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Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"

Posted by antisprog 
Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"
November 10, 2023
Musty old men be calling women 25 hags because they apparently have fertility issues and can't shit out babies as well.

Part 1:

Part 2: one inept manchild claims to have PTSD from dating women his own age

"I only date women in their prime"

I always found it creepy as hell when people use fertility to determine women's value. Women are human beings not walking wombs
Re: Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"
November 10, 2023
I have a book Why Men Made God?

The writer talks about how the patriarchy became a thing when agriculture became a thing which soon led to private property. Women then became "private property" the same as livestock and it was baked into the Old Testament. The book was a bit of a marathon, but the patriarchy has been around for maybe 4000 years and still is.

Before that it was Goddess cultures, but they were really connected to nature and women as mothers

The patriarchy works for men, or some men, so they are not going to let it go
Re: Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"
November 10, 2023
This is all pretty much Red Pilling repackaged over and over.

Reddit is a complete cesspool of guys who are biologically ignorant Red Pillers. Many of the subscribe to the theory that the more men a woman has sex with, the less "tight" she becomes vaginally. Men are obsessed with this and of course it's untrue. The only thing that makes one's vagina bigger is pushing out a melon (baybee) through a hole the size of a quarter. After vaginal birth, a vagina does not snap back.

The other day one of these Reddit incels was proudly declaring that women who have orgasm with penetration are having more "pure" orgasms than women that have "immature" clitoral orgasms. I thought, holy crap, 1950 is calling and Masters and Johnson need to come back from the grave to educate these morons.

Sex education in the U.S. is abysmal and only getting worse, but Red Pillers and Republicans like it this way. They don't believe women should have any agency regarding their bodies.

Quality men are not threatened by a woman their age and they know older women are more likely to tell them to shove it if they misbehave.

One of my husband's friends is pretty much a NMNK incel and he's 65+ years old. He's also a Holy Roller (no surprise.) He is the kind of guy that hits on 30 year old female bartenders (because they are captive and have to serve him as part of their jobs and I sympathize with them) and he thinks he actually has a chance with them. They make money by being nice to all their customers. Funny how none of them actually manage to make it to a date.
Re: Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"
November 10, 2023
A 41-year-old man is disparaging a 34-year-old woman? Regardless of anything else, she is 7 years younger than he is. Whether he wants to admit it or not his sperm also has an expiration date that is the same as a woman's eggs. Both reduce in quality as people age.

I had a friend who referred to us as "older" when we were 27 and started using a very expensive face cream at that time.
I just started using face cream that is age associated in the last two years. I can't imagine being worried about aging whilst in my 20's. It seems like the worrying for decades would be aging on its own.

All these red pill men sound exactly alike and this is a gift because once you hear one talk, you know exactly what to listen for and to walk (or run) away. I'll never understand how some men start in how women hit a wall or are beyond their expiration dates or whatever. These red pill men can think that all they want but they're the ones not getting laid. Wise women aren't interested in men who devalue women like this. They also somehow think that a woman hits "a wall" and becomes undatable in her late 30's and that they are just hitting their prime. Keep being deluded dudes. They're also obsessed with fertility and are very likely seeking out young naive women so they can exploit and control them. Any man who refers to any woman as attractive for her age is one to avoid, as it is a backhanded compliment and he will always remind a woman that he will be hitting his prime in his forties and wants to date women in their early 20's, tell him to go fish.

A lot can be said for women and men who age gracefully and make efforts to take care of themselves. I've seen tons of men and women who stopped taking care of themselves even in their 20's. As you age, more and more people stopped taking care of themselves.

Even more can be said for people who don't have kids because if there is anything that a person can avoid that is aging, it is having kids.
Re: Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"
November 11, 2023
A 41-year-old man is disparaging a 34-year-old woman? Regardless of anything else, she is 7 years younger than he is. Whether he wants to admit it or not his sperm also has an expiration date that is the same as a woman's eggs. Both reduce in quality as people age.

Advanced Paternal Age is a well-known risk factor for autardism. https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/risk-of-autism-spikes-for-children-of-older-men/
Funny how these bio-truthers never seem to realize that.
Re: Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"
November 11, 2023
I always laugh when I read about these men who are so busy pushing the message that women are only valuable when they are young. My dating experience directly contradicts that. Once again, insecure men are packaging their personal preferences as if they are universal.

I feel sorry for the young women being harassed by these misogynists, but I'm also glad my age precludes them from ever seeing my dating profile.
Re: Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"
November 12, 2023
He probably just has a teeny weenie and nobody wants his moldy, old shriveled dick anyways. If he views women as nothing more than breeding livestock then he's a disgusting human being and any young woman who gets tangled with him should be warned.

He only prefers younger women because he views them as naive and more easily controlled. Less to do with "fertility" (gag) and more to do with young, inexperienced women falling for his BS more easily than an older, more experienced woman.

WTH is with these guys anyways lately? I sincerely hope that they go online and maybe purchase a rubber doll because that's basically all they need.
Re: Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"
March 09, 2024
I always laugh when I read about these men who are so busy pushing the message that women are only valuable when they are young. My dating experience directly contradicts that. Once again, insecure men are packaging their personal preferences as if they are universal.

I feel sorry for the young women being harassed by these misogynists, but I'm also glad my age precludes them from ever seeing my dating profile.
You know what would really be funny? If these geezers did somehoe have a child with their precious fertile younger woman , but the child is born an autard due to their own expired rotten sperm. LMFAO

"Becareful what you wish for" indeed.
Re: Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"
March 09, 2024
I was reading an article by a woman who was early thirties and married. She admitted that she slept around quite a bit and it did not affect her ability to find a guy down the road willing to commit to her. The article was in response to some article where a guy said that women who have more than a little sexual experience in their 20's are way less likely to marry down the road.
The comments were all guys saying that she may have found a guy, but the dude had to be a "beta male" who had to except less than alphas. One guy said that women who have fun in their twenties are bad ideas for men because since living the carefree twenties that way is fun then they would be more likely to cheat since marriage is boring and the memory of good times would cause such a woman to "go back to her old ways"
Re: Old Dickwerx call women over 25 hags because "muh fertility"
March 10, 2024
If women 'hit the wall' then these men 'slam into the side of the mountain' when they get older. Often alone and bitter, they start blaming other people when women won't date them. Especially because enough women get icked out by the thought of dating someone old enough to be their dad.
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