Those immature childless women
December 06, 2010

Chelsea Handler gives Angelina Jolie a well deserved verbal beatdown and here is one of the comments in response to the video.

Why do single, childless, late-30s+ women always act this immaturely?

First, Chelsea is CF not CL but I wouldn't expect this moron to know the difference. Second, people have a problem with Chelsea talking about her parties and vacations with her friends and if the friend is Jen Aniston, it's a REAL problem. You know, those immature women should just stop the nonsense and breed.
Re: Those immature childless women
December 06, 2010
Another comment:

i agree w/another post on here, CH doing this, makes it look as if Aniston isn't over it yet. MOVE ON WOMAN! it's over, they're happy, try to find someone else. five/six years are too long to still be mourning over some guy, and your baby making years are drying up, if they're not gone already.

But does Jen even want a baby?

I'll never understand why people still give a shit about the Brad/Jen breakup. They each got what they wanted out of it: he got to be with a chick who wanted kids and she gets to not have kids all the while making crappy rom/com after crappy rom/com. They're happy so WHO CARES?!?!?!?

Awh, who am I kidding? I don't give a fuck about any of these people. (Although I can still get miffed at how women without babies are treated.) Or, as one poster said, on the subject of how vicious women can be:

As far as female loyalty goes, here's something for ya. One of my closest (former) friends accused me of being jealous I don't have kids -- I'm single and have NEVER wanted kids. That's the end with that bitch, fuck her. And this is coming from a fucking 55-year old women -- you'd think she's old enough to know how to handle things, huh?
Re: Those immature childless women
December 06, 2010
Heard is it well deserved? None of us were privy to whether there was cheating going on, and Jen filed for divorce before this. Calling Angelina a homewrecking cunt is more a description of Chelsea who has apparently fucked everyone in Hollyweird and then some and her BFF Jenny McCarthy (who stole someone else's man, but that is okay cuz we b BFFs). I thought she was funny long ago, now she is played out.

And she is making her friend Jen look even more pathetic because six years later she appears stuck on Brad and crying in her margaritas over him (who, if anyone was a homewrecker, would be such.) I disregarded much as tabloid BS, but since Chelsea and Jen were in Cabo together, it makes it look like Jen is pathetically hung up on the ex six years later.

I am someone with very few girlfriends, because many women will stab you in the back in a heartbeat (and I worked in a predominantly male field.) SO am I not normal? Chelsea is acting like an 11th grader with access to daddy's liquor cabinet...and she happens to be CF but does not represent me.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Those immature childless women
December 06, 2010
I just think there is something wrong with Jolie and the way she parades that brood around like some Mother Teresa earth goddess. Like Kathy Griffin (another immature CFer?) Handler calls them as she sees them. Why the hell would Jen want Brad back anyway - like I'd want some ex that would go off and immediately be a duh to fifty kids.
Re: Those immature childless women
December 06, 2010
Why not? Jen knew Brad wanted kids from the git-go...if you are truly CF, you don't marry this. She did and lied to him, hoping to cash in on being Mrs Pitt. Then there is John Mayer (a complete attention whore himself), who basically called Jen desperate, clingy and a dead lay and she still went back to him for more. I have seen more pics of Jen naked or in a bikini this year than I have of AJ parading the kids around.

If anything, she is the real attention whore. But she is Chelsea's drinking buddy now so you won't hear that unless she pisses CH off. (I don't think Kathy is that funny anymore either...seems wit is sorely lacking in today's brand of comedy. Many of the men are totally lacking in that department as well.)

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Re: Those immature childless women
December 06, 2010
Why not? Jen knew Brad wanted kids from the git-go...if you are truly CF, you don't marry this. She did and lied to him, hoping to cash in on being Mrs Pitt. Then there is John Mayer (a complete attention whore himself), who basically called Jen desperate, clingy and a dead lay and she still went back to him for more. I have seen more pics of Jen naked or in a bikini this year than I have of AJ parading the kids around.

If anything, she is the real attention whore. But she is Chelsea's drinking buddy now so you won't hear that unless she pisses CH off. (I don't think Kathy is that funny anymore either...seems wit is sorely lacking in today's brand of comedy. Many of the men are totally lacking in that department as well.)

I don't know about any of the gossip stuff but if she lied to Pitt to marry him, she is pretty stupid, as well as cruel.

Mostly I was disgusted by the comment- Why do single, childless, late-30s+ women always act this immaturely? as if that has anything to do with it. And what about single "childless" men? :drkbddy
Re: Those immature childless women
December 06, 2010
I can and WILL act in an immature way if I damned well please, TYVM!angrily flogging with a whip

Unlike a broodmare, I don't have any fugly ducklings to worry about imitating me, although I consider MY life and actions to be better for most kids to imitate than the life of their worthless moo! Which big fat pot is it exactly who is calling the little kettle black anyway? How "mature" is it to want to be lavished with parties, praise, festivities, and attention JUST for shitting a loaf like most ANY female mammal can do? How mature is it to DEMAND to be the center of attention and when that isn't happening, to pout and whine until everyone gives in? How mature is it to piss and moan that you never get a day off, when you sit on you ass all day long while the husband works his ass off? How mature is it to moo and low unless each and every single clot that you've ever passed and flushed gets mourned by society at large? How mature is it to DEMAND that everyone come to YOUR house for the holidays so you won't have to get the kids up and dressed, regardless that everyone ELSE might want to spend the holidays at their own house? ETC...............................confused smiley

These immature and OH SO SELFISH moos never cease to amaze me!bouncing and laughing

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Those immature childless women
December 06, 2010
I can and WILL act in an immature way if I damned well please, TYVM!angrily flogging with a whip

Unlike a broodmare, I don't have any fugly ducklings to worry about imitating me, although I consider MY life and actions to be better for most kids to imitate than the life of their worthless moo! Which big fat pot is it exactly who is calling the little kettle black anyway? How "mature" is it to want to be lavished with parties, praise, festivities, and attention JUST for shitting a loaf like most ANY female mammal can do? How mature is it to DEMAND to be the center of attention and when that isn't happening, to pout and whine until everyone gives in? How mature is it to piss and moan that you never get a day off, when you sit on you ass all day long while the husband works his ass off? How mature is it to moo and low unless each and every single clot that you've ever passed and flushed gets mourned by society at large? How mature is it to DEMAND that everyone come to YOUR house for the holidays so you won't have to get the kids up and dressed, regardless that everyone ELSE might want to spend the holidays at their own house? ETC...............................confused smiley

These immature and OH SO SELFISH moos never cease to amaze me!bouncing and laughing

This. I couldn't agree more.

lab mom
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