Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
Thought I'd see what the Smothers are doing to their mistakes this week. I decided to categorize them a little so they're easier to read (this got longer than I thought).


spanking with a whip on the ass- Kid tries to discipline Moo and Duh because he thinks his parents are his BFFs and he actually rules the roost. Moo doesn't know what to do because she's a jelly-spine.

confused smiley Believe it or not, this woman sounds like she did good. Kid did bad, lied about it, and Moo sent her to her room where Bratlina proceeded to scream and cry and whine. Other GD Moos say things like the OP is expecting her child to feel too much remorse and how sending the kid to her room was unnecessary. Gods, the didn't beat the kid and now they bitch because she didn't sit down and discuss shit with the brat and then give her hugs for 45 minutes. What sorry excuses for humans.

angrily flogging with a whip Masochist kid punishes himself when he does wrong (sounds like he might be retarded). But he's not GD to himself, so it's an issue.

waving hellolarious Broke-ass Moo and Duh (smokers, Duh has asthma he is hospitalized for) are doing TMIJITW. While busy screaming at hospital people regarding her husband and having a broken foot, she picks up her one-year-old and throws her - aimed for the couch, but misfired and threw the kid on the floor. Moo claims she is a laid back person and has decided to starve and not get her foot fixed to punish herself. Sounds like a fabulous famblee.


smile rolling left righteyes2 Moomies who think of cute comebacks when people question their co-sleeping horse shit. OP is an ass-sittin' house monster (SAHM) who co-sleeps with two bratlings. But I notice there's no may-unn in the picture, so either he's been exiled to the couch, he left her ass, or he was a one-night stand.

Single Moos and Their Exceptional Baybee-Daddies

hot smiley Duh is either stupid, or attempted a l'il sizzling in the house. Stuck toadler in a hot room (only like 86 degrees) and sent him back in when he tried to come out. Kid got heat rash (is there such a thing?) Moo bitches that her ex is "abusive, narcisisistic, [and] unemmotional," but sends her kids to spend time with him. I think he's trying to tell her something along the lines of, "Keep those brats the hell away from me!" Note to Duh: Takes more than 86 degrees to roast a kid.

:Violin Couple women who threw themselves at hot young thangs who turned out to be narcissistic assholes. OP wants to write a book about abusive men now. Of course she didn't realize what a dickbag he was until she bred with him.

sad smiley Daughter of unknown age was raped by her stellar father and his girlfriend. But remember, folks...WE are the mean selfish ones and parents can do no wrong. Having no kids is far worse than being a child rapist.

:sx Dumb bitch bangs two guys around the same time and asks the Smothers who they think the baybee-daddy is (so she can most likely hit his ass up for kyd support). This is the kind of shit I've read on teen inpig sites - usually these cows know where loaves come from.

popcorn and jerry springer signjerry Moo no likey that her guy ran off while she was in pig, is marrying his side dish and that he lost his job, so less child support $$$ for her to live off. Good times. SideDish was also in the room while Moo was calving, most likely so Duh could rub his new rack in his ex's face. "Hey, I left your fat ass for this woman because she's not knocked up! Lawl!"


the world 'fail' on flames Anti-vax Moos don't take their kids for regular checkups/physicals because they don't want to be questioned as far as why their kids aren't vaccinated.

:crz Oh, that silly doctor BIL with his CDC vaccine info - he doesn't know what he's talking about because he's not a Mawwwwwm! What's he know about vaccinating children?

saying 'wtf' Even more anti-surviving-to-adulthood shit...Moos discuss the top three reasons they do not vaccinate. Reasons include "God will protect them" , "Holism is better" , "We eat organic and vaccines don't fit our lifestyle" and, "I don't trust medicine." Give me strength.

Stunt Birfin' and Tards

:baybie1 Moo is butt-hurt because her home birth was ruined due to her bleeding out. Boo hoo, I missed holding my new loaf for two whole hours because I almost died! Woe is me!

:drool Moo talks about her home-birfin' and her "surprise baby" - I think she means she got no pre-natal care in order to be an uber-crunchy Moo. Her loaf was also born with Down's Syndrome. Good job, dumbass. Enjoy your little tard for the next 80 years.
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
The stupid moo bitch who threw her kid on the floor needs anger management or better yet CPS on her sorry ass, not all of this stupid fucking *hugs* shit from her fellow moos. Bitch is a child abuser and should be charged as one. Fuck breaking her foot, I'd break her goddamned leg if I could find her or maybe her neck. Her kid didn't ask to be born. If she can't parent without slamming the kid to the fucking floor like a pro wrestler, maybe she should give the kid up for adoption. Stupid moo cunt is going to cause the poor kid years of damage and the kid will be seeing a therapist for a long time. There should really be a way to make fuck up parents pay for therapy for the damage they cause.

I don't know if I'd have the patience to raise a kid properly. Sure as hell don't want to repeat my own mother's mistakes, which is one of the reasons I decided to be CF. I have no sympathy for this woman. If she knows she has anger issues, WTF is doing having kids?!!! Fucking waste of life, I hope she kills herself.
Anonymous User
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
The stupid moo bitch who threw her kid on the floor needs anger management or better yet CPS on her sorry ass, not all of this stupid fucking *hugs* shit from her fellow moos. Bitch is a child abuser and should be charged as one. Fuck breaking her foot, I'd break her goddamned leg if I could find her or maybe her neck. Her kid didn't ask to be born. If she can't parent without slamming the kid to the fucking floor like a pro wrestler, maybe she should give the kid up for adoption. Stupid moo cunt is going to cause the poor kid years of damage and the kid will be seeing a therapist for a long time. There should really be a way to make fuck up parents pay for therapy for the damage they cause.

I don't know if I'd have the patience to raise a kid properly. Sure as hell don't want to repeat my own mother's mistakes, which is one of the reasons I decided to be CF. I have no sympathy for this woman. If she knows she has anger issues, WTF is doing having kids?!!! Fucking waste of life, I hope she kills herself.

This. Women like that bitch moo who throw their kids around like toys are why we seriously need to have parenting licenses.
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
Haha Cambi - I love your Smothering shit....I like to post shit from there too but I can always count on you to find the best of the best. smiling smiley
Anonymous User
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
Love the story with the home birth and the son with possible downs and how she gave birth outside in a tub.

My only hope is that she lives in the middle of a woods with no neighbors in sight but for some reason I am betting she lives in a crowded subdivision somewhere.

Can you imagine the horror of going out on your back porch for a cuppa coffee and seeing that sight?

Also was surprised to learn she was an L and D nurse...most nurses I know would never attempt a home birth.
I was stunned to read where one lying dumb whore suggests the OP just lie to her family about her kids being vaccinated so they can visit a newly hatched loaf. Some responsible, educated parents actually don't want their children around unvaccinated feral brats. Apparently this self centered bitch doesn't think it's important that they have that choice, just so long as the unvaxing bitch Moomie gets to do what she wants that's all that matters I guess.

And we're the selfish ones? I guess the answer is to do what we already know needs to be done; consider all mothers potentially, lying, self centered, self serving, manipulative whores and not believe a single fart that comes out of their mouths.

The selfishness is absolutely breathtaking.
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
Having read through those posts all I can say is wow. Reproducing really does seem like and endless chain of clusterfucks, one after another, after another, after another. It blows my mind that people willingly submit themselves to all of that. Good lord I am glad that's not my life.

The "no vax" stuff is patently insane and bothers me more than most parent and kid related stuff. "God will protect them" ? waving hellolarious God kills millions of kids every year, assholes. And holistic anything is a complete crock of shit as well; this has been proven time and again.

The co-sleeping stuff is just bizarre. I mean... I hate kids, I really do, but with some effort I guess I can bend my mind just enough to maybe understand why a parent might love their kid - at least AFTER looking beyond all the screaming, shitting, breaking things, mess-making, defiance of authority, etc. But wanting them to sleep in your bed? The bed you FUCK and probably got knocked up in? Don't parents need a break after putting up with the aforementioned shit all day long? How do you fuck when little Loafer is right there and in the way? I honestly think these co-sleepers are closet pedos who get some kind of sexual gratification out of sleeping with their brats in the same bed. The parents need to put the loaf in its own room STAT so it doesn't develop abnormal attachment issues. Then they need to fuck (with birth control) so that their inevitable divorce is maybe put off by a few extra months.

Most of the disciplinary issues are simply ridiculous and silly. Just beat the kid's ass if it misbehaves and toss it in its room to cry it off. The self-punishing kid is an interesting case. Honestly, my first thought is to just yell at it and beat its ass for essentially beating its own ass. But if you were to beat that kid's ass, the kid would likely beat its own ass for getting its ass beat, which would require you to beat the kid's ass even more. Which of course would spur the kid on to continue beating its own ass and you can see where this is going. Instead of bothering with that chain reaction they should probably just put that brat in a straight jacket and pack it off to the looney bin because it clearly has no chance in hell.
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
Love the story with the home birth and the son with possible downs and how she gave birth outside in a tub.

My only hope is that she lives in the middle of a woods with no neighbors in sight but for some reason I am betting she lives in a crowded subdivision somewhere.

Can you imagine the horror of going out on your back porch for a cuppa coffee and seeing that sight?

Also was surprised to learn she was an L and D nurse...most nurses I know would never attempt a home birth.

I just read this one - and - your idea of seeing it happening outside made me wonder about those laws where people can be fined or imprisoned for *not* coming to the aid of a sick, injured, being attacked person.

I do not know how prevalent these laws are, or what they entail - but the fear of one even existing in my area would have me calling the authorities.

Yeah, that would really put the kibosh on their slip n slide fun - but - I'm all about CYA.

Another thought from this thread, re - the following quote -
Kiddie Pool Kow
The big surprise was that instantly when I met him I knew he had Down Syndrome. Im scared to watch the birth video because in the shock of it I'm afraid of what free thoughts might have floated out of my mouth.

Yeah like maybe - Oh FUCK! it's a TARD!

Thanks for the reading material, Cambion! thumbs upwink thumbs upwink thumbs upwink
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
re: baby daddy drama, she can't figure out that the guy who came inside her is the one who's likely the dad (the other one didn't come inside of her), but she'd need a DNA test to confirm 100%? She needs people from an internet board to tell her? I feel bad for the kid, she's too stupid to be let out in public, let alone be responsible for another human being. And no, having sex with 2 different guys wasn't necessarily the dumbest thing she did, having sex without contraception if she didn't want to be pregnant was.

As for the anti-vax crowd, anyone see the PSA with the grieving mother deciding to put her dead son's toothbrush away? It turns out he died of some preventable disease and ends by urging parents to get their kids vaccinated.

Shit, the anti-vax people are stupid. I remember my parents telling me what life was like before the polio vaccine. If a kid in the neighborhood got it, everyone pretty much stayed inside and avoided public places so they wouldn't catch it. No pool in the summer, no movie theatre, etc.

One woman I know who had measles before there was a vaccine for it had her eyesight severely damaged by it. She also thinks it made her infertile (I know, not a problem for us, but she wanted kids & eventually adopted).

Why anyone would willingly choose to bring that back is beyond me.
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
Moos fail to understand that anything that can be vaccinated against has the potential to kill a child. And with so many micro-preemies and kids marinated in hand sanitizer who have no immune system, I think it's highly possible that many could die from such preventable diseases. You have to really not love your children to be able to say, "I refuse to have them receive potentially life-saving medicine because I want to be a crunchy, rebellious anti-vaxer/I hate medicine/God is our family's vaccine/etc." These Moos have never seen the effects of things like polio, measles, rubella, and so on, so they think vaccines are nothing but poison being injected into their pweshuses with the sole intent to harm them.

I wonder what would happen if a Moo had a normal kid and a weakling, both unvaxed. Normal kid gets disease that was otherwise controlled by vaccine, give it to the weakling, and the weakling dies. Does Moo resent the normal kid for killing the weakling, or does she chalk it up to Gawd's will? She sure as fuck won't blame herself.

It's fun to see how many topics are there about Moos trying to "convert" their husbands/baybee-dadies to the ways of gentle discipline. Usually the Duhs have more of a spine and will tell a kid "no" or slap them, and then Moos wonder why the kids listen to Duh more than her. One woman on there (who I did not post about) wanted to school her husband in the art of GD because he would tell their kid, "no." Shit you not, he didn't even spank the kid...just would tell her "don't do that" or "we can't do that right now" and that was not gentle enough. Christwagons.
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
These Moos have never seen the effects of things like polio, measles, rubella, and so on, so they think vaccines are nothing but poison being injected into their pweshuses with the sole intent to harm them.

I think you're exactly right on that. Even as an adult, I hate needles to the point where I will get lightheaded and feel hot/cold if I see one going in. So you can imagine what a brat I was when I had to get shots as a kid. My parents basically told me to STFU and be grateful I could walk, see, etc. And then they'd tell me about polio and other diseases. I think they even once found a photo of a kid in an iron lung and told me to be grateful we had vaccines against polio and other diseases.

The current generations of parents haven't, for the most part, seen the effects of these diseases first hand. So they have no idea of how bad the diseases themselves are compared to vaccines.
Anonymous User
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
My Duhd was a nut to be sure, but I learned about Dr. Jonas Salk at an early age from him. My parents were born in '54 and '50 so they were sure as fuck fortunate to miss the polio epidemic, but measles and other shit like that still was running 'round. They were vaxed with the early shit and promptly got us vaxed whenever the pediatrician or school ordered us to. Now they can't do that, it's like opting out on vaccines is congruous to conscientious objector status during Vietnam. The only thing I have to steer clear of is pertussis, bro has no problems with any meds (so far), and Mom just found out Avelox is a no-go (but other types of penicillin and antibiotics are cool). I fail to see the logic in their actions, it's like they want to attention-whore to the max when their kid gets sick or dies. Or is normalcy too monotonous for these fuckwads? Can somebody help me?
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
I also wonder too if all the IVF, etc. has something to do with "vaccine reactions". I don't remember people having them in the 1960s and 1970s when I had most of my vaccinations. But to be fair, we were vaccinated against less stuff back then. There was no chicken pox vaccine when I was a kid and mumps vaccine was still kind of new/optional when I got the mumps.
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
Just read this one ~

Masochist kid punishes himself when he does wrong (sounds like he might be retarded). But he's not GD to himself, so it's an issue.

While I punished myself by eating 2 tacos from Burger King. 2 for 99 cents.

Yeah. That might've been a mistake.

The kid is effed up and way too hard on himself. He had to pick that up, somewhere. Moo might keep the discipline gentle, but it sounds like she loads on the guilt pretty good. IMO the kid did not 'take it upon himself' to be this way.

It reminded me of something I heard once too, which might be an "Urban Legend". So, as the story goes - there was this kid who's mother had alot of antiques and the kid was not to touch them. She threatened him with chopping off his penis if he ever broke anything. So then this kid broke a plate or something, and he knew he was in big trouble - so he decided to *cut off his own penis" to punish himself, and then bled to death.

Just reminded of that story.

These BK tacos conjured up some grisly visions as well! doh face
Ima hafta break out the bi-carb.

I wasn't intending to punish myself either. Just lazy. BK right next to liquor store grinning smiley
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
I also wonder too if all the IVF, etc. has something to do with "vaccine reactions". I don't remember people having them in the 1960s and 1970s when I had most of my vaccinations. But to be fair, we were vaccinated against less stuff back then. There was no chicken pox vaccine when I was a kid and mumps vaccine was still kind of new/optional when I got the mumps.

No, it's all the fucking molly-coddling and marinating the kids in hand sanitizer. The body doesn't know what the hell to do when a foreign substance enters so it goes haywire.

Moo on Smothering
I'm so sorry.
Here's what I don't understand--how could ANY woman be with a man who is still with someone else AND has kids? If I REALLY had to--I guess I could understand how a girl could date a married guy with NO kids--but WITH kids?
OR PREGNANT????? Is there NO level of guilt or shame that is associated with the behavior of people today???? How does a person sleep at night KNOWING that the pregnant wife is home alone??? That there is a BABY on the way??? Is there NO humanity any more???? Please help me to understand the level of just PURE evil that this takes. On BOTH their parts. Really.

May there be a hurricane worse than Katrina on their "holy" (or should I say HOLEY) day.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm.....If I had an SO as bat shit crazy as some of these moos/duhs, I can kinda understand. Most likely duhdy didn't tell SideDish he was married/had an in-pig GF/wife. Happens all the time.

What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

I don't want people who want to dance, I want people who have to dance. ~George Balanchine

"I took the batteries out of my biological clock and put them in my vibrator"
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
marco polo
The self-punishing kid is an interesting case. Honestly, my first thought is to just yell at it and beat its ass for essentially beating its own ass. But if you were to beat that kid's ass, the kid would likely beat its own ass for getting its ass beat, which would require you to beat the kid's ass even more. Which of course would spur the kid on to continue beating its own ass and you can see where this is going. Instead of bothering with that chain reaction they should probably just put that brat in a straight jacket and pack it off to the looney bin because it clearly has no chance in hell.

Am I a bad person for laughing at that? waving hellolarious

Also, here's a very telling sentence from the home-birther: "He was able to give us our homebirth experience which is priceless and I'm glad that he was able to be part of the process."

That's the BABY she's talking about. Who seems to be just a peripheral part of Mommy's precious home birth.
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
When Duhs cheat on their wives, usually they will do one of two things...keep Wifey McCow and the snookumses a total secret, or he'll tell them about his wife who treats him like shit and neglects him, kicked him out of their bed, appreciates nothing he does, and so on.

Yeah, some guys are just assholes who want to get between the legs of any woman who will spread for them, but many others cheat because they want to feel important to a lady again. They might want someone who will appreciate gifts, who has a vagina tight enough to be felt, who is not pregnant or has kids, who is more cultured or more intelligent...I could go on and on. So no, it does not surprise me that women may welcome neglected, horny Duhs into their's not the woman's fault if he wants to be a cheater. He's a big boy and can make his own choices. And then how many times does the Moo get mad at the other woman? Like she forced her husband to fuck her. It's so interesting to watch this shit unfold.

And as far as the vaccines, I have heard loads of Smothers bitching about how they hate vaccines because their best friend's child got shots and ended up retarded, or they've done research on crunchy sites written in Comic Sans about how vaccines are bad and how the preservative in them can cause severe illness or death. I'm sure if such reactions exist, they are few and far between...but is it any better if the kid dies from chickenpox rather than a vaccine? The Moos who claim their kids had "severe" reactions....I think about 99 percent of them are exaggerating. The kid might get a mild fever and feel fluish...I know that's not something that happens to all vaccinated people, but isn't such a reaction usually a sign that the vaccine is doing its job? Or Moos bitch that they refuse to inject their kids with disease...failing to understand that a little bit of the virus in in inactive form is what will protect them from much worse active forms.

If the anti-vaxers would just bring harm upon themselves, I wouldn't give a damn. Let them all die in their rank, diseased little shacks. But their feral brats can spread shit to other people...someone who has a compromised immune system, someone who might still need boosters, the elderly, or someone else's un-vaxed feral brats. And if you've got a whole daycare filled with snookumses, all it takes is one getting sick to spread a virus like wildfire, not to mention the potential for mutating viruses and new strains.
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 07, 2011
I LOVE how you're able to categorize their mental illnesses, as the same ones show up week after week.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 08, 2011
Snark Shark

If the anti-vaxers would just bring harm upon themselves, I wouldn't give a damn. Let them all die in their rank, diseased little shacks. But their feral brats can spread shit to other people...someone who has a compromised immune system, someone who might still need boosters, the elderly, or someone else's un-vaxed feral brats. And if you've got a whole daycare filled with snookumses, all it takes is one getting sick to spread a virus like wildfire, not to mention the potential for mutating viruses and new strains.

AGREED! If we simply put them ALL on a little island and allowed them to DIE off, without affecting anyone else, that works fine for me.

Yeah. I recently saw a graph which was showing increased numbers of vaccines given correlated with increased reports of autism offered as proof that vaccines cause autism.

Correlation is causality, you know. Did you know that the earth's average temperature has been increasing over the 30-year span that graph covered? Increasing temperatures lead to autism! More of the world's population lives in urban environments than ever before. Population density leads to autism! Obesity is on the rise--and it is a contributing factor to autism! Mobile phone radiation doesn't only cause brain tumors, it gives your fetus autism!!

And in just the short time that Farmville has been around, it has increased 'autism' by several hundred percent...
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 08, 2011
And as far as the vaccines, I have heard loads of Smothers bitching about how they hate vaccines because their best friend's child got shots and ended up retarded, or they've done research on crunchy sites written in Comic Sans about how vaccines are bad and how the preservative in them can cause severe illness or death.

waving hellolarious
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 08, 2011
Moo on Smothering
I'm so sorry.
Here's what I don't understand--how could ANY woman be with a man who is still with someone else AND has kids? If I REALLY had to--I guess I could understand how a girl could date a married guy with NO kids--but WITH kids?
OR PREGNANT????? Is there NO level of guilt or shame that is associated with the behavior of people today???? How does a person sleep at night KNOWING that the pregnant wife is home alone??? That there is a BABY on the way??? Is there NO humanity any more???? Please help me to understand the level of just PURE evil that this takes. On BOTH their parts. Really.

May there be a hurricane worse than Katrina on their "holy" (or should I say HOLEY) day.

So the mere imagined presence of loaves makes foreign dick evil? Grow UP, sugartits. I bet this heifer cries into her Tinkerbell sofa throw every night, with her "Twilight" books scattered all over the floor amongst Ho-Ho wrappers.

"[GFG's pregnancy is] kind of like at the stables where that one dumb, ugly-ass mare broke out of her corral one day and got herself screwed by the equally fugly colt that was due to be gelded the same afternoon."- Shiny
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 08, 2011
"I'm sort of at a loss as to how to deal with this. When my 8-year-old does something "wrong" (including things that happen accidentally, like breaking something or knocking something over) he immediately punishes himself physically by doing things like bang his head against the wall or pinch his own arm hard. He will also destroy something he has made or likes, like a Lego set or some craft project, if it's nearby. He will fly into a rage if I try to prevent him from doing this.

He once, for instance, pulled a wagon over the foot of the little sister of a friend accidentally, and to punish himself he started running the wheel over his own foot. (She was fine.)"

This kid CLEARLY has mental issues and might even be an actual awtard. Perhaps it's a cry for help due to all of this molly coddling he gets rather than an occasional slap on the rear.confused smiley The one where the moo wants absolution because she aimed for the couch is unforgivable. I don't give a shit WHERE she was "aiming" because it's child abuse to throw a child regardless of where the moo was "aiming".

------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
If YOU are the "exception" to what I am saying, then why does my commentary bother you so much?
I don't hate your kids, I HATE YOU!
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 08, 2011
Moo on Smothering
I'm so sorry.
Here's what I don't understand--how could ANY woman be with a man who is still with someone else AND has kids? If I REALLY had to--I guess I could understand how a girl could date a married guy with NO kids--but WITH kids?
OR PREGNANT????? Is there NO level of guilt or shame that is associated with the behavior of people today???? How does a person sleep at night KNOWING that the pregnant wife is home alone??? That there is a BABY on the way??? Is there NO humanity any more???? Please help me to understand the level of just PURE evil that this takes. On BOTH their parts. Really.

May there be a hurricane worse than Katrina on their "holy" (or should I say HOLEY) day.

So the mere imagined presence of loaves makes foreign dick evil? Grow UP, sugartits. I bet this heifer cries into her Tinkerbell sofa throw every night, with her "Twilight" books scattered all over the floor amongst Ho-Ho wrappers.

And she was one of those home baking the Holy Loaf while her man was out running around...and by the way, the don't advertise about the woman at home either. Have there been possible married or taken men in my past? You bet. None of the men I have dated were broadcasting the fact that they were unavailable, by the way. So the odds of one or two of them not being on the up and up are pretty good.

Moo should take heart...I dry up faster than Death Valley in August when I see a man with a kid, a baby jogger or a minivan. Her possession is safe from me.

From a bottle cap message on a Magic Hat #9 beer: Condoms Prevent Minivans
I want to pick up a bus full of unruly kids and feed them gummi bears and crack, then turn them loose in Hobby Lobby to ransack the place. They will all be wearing T shirts that say "You Could Have Prevented This."
Anonymous User
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 08, 2011
Those anti-vaxers make me genuinely angry.

"It's so unnatural"

So is plumping your ass in front of a friggin computer screen and typing your anti-medicine shit.

You want natural? Go eat mushrooms in a forest. Preferably poisoned ones.
Re: Sunday schadenfreude, courtesy of Smothering
August 08, 2011
Moo on Smothering
Here's what I don't understand--how could ANY woman be with a man who is still with someone else AND has kids? If I REALLY had to--I guess I could understand how a girl could date a married guy with NO kids--but WITH kids?
OR PREGNANT????? Is there NO level of guilt or shame that is associated with the behavior of people today???? How does a person sleep at night KNOWING that the pregnant wife is home alone??? That there is a BABY on the way??? Is there NO humanity any more???? Please help me to understand the level of just PURE evil that this takes. On BOTH their parts. Really.

The problem I have with this kind of thinking is how dismissive and disrespectful it is to CF and childless marriages and relationships (btw, I'm not talking about open relationships, I'm talking about cheating/infidelity). She fucking guesses she could understand how a girl could date a married guy with no kids? Then she needs to shut her hypocritical mouth the fuck up! Stupid bitch got what she deserved. hardcore

Like a CF or childless wife won't be hurt if she discovers the infidelity or her husband leaves her (or a woman leaves her CF or childless husband). Selfish, self-centered little bitches think because they had sex without contraception and got knocked up they're somehow more worthy or deserving of their partner's love.

And how much you want to bet there's a huge overlap between the "he'll love it when it's here" crowd trying to ooops and pressure their mayyyuun into having a kid and the "oh woe is meeee, heee'ss leeeaaaving meeee and the unboooorn baybbbeeee!!!!!" crowd?

And why the fuck is this idiot bitch asking about child support, as some of the other idiot bitches are? The "other" woman didn't create your kid. You & your husband did that, you fucking pay for the kid. And "other" men should be exempt for paying for kids they didn't create. Don't know the law on that one.

And yes, some guys (& I'm sure women too, but I'm a straight woman, so I have no experience with that) do misrepresent their relationship status. I was involved in a situation like that myself (kicked his ass to the curb as soon as I found out). Some will wait until there's emotional involvement to drop that kind of bomb. So we don't know what the woman in this case was told and when. I really think if the famblee values crowd is so keen on "defending" marriage, there should be centralized databases of married people so single people can do a background check discreetly! smiling smiley
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