait around like other spectators to see what zoo authorities will do.

Of course not. Why ruin their attempted PNA? They get rid of the burden of raising a sprog, they get attention from the media, they get to pretend to be indignant at the zoo, and they get to set up a go fund me. So what if an animal is killed? They don't care.

Lock him up or put him down.
Stolen from Shiny.
stillwaters has a petition up for people to sign who hold the parents accountable for not watching their brat. Not sure what what actual actions the petition can actually take, but I'll support anything that calls out lazy parents who let their shrieking burdens do whatever they want.


I used to be able to sign petitions easily and now they require a Facebook account.
Kids should be on leashes when out in public, and especially in a place like a zoo. The dip whose son died in the painted dog exhibit sued the zoo and won a settlement. Seriously? The zoo has to pay for something she did? I'm sure that will be the case here too. The ambulance chasers are probably already banging down the mother's door. Poor Harambe. angry smiley
Yep.,.. gotta leash your dog... leash your kid. (or restrain them) or be fined. (and clean up after them while you're at it like us good pet owners do)

Listening to talk radio right now. The zoo is thinking of bringing charges against the parunts... and a lot of people agree that this is the parunts fault.

Oh.. I watched the video last night. Looks to me like the gorilla was trying to protect the kid and get him out of the water and away from all the humans who were YELLING and upsetting the gorilla. This also happened a few years ago when another kid fell into a gorilla pit. A female grabbed the kid and protected it from the nearby male.

Yep, I blame the parunts...100%
Oh.. I watched the video last night. Looks to me like the gorilla was trying to protect the kid and get him out of the water and away from all the humans who were YELLING and upsetting the gorilla. This also happened a few years ago when another kid fell into a gorilla pit. A female grabbed the kid and protected it from the nearby male.

That is what I have noticed, too. It did not appear that gorilla had any intentions of harming the kid. Unless video does not show the whole thing, I can't see how killing the gorilla was justified in any way.
I am not defending the zoo at all, but if the kid had been injured as a result of using a tranquilizer and agitating the gorilla, the parents would have been out for blood. I would bet that this factored into the decision to shoot instead. And it really sucks. This is what happens when the parents "just look away for a second." Feral children should be restrained.

I am really upset about this. I like going to this zoo around the holidays to see the lights, but I won't ever be doing that again unless they follow through and bring charges against the parents.

Edit:: There's a vigil being held for Harambe right now and apparently the petition mentioned above is now up to over 100k signatures.
I really wish we could do away with zoos entirely. Keep wildlife preservation/conservation/rescue areas going because those are actually helpful, run by competent people and aren't open to the public. But zoos seem to be breeder magnets in the worst possible ways; unattended brats will stroll into enclosures or parents will dangle/drop their kids into them because they think it's cute, and when the brats come in contact with the animals, they may or may not be harmed/killed and then the WILD animal will have to be killed for being a WILD animal. Breeders can't seem to fathom that wildlife zoos are not fucking petting zoos and that the animals in them are not tame or domesticated.

It could be that Harambe may have even been a little more docile compared to other gorillas because he was born in captivity. If this gorilla was going to pound the kid into a fine paste, he would have done so before ten minutes had elapsed, but it doesn't sound like he was going to hurt the kid. Maybe the brat got some scratches here and there, but nothing OMG fatal. I seriously doubt a four-year-old made a 400-pound ape feel threatened in any way, so it would have no reason to harm the kid.

Zoos should not have to worry about idiots and their kids climbing into animal enclosures, and frankly, I think if someone does, they should just be left to their own devices. If someone is that fuckin' dumb that they think crawling into the tiger enclosure is a good idea, then let them see for themselves just how good of an idea it really is. This poor gorilla didn't have to be killed and I'm really hoping that the parents are brought up on some kind of charges because it was their failure to do their jobs that led to zoo staff having to kill an endangered creature.
No justice for the gorilla will ever come of this incident but perhaps the backlash from this will lead to having those with children be required to sign liability waivers and a requirement for supervision. If a zoo employee sees unattended sproggen? Out. No refunds. Instaban for one year linked into ALL zoo facilities. That'll maybe just maybe put the BNPs on alert that their spastic spawn's behavior will not be tolerated.

I used to work for a lovely couple that had actually been to that Dian Fossey gorilla sanctuary and were able to see these amazing primates in their own habitat. They showed me the pictures and my mind was blown. Huge male Silverback just sitting and watching them. Amazing.
Isn't there some charge along the lines of child endangerment or neglect that the parents can be charged with?
I really wish we could do away with zoos entirely. Keep wildlife preservation/conservation/rescue areas going because those are actually helpful, run by competent people and aren't open to the public.

Agreed. Set up streaming video cameras in each area and set up a virtual zoo website that people can pay a fee to access and friends of the sanctuary (i.e., frequent and large donors, volunteers, activists (not the PETA-esque kind)) can have small private tours of the facility to see where their money has gone to and what they're working for.

"Why children take so long to grow? They eat and drink like pig and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process..."
- Dr. Yi Suchong, Bioshock

"Society does not need more children; but it does need more loved children. Quite literally, we cannot afford unloved children - but we pay heavily for them every day. There should not be the slightest communal concern when a woman elects to destroy the life of her thousandth-of-an-ounce embryo. But all society should rise up in alarm when it hears that a baby that is not wanted is about to be born."
- Garrett Hardin

"I feel like there's a message involved here somehow, but then I couldn't stop laughing at all the plotholes, like the part when North Korea has food."
- Youtube commentor referring to a North Korean cartoon.

"Reality is a bitch when it slowly crawls out of your vagina and shits in your lap."
- Reddit comment

"Bitch wants a baby, so we're gonna fuck now. #bareback"
- Cambion

Oh whatever. Abortion doctors are crimestoppers."
- Miss Hannigan
Heard the moo was thanking gawd for saving her kid. That's God's job alright: killing gorillas so through the medium of zookeepers so that the offspring of assholes can prosper.
thank god? mooooooooooooooooo. i have not heard one iota on where the goddam parent(s) were. I was watching that gorilla and there was no intention to harm the child that i could see. it was rough but if it had intended to kill the bastard would have been dead in minutes
put the fuckers on leashes

two cents ¢¢


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
I remember being at a zoo in the lower section of the gorilla enclosure several years ago. There was a big silverback & he approached the glass & sat there facing everyone. At one point my mom said it looked like his gears were turning. He did appear to be contemplating. There was only glass separating me from the powerful & interesting creature. He placed his knuckles on the glass & placed my knuckles on the glass in the same position where his hand was. He opened his mouth at one point & saw his massive lower canines. There was a group of kids, relatively well behaved, one lucky one got to do the same thing I did before he lowered his hand. He then moved to where he was roughly three feet away, with his back turned to everyone. I remember thinking about how it basically looked like the back of a larger framed human covered in silver & black fur, & how the fur looked soft. Eventually, food was thrown in there from above & outside, & he galloped away while looking up, likely knowing what was going on. I have nothing against zoos as long as they are properly maintained & the animals are efficiently cared for, since they often double as conservation efforts for threatened & endangered animals & serve as a way for people to see magnificent animals they would otherwise only see in documentaries, amateur footage, photos, & movies.

I signed the petition.
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