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thumbs up"Hurray I'm registered!"(use this thread to introduce yourself)

Posted by zeropop 
Hello folks. I posted on a few childfree forums a while back, but I wanted to do a clean sweep with a new handle. Unfortunately, I seem to have acquired a stalker along the way, so please pardon the lack of detailed information. Sometimes when you dare to reveal things about yourself, the trolls find a way to trace you soon your name is mud all over. Not that anyone here would do such a thing.

Of course the fact that I freak out in social situations doesn't help, heh. No, just give me a deep dark forest and I will be happy.

Let's see...I'm in my late 30's, divorced after hubby found a wanna-breed. Had a total hysterectomy a few years back - one of the best decisions I ever made by the way. If anyone is looking for a good gyno in the northern Indiana area, please let me know. Afterward, it came out that hubby had been hoping I'd change my mind all along. He had a vasectomy several years before and wanted to get it reversed. So the next time any of you guys get 20 questions from your doc about sterilization, thank people like my ex.

Now I live in Victorian England-er...I mean Illinois. I write, work as a cashier while I try to find something else, and care for our rescue animals. Whenever I can, I love to do rescue transports. It was so funny the day I took two sweet Pitties on a potty break at a rest stop and a Moo made a scene of herding her two kids away from the "dangerous animals." The only danger these pups offered was possibly fatal slobbering.

I'm a gamer geek and spend far too much time on World of Warcraft. Basically, I have very few real-life friends and most of my family has nothing to do with me, due to being CF and a few other things.

I'm planning a move to the Dallas area this Fall if all goes well. Even if I have to work two or there jobs, it will be better than living here. Women in this rural area generally have only two jobs outside the farm- teaching and nursing. Not that there is anything wrong with either vocation, but I'm a techie nerd who use to fix satellite equipment and aircraft electronics. Most employers think a woman my age without kids is suspect. They do ask, even if it's not legal. Authorities around here won't do anything about it.

It's great to have this board and people who can be open with each other. Thanks to the mods and others who make it possible.

Hello folks. I posted on a few childfree forums a while back, but I wanted to do a clean sweep with a new handle. Unfortunately, I seem to have acquired a stalker along the way, so please pardon the lack of detailed information. Sometimes when you dare to reveal things about yourself, the trolls find a way to trace you soon your name is mud all over. Not that anyone here would do such a thing.

Of course the fact that I freak out in social situations doesn't help, heh. No, just give me a deep dark forest and I will be happy.

Let's see...I'm in my late 30's, divorced after hubby found a wanna-breed. Had a total hysterectomy a few years back - one of the best decisions I ever made by the way. If anyone is looking for a good gyno in the northern Indiana area, please let me know. Afterward, it came out that hubby had been hoping I'd change my mind all along. He had a vasectomy several years before and wanted to get it reversed. So the next time any of you guys get 20 questions from your doc about sterilization, thank people like my ex.

Now I live in Victorian England-er...I mean Illinois. I write, work as a cashier while I try to find something else, and care for our rescue animals. Whenever I can, I love to do rescue transports. It was so funny the day I took two sweet Pitties on a potty break at a rest stop and a Moo made a scene of herding her two kids away from the "dangerous animals." The only danger these pups offered was possibly fatal slobbering.

I'm a gamer geek and spend far too much time on World of Warcraft. Basically, I have very few real-life friends and most of my family has nothing to do with me, due to being CF and a few other things.

I'm planning a move to the Dallas area this Fall if all goes well. Even if I have to work two or there jobs, it will be better than living here. Women in this rural area generally have only two jobs outside the farm- teaching and nursing. Not that there is anything wrong with either vocation, but I'm a techie nerd who use to fix satellite equipment and aircraft electronics. Most employers think a woman my age without kids is suspect. They do ask, even if it's not legal. Authorities around here won't do anything about it.

It's great to have this board and people who can be open with each other. Thanks to the mods and others who make it possible.


I'm sorry about that Kitty. It seems that a lot of CF people get discriminated against by idiots. I'm 32. I don't have any kids myself. I also haven't gone out of my way to find a bf so ppl act as if I am somehow defective. I am a gamer like you and I am painfully shy. I used to play WoW but quit due to the backbiting and drama. People suck. I prefer animals to humans. I have 3 cats. I used to have rats but they died of old age. I had a scorpion but he died. My tarantula of 14 years finally died. I love animals. They make sense to me. I like rescuing animals, too. I like being needed.
Hi everyone! I've been lurking for some time now and thought it was finally time to say hi! Although I probably don't have all that much to contribute, I love reading the topics and comments on the forum. Always makes me laugh out loud ;-p
I posted this in the intro thread in "The Island" Forum, but I have been lurking the most in this forum and decided to repost here. You guys all rock!!!


I have been a recent lurker of "The Living Room" and child free my whole life (not to say I never had my chances, but the thought of spending the rest of my life with a child (or children) makes me shudder; so I got over all that! LOL). Besides, spending a few hours with your friends kids makes me realize I made the right choice in the end.

But enough of my babbling; I wanted to say you guys rock and I am looking forward in reading/participating in the bratfree.com forums!
Hello everyone!

Like a couple of posters here, I have been a lurker for about two months before deciding to join. However, this is not my first childfree forum to join, even though i wish it was.

The first "childfree forum" that i joined was TCFL. Overall, I thought it was okay with interesting topics concerning the childfree, but for some reasoning, I was getting an odd feeling that some of the posters of that site were breeder-pleasers or "wannabe breeders in the closet." It wasn't until I was lurking on this site that it put aside my suspicions. So as of now, i don't look at that site that often.

One thing i like it better here than TCFL is that you can express yourself and your thoughts more freely without getting flagged.

About me (without giving out my privacy)

I'm a black college student who has been living in the Dallas area (Texas) for all of my 22 years. My first major was nursing, but later changed it to medical technology because there were some things I didn't like about nursing.

I realized i didn't want to have kids when I was in my early teens because the kids I went to school with were loud, annoying, and not surprisingly, mean-spirited. And I soon found out later that the parents can be just as bad.

While I was in my teens,I realized that I care more about animals than humans. Wish to have a cat one day when i get my own place.

And I'm one of those women who find pregnancy and childbirth GROSS!!!

I volunteer at a hospice office during the summer since I can't find any jobs. And I'm planning to start back to school in late August.

Looking foward to this site becaue you guys are hilarious!

P.S. Sorry about the "I"s. I am trying to tone it down.
OK, I missed this thread on first glance so I'm going to try again. Haha.

I am in my late 20s and childfree. I'm not sure when exactly I decided to be this way, but I just no that even at my age when my "biological clock" is supposed to be "ticking," I feel nothing. I don't mind other people's kids, but when it comes time for them to go home, I am grateful they leave with their parents and don't come home to me. I've also chosen a demanding career path, and come the end of a long day, I really don't want to have to look after a child.

I also get fed up with how kid-friendly the world is. Where I live, there's so many programs catered to kids only that could also have adult programs. Like I've always wanted to take dance lessons or learn how to ice skate (obviously, I don't have pro dreams at my age...I just want to do this stuff for fun), but the ice rink doesn't even have an adult learn to skate program...it's called a youth program but they welcome all ages. Yeah, I'm gonna skate with seven year olds...that's gonna happen. And really, when was the last time you saw "adults eat free" at a restaurant?

In one of my first jobs out of school, one of the women in the office was pregnant with her first child. She was nice enough, but I could tell she still had the attitude that she thought she was special. I'll never forget one day when the baby moved and she was coming to my coworker to talk about it and get all excited...like she was the first one to ever have a baby inside her. I didn't really find her excitement all that cute or feel envious.

Needless to say, I don't feel any need for my own kids.
Hi everyone,

I was on this site, albeit an infrequent poster, right around the time of the "troll wars". I did follow to the alternate site, but only lurked there. My user name was "viola".

This site is pure pleasure for me. I love the outspoken, intelligent, fun, and snarky posts. I love that I can read said posts without the assault of bad grammar, idiotic spelling, and all around stupidity. (Leave that for the trolls).

I am 100% out as CF. I sometimes tell people I've just met that I can not stand children. Surprisingly, I am rarely bingoed and am often congratulated. It's just a part of who I am. Of course, I've learned to phrase things for a favorable outcome. When asked about kids, I'll say "i'm not a kid person at all, but I love animals. Do you have a pet?" I think a lot of parents secretly prefer their pets to their children anyway, so they'll usually switch over to talking about their furbabies without any fuss.

Anyway, glad to be official here again. Thanks for having me!

Anonymous User
Hi everyone!
July 18, 2012
Hello there fellow community members! After reading the hilarious and brutally honest posts on here I decided I simply had to join. I am in my early 30s, married to the most amazing DH on the face of this Earth, and we are proud and bona fide DINKs who love and embrace the CF life. I frequently view several CF sites, but as I can be a snarky bitch I especially love this site! Not to mention there are so many posts I am looking forward to responding to as some of the discussions on here are utterly priceless.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
July 19, 2012
:1welcome to all the new peeps!
Hi there,

I've registered after getting sick of all the horrible women on ehell telling me that I am a bad person because I want their baaaabies to shut up on public transportation at 8am or because I get annoyed when some bitch takes her kid into a bar. Also, I've been lurking for a bit and I think the posters here are hilarious people with their heads screwed on straight. I absolutely love reading their reactions to the ridiculous mombies on ehell posting about the evil CF person who doesn't think their Bratley is adorable.

I am a 23 year old law student in a major east coast city. Currently I am a staffer for a law journal at my school writing a legal note on issues in overpopulation and the healthcare system...the focus is the impact of irresponsible breeders on an already floundering healthcare system, though I will assure you that I word it a little differently. The actual subject matter is a bit narrower, but I won't bore you with the legal details.

I am currently childfree because I spent most of my adult life trying to stay that way, not to mention that I am in my early 20's, single, and a professional student without the time and money for a child. I plan to stay childfree because I am not the nurturing type, I want a career without shortchanging a kid because I will always be busy, and because I think the world is grossly overpopulated and I refuse to add to the problem. Furthermore, I am worried about bringing a developmentally challenged child into this world because I know that there is always a chance of that for anyone, and I don't want to be a burden on the healthcare system, other people, the public in general, ect. Generally, while I actually like older kids, I have never been good with young children, and never really yearned for my own, so why should I worry about pleasing my parents and giving them grandkids if its going to make me resentful? My sister wants kids, they'll be fine.

After law school, I will somewhere find a job (hopefully) and marry a man who does not want rugrats. I hope to rescue animals because I absolutely love them, and as fiery_ice said, puppies make the world a better place.
Hi, I'm new to the forum. I'm a 44-year-old gay man, American living in Germany. I know I'm in a different position to a lot of people here because gay men aren't subjected to the societal expectation to have children that straight people are. (Not to say there are no gays with children, just that people don't automatically expect it of us.) Nevertheless I identify with the CF community because of my strong feelings about overpopulation, which in my opinion is not merely the biggest problem in the world; it's the only problem in the world, because all other problems are directly or indirectly caused by overpopulation. I think having children is the single most selfish, irresponsible decision a person can make, and nothing pisses me off more than a child-laden person who claims to care about the environment. Guess what -- if you gave the slightest shit about the environment you would have kept your damn legs together. If I were straight, I would certainly have had a vasectomy at age 20, and would always use a condom anyway, just to be on the safe side, since neither vasectomies nor condoms are 100% effective.

Anyway, I'm just happy to have found a forum where I can vent my frustrations about people who deliberately make the problem of overpopulation worse rather and about the discrimination that those of us not cursed with children face every day.
Welcome to the club, ld. Btw, love your screen name. How did you come up with it? :1welcome

DEEEEEEEEEEERP completely didn't think that anybody would bother commenting on my lame introductory post, and so I've missed this! :headbrick Sorry for the fail.

As for my online handle, it's the same one I use everywhere (no stalkers, plz), and it's the name of a character from an original novel I wanted to write at one point in time. It never panned out, lol, so I decided to use it for an actual function, instead of just letting sit around in my brain the entire time.

Thanks for the welcomes, everyone!
Hi guys! I've been lurking for a while so I figured it was time to register.
I'm not sure what to say here so I'll start with the basics. My name is Ashley. I'm a 25-year-old college graduate living in Canada. I'm totally blind, have been since I was about 13 months. And like everyone here, I don't plan on having children. Personally, I find pregnancy absolutely disgusting and I'm so, so happy that I'm not the only one that thinks baybees are not at all cute. Love the kre8ive spelling by the way.
Anyway, if you wanna know more, just ask me anything.
Hey guys. I've been around before on the old Bratfree forum under the username sorrowsong, but floated away for a while. But now I've come back.

For those I haven't seen in a while: Hello thar again!

To everyone else: I'm a 26 year old female in the US. How ya doin?

This is Craftyzits. This uterus is certified without infestation.
Hi all! I'm a 36 year old woman who loves life the way it is and doesn't want to fuck it up by throwing kids into the mix. It's nice to have a place to blow off steam so that I don't kill family members who drop not-so-subtle hints.

This is Craftyzits. This uterus is certified without infestation.

waving hellolarious
what's the number of the company that treated your uterus? I want to get certified too!
Hey all! I started lurking here a couple years ago because I wasn't getting pregnant and searched the internet to see if I'll be okay. THANK GOODNESS FOR YOU GUYS! All the FACTS that have been given here are amazing and my husband and I couldn't be happier with our childfree-ness! We may adopt in the future, but we have plenty of time for that. I know that I have different views than most on here, but it looks like some may be like me. I hate when women say they "have to be pregnant" and would rather make a baby in a tube instead of adopting one for the same cost. You guys helped me see the selfishness of so many people!

I went to a family reunion and a cousin came up to me, put her hand on my stomach and said "oh no.. I thought for sure you would be pregnant by now" I was mortified! doh face ...and that would be why I finally decided to say hello.

So.. thanks! and hi!
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 10, 2012
"We may adopt" =/= childfree. Nice try, though.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
"We may adopt" =/= childfree. Nice try, though.

Yep.. currently childfree, but maybe not forever. That's why I said "I know I have different views.."
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 10, 2012
"We may adopt" =/= childfree. Nice try, though.

currently childfree, but maybe not forever

My, oh my, oh my.


"A child will make two dishes at an entertainment for friends, and when the family dines alone, the fore or hind quarter will make a reasonable dish, and seasoned with a little pepper or salt, will be very good boiled on the fourth day, especially in winter." -Jonathan Swift, A Modest Proposal
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 10, 2012
"We may adopt" =/= childfree. Nice try, though.

Yep.. currently childfree, but maybe not forever. That's why I said "I know I have different views.."

Childfree is not "currently." It is a forever thing. "Currently" is a fencesitter status. This site is for definitive, decidedly, hard core childfree. That being said you might find:

http://childfreez.com/bbBoard.cgi a bit more accommodating or even better


While I post at Childfree EZ , it can be hard on fence sitters but less so than here. TCFL is far more open to fence sitters. This site is by far much more geared towards for sure life time (or if you must militant) Childfree. Many if not most of us are very early articulators and thus tend to be suspect of fence sitters. We are not sympathetic to butthurt experienced by someone that thinks they want kids in the future - even those who are considering or will consider adoption.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Child free means no children. EVER.

You might find yourself rather offended at the views we have here. Just a warning.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 10, 2012
"We may adopt" =/= childfree. Nice try, though.

Yep.. currently childfree, but maybe not forever. That's why I said "I know I have different views.."

There's no such thing as "currently childfree". Try one of the links Thom suggested, where fencesitters are welcome.
I've been reading this site for a couple years and never got offended. Simply saying that I got an eye opener to another side of living and I appreciate it. I meant no disrespect and certainly didn't expect some of these responses. I apologize for intruding and will not be posting anymore, just reading.
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