Anonymous User
Re: Hey I finally registered!
June 05, 2011

Oh and a little intro, I'm 26 married nearly 6 years, 2 cats, 2 dogs (rescued pitties), I'm a housewife (due to health issues mostly). Due to being CF we have a GREAT life! Hubs works 4 extra long days so we have 3 free days/week (he works weekends too since it's more $ and we don't have to deal with daycare or anything we can!). We like hiking, visiting breweries, playing with the dogs, riding horses with my family, uh.... what else? That's all I can think of.

pits are banned here ,tho we had one who was such a great kid, loved people and other dogs, well, cats too if they came in to our house. hes now gone tho, and still hurts me to think of him not being here.
he was a rescue too.
oh, got any pics of your pit kids?
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
June 05, 2011
hello. im a fellow non breeder, though id join up, see what this is all about, and what peoples reasons are for not breeding. im sure my reasons may well piss some people off, certainly does in the world of breeders.

Try your reasons on us. Mine start with hating kids, concern about overpopulation, and not wanting to pass on my shitty genes.
well, i certainly do not HATE kids, i hate what they become.
over population is a big concern of mine, and possibly the biggest reason for me not wanting to breed.
over population bothers me due to the implications it has on this earth, and the non human animals upon it, that will always suffer as a result of humans.
i want the human race to die off, leaving non human animals to get on with it, without us interfering with nature like we do. we are parasites on this once beautiful earth, we destroy and destroy some more. we dont deserve to live here.
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
June 05, 2011
well, i certainly do not HATE kids, i hate what they become.
over population is a big concern of mine, and possibly the biggest reason for me not wanting to breed.
over population bothers me due to the implications it has on this earth, and the non human animals upon it, that will always suffer as a result of humans.
i want the human race to die off, leaving non human animals to get on with it, without us interfering with nature like we do. we are parasites on this once beautiful earth, we destroy and destroy some more. we dont deserve to live here.

I think you'll find that your views, while not necessarily shared by the majority, aren't seen as exceptionally inflammatory here, unless you're advocating achieving extinction through genocide. Here's a recent thread on antinatalism and another thread which delved into the topic of extinction to get you started.
My post introducing myself disappeared. What happened?

Your post was removed for failing to follow board rules. Bratfree does not permit parents to post (or describe themselves as becoming CF--once you've bred, you're never CF). Try thechildfreelife.
Hi, all. Found this place after doing a search on "etiquettehell sucks" (so yes, I'm obviously a member there, and yes, that site sucks on a regular basis). Happily, I'm also childfree. The husband and I have been married for close to 15 years, and I've never once regretted not having children. We're getting him snipped in a couple of weeks, and I look forward to never again having to worry about accidentally getting pregnant.

I don't even like kids, to be honest. Quiet well-behaved ones are all right, but that's a pretty rare beast nowadays.
Apologies for being a moron. NOW I'm registered...
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
June 08, 2011
Hi there! :1welcome
Hello! After lurking for awhile I finally got around to registering, and I'm so happy to be here. I feel like I've found "my people". I actually found out about this board from another big CF board, it's a decent site but there's waaaaay too much "well we don't actually hate the pwecious childruns, just their parents!!1" pandering for my taste. I really cannot stand kids OR their parents, and I'm tired of having to pretend otherwise, lol. I've been reading back through some threads here today as I listen to my neighbor's braindead offspring stand outside and scream. It's helping to at least know I'm not the only one who finds the sound of their stupidity to be totally nauseating. hitting over the head with a hammer
Hi been away for a bit. New PC old one kept shutting down.
Glad to be back.
Good morning everyone, I'm so glad I finally registered. I feel like I'm at home when I'm reading this board. I hope that I can contribute something productive to the forum.

I'm 31, Texas girl with a spoiled chocolate lab. I especially like to tell breeders, "She is my world".

I have so many day-to-day experiences that I like to share with someone, but my mom is really the only one I can share them with till now. I know she grows weary with my venting. Sometimes she bingos me, but I know it's because she's from a different time and place. I don't hold it against her.

I was sitting at the DMV the other day, and a lady was chatting me up about her day at the spa. Her kyds had purchased a package for her as part of a Mother's Day gift. She was telling me all about her massage and facial and chicken salad lunch with wheat crackers and how special it all was. She had 3 kyds, aged 15, 11, and 5! Because I was waiting on a friend and bored, I indulged her as she went on to tell me about them. The 15 year old was the easiest to raise, the 11 year old had ADHD, and the 5 year old was an OOPS!

I smiled to myself and thought, "lady, your kyds are not unique and your story is far from fresh and new".
:1welcome to all the new members!

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!

I've been lurking as a 'guest' on the board for the past couple weeks and decided to just bite the bullet and join.Some stuff about me:

Grad student


Not really into pets (I find that some people are just and annoying about their 'fur babies' as others are with their human kids. thumbs updown I avoid those types like the plague)

Lover of B (or worse) - movies.

I'm mostly indifferent to kids unless they're misbehaving, in which case I get a little ragey. If I were to really hate any aspect of natalism it would be the underserved privileges and sense of superiority that a lot of parents have. Getting knocked up/knocking someone up isn't an achievement (if your batch/snatch functions normally) but there are too many folks who act like they should get a Nobel Prize for it. smile rolling left righteyes2
Hi everyone!

I've "lurked" here for quite some time, and this forum never fails to crack me up. I swear, this message board has THE most hilarious posts, quotes, witticisms, etc. that I have ever seen!

About me:

I just finished grad school and landed my dream job -- probably because I don't have kids! (Job involves travel, odd hours, etc.) I live in south Florida, which is a hotbed of obnoxious breeder behavior, but (mercifully) also a great place to be bratfree:emoheart
Well, might as well introduce myself too I guess!

I lurked around for a while and finally decided to just go ahead and sign up...though I'll probably stick to lurking a lot. I have probably been childfree for most of my life, but never really got around to admitting/understanding that until in my early 20s (as a teen I used to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to find a husband who wanted to be a stay-at-home dad because I believed it was better for kids to have one SAHparent, but it sure as hell wasn't going to be ME). In the end I concluded that parenting just holds no appeal to me at all, so why bother? These days I love to travel, have spent quite a bit of time abroad (compared to my family and other folks in my area anyway), and am about to start working on my second Master's degree. And I'm very, very happy to have found a place where I don't have to pretend to love kids or be okay with breeder worship.
hello everybody and newly registered members! let me introduce myself.
i am 20 years old female living in Indonesia, currently a third year undergraduate student majoring in engineering. i know i'm young, but i know there won't be anyone who bash me by saying 'you will change your mind'...please support me! i know from kindergarten that i won't be a mom.
my obsessions are including being a researcher, painting, running, mountaineering, and the latest is traveling around the world.
the average child-bearing age for indonesian women is 25, so it freaks me out that several relatives already talking about my hypothetical future offspring who will be born several years from now. so far as i can see, i can't find anyone to relate on this IMPORTANT issue here in my own country. if i may say, i desperately need people whom i can relate to and get support from before i fall into the trap and being defeated by social be the most thing i'm afraid of: a mother.
even if i had all the money and the time in the world and able to pursue all my obsessions while having kids, i still wouldn't have kids of my own.
luckily someone invented the internet so i can join the community of like-minded people like this smiling smiley
Hello, all! I stumbled upon this site, last night, and don't even remember how I arrived. I don't know how many threads I read through, nor can I count how many times I actually guffawed, during the wee hours.

I am glad there are like-minded people, who can go somewhere to freely vent, and not be judged by society-at-large(r and larger). I have not bought into the hype. I have paid and paid for NOT doing stupid things (knowingly, anyway - some jackass oopsed me, and 8 years later, I'm still occasionally pissed off, about it, especially after I found the "birth control sabotage" post, somewhere in here). Thank God, I didn't end up having to make any kind of decision. Still CF.

God only knows how fuckered up some either some poor kid (or how much more fuckered up I) would be.

Anyway, thanks for this site, and all of the hilarity contained herein.
Hello all! After much lurking, I'd thought to finally introduce myself. Rather happy to be childfree! I'm 26 live with my boyfriend and two cats. Hopefully we'll be able to add a dog or two to the mix in a couple of months. I've known that I didn't want kids since I was in my teens. My position has been steadily reinforced by watching friends and coworkers having kids. There is much complaining about being broke all the time and I really get bored of hearing how their little angels are doing 24/7. Looking into the essure (sp?) procedure for the future and dreading approaching the topic with my parents. Fortunately, my bf doesn't want kids either and is very supportive! Nice meeting you guys!
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
July 01, 2011
Hi, everyone!!
Greetings, fellow CFers!

I joined this site a while ago (and lovin' all of your comments and stories) but I've yet to post. I'm a member of The Childfree Life and discovered this site when the members over there were bashing you all. Out of curiousity, I checked Bratfree out and realized I fit in much better over here. TCFL is boring, breeder-pleasing and...just lame. I haven't been back there since discovering Bratfree

Anyway, I'm a 31-year-old CFer who is engaged to a CF man who is even more militant about it than I am. I don't actually mind children when they're being properly raised and have manners. It's the out-of-control brats being non-raised by breeders that I cannot STAND. I'd like to kick them or duct tape their crusty mouths shut, but then I'd be the bad guy, I guess. Mr. T: I pitty tha foolongue2

I don't really get bingoed all that much these days. Mainly because I make my disgust of pregnancy, childbirth and parenting well known when the opportunity arises. I know my mother would love to be a grandma but she doesn't bother me about it, which I appreciate. thumbs upup

So...yeah. I'm glad to be here and so far, you all seem pretty awesome! Keep up the kickass rants!
Hi. I'm a 41-year-old guy stuck in the Teenmoo Capital of Canada. And people wonder why we have a crime problem here. If you remember an Acme from before the Great Disappearance, that's me.

(And you are welcome to use my sig line to respond to "You'll change your mind." :yeah)
:1welcomeWelcome everyone! Especially those from other boards......thumbs upwink
Hello! I'm a 25 year old girl living in Finland and so happy to bump into this forum. I've been looking for childfree places here and there, being also around TCFL (which i found too soft for my tastes), tried also childfree discussion boards from my country but they are full of breeders so no use to hang around there and get fired up. I was lurking around here and really liked it thumbs upwink
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
July 05, 2011
It's nice to see some new people in Europe (blackpearl & juggsbunny)--not that I don't like people from the US & Canada as well, but I look forward to more posts being made while I'm awake!
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