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thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)

Posted by zeropop 
:hello Hi all, CF of course and proudly so, lurker for months and I’ll tell you why; your posts are so great that you’re not leaving much left for me to add. Seriously, you brighten up my days on a regular basis, I just though of doing the decent thing and let you guys know that you probably have a lot of support out there that you don’t get to see. I’ll might get around to register properly one day :-)

I've been a lurker for months too, and also on TCFL and Selfish Heathens. I really don't have much to add, other than you all are hilarious.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
December 16, 2011
Welcome all newcomers!
Pleased to have you in our midst.

“I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic fucking hatreds.”
— George Carlin
Hi all. I've never formally introduced myself so here goes.
I'm in college majoring in international business with a minor in MIS.
I hate this business crap. I want to be a hermit.
Getting secretly married in a couple of weeks and no one outside of our immediate family knows. It's really exciting! The "real" wedding is after graduation. Not looking forward to it (I don't think hermits do the wedding crap).
I love Bratfree and Irreverently Childfree on Facebook. Good times!
I'm back...only registered this time.

Visited an old CF board the other night. NFW will I go back.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
December 21, 2011
:1welcome, everyone!
Hello people of this lovely board,

I've been lurking here for a long time and finally got the balls to register. I'm twenty four and proud to say that both I and my long-term boyfriend are CF, much to the dismay of large chunks of our families. The only "kids" in our lives are the large amount of brats that are either in my care or treat me like their bitch and that's how we want it to stay.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
December 22, 2011
A big welcome, petsarebetter. Your avatar is adorable.:1welcome:meta:newb
Hi, everyone!

I'm actually the @#$%& on page 16, and I just discovered that my account can go inactive. Good to know. Anyway, I'll sum up what's there: I'm 26 and live in the Midwest with my fiancee and cat. I've pretty much always been childfree - I didn't even like kids when I was one. I'm currently in graduate school for Library and Information Science and am looking for work, preferably in my future field. So, that's me.

grinning smiley
It's orangeflower aka Faerie-StarV with a new account because I lost my old Aol name and couldn't remember it nor wrote it down so I had to make a new e-mail on Aol to register here. I could have used my first username but you already know my reasons that I mentioned in my new account so that's why I don't want to use it.
Good to see you guys again. I've been working a lot long hours at retail, especially of after sale on Christmas and it was an exhausting week. Have to deal with lot of Moo's and Duh's there along with their big ass strollers that takes so much room as usual.
Hi all, I was a lurker for quite awhile with no posts so I had to re-register. I'm 30, CF, married (to a great CF guy), from the Midwest, and a proud owner of a Labrador Retriever. Good to finally start posting! smiling smiley
I was a lurker who got cleaned out too. I'm mostly here to read The Island because GFG annoys the ever-loving crap out of me. I hope you guys don't mind.
Hi everyone,

I'm a 29 year-old recent university graduate from Ontario, Canada. I enjoy the company of my common-law husband of 12 years and our three cats. My greatest passions are crafting, writing, and, above all, traveling. I've been fortunate to visit places like Japan and I hope to make the Netherlands my next stop.

I've always known that I didn't want children. It was never even a question or a choice I had to make. I'm an only child from a small family on my mother's side. I always got along better with boys and was never without a pet. I've got no maternal instinct for humans whatsoever, but I'm a mess if you show me a kitten or some other small animal.

I'm grateful to have found this community and I hope to make as good a contribution to the discussion as I've seen the rest of the members do so far.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
January 07, 2012
Hi everyone,

I'm a 29 year-old recent university graduate from Ontario, Canada. I enjoy the company of my common-law husband of 12 years and our three cats. My greatest passions are crafting, writing, and, above all, traveling. I've been fortunate to visit places like Japan and I hope to make the Netherlands my next stop.

I've always known that I didn't want children. It was never even a question or a choice I had to make. I'm an only child from a small family on my mother's side. I always got along better with boys and was never without a pet. I've got no maternal instinct for humans whatsoever, but I'm a mess if you show me a kitten or some other small animal.

I'm grateful to have found this community and I hope to make as good a contribution to the discussion as I've seen the rest of the members do so far.

Welcome! :1welcome:beer:newb

“I don’t have pet peeves, I have major, psychotic fucking hatreds.”
— George Carlin
Hello, All! :hello

Long time lurker, sometime poster. Went over to the other site under a different name when Bratfree went down, and back over here once the dust settled. Though I don't post much, I really enjoy the conversations and community here. It's the only "place" in my life that I can bitch about spawn and their handlers without feeling judged or censored.

Glad to be here!
Anonymous User
Yet Another New User
January 12, 2012
Saw a link to this forum posted on Facebook and thought I'd check it out. Any childfree folks in the Seattle/Renton, WA area?
Hello peoples newbie here. Just found this lovely place and thought i'd join in on the fun winking smiley :satan
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
January 17, 2012
Since I signed up for your board to use the facilities, I feel it incumbent upon me to follow custom and post an introduction.

I am 47 years old, and my wife is 2 years younger. We have been together a bit over 22 years. I have spent most of my life twisting the system into knots, and fighting against the police state/plutocracy that is the USA as it continues its decay into a banana republic. I hate it, and really want to see it broken up into something more manageable like the Euro Union is. Bingos for that are along the lines of: "So move to fucking China or North Korea, or Cuba..." My response is that if you can only think of four or five countries that you think are more police state than ours, then that isn't saying much. (Also, these people are wrong - NOBODY locks up more folks per capita than the good ol USA.)

That attitude stems from my general dislike of humans as a species. I think of humans as a cross between rats, hyenas, and locusts, but with less use in the "natural order" than any of those things. People are mostly stupid, filthy brutes that I think need to be visciously culled, and should have a breeding program imposed upon them. Of course this attitude makes me very popular at parties smiling smiley You can see why I wouldn't want to have any kids.

My wife was "fixed" early on, and that was a total bitch for all the reasons you guys are familiar with. I'm expert at dealing with paperwork and bureacracies, so we won on that after only a year or so. It is frigging AWESOME to have unlimited/unregulated time together, and to spend cash the way we want. I blew 2k$ on her this Christmas just on toys, games, a new TV, etc - so much fun! smiling smiley

I have worked in a law office for the past few years, and for years before that as a freelance paralegal. I am also a Master Gardener, and did landscape design/installation (too hard of work nowdays though.) I build/repair computers and like technology, although I'm not really "geeky", I suppose.

My wife and I have over a dozen cats (always some coming online since the foodbowls are outside, so I capture and fix/shots them), almost all of which are actual pets ("tame".) We have one dog (border collie mix named Cricket.)

If you want to know more, just ask. I'm not shy, but I might not answer, either. I'm also not easily offended. If you are, then too bad for you.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
January 17, 2012
Spook, better get back to atomicinsights because you may be voted off the island. "Rod" must have lives a charmed life because he think people have "incredible value"saying 'wtf' I guess that what happend when 125 guys live on a submarine.

Oh, and I don't like people either, like I said,most are losers.

Oh, and for going on there for me, Mr. T: I pitty tha foolhankyou
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
January 17, 2012
Let those psuedo-intellectuals vote me off if they want. Nobody there could argue themselves out of a wet paper sack. Carl was particularly pathetic since he couldn't even come up with the thermal data he kept claiming was gospel (guy's an engineer, right? And he wants us to trust him to build nuke plants???).

Making pompous, unsupported, pontifications from on high doesn't cut it, particularly when you are presented with multiple links to facts and figures in rebuttal to your drivel. Clearly they aren't used to being called out for it. Just as clearly, many otherwise smart folks have a blind spot when it some to issues dealing with procreation, human carrying capacity, etc. You know it is bad when even the top 10% of humanity (let's be generous to Carl, here) is so resistant to logic, and facing bald facts.
im new here..married 28+ years.to the same person too.lol
i dont think there was ever a time when i thought about wanting kids.
the relationships with women that i had never got serious enough to discuss having kids.
waiting till i was 29 to get married sure didnt hurt either. my wife was 19 at the time..
when i was 27 i bought my first corvette and i still have and will never sell it along with the second vette.
besides vettes do not look cool with a child seat.
life is good even if it is in alabama.
we travel when we can.camp a lot in the summer months with a camper..
Hi! I'm new here too smiling smiley

I'm 34, from San Antonio, TX, married for 3 years but have been together for almost 13. We live in an apartment with 2 cats. I don't hate kids and I don't hate the *good* parents (PNBs), but I CAN. NOT. F-ing. STAND breeders and their spawn. Even with a moderate hearing loss (purely genetic), I purposefully leave my hearing aids at home because even without them, the shrieking can be overwhelming. I do not find babies cute, I do not find most kids cute. I never have. Baybee pictures bore me. OTOH, my heart absolutely melts when I see a picture of a kitten, puppy, or some other cute animal especially if it's a baby animal.

I'm probably a little bit different from most CF people on topics like abortion or spirituality, but I hear the words of my husband and myself in SO MANY of the posts here that I thought I'd register and join in.

I surprised myself - when I was younger I assumed I'd have kids, but waiting tables for 6-7 years permanently changed ALL that. Reading about diaper blow-outs (eewwwww!) absolutely solidified my CF position - among many other catalysts. A long time ago, my mom had a short-lived case of grandbaby-rabies but that completely subsided and she *definitely* respects my CF position. I'm a holistic-based doctor and nutritional counselor, and I feel that it's a calling, so I'd much rather devote my life to that. I'm currently in the planning stages for having a hysterectomy. I have absolutely no reservations. My soon-to-be surgeon is very supportive and has not given me any grief at all. In fact, I honestly don't get bingoed much, but then most of my conversation is with patients and I keep the discussion of my personal life to an absolute minimum.

Welcome cf-in-sa. Another San Antonian here too.

Sweeeet!!! Hiya smiling smiley :partay
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
January 22, 2012
An official :1welcome to all the new.. and nearly new.. posters. I don't get on this thread too often. I just come in and check the latest topics.

This board makes me laugh every day. The topics are sometimes gross, disgusting or just plain nerve wracking... but the comments are priceless.

I read more than post... mostly.
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