Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
This page has creepy tattoos moos and duhds (and grandparunts) get to worship their spayshel snowflaykes and desexualize themselves.

The comments are the best.

This page is awesome, it gave me a ton of ideas. I have two little ones and am looking for something perfect to idolize them. Thank you!

I had my placenta printed to look like the tree of life. I plan to turn it into a tattoo someday soon.
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
"Mother is God in the eyes of a child.

There is perhaps no greater love that exists in the world than the love shared between mother and child. How often have we heard that love isn't logical, that it bends not to reason or rationalization? Love isn't brains--it's blood. When two people commune with their bodies to create a child, they are doing something that can never again be replicated in quite the same way. The exact combination of color and skin is unique only to the child you bear. Once formed, the mother carries her child around inside her for nine months, providing food and shelter, nourishing, growing, helping, loving. And when the baby emerges healthy, wailing at the top of his lungs as he takes his first breath and he and his mother meet eye to eye for the first time, there is a connection formed in that instant that can never be broken.

I have seen people turn their lives around for the sake of a child. I have seen teenagers who were mere children themselves instantly become adults when pregnancy occurred, unplanned, while they were still in high school. I have seen women take the high road time and time again, choosing to give up their previous plans and rewrite the script of their life when a baby comes along. My own mother became pregnant with me when she was eighteen-years old, just about to graduate high school. She was unmarried and not engaged at the time, and though her boyfriend pushed for abortion, saying he'd stay with her if she did, she gathered up inner resources she didn't even know she had and pushed him right out the door. She raised me on her own with the help of my grandparents, and because of this the bond that we share is unbreakable.

Is it any wonder that "Mom" tattoos are so popular? What better way to artistically honor the woman who gave you life? Likewise, it is common for parents, mothers and fathers alike, to celebrate the birth of their children by inking their baby's name or birth date some place on their skin. There will always be the traditional name tattoos, which are beautiful in and of themselves. But parents are constantly coming up with more and more unique methods of devoting a section of skin to the children they created. Here are some of the many ways of doing so."

saying 'wtf'

I was going to highlight the ridiculous parts and make my usual commentary, but the WHOLE damed thing is unbelievably ridiculous.

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
Oh and I think that the first line of it, "Mother is God in the eyes of a child", is pretty telling and explains a lot in regards to moo-cunt philosophy.moo with baybeem

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If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
Now single cf know who to avoid if single moo and duh are covered with their chyld's name/picture. (As long as it is obvious).

I agree, that the idea is just absurd.

lab mom
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011

This page is awesome, it gave me a ton of ideas. I have two little ones and am looking for something perfect to idolize them. Thank you! Idolize them? WTF?

I had my placenta printed to look like the tree of life. I plan to turn it into a tattoo someday soon. And what the hell is this all about?

It's your hell; you rot in it!
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
Sorry- Can NOT look. Just ate. Besides I look enough like my mom that it would be weird.
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
The ones which consist of drawings the children made look unbelievably awful. I doubt the child is going to want to remember her or his childish drawings in that way, once s/he is a teenager.
Anonymous User
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011

Mother is God in the eyes of a child.

In that case, it's amazing the number of times "God" has often looked away while children climbed over fences and fallen into scorching, geothermally heated pools. Or tucked a child under a train station platform to avoid paying the fare only to have the child nearly killed by an imcoming train. Or threw a child into a microwave. Or left a child at home with an alcoholic, abusive, drug-addicted piece of shit man.
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011

. I have seen women take the high road time and time again, choosing to give up their previous plans and rewrite the script of their life when a baby comes along.

Yeah, or maybe they left them in the car or drowned them in the bathtub.

If the kyds were lucky, maybe they got to live, but their mothers told them they could have been X, Y or Z if they hadn't had kids. Or that their kids owed the mothers X, Y or Z because they stayed home with them when they were little. (My mom said all these things to me and my siblings, but BC was not reliable and a 1950's woman who got married really didn't have many other choices.) I can understand her frustration, but not these bitches of today. BC is available, but they are just stupid.
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
Some of those tattoos are so freakin trashy. Like the tramp stamps? TRASHY. I have a tramp stamp, but you know what? It's not a typical one. So, I don't think it looks trashy. But the butterfly and tribal with your kids names? I think it looks trashy.

What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine

"I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put them in my vibrator"
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
Rose Red

Awwwwwwww thanks! The date is the day I was certified as an EMT and the Normal Sinus Rhythm is MY heart beat. smiling smiley I got the V-tach out of my text book. It's by far my favorite tattoo. winking smiley

What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine

"I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put them in my vibrator"
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
the kanji actually sez "beef barbecue ribs with pork fried rice"

hellhammer of mayhem has his daughter's name on his arm
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
I love originals like that, Amy! A tat that actually makes sense and commemorates something SIGNIFICANT that has nothing to do with shitting out a replica! Very nice...

That whole written blurb is so full of the typical bingos. Look at how these people worship themselves and their DNA! I love looking at There are so many fucked up baybee portrait tats on there, as well as just plain 'ol fucked up portraits! I love looking at the site and thinking, WHY? WHYYYY???
Anonymous User
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
"She raised me on her own with the help of my grandparents,"

Thought we wouldn't notice that? You meant to say that your careless slut of a mother pawned you off on her parents.
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
I have no tattoos. I try not to judge others.

If that's what you want - more power to you.

However - I can judge on "tackiness" - most of these abominations were either way over done or way underdone as if done at home or in county lockup.

I can maybe understand the idea of having a tattoo for your child - and I DID LIKE the one that was 3 simple hearts which said - erg - already forgot the kids' names - "Dan, Tiff, and....The Other One". Anyway, I thought - that one was nice. Not my particular taste, but, if the person did have the idea and it meant something to them - that one did seem a bit nicer and low key.

The other ones, most of them, look like prison jobs done with a modified Bic pen. Excepting, of course, the big epic 'artistic' canvases of the photo realism of tattoos.

That - well - however they are doing this - it *looks* good - but IMO - it is also - WAAAAAAY too much. Way overdone. Akin to building a shrine to a dead person in your home. Creepy, somehow.

I recently saw - a middle aged woman - who had *the entire cast* - of "Twilight" tattooed on her back! I have to try to find this pic, - or has someone else seen it? I am bad with pix and loading them - I will try to find it, or a link or something.
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
just a little factoid these child worshippers are not considering-tattoos don't look like that forever, you know. i know the inks and needles are different, but don't the ink eventually spread out, fade and get all distorted after a while?
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
Well, I wish them well trying to get those tats removed when the kid stars on "Intervention," or joins Al Qaeda, or otherwise makes everyone proud.
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011

I recently saw - a middle aged woman - who had *the entire cast* - of "Twilight" tattooed on her back! I have to try to find this pic, - or has someone else seen it? I am bad with pix and loading them - I will try to find it, or a link or something.

There are actually many of them at the site I mentioned above,, along with many other hideous messes that people have decided to mar their bodies with.
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 09, 2011
Some of those tattoos are so freakin trashy. Like the tramp stamps? TRASHY. I have a tramp stamp, but you know what? It's not a typical one. So, I don't think it looks trashy. But the butterfly and tribal with your kids names? I think it looks trashy.

Alright I like it from the EMS perspective. But I'm also a a dude and am perv ing over it waving hellolarious
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 10, 2011
Well, I wish them well trying to get those tats removed when the kid stars on "Intervention," or joins Al Qaeda, or otherwise makes everyone proud.

waving hellolarious thumbs upup

What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine

"I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put them in my vibrator"
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 10, 2011
"There is perhaps no greater love that exists in the world than the love shared between mother and child. How often have we heard that love isn't logical, that it bends not to reason or rationalization? Love isn't brains--it's blood. When two people commune with their bodies to create a child, they are doing something that can never again be replicated in quite the same way. The exact combination of color and skin is unique only to the child you bear. Once formed, the mother carries her child around inside her for nine months, providing food and shelter, nourishing, growing, helping, loving. And when the baby emerges healthy, wailing at the top of his lungs as he takes his first breath and he and his mother meet eye to eye for the first time, there is a connection formed in that instant that can never be broken."

Sounds like a FUCKING fairy tale turned incestuous, too! two faces puking (And to think, Prince Charming HELPED create a new "lover" for the moo so he would be cheated on and kicked aside, too!)
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 10, 2011
I've now been teaching long enough to have had many of the offspring of the teen moos who were my students when I first started. Judging from the behavior of these kids, their teenage mothers did NOT "turn their lives around" for the sake of the baby! Most of them ended up growing up in very dysfunctional homes with mothers who were more like pals than mothers, if they were around at all. These kids have all the regular teen woes, plus a cartload more because of their shitty home life. If they are at all lucky, the grandparents stepped in and ended up doing most of the child-raising, while moo-daughter was off raising Hell. But that's okay, because teen mom got a big tat with the kid's name at the bottom, to show her "love for her child" Yeah...right!
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 10, 2011
I've now been teaching long enough to have had many of the offspring of the teen moos who were my students when I first started. Judging from the behavior of these kids, their teenage mothers did NOT "turn their lives around" for the sake of the baby! Most of them ended up growing up in very dysfunctional homes with mothers who were more like pals than mothers, if they were around at all. These kids have all the regular teen woes, plus a cartload more because of their shitty home life. If they are at all lucky, the grandparents stepped in and ended up doing most of the child-raising, while moo-daughter was off raising Hell. But that's okay, because teen mom got a big tat with the kid's name at the bottom, to show her "love for her child" Yeah...right!

Are you thinking of Amber Portwood? 'Coz I'm thinking of Amber Portwood--lost custody of her child and then got an awful tat of the girl on her side. Sometimes you don't even have to wait 20 years to see the regret kick in, either.
Anonymous User
Re: Tattoos - extreme chyld worship
January 10, 2011
just a little factoid these child worshippers are not considering-tattoos don't look like that forever, you know. i know the inks and needles are different, but don't the ink eventually spread out, fade and get all distorted after a while?

If they're taken care of, tattoos should stay looking reasonably good. My oldest tattoo will be 16 years old this year. The ink has spread a little, but it wasn't done by the best artist to begin with. It is still clear though.

I doubt these moos will be particularly bothered about taking proper care of their ink. Half of them pay the barest amount of attention to hygiene, caring for their tattoo probably won't be a high priority.
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