Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009

Another interesting gem from Moothering.commode. This is something we've probably heard before, but bear with me. Basically, the Moo in the OT is just horrified that a friend of hers is going to name her child after Moo's dead clump. Personally, I don't know who the hell would want to name their kid after a jar ("Mason"), but whatever. Moo doesn't like that her friend who knew about her clump and clump's name is stealing the name. Since, you know, no one else but HER clump can have that name.

I just never understood the whole idea that if two women are Mooing and they both pick the same name for their calves, one is stealing the name from the other. Uhh, last time I checked, it's okay for names to be recycled. Do these women actually think their friends/co-workers/relatives/etc. are really trying to steal their preggo thunder by "stealing" the name they chose for their fetus? It's just freaky.
Anonymous User
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
The name is actually her friend's MAIDEN NAME! She isn't "stealing" it at all, she's using a pretty common practice. It's crazy to see that so many mothers are agreeing with that madness.

Also, check out the OP's first signature emoticon... Heh.

Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
This woman's world is so small. Has she nothing else to occupy her mind than to fret, in paragraph after paragraph, about her friend's perfectly legitimate choice to use her maiden name? And decide that she just HAS to jettison that online board or whatever she was lowing about, and how that is so deeply traumatic? Nothing else at all?

Obviously if you want a baby a miscarriage is very upsetting. No argument there. On the other hand, in most of the siggys with the angel "spirit baby" symbols the women already HAVE other apparently healthy children. And I find it a bit Addams Family to refer to the miscarriage as a "baby," and NAME IT, and then enshrine it in your siggy like some specimen in a jar of formaldehyde, displayed on the dining room table so that no one can possibly miss it. It's grotesque. And a morbid, revolting bid for attention and pity.
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
I don't know why you'd want to put in your sig that your child died for any reason beyond attention. It's like a competition on mommy boards to see how many dead clumps they can fit into their sig lines and it's disgusting, and each little clump and angel baby emoticon is just one more badge on Moomie's belt.

Remembrance of someone in your sig line isn't exactly a bad thing...but when it's of a loved one, it just seems like the person is trying to garner attention. What other reason would there be to put something like that in your signature?

Being sick over a miscarriage is understandable when the kid is wanted, but being sick over a friend using a name that was actually hers to begin with in terms of "I picked the name first! Nyah nyah nyah!" sounds like this woman is having serious issues coping and she should probably really get therapy, lest she burst into tears and scream bloody murder if she ever hears the name "Mason" or spends time canning fruit preserves with anyone.
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
I have heard this common wail ALL too often and have always thought that it was RIDICULOUS. One of the most obvious "WHO GIVES A SHITS" is when these women are merely co-workers or acquaintances who don't even mingle within the same social circles or in all likelihood, such as those who are temporarily stationed in a military town, will never be in contact with one another by the time the kyd even knows it's name anyway. I remember my own mother being accused of "stealing" a name from a moocow neighbor when my youngest sister was born. She had already been gossiping that if HER kyd saw the light of day first that my mother would JUST have to pick another name, etc....."She KNEW I had dibbs on that name for months!!!!", was one of her favorite comments. Like someone has already mentioned, my sister's "stolen" name was my mother's maiden name and had therefore NOT been "stolen" Mother never gave her the satisfaction of an explanation though and went right on and named her kyd what the hell she pleased. Moocow whore moved away shortly thereafter too and hopefully took her kyd to a place where the unusual, original, oft stolen, and coveted name of "Lane" was not yet in use or was still unknown so she could be "first" eye rolling smiley

I suppose that this explains in part why they are getting so cre8tive with the fucked up spellings. WHO CARES if someone uses a similar or the same baybee name? At the rate that they are self replicating, it's doubtful there will even BE any names left in any major languages in the near future anyway and they will HAVE to "share" names. I haven't personally known any moocows who freaked out on someone using a miscarriage same name, but I am not in the least bit surprised. If I am not mistaken, I don't think that they can legally name a miscarriage unless it's past a certain month gestation and recorded as either a live birth who died shortly thereafter or a stillborn that was recognizably human and they were issued a certificate of death upon it's arrival. I KNOW that clumps don't get death certificates, but I am unclear of at what age gestation they will issue one. While I think a name would be recognized in a religious sense, such as in baptisms and church records, I really don't believe that they can name a "baybee" who was not legally issued a certificate of birth OR death, so therefore their name isn't legally recognized anyway and they do NOT have "dibbs" on it. I believe that is what I would maybe say to the whores if they were wailing about within my earshot.ranting

Also, if the medical community at large, the state medical examiner, or the whore's cooty doctor will not (or legally can not) issue a certificate of DEATH, then legally speaking there was never a life, right? That's another one I might use on them if they piss me off enough. "So, where's little Tymmie's Death certificate, you had it framed, right?"........."WHAT?.They wouldn't issue one without his having been alive first? mmmmm, then if he was never alive, what's all of this fuss about?"confused smiley
I don't understand the OPs issue either. IMHO, anyone can name thier kid whatever they choose. Its almost like the OP has a control issue she's playing out and being a bit of an attention/sympathy seeker. Really, it takes balls to tell someone else what they can't name thier kid.
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
This is something that deserves to be laffed-at.

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Too much time on moo's hands. Not enough Lithium in her daily dosing.
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
I was just drthinking, imagine if this fuss was made every time someone wanted to name their baybee "John" ??

"I have learned that pleasing everyone is impossible, but pissing everyone off is easy and fun as hell"

Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
Moo should have had respect for all dead clumps all around the world named Mason that were conceived before hers, and not picked that name for her clump. Geez, how selfish can she be to steal another poor miscarriage's name? (sarcasm off)

I wonder if the Moo in the OP will ever confront her friend about this. That will be a memorable experience.
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
I hear calls like this on dr l all the time.
I'm sure ann landers, abby, and others see it as well.

two cents ΒΆΒΆ


people (especially women) do not give ONE DAMN about what they inflict on children and I defy anyone to prove me wrong

Dysfunctional relationships almost always have a child. The more dysfunctional, the more children.

The selfish wants of adults outweigh the needs of the child.

Some mistakes cannot be fixed, but some mistakes can be 'fixed'.

People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one. Leo J. Burke

Adoption agencies have strict criteria (usually). Breeders, whose combined IQ's would barely hit triple digits, have none.
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
That cunt already NAMED something less than menstrual leaking?! And her clucking moofriend swiped it, toto???

The moo forums is already a scary place with all those scary icons (there's even an animated of a wee sprog running by its moo only to briefly stop to suck at her!)

Today's moocows are now a bunch of dippy, huggy sentimental crunchy earth mommas.XP
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
She wants the woman to clear it with her before using the name? Who does this woman think she is? The sun?

How you guys can read those boards is beyond me. If I read more than a paragraph, I'd put my fist through my monitor. What's with the stupid signatures and names that lack their own identity? Parker's Mommy, "mother to so and so". Having kids = throwing all individuality out the window. But you guys know that.

ETA: There is someone with the ID "lil_stinkyfeet". Now the bile is not only rising but ready to exit through my nostrils. two faces puking
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
She wants the woman to clear it with her before using the name? Who does this woman think she is? The sun?

How you guys can read those boards is beyond me. If I read more than a paragraph, I'd put my fist through my monitor. What's with the stupid signatures and names that lack their own identity? Parker's Mommy, "mother to so and so". Having kids = throwing all individuality out the window. But you guys know that.

ETA: There is someone with the ID "lil_stinkyfeet". Now the bile is not only rising but ready to exit through my nostrils. two faces puking

If that one makes you sick, then I am certain that you would hate the ones on kellymom named, "MILKMONKEEZMOM", or "DAIRYBAR2MYBOYZ" waving hellolarious
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
Right now I'm braving one of the MOST gory boards of all: breastfeeding!grinning smiley

Hey, where's OUR animated tit Nazi? What happened to her?
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 25, 2009
Right now I'm braving one of the MOST gory boards of all: breastfeeding!grinning smiley

Hey, where's OUR animated tit Nazi? What happened to her?


She is alive and well. waving hellolarious.
Re: Moo mad over friend stealing her fetus' name
January 26, 2009
Right now I'm braving one of the MOST gory boards of all: breastfeeding!grinning smiley

Hey, where's OUR animated tit Nazi? What happened to her?


She is alive and well. waving hellolarious.

Not for long; I HOPE her pussyfruit EATS her for dessert.eye rolling smiley
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