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thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)

Posted by zeropop 
Joined today. 37 yo female, married, childfree and living the good life smiling smiley
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
September 25, 2011

anyone here from continents other than America or Europe? grinning smiley

spread meme, not genes

Hi folks, another new sign up here, been lurking a bit but it's time to join in! I'm a 36 year old Irish bloke who's always been firmly CF. I swear I thought I was the only "freak" (not my view of course) in the world the way everyone else I know gets on my back about me not wanting kids.

Rows with family and relationship casualties did not (and will not) sway my choice but I can't tell you what a relief it is to find that it's not just me! I just can't stand the little crap factories at any age! Not to mention the thought of being fifty and paying for a grumpy teenager living in my house that I can't even kick out!

Hell no, not for me! Hi to all and I'm looking forward to reading (maybe posting?) more funny but affirming CF posts smiling smiley
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
September 29, 2011
Snark Shark

anyone here from continents other than America or Europe? grinning smiley

I'm a Shark- I'm from the Ocean!

you know what, i kind of expected YOU, yes, very specifically YOU to say that line.

spread meme, not genes

Hello guys and girls oh this forum, I'm a newbie and I hope I'm welcome here. I really find this forum so interesting hope to enjoy my stay.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
October 04, 2011
:1welcome, :newb :bal :partay

lab mom

anyone here from continents other than America or Europe? grinning smiley

Absolutely - I'm an Australian, and I believe there may be a couple of other Aussies lurking around here :hello

Australia doesn't seem to have the major intolerance for CF people that the Americans amongst us seem to cop. That's not to say we don't get our fair share of bingos and pronatilist moo-worshipping bullshit - but the majority of people I encounter are quite accepting of my choice. I have had countless people tell me that I'm absolutely doing the right thing - and much as they love their children, they would choose NOT to have them if they had their time over again. Maybe it's because they can say these things and know I'm not going to judge them for being honest, or that I'm smart enough to see through the misery-loves-company 'lifescript' lines - but either way I don't get hassled too much. Maybe I'm just enough of a bitch that they know not to fuck with me ninja

Anyhow I'm getting married this weekend so we'll wait and see how the bingos fly....
I'm new, been lurking forever, and laughing. I love this place. I may not have much to say but I figured I'd pop my head up and say hi.

(oh, yeah. Hi, I'm inky. I live in the PNW of the US. CF, self-employed, artist. That's it.)

anyone here from continents other than America or Europe? grinning smiley

Absolutely - I'm an Australian, and I believe there may be a couple of other Aussies lurking around here :hello

Australia doesn't seem to have the major intolerance for CF people that the Americans amongst us seem to cop. That's not to say we don't get our fair share of bingos and pronatilist moo-worshipping bullshit - but the majority of people I encounter are quite accepting of my choice. I have had countless people tell me that I'm absolutely doing the right thing - and much as they love their children, they would choose NOT to have them if they had their time over again. Maybe it's because they can say these things and know I'm not going to judge them for being honest, or that I'm smart enough to see through the misery-loves-company 'lifescript' lines - but either way I don't get hassled too much. Maybe I'm just enough of a bitch that they know not to fuck with me ninja

Anyhow I'm getting married this weekend so we'll wait and see how the bingos fly....

we're neighbors--i'm from indonesia! hello neighborino! :hello

you happen to have some very honest friends o_o

congrats on the marriage, and welcome aboard ! :newb
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
October 05, 2011
Snark Shark
myrna minkoff
parents who pick up their babies and sniff their butts to determine if a change is in order

doh facedoh facedoh face
What about the ones who put their hand in there to see if a change is in order? :hs
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
October 05, 2011
blundy: Your avatar > 3.

lab mom
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
October 05, 2011
Snark Shark
myrna minkoff
parents who pick up their babies and sniff their butts to determine if a change is in order

doh facedoh facedoh face
What about the ones who put their hand in there to see if a change is in order? :hs

two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking two faces puking

lab mom
they put their hands in to check and then touch everything else around them. *shudders*

hi sharky! you too? it just finally started raining here at my place.
Lurker dropping in to say hello … I’m a 23-year-old newspaper editor from the Midwest who enjoys taking my two dogs to the dog park, drinking wine with my roommate, collecting vintage Pyrex and cooking dinner with my wonderful boyfriend – and the fact that no Life Script baby will ever force me to give up the things *I* enjoy. I got a woman escorted out of Costco last weekend after she started yelling at me for standing still with my cart as her fat brat walked into me as he backed away with fistfuls of free samples.

I don’t dislike all children and am fortunate that the people in my life who do have kids don’t expect me to baby sit, don’t bingo me for my choices and don’t confuse public spaces with public playgrounds (in other words, they actually parent).

I’ll admit that I stumbled first upon The Island because I’m gluten-intolerant but always thought Shau-moo was seriously over-rated. I was diagnosed (yes, diagnosed! By an actual doctor! By a blood test, biopsy AND family history! And no, I’ve never threatened a waiter but I DO tip 30 percent when they take time out of their day to accommodate my special requests) with celiac disease four years ago. I stumbled in to see what all the fuss was about on her end and found a hilarious community of like-minded people.

Anyway, nice to meet you all.
time to bring in some firewood. I love this season.
Hello all. Stalked for a few hours then decided to register. I like what I saw - hopefully you won't be put off by bitchiness and generally hateful and discontented attitude.

I'm a 26-y-o- female, married 6 years, and most definitely CF (much to the anger of my mother. Whatever. She shouldn't have had kids either).

Question: when I registered, all the names I would have liked to have used were banned from use. Why is that? I have never attempted to register here before.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
October 09, 2011
Hello all. Stalked for a few hours then decided to register. I like what I saw - hopefully you won't be put off by bitchiness and generally hateful and discontented attitude.

You just described many of us. As long as you have something to add to the conversation, and don't spend every post telling us to go fuck ourselves, I'm sure that aspect of your personality will fit in just fine.
Hello all. Stalked for a few hours then decided to register. I like what I saw - hopefully you won't be put off by bitchiness and generally hateful and discontented attitude.

You just described many of us. As long as you have something to add to the conversation, and don't spend every post telling us to go fuck ourselves, I'm sure that aspect of your personality will fit in just fine.

Funny...I thought most people enjoyed fucking themselves every now and again...
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
October 09, 2011
Hello all. Stalked for a few hours then decided to register. I like what I saw - hopefully you won't be put off by bitchiness and generally hateful and discontented attitude.

You just described many of us. As long as you have something to add to the conversation, and don't spend every post telling us to go fuck ourselves, I'm sure that aspect of your personality will fit in just fine.

Funny...I thought most people enjoyed fucking themselves every now and again...

Yeah, but I'll do it when I want to do it, not when someone tells me to!
Hi guys. I just registered here but I've been lurking for a couple of years. I'm almost 24 and have been proudly childfree since the age of 17, when I worked a Christmas season at Toys R Hell On Earth and discovered that children are loud, sticky, disgusting, and obnoxious, and their "parents" aren't much better. I look forward to discussing the childfree life with you all. smiling smiley
Hi. I'm new here and kind of shy, so I probably won't post too much. I've always known that kids were not for me. I grew up an only child and was not exposed to other children until I went to school. Even when I was a kid, I found other children to be loud and kind of stupid. Babies have always made me uncomfortable and screaming brats offend all of my senses.

It's impossible for me to go to a restaurant without being irritated by screaming, running, thumping brats. Apparently, it bothers NO ONE else, which makes me feel like I must be a bitchy monster.

Parents annoy the crap out of me--the way they hold their sprog and look around to see if anyone is looking in their direction. You know they are thinking that everyone is awestruck by the beauty and majesty of their progeny.

I'm annoyed that few parents seem to PARENT any more. My theory is that they don't try to stop their spawn from annoying others because they want to share the pain. I hate that in two weeks I have to pay $2500 in school taxes when most of the breeders in my town don't pay any.

I'm sounding like a miserable person here, so you should know that I like babies of other species!

I'm so glad I found this fun, snarky forum. It's good to know there are a few other people who share my thoughts!
Hi, I am a long time lurker. I practice law and....okay back up. I used to babysit a lot because it paid well and I could watch TV and eat snacks while my friends were working as waitresses and fast food workers. I babysat probably 100 kids. Out of the 100 kids, I liked three of them, hated 5 of them (went back b/c parents were desperate and paid 3x what I usually charged) until the night they put a roach down my neck. The rest of the children just bored me. I mean they were BORING!

Why doesn't anybody ever tell the truth about children? They are BORING.

Married 20 years, husband vaguely talked about kids but the years went by and I made sure I was always on reliable birth control. So nothing ever happened. Anyway, he is from a huge family and his siblings reproduced like rabbits, so eh. My parents didn't care one way or the other about grandchildren and although mom professed to LOVE children, she started telling me when I was a child that she would never babysit my kids, because her parents never babysat for her. They lived 500 miles away, which is probably the reason, but she was quite bitter about it.

I am now sucking up to my nieces and nephews. I have taken two nieces to Planned Parenthood and enjoy talking with them. We're all great friends. I also am a doting pet mother to two dogs.

Believe it or not I am FB friends with the three kids I liked. They turned out to all be extremely successful. I liked them because they were nice and I could actually carry on conversations with them. One is a state senator, one works in LA and is an apprentice director, and the other one is getting a masters at Yale in religion. They were smart then and smart now. So...I'm very very happy with my life. I like young adults and they like me, and I don't have to pay college tuition...
Hi! I've been lurking around the boards for several weeks and finally took the plunge and registered. I'm so glad to have found this place. I'm 32, from Ontario, Canada and am a very happy child free woman. Kids hold no interest for me and never have. Finally a place with people like me! smiling smiley Hi all! So glad to have found you.
Been lurking for a couple of days and finally decided to register. I'm active on a few other CF groups (mainly cf_hardcore on livejournal) so my username may be familiar to some.
She knew when she married my father that Papa was a rolling stone. He was the child of wealthy parents who spared him nothing, and he chose a very high demand field. So he got three or four letters every month offering him new jobs and would change jobs every 4 or 5 years. He also liked to go back to school for more degrees, and they always ended up living hours away from family.

So I grew up listening to mom bitch and moan about how frustrating it was to not have family support.

But there was never--ever---ever any pressure to reproduce. Women were expected to have serious careers. They really were years and years ahead of their time.

I spend a lot of time with my husband's nieces & nephews who are twenty something and I am pleased to see that most of them are not being bingo-ed by their parents. They are taking their time and traveling, having adventures, etc. We are all cheering them on. The one couple who did marry young and had babies early is kind of pitied.
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