Re: Hey there
July 27, 2011
Ehhhhhh. Diaper blowouts.

They would always happen to me right after I bathed the kid and got them all wrapped up nicey nice in a new blanket, with a new hat on - then BOOM.

And I would have to walk away for a minute, muttering, "Oh you fucking son of a bitch". I think the other nurses were scared of me.
Anonymous User
Re: Hey there
July 27, 2011

And I would have to walk away for a minute, muttering, "Oh you fucking son of a bitch". I think the other nurses were scared of me.

waving hellolarious
Oh man, you kill me!
Welcome aboard Surfinbird!:jump
Anonymous User
Re: Hey there
July 27, 2011

A-well-a, bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word
A-well-a, don't you know about the bird
Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word
A-well-a, bird, bird, b-bird's the word!
Re: Hey there
July 27, 2011
Ehhhhhh. Diaper blowouts.

They would always happen to me right after I bathed the kid and got them all wrapped up nicey nice in a new blanket, with a new hat on - then BOOM.

And I would have to walk away for a minute, muttering, "Oh you fucking son of a bitch". I think the other nurses were scared of me.

Must have been bad, but it's hilarious in the retelling waving hellolarious

Hopefully, Thom will pop in here soon. He's in healthcare but more from the rescue/EMS end. He's told some war stories as well.
Re: Hey there
July 27, 2011
Ehhhhhh. Diaper blowouts.

They would always happen to me right after I bathed the kid and got them all wrapped up nicey nice in a new blanket, with a new hat on - then BOOM.

And I would have to walk away for a minute, muttering, "Oh you fucking son of a bitch". I think the other nurses were scared of me.

Must have been bad, but it's hilarious in the retelling waving hellolarious

Hopefully, Thom will pop in here soon. He's in healthcare but more from the rescue/EMS end. He's told some war stories as well.

Hell I avoided OB and psych like the plague. Nurse for 20 years EMS for 30 years, Now in Air EMS but been in ER and ICU most of the RN career.

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Re: Hey there
July 27, 2011

Oh, by the way ~ have you heard?

grinning smiley

Re: Hey there
July 27, 2011
Gawd, nobody sang to me when I joined!

"Breakin the LAW, breaking the LAAAAWW!!!"
Re: Hey there
July 27, 2011
Hi! Welcome to our little piece of heaven! Glad to have a new point of view around here. I'd love to hear more stories!
Re: Hey there
July 27, 2011
For Law1204 ~

Re: Hey there
July 27, 2011
Oh, by the way - HAVE YOU HEARD?!?!???!?11111???2221111???

Thom, I worked in the ICU, also. I started out in the CTICU, got scared of the old people - went to NICU, then I was a pediatric critical care float, then I went to OB.

Yeah. How about that?
Re: Hey there
July 28, 2011
Gawd, nobody sang to me when I joined!

"Breakin the LAW, breaking the LAAAAWW!!!"

“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
Anonymous User
Re: Hey there
July 28, 2011
Ehhhhhh. Diaper blowouts.

They would always happen to me right after I bathed the kid and got them all wrapped up nicey nice in a new blanket, with a new hat on - then BOOM.

And I would have to walk away for a minute, muttering, "Oh you fucking son of a bitch". I think the other nurses were scared of me.

I think I just pissed myself. You just describe me as a nurse, lol.
Re: Hey there
August 03, 2011
:1welcome surfinbird!

I look forward to your stories.

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Hi! :newb
I'm 28, just got married this past January to my awesome hubby. I have always known I didn't want kids. I was lucky enough to find a guy who doesn't want kids either, who is also smart, sweet, and cracks me right the heck up on a regular basis.

I have an appt one week from Monday to talk to my doc about sterilization. I am hoping against hope that he doesn't give me too much crap. I have a few chronic health issues that he has been treating me for so I hope that sways him to my side. I plan to push the "I can't take my meds while preggo and can NOT be off them" as well as "I don't want to pass along any of my issues to a child" strings.

We have 2 cats, 2 rats, and a roommate. Yes, the roommate pretty much counts as a pet!

Instead of having parasites, we read LOTS, play Eurogames and RPGs, paint miniatures, and read comics. I spend my child-free free time going to college and doing the resulting homework.
I am working on a degree in American Sign Language Interpretation, and should be done in about 4ish years...I hope.!
also, I am in Kansas..yeah...
Just saying Hi, been lurking for awhile now so I might as well start posting. Besides that I don;t have kids, never wanted them at all, never will. Besides that I decided to not contribute to the ongoing enviromental downfall of the planet, as a result of excessive breeding, and all of the costs that go with it. Other then that I diob;t have anything else to say.

Hi, mpanthera :1welcome
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 07, 2011
Just wanted to say "Hi!" introduce myself. I've been lurking for several months now and decided to join. Hubby and I are CF and have been together for over 10 years. I've never wanted kids and have heard all the standard phrases ("Oh you'll change your mind some day"). If I had a penny for every time I heard that over the years I'd be filthy stinkin' rich by now. tongue sticking out smiley
Anonymous User
Finally got arond to registering lol
August 08, 2011
Been lurking a whle-I realized I wanted to be cf when I was a teen. There was a medical issue where I might not be able to have kids and although I found out eventually I could, first I realized I didn't want them anyways! lol I had just never thought about it before honestly. I have a lovely dog and two cats and they trump any drooling crapfactory anyday.Looking foward to meeting you all!
Re: Finally got arond to registering lol
August 08, 2011


- The human gene pool could use a little chlorine
Re: Finally got arond to registering lol
August 08, 2011
Anonymous User
August 10, 2011
Thanks for the welcome! So nice to find some likeminded individuals. My best friend is the only other one I know in real life that doesn't want to deal with brats either. Baybee fever is rampant even in the early 20's group unfortunately. Its a true face meet palm moment when someone too young to even think of supporting a child decides they MUST pop out offspring immediately, but as ridiculous as it sounds, girls really do deliberately have children as young as early teens these days, so even while i was still in hs the hysteria had begun. That's why this site is awesome! lol
Re: thumbs upup"Hurray I'm registered!"thumbs upup(use this thread to introduce yourself)
August 21, 2011
I didnt' see this thread when I registered. I started my own welcome... so... I'll write here too in the official welcome thread.

I am CF, mid 50's, married 35 years to the same wonderful brat intollerent guy. I live in Maryland and am a Poodlemom. I have had poodles for 37 years. I currenly only have one...a little cream colored female named Amber.

I am basically retired.. but work in a as a volunteer in a charitable org. which keeps me pretty busy in the fall.

I am happy to find this forum to vent about brats and their handlers. I have been on other CF boards but this one seems like the best place to go if I have run ins with brats and bingo breeders. I am sure I will have lots to post about. I have enjoyed the reading.
"brats and their handlers."
That is awsome. welcome! smiling smiley

I've been lurking for a while (from here and work so you'll get 2 IP's on me, just in case). I figured I'd finally make myself legit. I've enjoyed the heck out of everything I've read even if some of it makes me want to make me put my head through the wall.

In the mean time, proud CFBC married woman. Husband has no desire what so ever to spawn thank goodness. We put up with our friend's kids but the rest of them can jump in a lake.

So yeah, thanks for letting me lurk!

:newb Hi guys!

Some of you may know me from TheChildfreeLife website. I like this board a lot too so I thought I'd join this one also. Because I'm on two childfree boards now, do I qualify as hardcore? :-)

I'm on the younger side - recently turned 24 - and am currently a graduate student. Always sort of knew I'd be childfree. Did a lot of babysitting in high school and made the formal decision to be CF when I was 20. Haven't looked back, and I love it!

"KaylaChrist" (pseudonym)
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