Re: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day:rolleyes2
October 17, 2010
"Three first trimester miscarriages........." eye rolling smiley This is a fancy way of making 3 late periods sound traumatic. Until the advent of cheap and easily available piss on stick tests, these women would'nt have even KNOWN that they were knocked up! It's sickening the way that they are comparing a LIVING CHILD to a clot too. I wonder how their LIVING CHILDREN feel about the mooing and lowing over their "angel sibling". The whole damned thing is morbidly ridiculous. I might could even overlook it if these were 3rd trimester miscarriages because at that point, it's possible for the fetus to live outside the womb. That, and they had more time to get to know it, in a way. However, 4.5 WEEKS pregnant? That is nothing more than a perceived "pregnancy" that likely wasn't viable from the moment of conception, but "took" JUST enough to get a faint pink line. In the moo forums, these are known as "chemical pregnancies".

In other words, the sperm and egg had a one night stand which sent her pregnancy hormones into overdrive and made the test read a positive. In many cases, the zygote never even attached to the uterine wall. THIS of course happens ALL OF THE TIME and is nature's way of flushing out defectives.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day:rolleyes2
October 17, 2010
That's the double-edged sword with these home pregnancy tests. I'm glad that we have them, so that women who want to get abortions can know very early on, but it's also bad for women who want to be pregnant, and find out they are, only to get their period three weeks later.

I think they are very useful things--using a home pregnancy test is the fastest way of bringing on a late period. There should be a Murphy's Law about it. Whenever you're late enough to start worrying, and do a test, it's almost a guarantee that it will start the next day.

waving hellolarious I keep a twofer pack in my bathroom cabinet for that VERY purpose! There's something exhilerating about seeing a BFN(Big Fat Negative) that catapults me into a good mood and brings on a late period faster than caffeine pills and vigorous exercise.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day:rolleyes2
October 17, 2010
waving hellolarious I keep a twofer pack in my bathroom cabinet for that VERY purpose! There's something exhilerating about seeing a BFN(Big Fat Negative) that catapults me into a good mood and brings on a late period faster than caffeine pills and vigorous exercise.

If I hadn't listened to the people who told me that procrastination is bad, I would have $6 more in my wallet today. Now that's the real tragedy. I hope everyone is prepared to mourn with me.
Re: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day:rolleyes2
October 17, 2010
It's a massive insult to those who have real Days of Rememberance: dead soldiers. Those who voluntarily or by circumstance across the centuries gave up their young adult lives so that other people could benefit from their ultimate sacrifice.

I see no connection here between this selfish pity-party and what real days of rememberance are about. Why don't these women just pull up their pants, toss a wreath around their toilets, and get over themselves.

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"The death of creativity is a pram in the hallway"
- Cyril Connolly
Re: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day:rolleyes2
October 17, 2010
While I can understand wanting to raise awareness of it, I think a designating a day for it, lobbying politicans, etc. is a bit excessive. The sad part for them is they're obscuring the valid issues which could really help people going through this situation.

A friend at work at one job who would have made an excellent Parent Not Breeder miscarried. She was around the 4 month mark and was showing and she didn't drink at the office holiday party, so people had started asking her if she was pregnant and she confirmed it when they asked her. One thing she was dreading upon her return was having to tell people about the miscarriage, so another friend/co-worker and I asked her if she wanted us to do so. We verbally told as many people as we possibly could. It was a death in many ways for her as far as grief, etc. went. She's doing really well now, but those first few weeks & months were tough. I do think in cases where it's obvious that the woman's pregnant and there's a pregnancy loss, it should be acceptable, with her permission, to treat it more like a death and just announce it the way the death of an employee's relative would be announced. This way no one has to worry about someone who didn't hear the news going up to the woman and asking her how the pregnancy's going, etc.

One guy I worked with years ago had a son who died shortly after birth. HR forwarded a note from him thanking everyone for their calls, cards & contributions and that a donation was being made to the NICU in his son's name with the money people had sent. One of my co-workers kept harping on the fact that it didn't say what the baby had died of. I didn't say anything, but I was thinking, "it's none of your fucking business, it's up to them if they want to share that. Obviously, he was born and there was some sort of problem. If you want to give money, give it, if not, don't. If he's close enough to tell you, he'll do so, if not respect his fucking privacy you obnoxious, prying nosy bitch."

And some people do say some stupid shit to parents/would be parents who've been through this. Even more so than the regular stupid shit some people can't help saying to surviving family members and friends of older children and adults who have died.
A loss of a "life" (if you want to call it that... ahh... it's questionable, but okay) is only valuable to those who have actually been affected by it. We don't need a day to commemorate other people's losses for which we as a society feel no connection.

And last I checked, the President, congress, and our governors and state legislatures were up to their eyeballs in ACTUAL PROBLEMS faced by our nation and states. Politicians should not waste any time on this matter.

No kidding!! couldn't have stated it better myself!!
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