Re: Bitter Moo to be
December 20, 2008
Aggg, I really think the “normal” is a lot closer to my description than yours.

The rise in cases of PPD makes me believe that a LOT of the angst and depression in the world has to do with parenting. It seems that a normal, happy, healthy person can be turned into a depressed/dysfunctional person by the immeasurable joys of parenthood.

It also seems that a lot of parents consider their purpose in life to deal with their children as little as possible, while getting as much out of them as possible – look at how many children are being diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, autism-spectrum disorders; they’re being pumped full of meds to keep them in a drug-induced stupor, while their parents apply for every government handout possible.

When kids are young and cute, you always hear their parents saying how fulfilling and “worth it” parenting is – but as they get older, parents just don’t care anymore. That’s why you have so many teen girls getting pregnant. That’s why you have gangs of unsupervised youths roaming the streets, tagging buildings, robbing houses, beating the elderly, and killing the homeless. Their parents stop considering them to be a life-bettering purpose as soon as they’re too old to cuddle.
Re: Bitter Moo to be
December 20, 2008
Dear Lord, I'm away for a couple of days and morons have taken over.

"So why, I ask you back, why can't you find anywhere, a board for mothers who hate being mothers?"

Go back and READ my post, you illiterate twit. (Or should I use the plural? I can't keep track of all the sockpuppets.) I never wrote that ALL WOMEN HATE THEIR CHILDREN. I wrote that it's taboo for a woman to EXPRESS REGRET about her decision. Moomies can't support her without getting their claws out and playing the "I'm a better Mommy than you" game.

There are anonymous boards (TMC, TDC) where people can say they regret being a parent or that it's hard. Here's a little assignment for you: How about finding a board where a woman expresses serious regrets about motherhood and where she is supported in a non-judgemental way. Find a thread where NOT ONE poster gives her the "OHMIGAWD YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON TO FEEL THAT WAY" or where someone says "OHMIGAWD, I WOULD KILL TO HAVE A HEALTHY CHILD (sic) YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF."

It's not lost on me that you are proving our argument. Why do you feel the need to come to a CF board and tell how happy you are? I don't go to Moomy boards and deride them for their choices. If being a parent makes someone happy, good for them. I don't run down their choices because I am comfortable with mine.

I have a lot of empathy for Antigone, actually. I'm glad she left her abusive husband. However, I depart from the typical Mommy and I believe having his child was a mistake and it will cause nothing but trouble for her. If he decides he wants his kid, he can make her life Hell.
Re: Bitter Moo to be
December 20, 2008
Man, where did all these trolls come from? Yeesh. Shouldn't they be doing TMIJITW instead of getting ruffled over the choices of complete strangers?

I can't really add more to what has already been said because everyone has said what was on my mind. And IMHO, someone who loves their child more than their spouse, or who considers their kid their soul mate should seriously seek therapy. You have to wonder what happens behind closed doors to the child who is Mommy's soul mate.
Re: Bitter Moo to be
December 21, 2008
Cambion Wrote:
> Man, where did all these trolls come from? Yeesh.
> Shouldn't they be doing TMIJITW instead of getting
> ruffled over the choices of complete strangers?
> I can't really add more to what has already been
> said because everyone has said what was on my
> mind. And IMHO, someone who loves their child more
> than their spouse, or who considers their kid
> their soul mate should seriously seek therapy. You
> have to wonder what happens behind closed doors to
> the child who is Mommy's soul mate.

Well, on that breeder board, kellymom, where they glorify attachment parenting and extended breastfeeding, they are ALWAYS venting about how their husbands don't like it, don't understand, how their famblee doesn't like it, their friends, co-workers, acquaintances, even some of their doctors tell them to STOP. SO, they immediately bond together in a "THEM against US" type way and conclude that other people, INCLUDING their own husbands and fathers of the children in question, just don't understand a mothers' "love". Many of them hide the fact that they are breastfeeding toddlers and are ESPECIALLY secretive about breastfeeding school aged kyds and have little "secret handshakes" or basically private "signs" or words that the older kids can make/say when they want to suckle, so as not to alert bystanders, passers by, and/or famblee who either don't know or who don't condone it. Some of their older kyds, ESPECIALLY THE BOYS, get jealous of their fathers and don't want him "touching" moomie.

Many of these older boys (the oldest that I remember was 11, but it's VERY common for 5,6,7-8, even 9 y/o) STILL sleep with their parents, but it's really only with moomie because by now, duddy has pretty much made the study or the den HIS bedroom. They have publically admitted, via a breast feeding study and other venues, that about 60% get sexually aroused when they breastfeed, which of course explains WHY they keep doing it AND they openly admit that they get high off of the hormones it produces as well. So, if they are calling their boys "soul mates", isolating him at home with homeskool and other activities, duddy works a lot or travels on his job, the boy sleeps with her or sometimes vice versa, still "nurses" (sucks on sexually or at least intimately and for comfort, I believe) their titties at night or whenever, I believe that we have some SERIOUS child abuse issues going on with the worst being sexual abuse and at best, if no actual sexual acts have been completed, that kyd will no doubt have problems later on with girls(or boys). If nothing else, it will cause the boy to have intimacy issues with other people and in forming mature relationships with women.

If the kyd is old enough to share in "secrets" involving his suckling, he is old enough to discuss and understand how it isn't socially acceptable for him to be doing this at his age, he can comprehend, participate in, and carry out measures to keep it hidden, he can TELL you with words when he is "hungry" for the teat and negotiate the time, length and frequency of his own "feedings", he generally has a plate of cookies nearby to go with his milk, and is capable of working on his math homework while feeding, HE IS TOO FUCKING OLD TO BE NURSING. eye rolling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Bitter Moo to be
December 21, 2008
agayaorwhatevewasmylastnick Wrote:
> So all the time and energy in the world, and your
> room still looks like a white thrash conclave?
> dude, don't take this to heart, I'm just shooting
> off my mouth because you're provoking me. I'm sure
> you're not as bad a person as you make yourself
> look sometimes on this board.

We are provoking you? Get the heck out if you don't like it here. At take your other buddy with you. You totally miss the entire point and the overall message.
There are plenty of studies, plenty of letters and posts all over the place regarding the fact that parents detest their offspring, regrets, etc.
Furthermore, stating you are so 'happy'? It takes a lot of self-brainwashing to convince oneself one is happy with a puking, puling, colicky bugger that wakes you every two hours and stand there bleary eyed and stating 'it's woooorth it'. Thanks, I'll spend the night getting my sleep without being interrupted.
Maybe there isn't any site that is titled 'I hate my kids.' Mainly because it would attract pollyannas such as yourself.
Labelling poofys room as trailer trash conclave. Looks pretty neat to me imo.
I brew, I go to brewpubs, I go to beer dinners... I like my beer. I drove truck all around the country. Nothing I could have done if I had done the life-script.
There are parents, not breeders. I hope you fall into that category. I think underlying much of what is said here, we detest parents most of all because they are the ones who will look at kids playing football with sugar packets and think they are such little cuties, or downplay such incidents (while annoying others). They cover up their incompetence with 'they're only kyyyydz'. (On the other hand, just try and do something about it and some other idiot will turn you in to cps...).

We are childfree. You go immerse yourself with your sproggs, and we'll go have the adventures.
Anonymous User
Re: Bitter Moo to be
December 21, 2008
Bring on the trolls..
Re: Bitter Moo to be
December 22, 2008

Here's a hint to make things more interesting for the reader...have a fucking point. Seriously.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: Bitter Moo to be
December 22, 2008
Annie, congratulations for being recognized at your workplace for your skills, and for designing what sounds like a fun and whimsical card. Hope it leads to more photo assignments.

She replied back, that it must be nice to have the chance to pursue your dreams.

Why, yes. Yes, it is!
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