It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 01, 2009
I am lovin it.

I live in california and we have a huge nanny state when it comes to cigarettes. Just a few minutes ago a brand new law just took effect:

You may no longer smoke in any vehicle, whether driving or stopped/parked if there is a crotchdump in the car (anything under 18).

drinking coffee

Now folks, I am a smoker and a resident of california. This law doesn't affect me because I never have any crotchdumps in my car. But how often I see moo puffing away in her SMOOV with the kyds in the back and the windows rolled up, yes, even in the biggest smoking nazi state in the union, the moos puff away with the kidlets packed in the car. Which is why they just had to pass this law. I am lovin it. Finally, we get to have some control over these whore's behavior in return for all the tax money they get or save each year for having kyds.

I cannot wait to be out on the road, window rolled down (because even I don't smoke with the windows up), metal blaring on the stereo, passing by the MOOs on the road as I take long luxurious drags off of my cig while driving by them. drinking coffee

sometimes life can be sweet...

And MOO better think twice about smoking at all in her car, kyds inside or not. If a cop pulls her over and smells tobacco, he can nail her for that.

No more smoking those cigs bought with my $$ whenever you want MOO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 01, 2009
Even though I'm in favor of any law that limits moos, I cannot support this new law. This country has become much too much of a Big Brother state for me. What's next?


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 01, 2009
Smoking tobacco is more socially taboo than smoking pot in California. bouncing and laughing

Normally, I too would be opposed to another nanny state law. However, keep in mind here that you and I pay in fucking shitloads of tax dollars for the moos and kyds, YET WE GET NO SAY IN HOW THE MOOS AND BRATS ARE SUPPOSED TO BEHAVE. We pay for the breeder lifestyle out the ass, yet get no word in on how things are to be done.

You need to look at this new law as more of a "taxation with representation" kind of law. bouncing and laughing Finally, moos have some restrictions on their behavior, courtesy of the taxpayer.

Now, the next logical step, and what I would like to see, instead of us doling out food stamps to the whores, let the government control and select the food to be eaten by moo and brats. Instead of having the infuriating experience of having to stand behind one of these whores in the supermarket, the welfare office can turn into a food distribution center and finally get moo and brats some decent and nutritious meals, instead of chips, soda frozen pizzas and cigarettes.

And if MOO doesn't like the new smoking law, and if she doesn't like having the government tell her how to parent, THEN BY GOD START PAYING FOR THOSE GODDAMN BRATS YOURSELF, MOO. STOP TAKING TAX MONEY.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 01, 2009
Personally, I'd also love to see grocery stores where WIC recipients and food stamp recipients were mandated to shop. It would contain no junk food whatsoever, but would be filled only with wholesome staples. If the item was stocked in the store, it could be purchased with whatever social services voucher a person could receive...so no more of sorting items at the checkout and no arguments about which items do and do not qualify. Since a big part of my taxes are going to fund these giveaway programs, it might make me feel a bit better that at least people are not buying overpriced, overprocessed crap, and I won't also have to foot the bill for medical problems related to poor nutrition and childhood obesity.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 01, 2009
WIC recipients and food stamp recipients were mandated to shop. It would contain no junk food whatsoever, but would be filled only with wholesome staples.

Random, possibly stupid thought: that sounds like our local food coop or the kind of store I'd like to shop at. Fresh produce, cheese, pasta, butter--all at lower prices--sounds good! Wonder if they could also allow non-WIC recipients to shop at such a store, perhaps for a yearly membership fee--the monies from non-recipients could be plowed back into keeping the store running somehow. Anyways.
Anonymous User
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 01, 2009
I'd take it a step further. State IDs now have scanable codes on them. So why not have a food distribution center for those on WIC. When you go in, they scan your ID and see how many people are in your household and give you the bags of groceries themselves. In / out, and we can stop the spawning of piglets.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 01, 2009
I'd take it a step further. State IDs now have scanable codes on them. So why not have a food distribution center for those on WIC. When you go in, they scan your ID and see how many people are in your household and give you the bags of groceries themselves. In / out, and we can stop the spawning of piglets.

That's a great idea, but I fail to see how their getting free food will stop them from spawning. It seems like that the more food they get for free, the more energy they seem to have to hump each other and pump out a new litter every spring. Even more insane than that though is sending food to impoverished countries who WILL NOT use birth control because it's against their religion or stupid culture. When every other kyd they have looks like a skeleton or has flies swarming the open sores on it's body, WHY give them any food to prolong the childrens' agony and to give the adults the energy to keep on screwin'? I have never understood the logic in this sporadic shipping of food to starving nations as it doesn't do anything but perpetuate the problem. They need to be taught how to farm and raise cattle rather than get an occasional care package tossed down like mana from heaven. If these do gooders would just take the money they spend on building churches in these places and build some HUGE greenhouses instead, then give them the initial plants and TEACH THEM how to garden, it would be a lot more helpful than encouraging them to breed a bunch of kyds who will no doubt starve to death and/or die of dehydration.

STOP building the churches, they have their own religion already.
START building greenhouses (if they are in drought conditions) and STOP dumping food overhead.
STERILIZE each and every one of them at birth until further notice.
BUILD lakes and teach them how to harness the water and create and maintain fish farms

Then they might have a fighting chance at the survival of their people if they were given these type things instead of "care packages" and churches. I'd say that I believed in the tooth fairy if it meant the difference between starving to death or not. These people are SO full of themselves with their claims of how many they have "saved". The people were just hungry that's all, and they do NOT understand YOU or your religion and culture. I HATE do gooder religious groups who dangle a sandwich in front of starving people in exchange for their converting to Christianity.., with a passion.angry smiley
Anonymous User
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 01, 2009
I am lovin it.

I live in california and we have a huge nanny state when it comes to cigarettes. Just a few minutes ago a brand new law just took effect:

You may no longer smoke in any vehicle, whether driving or stopped/parked if there is a crotchdump in the car (anything under 18).
Well, this is much better than a law passed a few years ago (in Alaska?) that prohibited smoking by anyone (other than parents) indoors when caring for a minor child. You read that right. I gotta find a link to that. It was beyond jacked up. At least this one addresses the real problem. A minor would incur more harm from a smoking parent than a smoking babysitter.

And as a smoker, I take care to avoid exposing non-smokers (ALL of them) to my nasty habit. Parents should be no different.

ETA: http://dwb.adn.com/front/story/8030745p-7923988c.html I found the link.

"We intended for it to apply to anyone who provides child care, because the children are just as precious whether it's a licensed day care or an unlicensed day care," he said.

Co-sponsor Dan Coffey agrees, at least in principle.

"Anybody who puts their kid with a baby sitter who smokes is out of their mind," he said.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 01, 2009
In addition, I think that parents should be monitored so that they provide AND eat healthy foods, for the sake of "the chyldren". I also think that parents should be arrested and charged for child abuse if their kyd weighs 300 lbs in the third grade. I think that they shouldn't be allowed to drink alcohol, smoke, overeat, watch anything rated above PG, to say anything considered racist or sexist, no porn, no arguing, required to keep a clean home, no spanking, etc...........basically all of the things that they don't want SOCIETY as a whole to do or say within a ten mile radius of their kyds. THEY should be bound by law to shelter these snowflakes since that's what they expect from society. They should also be required to change it's diapers on their dining room table, like they do at restaurants, and to keep the diapers in their living room waste can, like they place them in public places. If they had a dose of what the public has to endure, MAYBE they would STFU. Instead though, they go out and let the kyds run wild and ruin everyone else's time while they slip off and do whatever.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 02, 2009
As an avid non-smoker who had his share of run-ins with smokers as wellas inadequate anti-smoking policies and regulations a lot in the 1980s, I am so glad to see any law which makes smoking difficult, inconvenient, expensive, and illegal wherever possible. In the span of 3 years, I saw my commute and daily office life improve greatly. In 1988, the Long Island Rail Road commuter rail system banned smoking on all of its trains. In 1991, my company moved to a new office building (7 World Trade Center, and we moved out before the 9/11 terrorist attacks) which was smoke-free. Most domestic U.S. commercial airplane flights went totally smoke-free in 1990. After that, I gleefully saw smoke-free restaurants, movie theaters, and many other indoor establishments as a result of state and local anti-smoking laws (I wrote my state and local legislators many times about this issue in the 1990s when these laws were being contemplated). I also gleefully saw big increases in cigarette taxes.

I cannot understand why anyone uses this product, the only one which when used as directed, does only harm to the user and those around him or her. I look forward to the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Agency) being able to regulate this product soon. I look forward to the tobacco industry getting sued more and more until it goes bankrupt. It is an industry which deserves to go bankrupt.

Smokers don't have to smoke, but non-smokers (and everyone in general) have to breathe. The rights of breathers should always take precedence over the rights of smokers. (This is what I included in every letter I wrote to my state and local legislators.)

Okay, end of rant.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 02, 2009
Even though I'm in favor of any law that limits moos, I cannot support this new law. This country has become much too much of a Big Brother state for me. What's next?

Helmets on all children under the age of 10 who are outdoors.

And I just wonder if smoking is so terrible for anyone within sniffing distance, why don't they just work to BAN it entirely? What the hell is up with this mealy mouthed, "Oh you can't smoke in an office", "No smoking in bars now", "Okay, now we're banning smoking around children", "It is illegal to have any smoking indoors"? Just fucking ban it from existence already.

"It truly is the one commonality that every designation of humans you can think of has, there's at least one asshole."
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009

I cannot understand why anyone uses this product, the only one which when used as directed, does only harm to the user and those around him or her. I look forward to the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Agency) being able to regulate this product soon. I look forward to the tobacco industry getting sued more and more until it goes bankrupt. It is an industry which deserves to go bankrupt.

Smokers don't have to smoke, but non-smokers (and everyone in general) have to breathe. The rights of breathers should always take precedence over the rights of smokers. (This is what I included in every letter I wrote to my state and local legislators.)

Okay, end of rant.

And I cannot understand why anyone would want to be a busy body nanny IF the said habit (and there are many habits other people have that I do not approve of) does not affect your space or your wallet. I smoke and I thoroughly enjoy cigarettes.

I am fine with living in a smoking nazi state. I don't care about being able to smoke in a restaurant. Or on a plane. But by golly, you can drop the hand waving and coughing and stink eye if I am out in the middle of the street smoking far away from entrances to anywhere. And you cannot tell me that the CAR EXHAUST coming from the street where I am standing is any LESS bothersome than my cig smoke.

And when I am smoking IN MY OWN CAR, please fuck right off with the coughing, hand waving and stink eye if you are sitting in the car next to me. I may have to take out my super smoke ejector and blow a big cloud of it into your car if you piss me off enough.

And for all the assholes that don't want health insurance to cover smoking, by god, make sure the moos give up their IVF and childbirthing hospital care CHOICE... and any other coverage of health problems that are due to CHOICE, which would include my super anti smoking nanny mother in law that had two knee replacements due to her "healthy lifestyle" of dancing and running for 40 years straight. Oh yes, and all the "sports injuries" that all the "healthy non smokers" get, those too are LIFESTYLE CHOICES, none of which deserve insurance coverage any more than my smoking.

eye rolling smiley
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009

I have a Ruyan which is just like these. These are GREAT for "smoking" in restaurants. bouncing and laughing Check out the video, they even light up electronically on the end when you take a drag and produce a little "puff." Of course, no one can smell anything, the little puff you see in the video is just water vapor!

This device, or its' sister product, Ruyan, is GREAT for getting your fix while having a cocktail if you live in a smoking nazi state, and yeah, it almost totally simulates a cig in every way and is very satisfying. I was going to stock up on more cartridges this year and switch to this from traditional cigs. This really isn't a quitting product, although I guess you could use it for that. It's just nicotine, so you don't get any of the emphysema or cancer stuff that you can get from smoke.

Last time I took mine out in public at a restaurant the anti smokers were giving the stink eye bigtime, the waitress even came over to see if I was "smoking" indoors. hehe. It just goes to show that 90% of the time the objections to smoking have less to do with your health than with some busy body trying to control the lifestyle YOU pay for. My superior attitude anti smoking inlaws were offended as hell when I "lit up" the Ruyan in their house. LOL. But what can these idiots do? They can't smell a damn thing coming from it! All they can do is see the end light up and the little white puff of water vapor coming out, and that's enough to get their busy bodies nosing into what you are doing.
Anonymous User
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009
And for all the assholes that don't want health insurance to cover smoking, by god, make sure the moos give up their IVF and childbirthing hospital care CHOICE... and any other coverage of health problems that are due to CHOICE, which would include my super anti smoking nanny mother in law that had two knee replacements due to her "healthy lifestyle" of dancing and running for 40 years straight. Oh yes, and all the "sports injuries" that all the "healthy non smokers" get, those too are LIFESTYLE CHOICES, none of which deserve insurance coverage any more than my smoking.

eye rolling smiley

Apples and Oranges, my friend.

Athletics, when conducted properly and in the correct manner, do not lead to life-threatening/limiting, debilitating, expensive to treat illness.

Tobacco, when used properly and in the correct manner, DOES lead to all of the above, and exists only as a detriment to one's health.

Wear and tear on joints due to an active lifestyle, pursuing cardio and muscle fitness is to be expected, and is cheaper to address than the myriad of conditions that inactivity causes, i.e. obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. It's like replacing parts on a car due to mileage versus repairing damage from neutral dropping it every time the light turns green, or pouring a 5-pound bag of sand into your gas tank every time you fuel up just for shits and giggles.

If tobacco was some miracle elixir that improved health, then fine, cover it. But it serves no good end. It greatly increases rates of cancer and heart disease, exactly what an active, athletic lifestyle reduces.

With regard to IVF and childbirth coverage, much as I hate to admit it, I am more willing to consider reproduction (less so IVF) a normal & natural human function than smoking, and as such it is more logical to cover it rather than self-inflicted, unnatural conditions such as tobacco-fueled emphysema.

And yes, I am biased. When your best friend buries his mother at the age of 16, you tend to be a bit biased on such things.

If patient 1 has emphysema from 40 years of Pall Mall unfiltereds and patient 2 is a 35 year old man with a twisted ankle suffered during marathon training, I'd sooner see my premiums go towards the latter. The former garners no pity from me. Both are in a manner of speaking, self-inflicted conditions, but there can be no benefit from patient 1's actions, whereas patient 2 is an accident incurred in pursuit of health, a positive goal.

Just my 2¢.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009
I'm a smoker but I try to be super considerate of others. I normally only smoke at home, and even then it's out the back door since I don't want to bother DH. I am VERY intrigued by this "e-cigarette" and hadn't heard of it before. If it gives one the same buzz as a regular cig, and if the vapor doesn't stain walls &c. like regular smoke, then I really can see myself investing in this. Looks like it will save money in the long run, too. This is very cool. I appreciate HaHaSM mentioning it.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009
And for all the assholes that don't want health insurance to cover smoking, by god, make sure the moos give up their IVF and childbirthing hospital care CHOICE... and any other coverage of health problems that are due to CHOICE, which would include my super anti smoking nanny mother in law that had two knee replacements due to her "healthy lifestyle" of dancing and running for 40 years straight. Oh yes, and all the "sports injuries" that all the "healthy non smokers" get, those too are LIFESTYLE CHOICES, none of which deserve insurance coverage any more than my smoking.

eye rolling smiley

Apples and Oranges, my friend.

Athletics, when conducted properly and in the correct manner, do not lead to life-threatening/limiting, debilitating, expensive to treat illness.

Tobacco, when used properly and in the correct manner, DOES lead to all of the above, and exists only as a detriment to one's health.

Wear and tear on joints due to an active lifestyle, pursuing cardio and muscle fitness is to be expected, and is cheaper to address than the myriad of conditions that inactivity causes, i.e. obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. It's like replacing parts on a car due to mileage versus repairing damage from neutral dropping it every time the light turns green, or pouring a 5-pound bag of sand into your gas tank every time you fuel up just for shits and giggles.

If tobacco was some miracle elixir that improved health, then fine, cover it. But it serves no good end. It greatly increases rates of cancer and heart disease, exactly what an active, athletic lifestyle reduces.

With regard to IVF and childbirth coverage, much as I hate to admit it, I am more willing to consider reproduction (less so IVF) a normal & natural human function than smoking, and as such it is more logical to cover it rather than self-inflicted, unnatural conditions such as tobacco-fueled emphysema.

And yes, I am biased. When your best friend buries his mother at the age of 16, you tend to be a bit biased on such things.

If patient 1 has emphysema from 40 years of Pall Mall unfiltereds and patient 2 is a 35 year old man with a twisted ankle suffered during marathon training, I'd sooner see my premiums go towards the latter. The former garners no pity from me. Both are in a manner of speaking, self-inflicted conditions, but there can be no benefit from patient 1's actions, whereas patient 2 is an accident incurred in pursuit of health, a positive goal.

Just my 2¢.

Very well put, Marzipan! Even activities such as skydiving and bungee-jumping can be done safely, and are usually done safely. There is NO "safe" way to smoke. It is ALWAYS harmful to some degree to the user and those around him or her.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009
NO. NOT apples to oranges.

My mother in law has had two knee replacements due to her healthy anti smoking sports lifestyle.

Almost ALL sports if done for enough years WILL result in some sort of damage.

Basically what you bossy militant non smokers are doing is making a moral judgment, end of story. You are no different that goddamned fundamentalist christians.

Everyone's lifestyles are a CHOICE.

BTW I HATE FUCKING SPORTS and I hate sporty people. There I said it. If it were my world I'd pass a law so you couldn't play your stupid sports anymore. bouncing and laughing

Anyhow... back to the e-cigarette...

yes, this is an amazing device. I have the Ruyan model as I mentioned before.

Health wise, you should know that nicotine is not the health culprit in real cigs it is the SMOKE. And it's the same bad shit you get from air pollution, car exhaust, forest fires, etc. Nicotine products, that are just nicotine are perfectly safe, like caffeine actually. You could "smoke" the ruyans forever and never die from it.

It's in swedish or some language but this is a really fun video about the ruyan and look at the people enjoying their "smoking" in a cafe. bouncing and laughing yes, it is just like the video. I'm sure this in the next thing for the militant anti smoker nazi to "ban indoors", because just watching people enjoying their drugs, their nicotine, is offensive and morally wrong, bouncing and laughing
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009
dont forget the tax raised for smokers that pays for a lot of schemes, if smoking is stopped income tax will have to go up.

in the UK smoking is expensive, but it pays for education and everyones health care..

the more i get told people shouldnt smoke the more i want too..

i agree its lifestyle choice, HAHAStupidMoos, 100% of everyone dies, smokers or not. athletes or not.

This is jsut a thin edge of the wedge, for the sake of the children lets ban smoking, then drinking, then doing anything.

for the sake of the children.. thats all they use as a phrase to allow such draconian laws to pass.

a more child centric laws, that affect you and me and everyone else. its not really health concerns its control. and children are being used as reasons to control us.


Social engineering


The usual justification for increasing tobacco taxation is that it will encourage some people to quit smoking and thereby 'improve the health of the nation'. In our opinion, a society that uses taxation as a form of social engineering is not a healthy one.

It is also hypocritical because it ignores the fact that through taxation smokers make a major contribution (over £7 billion) to the economic health of the nation, far in excess of the cost (estimated to be £1.5 billion) of treating so-called 'smoking-related diseases' on the NHS.
so back on topic, what nect will the ban for the sake of the children..

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009
The could be a fantastic way to "quit," which I'd actually like to do. I think smoking is such a psychological addiction--something that so perfectly replicates each aspect of the experience of smoking a cig, right down to a lit end, would be so much easier to use, in lieu of real cigs, instead of slapping on a patch or chewing gum. I'm not the sort to shove my habit into people's faces, but I can't say I don't like the idea of a "cig" fix anywhere I like; after a meal in a restaurant, &c. Extremely cool.

They're not expensive, either. $50 per starter kit. The black one is particularly nice: http://minicigarette.net/karyts-premium-electronic-cigarette-p-64.html
Pretty darn cool.

I'm sure this in the next thing for the militant anti smoker nazi to "ban indoors", because just watching people enjoying their drugs, their nicotine, is offensive and morally wrong,

Now that would be interesting to see. If several folks are enjoying the e-cigarette in a cafe, say, among moms, and producing no smoke, odor, or pollutants, would the moms still be offended or try to limit the use of this inoffensive product "for the children's sake"? One wonders what their justification would be in that case.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009

check out the review forum. some of the brands are sucky and don't work very well. i am happy with my ruyan (which i bought from UK ebay like 2 years ago before these were available in the states) I may try one of the other brands.. hint: the most expensive ones are not the best ones. Also, one cartridge is the equiv of a pack of ciggs, so after the initial purchase, you can save money over the year as opposed to regular tobacco. Save money and health! smiling smiley

now that forum section i have posted addresses PERFECTLY the issue I have outlined here. The militant nazis cannot even tolerate when a smoker is NOT SMOKING. You'll save money and health, but you'll still have to put up with the nazis.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009
I won't sit here and pretend that smoking anything is "good", but it is CERTAINLY not the evil cancer catch all that it has been made out to be for the last 15 or 20 years. There is also no guarantee that a non smoker won't get cancer and it can not ALWAYS be blamed on second hand smoke either. This is just the newest trend in herd panic to jump on a bandwagon and make an activity or a "habit" be considered an enemy of the state. I don't think that smoking should be allowed in public places for a variety of reasons. I don't take kindly to cigar smoke or cheap cigarette smoke like they have around here with their nasty generic brands and gross hillbilly kinds like Malboro brands. However, if smoking related (or blamed) illnesses are going to be denied by insurance then so should FAT related illnesses and diseases, which is also an unhealthy lifestyle choice. SO MANY people have obesity related diabetes type 2 now that it is taking a HUGE toll on private insurance as well as medicaid and medicare. The last I read about it, obesity related illnesses were neck in neck with smoking related ones and if it hasn't already, will become the NUMBER ONE preventable cause of death. THIS affects all of us at least as much as smoking in many many ways.

Some of these people are like Pavlov's dogs when it comes to smoking and I think that the E-cigarette is hilarious, The best part about it is that like breastfeeding in public, it can be done under the guise of "whats best for the smoker", in that he can pretend that he is trying to quit when he is actually just getting his jollies out of annoying the hell out of anti-smoker nazis. I have an aunt who enjoys pissing off militant anti-smokers and it's a delight to be present when she plays her little games. She always seems to choose the best targets for her wrath too, you know, the kind who get OUTRAGED if they even think that anyone is smoking 500 yards away. She will take out a cigarrette and just hold it. THE MINUTE anyone sees it they will wail, "NO SMOKING in here!", or point to a NO SMOKING sign. She will just say, "Yes, I know:, and then continue to twiddle it in her fingers, put in her mouth unlit, etc.......and it drives them batty. Sometimes, she will just flick a lighter and that IMMEDIATELY will draw out some coughs, which are obviously fake and/or manufactured. One time, she just put a plastic white ink pen in her mouth which incited a WHOLE row of anti smoking nazis to turn around and stare and started a coughing wave. The WHOLE row of people suddenly started hacking out a lung, just upon SEEING what they perceived to be a lit cigarette.eye rolling smiley

It wasn't a "cough cough" please don't smoke cough either, they THOUGHT that a cigarette had been lit and were physically responding to it. When they would look back she would just say, "You all must have TERRIBLE colds! I hope you are taking something for those coughs! Is it something contagious that I need to worry about? I have small children with me you know". That would of course piss them off when they would realize that they had been duped. Look, if an unlit cigarette or cigarette facsimile causes coughing, watery eyes, dizziness and asthma attacks, then it is CLEARLY something similar to a placebo effect and I find that type of behavior ridiculous and attention seeking, or either they are genuinely programmed to carry on when they see or hear a "trigger". NO ONE is smoking in public places any more, so why don't they just STFU? I haven't seen anyone light up ANYWHERE in longer than I can remember. So why are the anti smoking nazis still whining?confused smiley
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009
its control..

I just post the stories, for interest.. for everyone

Lord, what fools these mortals be!
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act III, Scene ii

Voltaire said: "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."

H.L.Mencken wrote:"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Albert Einstein
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009
well, i'll give a little apology here to marzipan and degree... i do get a little emotional about my cigarettes. and sports are as much of a scary mystery to me as cigarettes are to you.

thing is, i do see the e-cigarette as being a solution to the anti-smoker vs smoker war. everyone wins with the e-cig. smiling smiley what gets to me are the anti smokers that just can't let the smokers win, no matter what we do. as you see in that forum i posted, people getting the cops called on them for smoking, and idiots waving their hands and coughing, for fucks sake it is just water vapor. there's a funny breeder story in there of a new duhddy whipping out the e-cig in the delivery room and a lady "smoking" hers in the doctors office grinning smiley the nurses at the drs office were fine with it, it was the other patients that "complained" -- duhddy was too big of a puss to pull it out in front of the doctors in the delivery room, but says he was happy to be able to get his fix while watching the childbirth. damn, i guess that's enough to make anyone want to smoke.
Re: It's 2009 MOO, Put out that cigarette pronto!
January 03, 2009
Nazi breeder anti-smokers will probably pull the chyld card on the e-cigs and say that it sets a bad example for their chyldren since it mimics smoking, much like the prohibition of candy cigarettes. Some people who are involved in groups like NA and AA will tell recovering addicts to steer clear of any drug/alcohol look alikes or even smells, colors, and shapes that they associate with drinking/drugs. Sometimes they will go so far as to not cook with oregano or buy confectioner's sugar due do it's "look a like" appearance to wacky weed and cocaine. Maybe some people benefit from playing mind games with themselves, or do better if "temptation" is removed, like not keeping any candy or beer in the house,etc........ but that type of thing doesn't phase me with any "habits" I may be trying to kick. Drinking grape juice out of a wine glass never made some alkies I know to suddenly start craving red wine again either. I guess what I think is that people need to accept personal responsibility instead of blaming the media, circumstances, and things like e-cigarettes for their bad habits. People are not fat because the fast food industries target them, they are fat because they consume more calories than they burn off. Anyone who blames an e-cig on their going back to or starting smoking is nothing short of an asshole.

I am sure that breeders will argue that they do not even want their chyld exposed to as much as a look alike cigarette, which I think is absurd. How are they going to know that smoking is bad if they don't even know what it is or what a cigarette looks like? A "cigarette pusher" might tell them it's a "happy stick" or something, who knows? If they have never seen or heard of a cigarette and they see an e-cig, this would be the perfect time to explain how "bad" cigarettes are, what they look like, and why they shouldn't smoke them. It's REALLY not a big deal, but you can bet that they will make one out of it. I can only imagine how many mothers of young children have to explain to them about the birds and the bees and the function of breasts and breastfeeding, when one of these hogs has her udders hanging out in Mcdonalds. Maybe THAT mother weaned her kyd like a normal person, so he has no memory of all of that unnecessary "bonding" shit that goes on until Jr High. Maybe THAT mother wasn't ready to explain about titties and their functions to her toddler, just yet. These moocows need to get used to the fact that they can NOT shelter their kyds from everything, as it's just not humanly impossible. I don't think this is a second hand smoking debate, because the e-cig is obviously smokeless. What we have here is the invasion of the morality police and ALL moocows seem to be a member of that force, when it suits them of course. IMHO.

So yes, I am giggling my ass off that breeder smokers can NOT smoke in their own private vehicles, "for the sake of the chylldren".bouncing and laughing

well, i'll give a little apology here to marzipan and degree... i do get a little emotional about my cigarettes. and sports are as much of a scary mystery to me as cigarettes are to you.

thing is, i do see the e-cigarette as being a solution to the anti-smoker vs smoker war. everyone wins with the e-cig. smiling smiley what gets to me are the anti smokers that just can't let the smokers win, no matter what we do. as you see in that forum i posted, people getting the cops called on them for smoking, and idiots waving their hands and coughing, for fucks sake it is just water vapor. there's a funny breeder story in there of a new duhddy whipping out the e-cig in the delivery room and a lady "smoking" hers in the doctors office grinning smiley the nurses at the drs office were fine with it, it was the other patients that "complained" -- duhddy was too big of a puss to pull it out in front of the doctors in the delivery room, but says he was happy to be able to get his fix while watching the childbirth. damn, i guess that's enough to make anyone want to smoke.
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