Guess what? Webster's dictionary has just announced what the new words for 2010 will be and "Diaper Need" is one of them!
Same discussion is going on at TCFL. Today I see this "lovely" post:

Kristina wrote:
After reading most of the posts, i am a little upset. We are one of those families who do find it difficult to afford formula and diapers for our little man. We did have a good savings account when we found out that we were expecting him; however, everything fell apart after that. I was placed on sick leave from work at 12 weeks pregnant and my husband was layed off due to the cutbacks. He did find work but it was a minimum wage job and difficult to keep up with my medical expences and our normal bills such as rent and food.
We moved into a cheaper apartment and sold off most of our stuff just to keep afloat. We dont have all of these fancy and expencive things that some of you assume we do. I think that it is offensive that you assume that there were things that we could have done differently to avoid this issue.
We wanted to use cloth diapers however as we live in a small community we need to travel 3 hours to the nearest city (and we have no car) to purchase them (which is not cheap) and then pay to use the laundry matt do clean them daily.
We are making it through at this point and looking for things to get better but we have to decide if we eat or keep our little man in diapers and fed. you can guess which one wins out, He does!

A. Why the hell are you on a childfree site?
B. If you have time to read the forums and respond, you have time to search and apply for a job so you can afford diapers and formula
C. If you have the internet to browse a childfree forum (all while not being childfree) you can go online and BUY cloth diapers.

Omigosh, I just came across this. :ViolinIf they are so desperate why don't they "potty whisper"?!?! Oh, I guess "The Man" will just leave the turds :BSin the darndest places if they let him do that!
Re: Huggies "Every little bottom" lament: 1 in 3 famblees can't afford diapers
December 06, 2010
mr. neptune
Guess what? Webster's dictionary has just announced what the new words for 2010 will be and "Diaper Need" is one of them!

I propose that we redefine this term. I suggest it be used to describe ridiculous begging requests, for 'needs' which could have been easily foreseen, and which aren't really necessary. It could also mean "sense of entitlement."

As in: "My sister has a serious case of diaper need. She told me I should give her my year-old laptop and buy myself a replacement, because hers broke and her plants are dying on Farmville. she needs it to search for work now that the youngest is in school."
Re: Huggies "Every little bottom" lament: 1 in 3 famblees can't afford diapers
December 06, 2010
Same discussion is going on at TCFL. Today I see this "lovely" post:

What a fucking moo. They always stand out, even if you ignore the content, simply because they cannot type a proper English sentence!

And, of course there's the pathetic whine about hurt breeder feelings. I hope she was roasted alive, but after the reports people have been bringing back of goings-on at TBL, it's clear there's no chance of that.
Break out the violins for Kristina. So she lost her job at 12 weeks because her pignancy was medically taxing. Hubs lost his job a short time later.

Perhaps this is the universe telling you that this is not the time to have babies.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Huggies "Every little bottom" lament: 1 in 3 famblees can't afford diapers
December 06, 2010
Break out the violins for Kristina. So she lost her job at 12 weeks because her pignancy was medically taxing. Hubs lost his job a short time later.

Perhaps this is the universe telling you that this is not the time to have babies.

12 weeks is still fine for an abortion, which is a heck of a lot cheaper than a baby. But of course I shouldn't say that, because it's offensive.

I think that it is offensive that you assume that there were things that we could have done differently to avoid this issue.

Ps. I loathe the use of the term 'little man.' Why is it that male children are whatever-the-opposite-of-infantalised-is, and adult women are often called 'girl'? A female who has reached menarche is a woman. A male who has not gone through puberty is a boy. Sheesh. Enough with the fucking sexism already.
I call this my little man:

ANd it may be wrong but if you can't afford a baby, abort. You can always have another when you actually have money.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Huggies "Every little bottom" lament: 1 in 3 famblees can't afford diapers
December 06, 2010
I call this my little man:

ANd it may be wrong but if you can't afford a baby, abort. You can always have another when you actually have money.

Adoption is also an option. And I have no problem whatsoever with your use of 'little man'.
Break out the violins for Kristina. :Violin
Perhaps this is the universe telling you that this is not the time to have babies.

Break out a horror movie violin music when I would suggest that if they live a rural area and can't get to a Planned parenthood clinic they can always (cue up the horror movie music:scr) - oh, I can not believe I am saying it - oh, what am I thinking...Abstain? Oh, I can't believe I said that awful R rated word!saying 'wtf'
Same discussion is going on at TCFL. Today I see this "lovely" post:

Kristina wrote:
After reading most of the posts, i am a little upset. We are one of those families who do find it difficult to afford formula and diapers for our little man. We did have a good savings account when we found out that we were expecting him; however, everything fell apart after that. I was placed on sick leave from work at 12 weeks pregnant and my husband was layed off due to the cutbacks. He did find work but it was a minimum wage job and difficult to keep up with my medical expences and our normal bills such as rent and food.
We moved into a cheaper apartment and sold off most of our stuff just to keep afloat. We dont have all of these fancy and expencive things that some of you assume we do. I think that it is offensive that you assume that there were things that we could have done differently to avoid this issue.
We wanted to use cloth diapers however as we live in a small community we need to travel 3 hours to the nearest city (and we have no car) to purchase them (which is not cheap) and then pay to use the laundry matt do clean them daily.
We are making it through at this point and looking for things to get better but we have to decide if we eat or keep our little man in diapers and fed. you can guess which one wins out, He does!

A. Why the hell are you on a childfree site?
B. If you have time to read the forums and respond, you have time to search and apply for a job so you can afford diapers and formula
C. If you have the internet to browse a childfree forum (all while not being childfree) you can go online and BUY cloth diapers.

To the ignorant, get a job or two, to afford your condom failure. Condoms are only 5 bucks, sometimes at gas stations, only 25 cents! Don't give me no bullshit of 'boohoo, woe is me' crap. Shit or get off the damn pot already. Can't help people who can't help themselves. BED.MADE.LIE.

lab mom
Hell, they were free in the bathrooms at Howl at the Moon in San Antonio!

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
"We wanted to use cloth diapers however as we live in a small community we need to travel 3 hours to the nearest city (and we have no car) to purchase them (which is not cheap) and then pay to use the laundry matt do clean them daily."

What's cheaper, a few cloth diapers that can be reused, or buying pack after pack of disposables?

You don't have to go the the "laundry matt." Heard of a sink?
Hell, they were free in the bathrooms at Howl at the Moon in San Antonio!

Thank you

"We wanted to use cloth diapers however as we live in a small community we need to travel 3 hours to the nearest city (and we have no car) to purchase them (which is not cheap) and then pay to use the laundry matt do clean them daily."

What's cheaper, a few cloth diapers that can be reused, or buying pack after pack of disposables?

You don't have to go the the "laundry matt." Heard of a sink?

This. Yeah, just more excuses from breeders, so they can sit on their ass and let everyone work for them and cater to their every whim.

lab mom
Re: Huggies "Every little bottom" lament: 1 in 3 famblees can't afford diapers
December 06, 2010
I call this my little man:
[ANd it may be wrong but if you can't afford a baby, abort. You can always have another when you actually have money.

That is a face deserving of many goggie treats!
I am NOT buying that this moo-cunt has to drive THREE HOURS to get to any city or town that has a store that sells diapers. Where does she live, in a remote Ukranian village? Even in rural areas like where I live diapers can be bought within a 30 minute drive in any given direction. Besides, in this day and age, WHO lives anywhere with a baybee that it takes THREE HOURS to get to civilization? If she is in such a remote area that the nearest store is THREE HOURS AWAY, where is the kyd gonna go to school? Why do impoverished breeders always NOT have cars or other reliable transportation, always live soooooooo far out that it takes a weeks pay to buy gas, and NOT stock up on necessities BEFORE they shit loaves?

NEVER have I seen so many hard luck stories where everything "goes wrong", through no fault of their own, after people spawn.They lose their jobs due to the economy, get tragic illnesses and can't work, their cars break down, they get evicted for NO REASON by mean landlords, their furniture gets repossessed by Rent A Center because they missed ONE payment, the bank messes up their accounts and take all of their money in overdraft fees, their credit gets ruined because they went over their limits due to the credit card companies overcharging them, their trailers get blown away in tornados(every year), their houses burn down, their power gets shut off, their friends steal their money, the social security administration is "holding their money" even though they are disabled, they got hurt on the job and worker's comp won't pay because somebody lied and said that they were drunk, they lost their license because of the 3 DUI's that they got because the cops were out to get them, on and on and on and on.eye rolling smiley

When I was a debt collector and they started up with their excuses, I'd just sit there and go, "UMM, mmm UMM, mmmmm," and type as I listened, "HLS(hard luck story), no money, no assets, no credit. no job, no insurance, 5 kyds, husband left, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"sleeping and one time I got a verbal reprimand from the home office mainly for the "HLS" and the zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Although my boss DID laugh when he gave me the "warning". bouncing and laughing His concern was that the file would wind up in court for a judge to see it and thought that it might not go over too well.shrug

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Kim, what did these people go into debt for? Plasma TVs? Oh, let me guess they ran up the MasterCard buying all those Pampers and Huggies. Probably not once would they think of using the Home Depot card and spending maybe 500 on the Admiral Washer and Dryer. Besides, why don't they get diapers when the have the "shower"?
Same discussion is going on at TCFL. Today I see this "lovely" post:

Kristina wrote:
After reading most of the posts, i am a little upset. We are one of those families who do find it difficult to afford formula and diapers for our little man. We did have a good savings account when we found out that we were expecting him; however, everything fell apart after that. I was placed on sick leave from work at 12 weeks pregnant and my husband was layed off due to the cutbacks. ...

If this post wasn't immediately flayed alive by the regulars, then I truly wonder about the purpose of TCFL.
Same discussion is going on at TCFL. Today I see this "lovely" post:

Kristina wrote:
After reading most of the posts, i am a little upset. We are one of those families who do find it difficult to afford formula and diapers for our little man. We did have a good savings account when we found out that we were expecting him; however, everything fell apart after that. I was placed on sick leave from work at 12 weeks pregnant and my husband was layed off due to the cutbacks. ...

If this post wasn't immediately flayed alive by the regulars, then I truly wonder about the purpose of TCFL.

eye rolling smiley

This. No body should hurt dey widdle peeewins..../sarcasm

lab mom
mr. neptune
Kim, what did these people go into debt for? Plasma TVs? Oh, let me guess they ran up the MasterCard buying all those Pampers and Huggies. Probably not once would they think of using the Home Depot card and spending maybe 500 on the Admiral Washer and Dryer. Besides, why don't they get diapers when the have the "shower"?

I collected debt from past due (like a year and longer) hospital debt after they had made no attempt to ever pay, not honor any arrangements that had been made with them, and in MANY cases they had medicaid but were too damned sorry to bring their cards with them at the time of service. Often they would NEVER even respond to the various hospitals' billing offices verbal or written attempts to simply BRING IN THE CARD so that it could be filed! I spent a great deal of my time filing Medicaid, which I didn't mind doing because I got commission, but it gave me a bird's eye view for the very first time at how welfare, medicaid, and welfare whores "work". Sometimes they would have run up a bill due to "multiple"accounts for their various kyds in the tens of thousands of dollars ranges. Often times too, they had to be "skip traced" because they had no permanent place of residence, no phone in their names(1986-87ish), and were difficult to locate, but I was VERY good at finding them in the nooks, crannies, and crevices of the hell in which they resided. I was good at it because I was able to think like them. Some may call that a gift and some may call it a curse!bouncing and laughing

However, in the process of attempting to collect the debt or file Medicaid, I'd have to gather financial information on them which was VERY telling indeed. MOST, if not all, had MASSIVE bad credit card debt, bad debt from pay by the week stores that sold over priced electronics and other luxury items, defaulted student loans, etc........Here they were on MEDICAID, living in government subsidized housing, on food stamps, etc........and they ALL had 3,4,5, PLUS kyds and not a baybee daddy in sight, yet they had somehow managed to pile up bad debt and were TOO LAZY to bring in a Medicaid card so some of it COULD be cleared up! They DO NOT CARE. Some had NEVER had a job of any type and 90%+ were currently unemployed. Whenever they did come into the office to sign a form, they looked like they had stepped out of a (cheap) fashion magazine with the acrylic nails, expensive hair weaves, flashy jewelry, and when applicable the fake tanning bed tans. OFTEN they drove up in TransAms, Camaros, and other sports cars too. So, THAT'S where they spent their money;ON THEMSELVES :sbx

This was my FIRST dose of welfare whore- Moo-ism at the age of about 25. That experience probably shaped my negative views about welfare whores and baybee daddys, but it proved out to be an accurate assessment. shrug

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
I am NOT buying that this moo-cunt has to drive THREE HOURS to get to any city or town that has a store that sells diapers. Where does she live, in a remote Ukranian village? Even in rural areas like where I live diapers can be bought within a 30 minute drive in any given direction. Besides, in this day and age, WHO lives anywhere with a baybee that it takes THREE HOURS to get to civilization? If she is in such a remote area that the nearest store is THREE HOURS AWAY, where is the kyd gonna go to school? Why do impoverished breeders always NOT have cars or other reliable transportation, always live soooooooo far out that it takes a weeks pay to buy gas, and NOT stock up on necessities BEFORE they shit loaves?

NEVER have I seen so many hard luck stories where everything "goes wrong", through no fault of their own, after people spawn.They lose their jobs due to the economy, get tragic illnesses and can't work, their cars break down, they get evicted for NO REASON by mean landlords, their furniture gets repossessed by Rent A Center because they missed ONE payment, the bank messes up their accounts and take all of their money in overdraft fees, their credit gets ruined because they went over their limits due to the credit card companies overcharging them, their trailers get blown away in tornados(every year), their houses burn down, their power gets shut off, their friends steal their money, the social security administration is "holding their money" even though they are disabled, they got hurt on the job and worker's comp won't pay because somebody lied and said that they were drunk, they lost their license because of the 3 DUI's that they got because the cops were out to get them, on and on and on and on.eye rolling smiley

And apparently she makes no connection between her supposed remote-from-civilization dwelling and her family's bleak job prospects. Though it would seem to me that if one were in a position to take delivery of donated diapers, unless said handouts arrive via sled-dog or possum-train or some such, that she also could just as readily take delivery of a set of cloth diapers ordered over the Internet. And surely in a rural location, those big white five-gallon buckets are ubiquitous -- two or three could serve as soaking and washing vessels, thus eliminating the need for a "lawndry-matt."

Or surely there is some kindly neighbor person who would let moo use her washer and dryer in exchange for four to six hours of house cleaning or yard work a week? Or some other creative way to keep the little man in non-begged items that parents at minimum should be able to provide if they choose to procreate. Of course that would necessitate the moo getting her ass up from behind the computer and actually out in the world looking for a way to solve her own problems instead of standing there with the rest of the shiftless, one pudgy paw on her laptop mouse, the other held out to us for more largesse.

It's not Diaper Need, it's Diaper Negligence.
I am NOT buying that this moo-cunt has to drive THREE HOURS to get to any city or town that has a store that sells diapers. Where does she live, in a remote Ukranian village? Even in rural areas like where I live diapers can be bought within a 30 minute drive in any given direction. Besides, in this day and age, WHO lives anywhere with a baybee that it takes THREE HOURS to get to civilization? If she is in such a remote area that the nearest store is THREE HOURS AWAY, where is the kyd gonna go to school? Why do impoverished breeders always NOT have cars or other reliable transportation, always live soooooooo far out that it takes a weeks pay to buy gas, and NOT stock up on necessities BEFORE they shit loaves?

NEVER have I seen so many hard luck stories where everything "goes wrong", through no fault of their own, after people spawn.They lose their jobs due to the economy, get tragic illnesses and can't work, their cars break down, they get evicted for NO REASON by mean landlords, their furniture gets repossessed by Rent A Center because they missed ONE payment, the bank messes up their accounts and take all of their money in overdraft fees, their credit gets ruined because they went over their limits due to the credit card companies overcharging them, their trailers get blown away in tornados(every year), their houses burn down, their power gets shut off, their friends steal their money, the social security administration is "holding their money" even though they are disabled, they got hurt on the job and worker's comp won't pay because somebody lied and said that they were drunk, they lost their license because of the 3 DUI's that they got because the cops were out to get them, on and on and on and on.eye rolling smiley

And apparently she makes no connection between her supposed remote-from-civilization dwelling and her family's bleak job prospects. Though it would seem to me that if one were in a position to take delivery of donated diapers, unless said handouts arrive via sled-dog or possum-train or some such, that she also could just as readily take delivery of a set of cloth diapers ordered over the Internet. And surely in a rural location, those big white five-gallon buckets are ubiquitous -- two or three could serve as soaking and washing vessels, thus eliminating the need for a "lawndry-matt."

Or surely there is some kindly neighbor person who would let moo use her washer and dryer in exchange for four to six hours of house cleaning or yard work a week? Or some other creative way to keep the little man in non-begged items that parents at minimum should be able to provide if they choose to procreate. Of course that would necessitate the moo getting her ass up from behind the computer and actually out in the world looking for a way to solve her own problems instead of standing there with the rest of the shiftless, one pudgy paw on her laptop mouse, the other held out to us for more largesse.

It's not Diaper Need, it's Diaper Negligence.

waving hellolarious "possum train"

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!

It's not Diaper Need, it's Diaper Negligence.

Thank you Very well put.

lab mom

waving hellolarious "possum train"

I thought you would like that, Kim -- LOL
This is BULLSHIT! The Wolf can't find a job out here...anyone gonna give her one? Didn't think so. Breeders can't afford diapers? How about using some goddamn birth control? Having brats is a CHOICE. Now you expect everyone to cry because you can't have diapers? Cut down on some of the luxuries...use Internet at library (get a fucking babysitter so your loaf or brat doesn't ruin the experience for everyone else, BTW) without cable...we watch old DVDs and stuff I taped off cable when we had's called economising, breeders...we're pretty much all having to do that.
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